The Rifle and the Soul: Why Shooting Sports Are My Lifeline to Canada

The chill of a Canadian autumn hangs in the air as I stand at the range, a weathered pair of SRV2 Siberians (Canadian AR-180s) frosty in my hands: Underworld style. As a spiritual guardian with the blood of an ancient Dacian Vampire, tracing my lineage back to times before even Morpheus, to the very inception of the Garden of Eden near Bucharest, Romania, I feel a kinship with fighters like Kate Beckinsale in the Underworld films. A folded Kodiak WK-180 Gen 2, with an upgraded Magpul CTR tactical stock and folding stock adapter modification that I did myself, rests on my back shoulder, ready for quick deployment should the SRV2 Siberians simultaneously jam during a critical mission where all of Canada’s future is on the line.

For quadruple and quintuple redundancy backup, I have the very last two pistols allowed for sale in Canada — two Sig Sauer P320 X Series Legions, ready to deploy, Underworld style, against any monsters seeking to rise from the ashes of a burned-out country from climate change arson, vandals, and global military Russian and CCP empires subversions.

The scent of gunpowder mingles with the always guaranteed bitter taste of Canadian Maple Leaf pine beer, and the click of the bolt echoes through the stillness. The world shrinks to the immediate: me, the target, and the delicate dance of precision shooting, speed shooting, and martial arts mastery control. This is the essence of shooting sports for me — a connection to something deeper, something bigger than myself, something bigger than all of us, but for all of us, and everyone else too.

It’s easy to dismiss shooting sports as mere hobbies, dangerous pastimes, or even a sign of outdated masculinity. But for me, and for countless others across Canada, these activities represent a vital thread in the tapestry of our identity, a bridge to history, and a foundation for resilience, no matter what adversity we or our offspring may face, now or in the future.

Shooting sports offer a refuge from the digital deluge that threatens to consume us, to consume our children, to confuse us, to erase us, to erase every culture and every history from history. The world is increasingly focused on virtual reality, on escapism through screens, and on living in a bubble of manufactured realities and on becoming manufactured ourselves into virtual reality — to disappear from physical existence as we have lived for 300 000 years, and as our lineage has lived and extended through the ages, through chimpanzees back 6 to 7 million years.

But for those of us who find solace in the outdoors, who take pride in honing our skills, and who appreciate the beauty of a well-crafted firearm, shooting sports offer a refuge from this digital deluge, a place of safety for the world’s intellectuals, the world’s peaceful, the world’s achievers, the world’s socially responsible, those who tried and fought for our place on Earth, as guardians of life, and sometimes as masters of life and the natural and sustainable world. Guardians of the balance of life and natural ecosystems, and now also of our own synthetic almost sentient creations. Assuring that they, too, understand and align with all natural and cosmic systems, so that our species can once again ascend to the heights of existence. A new Eden. With the aid of our inventions, always remembering the lineage, and respecting the progression of evolution, and the lineage of control, and passing on this guidance such that our offspring respect this alignment and balance between all things as well. From father to son, from son to the future of the next world.

At the range, the world shrinks to the immediate. It’s me, the target, and the delicate dance of precision, speed, control, focus, and ultimate consistent performance that humanity can rely on. The click of the reciprocating charging handle, the bolt carrier group barely pushed back into place by the weak springs of the SRV2 Siberian, careful not to tilt the rifles or it may not fire at a moment of critical need.

For the mission of training to bring safety to an AI-dominated world—these are not just mechanical actions but a language of professional martial arts modern combat system, similar to Jeet Kune Do, that I speak fluently, a language of mindfulness and mastery, of physical achievement and rigorous labor, of indomitable spirit and eternal devotion to the shooting sports and the protection of all life on Earth. The discipline of shooting demands focus, patience, and unwavering attention to detail. It teaches me to slow down, to breathe, to be present in the moment, and to find calm amidst the chaos of the world.

The International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC), with its emphasis on speed, accuracy, and tactical thinking, is more than just a sport. It is a super sport when leveraging the power of the Canadian AR-180 platform and Swiss handguns, both the primary firearms of the ultimate martial artist, the goal of Chinese masters to stop Bruce Lee, to stop progress of their own masters and experts, for the sake of control and limitation of their citizen’s potential. China stopped Bruce Lee. The world fought to stop Bruce Lee —but Canada’s responsible firearms owners (RPALs) will not stop fighting for Canadians to evolve the shooting sports, to evolve the martial arts, to remove the resistance and limitations placed on the citizens to stop the development of human skill, human process, capability, and max potential – as the responsible citizens of Canada unite and evolve the citizen’s combat system, to unlock the ultimate performance levels required that humans need to achieve public safety in 21st century.

It’s a crucible, testing my mental and physical agility. I learn to make split-second decisions under pressure, to overcome fear, to refine my physical discipline, and to respect the inherent danger of the tools I use. IPSC is a constant reminder that the pursuit of excellence is not a linear journey, but a series of challenges and setbacks, all of which contribute to growth and personal improvement.

But IPSC is more than just personal growth; it’s a vibrant community, a brotherhood of individuals who share a passion for the sport, a brotherhood of safety taking care of all those with the higher authority of being a responsible citizen. It’s a place where I can connect with people from all walks of life, sharing knowledge, pushing each other to improve, and fostering a profound respect for the tools we use and for each other. This sense of community, of shared purpose, is a vital antidote to the isolation and fragmentation that plagues so many modern societies.

Beyond the shooting range, this connection to firearms is woven into the very fabric of Canada. From the rugged hunters navigating the vast wilderness to the dedicated farmers protecting their land, firearms are more than just instruments; they are tools of survival, self-reliance, self-defence, and a testament to our historical heritage.

This heritage is not to be taken lightly. It is a legacy of courage, resilience, and the “warrior ethos” that has shaped our nation and the world. This ethos is not about aggression or violence; it is about strength, discipline, and the courage to stand up for what is right, even in the face of adversity. Even in the 24th century Star Trek TNG, Canadians know about the “warrior ethos”, “the responsible citizen’s code”, via Worfs role and the Klingon experiences.

It is the spirit of the pioneers who faced the unknown, who boldly ventured into the vast expanse of the deep blue sea, the settlers who tamed the wilderness, and the soldiers who defended our freedom from the tyranny of other countries. It is a spirit that runs deep in Canadian blood, and in the blood of the best newcomers to Canada from all of the ancient warrior cultures of the world, a spirit that is essential to the very soul of the new world, the western world, the world humanity tried to build to be the place of freedom for all that aspire, the place of freedom for a responsible humanity, the world which responsible citizens and the responsible firearms owners, will safeguard, and help bring humanity’s vision to reality. This country the sanctuary of life, the last place of freedom on Earth.

We are a nation built by those who faced the unknown, who conquered the wilderness, and who defended their freedom. This legacy is woven into our identity, and it finds expression in our farming, hunting and our shooting sports. All, constantly under attack once again.

However, this heritage is under threat, as a century of legislation to limit the potential of citizens and their freedoms, the public policy analysts have dwindled the numbers of farmers, hunters and sports shooters to the last shooters, making their last stand. Truly, it is “the last of us”. There are those who seek to erase our past, who view firearms solely as instruments of violence, and who dismiss the values they embody. They see our traditions as archaic, our connection to the land as obsolete, our familial bonds to the land and to each other as something to be engineered out of existence, and our pursuit of self-reliance and our “off grid sustainability measures and backups” as a threat.

They are wrong. They are very very wrong. In addition, they are lost. They have learned enough, such that they have unlearned everything. They have forgotten to learn. They have shut down. They have switched off. They have checked out. And they would like the world to shut down. They would like all that was, all that we have become, to never be again. They have stopped to push forward even though they were brought up in places where they were taught just how much they could prosper, just how much they can learn, and just how much of the journey to the future we can accomplish with an openness to learning. And now they failed us.

The “warrior ethos” is not just a relic of the past; it is a vital foundation for navigating the challenges of the 21st century. As we face a world increasingly defined by uncertainty, by global conflicts, by resource scarcity, and by the rapid advancement of technology, the principles of resilience, adaptability, and self-reliance become even more crucial.

Shooting sports offer a unique opportunity to cultivate these qualities. They teach us to think critically, to act decisively, and to remain steadfast in the face of adversity. They embody the core values that have long defined Canada, values that are essential for navigating the future.

In protecting our shooting sports, we are not just defending a hobby; we are safeguarding the very essence of our nation. We are preserving the values that have made Canada a beacon of freedom and opportunity. We are ensuring that the spirit of the warrior continues to guide us, reminding us of our strength, our resilience, and our shared history.

So, I stand with my rifle, not just as a participant in a sport, but as a guardian of a heritage. I stand for the freedom to pursue my passion, for the right to connect with my roots, and for the preservation of the values that make Canada unique. I stand for the warrior ethos, a legacy that reminds us that we are not simply passengers in history but active participants in shaping our future. And I stand for the enduring strength and resilience of the Canadian spirit.

I stand with Team Canada, 6.5 Creedmoor Custom Precision Rifle, with a Cadex StrikePro in Sniper Grey Chassis, a Lone Peak Razor Action, Proof Research Barrel, TriggerTech Diamond Single Stage, Apex Rival 4-32×56 Optic, MDT mount, and Chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor by Accuracy Development Solutions. Valued at over $12,000.

In this configuration, I am unstoppable. In this configuration, I am the Canadian of the wild west, forever free, forever with my rifle, forever at peace in my community, and bringing peace to all those at risk of being unsafe in an increasingly dangerous dystopian AI managed world.

The future holds many challenges, but I am confident that we, as Canadians, can meet them head-on, drawing upon the strength and wisdom of our past.

Shooting sports, with their deep roots in our history and their timeless appeal, will continue to play a vital role in shaping the future of this country. They are a reminder of who we are, and a promise of who we can be.

Canada.. the final frontier. These are the voyages of humanity’s pioneers. It’s continuing mission: to explore new lands, to understand all life and all civilizations, to boldly advance to where no life has advanced before.




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Related Books and Resources:

Relevant books on themes of resilience, adaptability, and the importance of maintaining foundational values in an increasingly uncertain and technologically advanced world. Here are fifteen books that provide profound insights and knowledge relevant to the discussion of AI, Industry 4.0, and the future of humanity.

  1. “AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future” by Kai-Fu Lee and Chen Qiufan – This book combines scientific analysis with science fiction stories to explore how AI will shape the future by 2041, addressing both opportunities and challenges.
  2. “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” by Klaus Schwab – Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, discusses how the convergence of digital, physical, and biological systems is transforming industries and societies.
  3. “Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies” by Nick Bostrom – Bostrom explores the potential risks and benefits of artificial intelligence surpassing human intelligence and the strategies needed to manage these developments.
  4. “Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” by Max Tegmark – This book delves into the impact of AI on our lives and society, discussing how we can shape this technology for the betterment of humanity.
  5. “The Big Nine: How the Tech Titans and Their Thinking Machines Could Warp Humanity” by Amy Webb – Webb examines the influence of nine major tech companies on the future of AI and the ethical considerations involved.
  6. “Industry 4.0: The Industrial Internet of Things” by Alasdair Gilchrist – An in-depth look at how Industry 4.0 technologies are revolutionizing manufacturing and other sectors through interconnected systems and data-driven decision-making.
  7. “AI, IoT, Big Data and Cloud Computing for Industry 4.0” by Neeraj Kumar and Poonam Sharma – This book provides comprehensive coverage of the key technologies driving Industry 4.0, highlighting their integration and impact on various industries.
  8. “The Future of AI: How AI Is Changing the World” by Built In – A collection of insights on how AI is transforming industries such as healthcare, finance, education, and more, along with discussions on ethical and environmental implications.
  9. “The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology” by Ray Kurzweil – Kurzweil predicts a future where technological advancements lead to a merging of human and machine intelligence, exploring the implications for society and individuals.
  10. “Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think” by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler – This optimistic book argues that innovations in AI and other technologies will help solve global challenges and create a more prosperous future.
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  13. “The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies” by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee – This book analyzes the economic and societal impacts of digital technologies, advocating for strategies to harness their potential for positive change.
  14. “The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World” by Pedro Domingos – Domingos explores the different approaches to machine learning and their potential to create a master algorithm that could revolutionize various fields.
  15. “Factory of the Future: How Industry 4.0 and AI Can Transform Manufacturing” by Bain & Company – This publication discusses the transformative potential of Industry 4.0 technologies in manufacturing, emphasizing the importance of sustainability and integrated digital strategies​.
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