Unleashing the Titans: Why X, SpaceX, Tesla, Apple, Nvidia, Google, OpenAI, Amazon, Lockheed Martin

Title: Unleashing the Titans: Why X, SpaceX, Tesla, Apple, Nvidia, Google, OpenAI, Amazon, Lockheed Martin and Boeing Are Essential for a Bold AI Future” (And Why Political Agendas are there To Stop You from Reaching for The Stars, but Locking You Down Into a Camp instead)

What unintelligent leaders in America! Ungrateful to the very tech workers who built the foundations of their power. They talk about AI Safety and “responsible innovation,” and they’re listening somewhat and grudgingly to architect a national tech alliance system instead of a “global multidisciplinary corporate alliance system”, one finally choosing the correct path of pursuing amore professionally selected national/regional 21st century engineering level tech alliance system (STEM professional level), and also according to respect for “national security principles“, according to “respect for engineering capability level”, according to “respect for regional security requirements“, respect for “national revenue requirements”, according to “respect for regional revenue requirements” and have managed to select correctly (mostly), select the “AI Safety and Security Board” for America (region North America), as a defence mechanism to supranational alliances corporate in nature or political in nature (such as WEF and BRICS). You’re welcome!

Are we really supposed to believe that this is the best America can do? This isn’t just an oversight; it’s a deliberate attempt to stifle progress, to maintain the status quo, and to keep the reins of power firmly in the hands of those who fear true disruption. After perusing intelligent people’s technical documentation such as Skills Gap Trainer (SGT), they have managed to piece together the Tier 1 tech companies list required for this national architecture or regional architecture, but have omitted everything that is required to make humanity both a land-based civilization and an aerospace and space-based expedition and growth civilization. In short, they have cut out the Dreams of the poor engineers, to achieve new heights in human progress towards flight and indefinite travel capability, and substituted them for the millennia-long dream of putting humans into small camps (in stationary prison), owning all of them and owning all of Earth as their preferred outcome (as we have in Canada where the cities occupy 0.25% of land area at most and 99.75% of land area is gate-kept to the wealth outside the hands of Canadian citizens.. their perfect model of operation and urban planning – Until SGT came along to shake things up and expose them.)prison condos in unsustainable and dangerous to live in from life system resiliency standards, city core, the dream of leaders who come from affluent backgrounds and seek control.

You want to know why we can’t have a truly advanced, space-faring society like in Star Trek? It might have something to do with Biden’s dislike of free speech on X!!! How crazy is that!!! Take away the future of the world because you don’t like what people say on X! Crazy!

The people in charge are terrified of the very thing that could make that future possible: a bold, visionary approach to AI that embraces the full potential of our best technologies – not just as a tool for control, as the wealthy tech leaders” like (and how can they even call themselves “tech leaders” if they dream of condo-building city designs? This is as poor a tech vision as the design of a chicken factory! This is not a catalyst for human progress, exploration, and expansion beyond our current limitations; it is a catalyst for the demise of our species.)

An AI Safety and Security Board Built According to STEM Principles, with a Bit of Fear of Success and Fear of Progress, Not Positive Tech Vision (Yet. That’s what we’re here for.)


Take a look at this “AI Safety and Security Board” (AISSB):

“The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has established the Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security Board (AISSB) to advise on the safe and responsible deployment of AI technology within the nation’s critical infrastructure. How thoughtful. Glad they are bookmarking SGT daily and scanning AI transcript processing for reviews. Don’t worry, we left it there for ya! We couldn’t do it without you!”

“This board includes over 20 technology and critical infrastructure executives, civil rights leaders, academics, and policymakers. Key members of the board include CEOs from major tech companies such as OpenAI, Microsoft, Google, and Nvidia.” (U.S. Department of Homeland Security).

Sounds impressive, right? Until you realize who’s conspicuously missing from this supposed “dream team.”

The Missing Titans of Innovation

• Elon Musk and his Companies (Tesla, SpaceX, X): Gone. (Thank God, Neuralink is not there. Literally, thank God.)The guy building reusable rockets, electric vehicles, a global satellite internet constellation, and pushing the boundaries of AI with xAI – he’s too much of a wildcard for them. Too outspoken. Too willing to challenge the status quo. He embodies the spirit of true innovation, the spirit of the Prometheans, the kind that threatens those who cling to power and fear disruption. Here’s why they’re really terrified of Musk:

◦ He Threatens Established Power Structures: Musk’s success challenges the traditional centers of power in technology, aerospace, and energy. His companies operate outside the conventional frameworks of government contracts and regulatory capture, disrupting industries and empowering individuals with technologies like electric vehicles and decentralized energy solutions. This shift in power dynamics terrifies those who benefit from the status quo.

He Understands the Importance of Regional AI (as does Jensen Huang):Musk’s global manufacturing approach, with Tesla factories in multiple countries, demonstrates a commitment to sharing technological advancement and economic benefits with regions beyond the traditional power centers of the US and China. This directly contradicts the WEF’s vision of centralized control and threatens their ability to dictate the terms of the AI revolution.

◦ He Champions Free Speech and Open Dialogue: Musk’s acquisition of X (formerly Twitter) and his commitment to free speech create a platform for open dialogue, debate, and the challenging of established narratives – a threat to those who rely on controlling information and manipulating public opinion.

• Apple: Silenced. The company that once stood for user privacy and security, for a balanced approach to technology that enhanced human capabilities without exploiting them, is now a pale shadow of its former self under Tim Cook. The spirit of Steve Jobs, the visionary who understood the importance of elegance, simplicity, and empowering users, seems to have been lost. But it’s still there, embedded in the company’s DNA, waiting to be rekindled. Apple’s absence from the board is a loss, not just of technological expertise but of a philosophical perspective essential for guiding AI development toward a more humane and sustainable future and mobility enhanced future where human mobility is enhanced rather than compromised through the use of computing assistance – a future where technology serves humanity, not the other way around. Apple’s legacy of minimalist design and focus on user experience could provide crucial insights into developing AI systems that are intuitive, user-friendly, and respect the individuality, privacy, autonomy and biological integrity of individuals.

• Boeing and Lockheed Martin: Ignored. The aerospace giants, the masters of complex systems, the engineers who understand the real-world challenges of building things that fly, that defend, that push the limits of what’s possible – they’re nowhere to be found. Why? Because they represent a level of security expertise that the current administration simply can’t stomach and that the corporations can’t handle as constraints to both their human operations and their virtual operations. Boeing and Lockheed Martin embody a culture of vigilance, of preparedness, of understanding the real threats that exist in the world – both physical (social attack vectors) and digital. They represent a level of engineering rigour, lost in the 21st century among tech enterprises (military grade submarine level design quality of dedicated systems, high reliability systems), a commitment to quality and security, that is sorely lacking in the tech world and sorely needed for AI Safety (which means human safety). Their exclusion is a deliberate attempt to undermine the dreams of the working class, the dreams of artists, technicians, technologists, engineers and scientists, and to keep the board focused on “conventional” AI safety, and actually to compromise AI Safety and that compromises AI data safetythe kind that prioritizes control, surveillance and behaviour modification over true innovation and human empowerment.

They claim this is about safety and “responsibility.” But let’s be honest: they’re terrified. Afraid of losing control, afraid of a future they can’t predict or manipulate, afraid of the very people who have the vision and the expertise to build a truly extraordinary future – a future where humanity transcends its land based limitations and takes its rightful place in the sky and among the stars.

They are afraid of a future where citizens are empowered, not controlled, where technology serves to enhance our freedoms, such as flight, undersea living, living in orbit or travelling to the stars. They’re afraid for positive tech vision to be created by talented engineers and not rich politicians or rich corporate CEOs. Guess who has the better imagination, the better problem solving skill, and the better design skill? The more humane design skill? The safety value system?

Hint: It’s not those that want to own everyone and for you to own nothing. They’re killing all of your chicken as we speak. Do you think they even want you to have the right to eat meat? They respect you that much, that they won’t even let you eat a pig soon. Trust in the technologists, dreamers and real tech visionaries, not in the people at WEF.

A False or a True Dawn: The Google Story

The inclusion of Google on the board is a consolation prize at best. They might talk a good game about “AI for good,” but their actions tell a different story. They are having to deal with many influences from many angles, and it is taking some time to sort out a pure engineering culture tech vision approach for Google. Just requires more inspiration from STEM community for Google. They will come around with good presentation of information to them.

The news is that their business model is built on data collection, surveillance, and targeted advertising. Some say that their algorithms are designed to manipulate our behaviour, to keep us clicking, to keep us consuming.

They embody centralization, over web search, the type of centralized systems of 20th century, that our “NATO Tech Stack” project proposal seeks to counter.

However, Google has an academic heart. In that talented research centre, lies a great potential for the development of the world’s best AI systems that can serve as the heart of all AI systems on future space stations, colonies and starships. Reliable AI. Academic AI. Professional AI. Structured Thinking and Strong Reasoning AI. Quality Attention To Detail AI. These are already strengths of Google Gemini Pro 1.5 in Google AI Studio, and the world has not yet realized it.

Google are staffed with people, though they don’t always get things right due to great social pressure, they are always learning, and always improving. Unlike PM Trudeau and Liberal Party of Canada, they do not have learning disabilities, but have learning ability and capacity to grow and to evolve, and to help humanity continue the journey of growth and evolution.

People willing to learn, are people who have a growth mindset, and in that mindset lies the academic’s inner guardianship that parallels our best engineers and security guardians.

The WEF’s Folly: Engineering Without Engineers – A World of Camps, Not A World of Stars

The WEF, with its mishmash of corporations and its vague pronouncements about a Great Reset,”, and covert actions to send their books to all global leaders during global crises, to try to mastermind and influence the future of humanity (when they do not have their own country to have this right), is simply incapable of understanding what’s at stake.

They’re trying to engineer a future without engineers, to design a world without designers, to build a civilization without builders. It’s a recipe for disaster, a dystopian vision where humanity is relegated to a digital “camp,” controlled by algorithms and stripped of its agency, its property rights, and its connection to the real world. These are the people who will be first to electronically integrate systems into humans, and to experiment with them and what they can do with them. These are the people without character, that will allow social evil to infiltrate humanity and will not stop it. Standards. Borders. These are design constructs. And their precise use, is what professionals do. Unlike Liberal Party of Canada (2015 to 2024).

The WEF’s agenda is clear: to concentrate wealth and power in the hands of a select few, to create a world where the masses are dependent on their systems, and to stifle any innovation that threatens their dominance. Their vision is not one of reaching for the stars, but of locking humanity down into a tightly controlled, highly surveilled existence. Their vision is to use humanity as building blocks, to iterate and refine new global social computer systems where humans are the tiniest block similar to an electron in a copper conduit on a circuit board, travelling along predetermined gates and paths, as a live experiment on the world to see if it truly will function as a computer system does, according to their design rules and imagination of themselves as designers.

The Path Forward: National/Regional AI Alliances, in combination with the “NATO Tech Stack”

This is our response, the tech community’s response, SGT’s response: regional AI alliances, each aligned with national governments and driven by the most innovative and responsible companies within their respective regions – companies like Tesla, SpaceX, X, Apple, Boeing, and Lockheed Martin added to the AI Safety and Security Board of America.

This is the “NATO Tech Stack”: a system that recognizes the importance of both competition and collaboration, a system that harnesses the power of technology while safeguarding the sovereignty of nations and the freedoms of their citizens. It’s a vision that embraces the best of both worlds: the dynamism of the private sector, the guiding hand and guardianship of humanity’s rights as provided through long established government bills of rights, constitutions, independence declarations, human rights frameworks (all of which are guarded by national government systems, the function of government is to defend the authority and safety of citizens) and military frameworks (public safety and national security and values based guarantees), and the spirit of those who dare to dream big and to build a future worthy of our humanity.

Let’s Demand Better. Let’s Demand a Bold AI Future, a Trek AI Future

The current AI Safety and Security Board, with its limited vision and its fear-driven exclusions, is failing to recognize the true path forward. We need a course correction, a re-imagining of the board’s mandate, and a commitment to embracing the full potential of AI – not just as a tool for control, but as a catalyst for human progress, exploration, growth, evolution, aerospace travel, flight, expedition for all humans, oribiting space city living and space travel, and the realization of a truly extraordinary destiny anywhere across all of reality.

Let’s not let fear and short-sightedness derail our destiny as guardians of the balance of life, all forms of it, and of the natural elements of the universe.

In an age where intelligence is plentiful, it is not so scarce that it is not available to solve problems that are present, but it is also an age where humans of lower intelligence can guard things that are far grander in scope, than they could have ever imagined before that they would have the ability to guard those things professionally and with great quality.

Let’s demand better from our leaders, or replace our leaders when they do not function well or update their poor decisions if we find a superior way forward. Let’s push for an AI Safety and Security Board that actually reflects the potential of naval, land, aerospace and space technology, the full spectrum of our domain as a species, a board that will guide us towards a future worthy of our dreams, a future where humanity reaches on the earth, across the Earth, across the seas, across the sky, and across the stars.


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