The Illusion of Innovation: How the Liberal Party’s Appropriation of Conservative Ideas Are Ruining Canada’s Future

The Liberal Party’s recent series of policy announcements has garnered a mixed response, with some expressing skepticism and others cautious optimism. At first glance, their Budget 2024 initiatives, such as embracing prefab modular housing — which suggests increased land supply availabilityand recent support for millennial and Gen Z, then NATO, and now the focus on children (hinting at a focus on birth rate and family formation concerns), appear to signal a positive shift. These policy suggestions/directions seem to acknowledge the challenges facing Canadians, on “real world issues” that have been largely neglected for the past nine years.
(Due to the real-world inclusive nature of these ideas, which aim to benefit all levels of society rather than just the usual beneficiaries of Liberal Party funding programs. The Liberal Party (2015 to 2024) programs have historically seemed designed to cater to liberal establishment insiders, including government office administrators, bank office administrators, healthcare office administrators, education office administrators, office administrators and executives in government-linked industries (Liquor, Drugs), and mainstream media professionals (Ex: CBC) — all of whom are mostly part of the ‘Homeowner’s Club’).
However, a closer examination reveals a troubling trend: these initiatives are not genuinely innovative but rather diluted, poorly executed duplicate versions of proposals long championed by conservative thinkers like Pierre Poilievre and organizations like Skills Gap Trainer (SGT), active since 2017 across various platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Podbean, X Channel, and
One can trace through all of the 200 articles, essays and reports, 300 videos, and 1600 article, essay, report posts on SGT platforms to see the chain of thoughts develop and get communicated publicly to conservative recipients.
(Note: Up to half of SGT’s communications are not public. Ex: Communications to government and/or private corporations.)
This strategy of appropriation not only lacks authenticity but also risks undermining public confidence in these solutions and the very belief that these are the solutions that can effectively fix a broken Canada (When these solutions are executed to a poor design, approach, implementation and deployment – or lack thereof – of course they will end up being perceived as ineffective and forgotten about.).
By copying conservative platform concepts and direction, the Liberal Party (2015 to 2024) under PM Trudeau, are squandering Canada’s limited resources on technically sound conservative policies, but altered such that they end up being implemented with inadequate funding and inadequate real world project work resource fundamentals (trades, specialists, professionals, technicians, technologists, engineers, scientists, technology professionals, and computer scientists, and real project managers) (to ensure project failure – the Project Management Institute – PMI institute – must be the saddest institute in the world when you bring up the idea of Canada.)
very well exemplified by the Liberal Budget 2024 idea of using “only $50 million” allocated to the main solution of Canada’s greatest challenge in housing
“a specific investment of $50 million into homebuilding technology and innovation, which covers prefab housing among other technologies​ (​​ (Daily Hive Van)​​ (Global News)​”
Note: This initiative is part of a broader $600 million investment aimed at promoting innovative housing technologies to make homebuilding faster and more cost-effective. The funding is intended to support new building technologies such as robotics, 3D printing, and mass timber construction, along with the creation of a Homebuilding Technology and Innovation Fund​ (South China Morning Post)​ (Daily Hive Van)​​ (Global News)​. (Your welcome Liberals. Conservatives have to twist your arms for 9 years, and we have to a lot in the last 3 years, to get you to take 1 ethical action, and the only way you will do an action of character, is if you steal the idea.)
… and world’s worst management performance under the Liberal Party, led by Prime Minister Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, and Steven Guilbeault; as demonstrated by the results in the recent OECD growth forecasts for Canada throughout the 2020 to 2030 time period, highlighted by Pierre Poilievre recently on his X-Channel, underscoring the enormity of the problem.
This new 2024 Liberal Party approach, which attempts to superficially adopt conservative ideals without genuinely embracing their core principles, is undermining Canada’s future.
By presenting these policies in name only and allocating insufficient budgets — like the mere $50 million for Canada’s critical housing innovation challenge in modular construction — these initiatives lack the necessary financial resources, project management resources, specialist work unit resources and technology system required for effectiveness and impact. This token funding often covers administrative costs rather than substantive action, resulting in projects that fail to address the root issues effectively. And administrative cost coverage, is all that the new Liberal Party wants.
The leadership under Prime Minister Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, and Steven Guilbeault has been marked by poor management, as evidenced by Canada’s dismal performance in recent OECD growth forecasts. This trend, highlighted by Pierre Poilievre, showcases the significant problems facing the country.
The Liberal Party’s attempt to mimic conservative strategies while abandoning their identity has only deepened the public’s cynicism, wasted valuable resources, and stifled genuine innovation.
Canada urgently needs authentic leadership that upholds free-market principles, individual liberty, and fiscal responsibility. The time for imitation and half-hearted measures is over; it’s time for real solutions that return to the foundational principles that have made Canada a beacon of opportunity and freedom.

A Pattern of Appropriation, Not Innovation:

The Liberals’ approach is a cynical political maneuver, designed to create an illusion of progress while clinging to their ideological aversion to the free market principles and citizen empowerment that underpin the original conservative proposals. Let’s examine this a bit more:
  • Prefab Modular Housing: In 2024, the Liberals have finally acknowledged the potential of factory-built housing, an idea long advocated by conservatives as a solution to the housing crisis (since 2008, at the time of the main financial crisis of the millenial and Gen Z generation). However, their plan lacks the crucial element of unlocking vast tracts of Crown Land for development (of 10 million square km.. and so far they only gave the cities of Canada access to 0.25% of the land but kept 99.75% of the land for unelected global elites), which was the cornerstone of the conservative vision. By limiting land availability, they maintain the artificial scarcity that significantly hyper-inflates housing prices and benefits the wealthy at the expense of those struggling to afford a home. Initial Guess: To make houses 50% more affordable, the government could increase land available to Canadians from 0.25% of Canada’s land to 0.5% of Canada’s land.
  • Land Supply and Economies of Scale: Increasing the land supply to drive down housing costs through economies of scale is a fundamental principle of conservative economics. The land made available to citizens for 50 000 per lot of 15 000 square feet, or 100 000 per lot of 15 000 square feet, can raise money to pay off the national debt and switch Canda’s economimc setup from “high debt de-growth” tolow debt growth economic setup. Yet, the Liberals’ half-hearted implementation, lacking the comprehensive planning and commitment to providing land from the public trust, and to deregulation (administrative office removal) needed to truly unleash the market’s potential, risks creating a bottleneck that perpetuates the affordability crisis and causes real estate hyperinflation in our generation.
  • Japanese Factory EV car production factories (Toyota/Honda): Their announcement of Japanese-style factory housing is a blatant attempt to capitalize on a concept already well-established in conservative circles as conservatives like SGT have been pitching these ideas to Honda, Korea, American corporate business forums and Japan/Toyota, China, well in advance of of Liberal interest in this area (which Liberals have been opposed to for 9 years to factory production.). This lack of originality, combined with their historical resistance to promoting domestic manufacturing, suggests a superficial embrace of the idea, more focused on image than substance. They probably gave away Canada’s land too under the table to negate the benefits of the deal to Canadians.
  • NATO Commitments: The Liberals’ sudden 2024 interest in stronger national defense and NATO commitments mirrors conservative calls for a more assertive stance on the global stage since 2017 and especially since November 2019. Look at some of the history of firearms and sports shooting debates and online publications on (a bit is published there). However, their track record of underfunding the military, neglecting procurement of essential equipment, and prioritizing virtue-signalling over strategic action casts doubt on the sincerity of their commitment. (they failed not only for 9 years, but even during great multi-polar war around the world, they stood on the sidelines for 4 years. During great times of battle, they will fail you, as they do during great times of peace, or during tough time of peace.)
  • Millennial and Gen Z Support: Their recent pledges to support millennials rehash conservative ideas for economic empowerment, tax relief, and reducing barriers to home-ownership. However, their focus on targeted handouts and short-term appeasement, rather than on creating a sustainable economic environment that benefits all Canadians, suggests a lack of genuine concern for the long-term well-being of young people. They only bring it up because of our struggle to highlight the forgotten generation. They were exposed, and they couldn’t take the risk that our articles and reports would do well before they had taken action to create a history of taking care of millenials, and therefore earning some capacity to demonstrate thoughtfulness about real world family needs; millenials and Gen Z. We won’t forget that you didn’t care at all for millenials and Gen Z for 9 years, and you stopped giving ability to “opportunity” for families to come together under a job and house, and give birth and create new children.
  • Intergenerational Fairness: The shift towards supporting childbirth and family growth is a welcome change, reflecting a growing awareness of Canada’s demographic challenges. Your welcome again Liberal Party. However, their narrow focus on these issues, while neglecting the broader concerns of how to actually create a job that is under professional categoryand how to create “land distribution for millennials and Gen Z” and how to efficiently mass produce housing units and distribute by truck, it means this movement is just administrative words to win an election, and it suggests a politically motivated strategy designed to appeal to specific demographics rather than a comprehensive plan for societal well-being and inter-generational sustainable, growth economy, growth civilization, to advanced civilization standard that is truly aspirational, capable , and next generation.
  • Bus Expansion: Their embrace of expanding bus services (one of the pillars necessary to solve climate change, that engineers would choose to solve climate change.. coincidentally the first engineers in Canada that the Liberal Party ever met were from SGT, via the process of photocopying ideas from them covertly while secretly and covertly suppressing their digital propagation, instead of choosing a path of team collaboration), a policy previously championed by conservative principles analysts like SGT, lacks the necessary commitment to infrastructure investment, natural gas HEV bus systems exploration in innovation and tech design, autonomous capability implementation for maximization of bus occupancy seat being filled, and efficient service delivery that would make such a plan truly effective.
  • PM Trudeau even copied Public Transit/Housing plan of Pierre Poilievre and the net generation bus expansion focus announced right after a lot of our articles and reports were published on next generation transportation bus for climate change mitigation that we were in communication with the MPs about, and online as well. (Way to spend 2 years on firearms file and advertise a focus on climate change solutions to the public. The PM is really sharp and timely).

The Dangerous Consequences of Imitation Without Understanding

This pattern of appropriation, of adopting conservative ideas without embracing their underlying principles, has dangerous consequences for Canada:
  • Erosion of Public Trust: By presenting watered-down, poorly executed versions of conservative proposals, the Liberals risk creating a sense of cynicism and disillusionment among Canadians who are tired of empty promises and ineffective policies.
  • Wasted Resources: Canada’s fiscal situation is precarious, with a mountain of debt and a shrinking economy. Squandering our remaining resources on half-hearted attempts at solutions that are doomed to fail due to a lack of understanding of the underlying principles will only exacerbate our problems and break a broken Canada one last time.
  • Stifling of True Innovation: The Liberals’ continued suppression of conservative think tanks and organizations like Skills Gap Trainer (SGT) limits the diversity of thought, prevents access to real-world STEM expertise at government policy platform level, and hinders the development of authentic and effective solutions to Canada’s challenges.

A Call for Authenticity and a Return to Foundational Principles

Canada needs leaders who are willing to embrace bold, innovative solutions, not those who simply co-opt and dilute the ideas of their opponents for political gain.
Pierre Poilievre is one of those leaders. And he knows what’s going on. Watch out intellectual property platform thieves.
We need a government that understands the power of the free market, the importance of individual liberty, the value of fiscal responsibility, and the need to unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of Canadians.
We do not need fake valour speeches of freedom, such as those from PM Trudeau. We saw the pain evidenced all over his body in trying to speak about freedom to Canada for the first time ever in mid 2024.
The time for imitation is over. The time for authenticity, courage, and a return to the foundational principles that have made Canada a beacon of freedom and opportunity has arrived.

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