1. Taking the Life Out of Security: The Softening of Police & Military Deterrence
The Liberal Party believes that people will continue to serve as police officers and military personnel, even as their roles become a thousand times more dangerous.
They expect loyalty in a time when they’ve shattered the economy and sabotaged public safety, leaving officers in a double bind: either risk losing their jobs over confrontations with citizens who have been emboldened by misguided policies of de-funding or softening police standards, or risk losing their lives as they’re forced to release hardened criminals due to inadequate jail facilities or jail policy for criminals.
This inadequacy is because no one can build new facilities when the economy is in shambles from Liberal Party “constriction of economy setup policy”. They crush every system they touch.
In the military, recruitment dwindles because citizens can see through the trap being set up for the military people: a military that cannot win, that cannot dominate, is a military that cannot protect its own, let alone the public.
The weaker the force, the riskier it is for anyone to join. If the army cannot defeat China, Russia, or America, then the risk is high to join this force.
The only way to justify joining the military is if it is powerful enough to shield its members from harm and defeat any enemy.
It’s the principle of deterrence. The Liberal Party has chosen the opposite path — building a military where soldiers will be sent to die in conflicts, where they cannot serve as an industrial powerhouse, where they are not an indomitable force, but instead fragile and expendable.
They take the life out of the military system, turning it into a liability rather than an asset.
This weakness isn’t just a policy failure; it’s a core philosophical flaw.
The Liberals don’t merely mismanage — they siphon the life out of all systems they touch.
2. Taking the Life Out of Economic Prosperity: Stifling Growth and Opportunities
They take the life out of economics by crippling Canada’s industrial potential.
They attempt to drain the life out of independent political voices online, suppressing small businesses that support free dialogue.
3. Taking the Life Out of Responsible Citizens: Destroying the Path to Stability
They drain the life out of sports by targeting outdoor enthusiasts, hunters, and sports shooters.
4. Taking the Life Out of Traditional Citizens: Destroying Canadian Christian Culture
They drain the life out of Canadian Christian culture, undermining its role in society, letting Churches burn, and allowing demographic collapse from traditional 90% in 20th century levels to 52% in 2021, due to Pierre Trudeau and PM Trudeau.
5. Taking the Life Out of Generational Potential: Crushing Millennials and Gen Z
The Liberal Party’s policies have done more than just weaken public institutions — they’ve systematically dismantled the core of Canada’s demographic foundation.
By stifling economic growth, they have robbed Millennials and Gen Z of the opportunities to build families, homes, and businesses, while simultaneously fostering an environment of uncertainty.
Instead of creating pathways for young Canadians to establish themselves, they have constructed barriers — barriers to homeownership, to career advancement, to entrepreneurship.
The result is a generation that is perpetually stuck, unable to progress, with dreams deferred and ambitions suppressed.
Home-ownership is a mirage, as land supply remains constrained by bureaucratic red tape, land city managers that refuse to put land on the city map, and zoning restrictions that freeze development, so people cannot access rural land (that would be beyond their rules and they can’t let that happen, no god authoritarian can).
Affordable housing becomes an impossibility when new builds are restricted, property values soar, and the government public sector elite citizen tier class hoards land while hiding the rest of Canada’s land.
This forces Millennials and Gen Z to remain renters, siphoning wealth into the hands of a few and trapping them in an endless cycle of dependency.
Professional opportunities have dwindled. The Liberal Party’s policies restrict the flow of investment into Canadian technology and industrial sectors, pushing potential start-ups to look elsewhere (no government seed funding in the hundreds of billions into tech startups like India and China either).
Seed funding for tech and energy projects is scarce, and regulations on resource extraction, energy generation, resource and energy export choke any hope of using Canada’s natural wealth to create jobs.
‘This economic constriction suffocates young entrepreneurs and innovators, leaving them with nowhere to go and nothing to build.’
By shutting down the very sectors that could bring prosperity and growth, they have suffocated the future of Millennials and Gen Z.
The tragedy is not just economic stagnation — it’s a demographic collapse.
Without jobs, homes, and prospects, young Canadians delay marriage and parenthood, indefinitely.
Canada’s birth rate plummets, Christian culture dwindles, and the sense of national identity fragments.
Millennials and Gen Z then start thinking: “Am I able to win in a fight to death against that guy, or against the other guy, if it all breaks down?”
What was once a thriving, cohesive society becomes a disjointed landscape of isolated individuals, struggling just to survive.
The Liberal Party’s demographic legacy is one of irreversible decline, turning a vibrant society into a land of dwindling opportunities, hollowed-out institutions, and a silenced generation that could have been Canada’s greatest strength.
They take the life out of relationships by encouraging broken families.
6. Taking the Life Out of Industry: Resource Freezes and Innovation Barriers
They drain the life out of Millennials and Gen Z by freezing infrastructure development, blocking business investment inflows, and halting resource and energy export growth — crippling industries that could provide high-paying jobs and stable careers.
They take the life out of young professionals by ensuring that start-up capital and professional seed funding are nearly impossible to secure, forcing the brightest minds to leave to the USA or China, or languish.
They drain the life out of home-ownership dreams by keeping land supply scarce and housing development restricted, making it unattainable for Millennials and Gen Z to own property and build generational wealth.
They take the life out of Canada’s innovation potential by smothering new business ventures and tech initiatives with over-regulation, stifling creativity and entrepreneurship.
They drain the life out of energy and industrial development, freezing crucial sectors that could fuel Canada’s economic engine, while denying young Canadians the chance to lead in these transformative industries.
7. Taking the Life Out of Cultural Heritage: Erasing Values and Traditions
8. Taking the Life Out of Free Speech: Suppression of Independent Voices
9. Taking the Life Out of Community: Isolating Individuals and Families
10. Taking the Life Out of Resistance: Silencing Opposition Through Control
They have a relentless drive to take the life out of anything that stands for strength, autonomy, independence, sovereignty, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, self-defense (life protection), and freedom.
They even oppose off-grid housing or farming — places where life is created freely.
They don’t just govern — they subjugate intellectuals online with censorship and jail threats and fine threats on businesses(attempting to take the life out of online business).
And they do it methodically, ensuring that any source of vitality, resilience, or opposition is reduced to a lifeless husk, unable to resist, unable to fight back.
This is not just poor governance — this is planned systematic decay and shutdown.

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