Lecture 4.3: Optimizing Power Consumption and Battery Life


Good morning, everyone! It’s a pleasure to have you all here as we conclude our journey through mastering LoRa technology and LilyGO devices. Throughout this course, we’ve explored the depths of LoRa communication, built secure networks, and tackled various challenges in deploying IoT systems. Today, we’re going to focus on a crucial aspect that often determines the success and sustainability of our projects: optimizing power consumption and extending battery life.

Imagine deploying a network of environmental sensors across a vast, remote forest to monitor wildlife activity or climate conditions. Regularly accessing these devices for maintenance or battery replacement is impractical and costly. Therefore, ensuring that our devices can operate efficiently for extended periods—sometimes years—is paramount. Effective power management becomes not just a convenience but a necessity.

In today’s lecture, we’ll delve into strategies for managing device power settings to achieve extended operation. We’ll explore how to utilize power-saving modes inherent in our devices and discuss integrating renewable energy sources like solar power to sustain our devices indefinitely. By the end of this session, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how to design and implement energy-efficient LoRa-based systems that are both reliable and sustainable.

So, let’s embark on this journey to make our devices not only smarter but also longer-lasting.


Section 1: The Importance of Power Optimization in IoT Devices

Before diving into the technical aspects, let’s first understand why power optimization is so critical in IoT deployments, particularly with LoRa and LilyGO devices.

1.1. Challenges of Power Management

Remote Deployments: IoT devices are often installed in hard-to-reach locations—mountain tops, agricultural fields, or urban infrastructures—where regular maintenance is challenging.

Operational Costs: Frequent battery replacements or maintenance visits can be costly, both financially and in terms of labor.

– Environmental Impact: Discarded batteries contribute to environmental pollution. Reducing battery waste is an ecological imperative.

– Reliability: Devices with inadequate power management may fail unexpectedly, leading to data loss or system downtime.

1.2. Benefits of Effective Power Optimization

Extended Device Lifespan: Prolonging battery life reduces the frequency of maintenance.

– Cost Savings: Minimizes operational expenses by reducing the need for battery replacements and maintenance visits.

– Enhanced Reliability: Improves system uptime and data integrity.

– Environmental Sustainability: Less battery waste contributes to environmental conservation.

Understanding these factors underscores the importance of optimizing power consumption in our devices.


Section 2: Understanding Power Consumption in LilyGO Devices

To effectively manage power consumption, we must first understand how our devices use power.

2.1. Major Power Consumers

Microcontroller Unit (MCU): The ESP32 in LilyGO devices consumes significant power, especially when running at full capacity.

– Radio Modules: LoRa transceivers draw considerable power during data transmission and reception.

– Peripherals: Components like GPS modules, displays, sensors, and SD cards can substantially increase power usage.

– Voltage Regulators: Inefficient regulators may waste power, even when the device is idle.

2.2. Power States of the ESP32

– Active Mode: The CPU is running, peripherals are active — this is the highest power-consuming state.

– Modem Sleep: The CPU is active, but Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are disabled, saving some power.

– Light Sleep: The CPU pauses execution; peripherals can remain active, offering moderate power savings.

– Deep Sleep: The CPU and most peripherals are powered down, with only the RTC memory and ULP coprocessor active—this mode provides significant power savings.

– Hibernate: Similar to deep sleep but with even less power consumption, though wake-up options are more limited.

2.3. Measuring Power Consumption

– Tools Needed: Multimeter, oscilloscope, or specialized power measurement devices like the INA219 current sensor.

– Measurement Techniques:

– Static Measurements: Check current draw in different power states.

– Dynamic Measurements: Observe power usage over time during various operations.

By quantifying power consumption, we can make informed decisions on where to optimize.


Section 3: Managing Device Power Settings for Extended Operation

Now, let’s explore practical methods to manage and reduce power consumption in our devices.

3.1. Utilizing Deep Sleep Mode

Concept: Deep sleep mode significantly reduces power consumption by shutting down the CPU and most peripherals.


– Entering Deep Sleep:

// Set wake-up time (e.g., 10 minutes)
esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(10 * 60 * 1000000);

// Enter deep sleep

– Wake-Up Sources:

Timer: Wake up after a specified duration.

– External Signals: Wake up on GPIO pin triggers.

– Touch Pad or ULP Coprocessor: For more advanced wake-up conditions.

-Preserving Data: Use RTC memory to retain variables across deep sleep cycles.

RTC_DATA_ATTR int bootCount = 0;


– Power Savings: Can reduce consumption to as low as 10 µA.

– Extended Battery Life: Significantly prolongs operational periods.

3.2. Efficient Task Scheduling

Concept: Minimize the time the device spends in active mode by optimizing code execution and scheduling tasks intelligently.


Batch Processing: Accumulate data and process it in batches to reduce the frequency of wake-ups.

Optimized Code: Write efficient code that executes quickly to minimize active time.

– Non-Blocking Operations: Use asynchronous programming to avoid unnecessary delays.


void setup() {
// Initialization code

void loop() {
// Read sensor data

// Send data via LoRa

// Enter deep sleep

3.3. Disabling Unnecessary Peripherals

Concept: Peripherals consume power even when not actively used. Turning them off can save significant energy.


Wi-Fi and Bluetooth:


– GPS Module: Control power via a transistor or dedicated enable pin.

digitalWrite(GPS_POWER_PIN, LOW); // Turn off GPS

– Displays: Put displays to sleep or turn off the backlight.


3.4. Adjusting Radio Transmission Settings

Concept: The radio module is one of the most power-hungry components, especially during transmission.


– Reduce Transmission Power: Use the minimum necessary power.

LoRa.setTxPower(10); // Lower transmission power

– Optimize Data Rate: Balance between spreading factor and bandwidth to reduce time on air.

– Transmission Frequency: Limit how often data is sent.


3.5. Using Efficient Voltage Regulators

Concept: Voltage regulators can drain power even when the device is sleeping.


Low Quiescent Current Regulators: Use regulators designed for low standby power consumption.

Hardware Modifications: Replace inefficient regulators on the board if necessary (advanced users).


3.6. Selecting Appropriate Batteries


– Capacity: Higher capacity extends operational life but may increase size and cost.

– Chemistry:

– LiPo (Lithium Polymer): High energy density but sensitive to over-discharge.

LiFePO4 (Lithium Iron Phosphate): Safer, more cycles, better for solar applications.

Temperature Range: Ensure battery chemistry is suitable for the operating environment.


Section 4: Using Power-Saving Modes and Features

Beyond deep sleep, the ESP32 offers several power-saving modes and features.

4.1. Light Sleep Mode

Concept: Light sleep reduces power consumption while maintaining faster wake-up times compared to deep sleep.


// Set wake-up sources
esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(wakeTime * 1000000);

// Enter light sleep

Use Cases:

– When the device needs to respond quickly to events.

– When peripherals must remain partially active.

4.2. Modem Sleep

Concept: Disables Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modems while keeping the CPU active.



Use Cases:

– When Wi-Fi/Bluetooth are not needed, but immediate processing is required.


4.3. ULP Coprocessor

Concept: The Ultra-Low-Power coprocessor can perform simple tasks while the main CPU is in deep sleep.


– Programming the ULP: Requires assembly code or specialized tools.

Use Cases:

– Monitoring sensors to decide whether to wake the main processor.

– Handling simple repetitive tasks without waking the CPU.


4.4. Dynamic Frequency Scaling

Concept: Adjust the CPU frequency based on processing needs to save power.


setCpuFrequencyMhz(80); // Reduce CPU frequency


– Lower power consumption during less intensive tasks.


Section 5: Solar Integration and Renewable Energy Sources

Incorporating solar power can make devices virtually maintenance-free.

5.1. Basics of Solar Power Systems

– Components:

– Solar Panel: Converts sunlight to electricity.

– Charge Controller: Regulates voltage/current from the panel to the battery.

– Battery: Stores energy for use when sunlight is unavailable.

– Sizing the System:

– Calculate Daily Energy Consumption.

– Determine Peak Sunlight Hours.

– Select Panel and Battery Sizes Accordingly.

5.2. Implementing Solar Charging


1. Choose a Suitable Solar Panel: Match the panel’s voltage and current output to your system.

2. Select a Charge Controller:

– PWM Controllers: Simpler, suitable for small systems.

– MPPT Controllers: More efficient, especially in varying sunlight conditions.

3. Connect the System:

– Wire the solar panel to the charge controller.

– Connect the battery to the controller.

– Power your device from the battery.

5.3. Considerations for Solar Integration

– Overcharge Protection: Ensure the charge controller prevents battery overcharging.

– Voltage Matching: Use a step-down converter if the battery voltage is higher than the device’s operating voltage.

– Physical Installation:

– Orientation: Position panels to maximize sun exposure.

– Protection: Shield the system from environmental hazards.

– Monitoring: Implement battery voltage monitoring to assess system health.

5.4. Alternative Renewable Sources

– Wind Energy: Small turbines for windy locations.

– Hydro Power: Micro-hydro generators in flowing water.

– Energy Harvesting: Piezoelectric or thermoelectric generators for specialized applications.


Section 6: Practical Tips for Optimizing Power Consumption

6.1. Code Optimization

– Efficient Loops: Avoid unnecessary delays and use non-blocking code.

– Sleep as Much as Possible: Ensure the device spends maximum time in sleep modes.

– Variable Management: Use appropriate data types to reduce memory and processing overhead.

6.2. Peripheral Management

– Sensor Selection: Choose low-power sensors or those with sleep capabilities.

– Peripheral Scheduling: Activate peripherals only when needed.

6.3. Data Transmission Optimization

– Payload Size: Minimize the size of data packets.

– Transmission Frequency: Reduce how often data is sent without compromising application needs.

– Compression: Implement data compression where applicable.

6.4. Hardware Considerations

– Low-Power Hardware: Select components designed for low-power applications.

– Custom PCBs: For large-scale deployments, consider designing custom boards optimized for power efficiency.


Section 7: Case Studies and Real-World Applications

Let’s examine how these principles are applied in real-world scenarios.

Case Study 1: Wildlife Monitoring Sensors

Scenario: Deploying motion-activated cameras in remote forests to monitor wildlife without human disturbance.


Remote Location: No access to power grids.

– Long Deployment Periods: Devices need to operate for months without maintenance.


– Deep Sleep Mode: Cameras remain in deep sleep until motion is detected.

– PIR Sensors: Low-power passive infrared sensors trigger the wake-up.

– Solar Power: Panels recharge batteries during daylight.


– Extended Operation: Devices operated for over a year with minimal maintenance.

– Successful Data Collection: Captured valuable data on wildlife behaviour.

Case Study 2: Agricultural Monitoring with Mesh Networking

Scenario: Soil moisture and temperature sensors across a large farm, communicating via a mesh network.


– Power Constraints: Devices are spread out, making battery replacement impractical.

– Data Transmission: Need to relay data over multiple hops.


Efficient Routing Algorithms: Minimized power consumption by optimizing data paths.

– Deep Sleep Scheduling: Nodes slept when not actively transmitting or relaying data.

– Solar Integration: Small solar panels maintained battery charge.


– Reliable Network: Maintained consistent data flow across the farm.

– Reduced Costs: Minimized labour and battery expenses.



Optimizing power consumption and extending battery life are essential for the sustainability and success of IoT deployments using LoRa and LilyGO devices. By intelligently managing device power settings, utilizing power-saving modes, and integrating renewable energy sources like solar power, we can significantly enhance the longevity and reliability of our systems.

As we’ve explored today, these strategies not only reduce operational costs but also contribute to environmental conservation by minimizing battery waste. The practical applications we’ve discussed demonstrate the real-world impact of effective power management.

I encourage you to apply these principles in your projects. Experiment with different power-saving techniques, measure their effects, and continuously seek improvements. Remember, the most innovative solutions often come from addressing fundamental challenges like power efficiency.


Questions and Discussion

Let’s open the floor for questions or insights you might have.

Question: How can we monitor the battery status remotely to know when maintenance is required?

Answer: You can incorporate battery voltage measurements into your device’s telemetry data. By sending battery voltage levels along with your regular sensor data, you can monitor battery health remotely. Set thresholds to trigger alerts when the battery voltage drops below a certain level, indicating that maintenance may be needed soon.

Question: What are the trade-offs between using deep sleep and light sleep modes?

Answer: The primary trade-off is between power consumption and wake-up latency. Deep sleep offers the lowest power consumption but has longer wake-up times and resets most peripherals. Light sleep consumes more power than deep sleep but allows for faster wake-up and retains peripheral states. Choose the mode that best fits your application’s requirements for responsiveness and power efficiency.

Question: Are there any risks associated with solar power integration, like overcharging or damage due to environmental factors?

Answer: Yes, there are risks, but they can be mitigated. Overcharging can damage batteries, so it’s crucial to use a proper charge controller that matches your system. Environmental factors like extreme temperatures, moisture, and physical debris can harm your solar setup. Protect your equipment with weatherproof enclosures and ensure proper ventilation to manage temperatures.


Additional Resources

– Espressif’s Official Documentation on Power Management: Offers in-depth guidance on using the ESP32’s power-saving features.

– Low-Power IoT Design Guides: Various online resources and books provide strategies for designing energy-efficient IoT systems.

– Solar Energy Calculators: Tools to help size your solar power system based on your device’s power consumption and location.


Closing Remarks

As we wrap up today’s lecture and our course, I want to thank each of you for your enthusiasm and dedication. We’ve covered a broad spectrum of topics, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to create innovative and sustainable IoT solutions.

Optimizing power consumption isn’t just about extending battery life; it’s about creating devices that can operate autonomously, reliably, and responsibly in our world. The principles you’ve learned here will serve you well as you tackle real-world challenges and contribute to the ever-evolving field of IoT.

I encourage you to continue learning, experimenting, and sharing your experiences. The future holds endless possibilities, and I’m confident that you’ll play a significant role in shaping it.

Thank you once again for being a part of this journey. I look forward to seeing the remarkable projects you’ll bring to life.

“Best wishes, and happy innovating!”



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