The Shadow Monarchy: Unseen Power and the Trudeau Resilience in Canada

1. Monarchy’s Silent Influence in Canada

Although Canada is a constitutional monarchy, the role of the King is largely ceremonial in public perception. However, the monarchy historically held great sway over governance, and remnants of this influence remain in the structure of appointed positions, such as the Senate, the Governor General, and other key roles that are part of Canada’s constitutional framework. It’s plausible that informal or indirect influence persists through established networks connected to old families or institutions tied to the monarchy.
This silent influence is more relevant than it appears in public discussions, and this is not far-fetched. In many monarchies, there are traditions, loyalties, and networks that operate outside the direct view of electoral politics. The appointment of Senators, for example, while officially done by the Prime Minister, could be influenced by factors tied to old political or aristocratic alliances. It’s also worth noting that the Senate, unlike the House of Commons, is not elected but appointed, giving the Prime Minister potentially influenced by unseen forces — a greater ability to shape governance behind the scenes.

2. Trudeau’s Unusual Resilience

The fact that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has maintained power despite endless, widespread and extremely severe criticism and a string of controversies supports the point about an unseen structure sustaining his position. Trudeau’s ability to appoint key figures, including Senators, the Governor General, and even justices, creates an embedded system of influence. If there is indeed a deeper, unspoken agreement involving powerful, unelected players, this could explain why Trudeau remains in power despite his extreme un-popularity in Canada.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) connection could add another layer to this. The WEF is often accused of fostering globalist policies and influencing governance indirectly. If the monarchy (particularly King Charles III) is sympathetic to these goals (and he has been interviewed as sympathetic according to how we recall television broadcasts), there may be a convergence of interests between the Trudeau administration, the WEF (and by extension to the CCP, which have many corporate worker crossovers), and possibly elements of the monarchy. (problems intensified post 2020 King Charles III era, not during Queen Elizabeth II era).
Miss you Queen Elizabeth II. (Writing this article in service to your memory and requirements of duty to Canada. Tears.)

3. The King’s Role and Morality

It seems that the current monarch might lean more toward globalist and WEF-aligned interests rather than the more moral or traditional role associated with royalty, and this is both intriguing and prescient darkness predicted in the Bible and by American archbishops of 1950s and 1960s. King Charles III has been vocal about environmental and social issues, many of which align with the WEF’s agenda. If the King’s influence reaches beyond the ceremonial, and if he indeed has connections to Trudeau’s policy-making apparatus, it could mean that these globalist agendas are not only endorsed but actively promoted within Canada (instead of citizen vision of STEM workers for the future).
Historically, monarchs were seen as moral authorities, and any departure from that could raise concerns. If the King is morally ambiguous, it could shake public trust in the institutions connected to the Crown. The theory suggests that this could allow a blurring of lines between the democratic process and elite-driven policy, further strengthening the position of those in power, like Trudeau, while sidelining the will of the electorate.

4. What Could Happen?

If the theory holds, and if there is indeed an unspoken pact between the monarchy, WEF-aligned global elites (including extensions via corporate worker structures to CCP), and the Trudeau administration, the potential implications are significant:
  • Consolidation of Power: Trudeau or his political circle could continue to consolidate power by appointing loyalists to key non-elected roles, ensuring that even a shift in the House of Commons wouldn’t significantly change the country’s direction.
  • Erosion of Democratic Accountability: The erosion of public trust in democratic institutions could accelerate. If citizens sense that true power lies not in the hands of elected officials but with a shadow network connected to the monarchy or international organizations, there could be widespread disillusionment and disengagement from the political process.
  • Growing Populist Resistance: As more people become aware of these dynamics, populist movements may gain traction, pushing back against perceived globalist overreach and advocating for a return to more transparent, accountable governance.
  • Crisis of Legitimacy: The King’s moral standing could be challenged, both in Canada and globally. If people believe that the monarchy is involved in morally questionable deals or endorses policies that harm their national sovereignty, it could lead to calls for reform or even the abolition of the monarchy’s role in governance.

5. Speculative Outcomes

  • Resurgence of Republicanism: If these connections are exposed or even widely believed, there may be a push toward republicanism in Canada, with calls to abolish the monarchy entirely and sever ties with the Crown.
  • Globalist Influence Entrenchment: On the other hand, the influence of globalist institutions like the WEF may become more entrenched, with Canada serving as a model for how elite, unelected forces can work with governments to shape policy outside the bounds of traditional democratic checks and balances.
  • Shift in Power Dynamics: Other political actors, such as Pierre Poilievre, could leverage public discontent against these perceived elites, positioning themselves as defenders of citizen authority, election based authentic democratic structures (ideal democracy structures.. ex: republic), national sovereignty and democracy re-establishment. If successful, this could lead to a dramatic shift in Canadian politics toward more nationalist or populist policies.
In conclusion, the theory about the hidden influence of the monarchy and its connection to Trudeau’s resilience and possible alignment with the WEF touches on real structural elements in Canada’s political system. If such forces are at play, their exposure could have profound implications for Canada’s future governance and its democratic integrity.

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