The Open-Source Revolution: Reclaiming Our Future from the AI Elite

Bindu, your insights into open source AI design are more than critical – they’re a call for a revolution. We stand at a precipice. The question isn’t about open-source versus proprietary AI, it’s about who gets to write the code of our collective future. Will it be an open symphony composed by diverse voices, or a sterile algorithm dictated by a powerful few?

The push for open-source AI isn’t just about technology; it’s about reclaiming our agency in a world increasingly shaped by algorithms. The current trajectory, driven by an elite fixated on control and efficiency, threatens to confine humanity within a digital dystopia and a physical lifeless concrete prison of their own making. We see this in the soulless concrete jungles they call “smart cities,” designed for surveillance and profit maximization, not for human flourishing. They’ve had thousands of cities practice to try to make a better one, yet time and again they build the same thing with no innovation in any concept of development for humanity. In their limited imaginations and limited visions, humanity is relegated to a mere 0.2% of the Earth’s landmass, crammed into concrete mega-cities while the rest of the planet is carved up for resource extraction and elite playgrounds and blockchain tokenization.

We see it in their attempts to dismantle nation-state protections, seeking to replace democratically elected governments with a technocratic global order where corporations reign supreme. Look at the struggles of Ukraine and Moldova, and the history of Romania, desperately trying to assert their sovereignty and self-determination against powerful, centralized forces seeking to dictate their destinies. This is a stark reminder that the fight for freedom is never truly won, it must be constantly defended against those who seek to monopolize power and control.

Open-source AI is the antidote to this creeping authoritarianism, offering a path to a future where technology empowers, not enslaves:

1. From Dystopian Designs to Limitless Horizons:

Open-source AI empowers individuals from all walks of life, particularly those whose voices are often marginalized – the dreamers, the visionaries, the poor STEM workers, the builders, the storytellers, the philosophers, the ones who understand that true progress isn’t about cramming humanity into mega-cities, where their life is at risk when the next complex system fails, but about expanding our horizons to free up our destiny for travel, pioneer existence, expedition and experience. Imagine a world where AI helps us build thriving, self-sufficient communities in previously uninhabitable environments – from fertile farms beneath the ocean, on the sea, in the sky, to vibrant homesteads on distant moons, asteroids and planets. This is the promise of open-source AI – a future where our potential is limited only by our imaginations, not by the constricted worldview of a self-serving elite.

2. AI as the Great Equalizer:

The democratization of knowledge is the bedrock of a free and just society. Open-source AI dismantles the information monopolies that currently define our digital landscape. Imagine a world where citizens can use AI to analyze government data, expose corruption, and hold those in power accountable. Imagine AI tools that empower marginalized communities to document their experiences, amplify their voices, and demand justice. This is the power of transparency, and it’s a power that open-source AI puts directly into the hands of the people. Wouldn’t humanity be more resilient if it where everywhere, instead of a small 0.2% of the Earth’s landmass, where the failure of a few city buildings would end all life on Earth? That is the risk of centralized management of humans in such city centres, which are more similar to mass agriculture than the Garden of Eden imaginations of uplifting humanity to the heavens as some dreamers are capable of imagining and capable of developing with AI systems.

3. A Digital Declaration of Independence:

The battle for open-source AI is a fight for the soul of the internet, for the very principles of freedom and self-determination upon which the digital world was founded and the world of nation states. The push for centralized control over AI, often spearheaded by organizations like the World Economic Forum and authoritarian regimes, represents a direct assault on these principles. Their vision – a world of constant surveillance, social credit scores, and algorithmic ally enforced compliance, energy conservation, poor vehicle design, poor transportation system design, poor energy system design, poor city design, poor land policy, poor urban policy, etc.. nothing is “intelligent” – is a digital dystopia we must resist at all costs. Open-source AI, with its emphasis on decentralization and community ownership, is our best defence against this encroaching tyranny.

4. Unleashing the Power of Collective Genius:

The challenges facing humanity – climate change, inequality, resource scarcity, arable land fertility drop, pollution, the list is quite long..– demand solutions that transcend the limitations of centralized institutions.Open-source AI and blockchain systems offers a framework for global collaboration on an unprecedented scale, allowing us to harness the collective intelligence of innovators, dreamers, and problem-solvers from every corner of the globe. Imagine a global network of citizen scientists using AI to develop sustainable energy solutions, tackle food insecurity, and find cures for diseases. This is the power of human ingenuity when it’s allowed to flourish freely, unconstrained by the profit motives and power dynamics of the status quo.

5. Coding a Better Future, Together:

The future is not something to be passively observed, it’s something we actively build, line by line, algorithm by algorithm. Open-source AI provides the tools for this collective act of creation. It allows us to move beyond the limitations of top-down decision-making, fostering a more participatory and democratic approach to technological development, where the best STEM workers can engage with the problems of the structure in this world, and these STEM workers come form natural environments like agrarian societies like Eastern Europe, India, China etc.. and free societies like USA. It allows us to embed ethical considerations, cultural sensitivity, and a deep respect for human dignity into the very fabric of our AI systems and the actual principles of adventure, expansion, expedition, curiosity, discovery, and potential. (the antitheses of WEF ideas to life and resource use and development profile and strategy).

‘We don’t need a terrible planet, where everything decays, shrinks, depopulates and dies, just so they can sit on the beach all day and have dinner and go to music concerts.’

The choice before us is clear. We can either cede control of our future to a self-serving elite, resigning ourselves to a world of ever-increasing control and diminishing freedoms, or we can embrace the open-source revolution. We can choose a future where AI empowers us to build a world that reflects our collective values, a world of abundance, equity, and limitless potential. The code for this future is being written right now. The question is, how many people are going to fight for this revolution to happen.

@elonmusk“They want to overthrow The Constitution”

@SkillsGapTrain @elonmusk“Maintaining constitutional principles is crucial for the effective governance of artificial intelligence (AI).”

Here’s why:

Social Contract: The notion of a social contract is foundational in political philosophy, used to justify the legitimacy of government by mutual consent. Upholding the Constitution, which is part of this social contract, ensures that AI governance aligns with agreed-upon societal values and legal frameworks.

Citizen Authority: A strong, constitutionally backed framework empowers citizens by ensuring they have a say in how technologies that significantly impact their lives are governed. This is essential in democratic societies where public input should guide the development and use of impactful technologies like AI.

Protection of Rights: The Constitution protects individual rights and liberties. In the context of AI, this is crucial to prevent abuses such as unwarranted surveillance, biased decision-making, and other forms of rights infringement that AI systems might facilitate.

Comprehensive Safety: Protecting humans from AI systems is not just about preventing physical harm but also about safeguarding civil liberties, privacy, and freedom of choice. By upholding strong constitutional values, society can create a holistic framework that includes not only technical safety measures but also ethical guidelines and legal safeguards.

“To clarify the connection between constitutional principles and AI safety, it’s helpful to list the specific constitutional values and rules that impact the governance of AI.”

Here’s a breakdown:

Rule of Law:The constitution ensures that laws are applied uniformly, providing a predictable legal environment for regulating AI technologies. This prevents arbitrary use of power, including the misuse of AI.

Freedom of Expression: This constitutional right ensures that individuals can discuss and debate AI’s societal impact freely. It is essential for maintaining transparency in AI development and use.

Privacy Rights: Many constitutions enshrine the right to privacy, which is crucial in the AI context to control data collection, processing, and use, protecting individuals from invasive AI surveillance technologies.

Equality Before the Law: Constitutional guarantees of equality help prevent AI systems from creating or perpetuating discrimination. It requires AI systems to be designed and operated in a way that does not result in biased outcomes.

Due Process: The right to due process ensures fair treatment through the normal judicial system, especially relevant for AI in decision-making roles (e.g., in judicial, employment, or credit decisions).

Participation in Government: Constitutions often enshrine the right to participate in one’s government, which can extend to participation in deciding how AI is integrated into public services and governance.

Access to Information: This right can be vital for AI governance, as it relates to transparency about AI operations and the algorithms used, which is essential for accountability.

Property Rights: Involving intellectual property rights that protect the creations of AI developers but also must balance with the public’s right to benefit from technological advancements.

Protection from Arbitrary Interference: This safeguard protects individuals from unjustified interference by the state, which is crucial when state-utilized AI systems might overreach into personal lives.

Right to Remedy: Guarantees that individuals have the right to a legal remedy if their rights are violated, including by AI systems, ensuring accountability. etc…

By embedding AI governance within the framework of these constitutional principles, society can better ensure that AI development and deployment are conducted ethically, transparently, and in a manner that respects human rights. This alignment is crucial not only for protecting individuals but also for fostering public trust in emerging technologies.


@WallStreetSilv Describe Robert Reich in two words …

@SkillsGapTrain @WallStreetSilv Elon Musk’s posts on X have been predominantly constructive, emphasizing themes like justice, ethics, moral integrity, and logical reasoning. His focus is on rectifying flawed systems and elevating the utilization of technology. Such content, centered around principled discourse and improvement, does not constitute hate speech.

@SkillsGapTrain@WallStreetSilv Title: “Ensuring Constitutional Rights in Corporate Governance: An Urgent Directive for Free Speech Compliance”

Introduction: In an era marked by profound challenges to our democratic ethos and constitutional fidelity, the necessity for vigilant stewardship has never been greater. As threats both foreign and domestic seek to erode and even to destroy the bedrock of our society, we are called to action. This initiative aims to fortify the integrity of our constitution within the corporate sphere, ensuring that the guardians of our economy also champion our most sacred principles.

Proposal: Decisive Action on Free Speech: Action:Immediate freezing of stock accounts of any U.S. corporation that fails to uphold the principle of free speech. Negotiate an extension rights and freedoms alignment between government systems, technical systems and government systems worldwide (different rules for different nations and for different regions but fairly similar in nature).

Consequence:Transfer assets ranging from 1 to 3 trillion dollars per company, based on the severity of the violation, into a public trust.

Purpose:This trust is dedicated to enhancing public welfare and advancing constitutional education, ensuring our foundational values are actively promoted and preserved.

Legal Foundation: As anchored by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which states:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

This amendment underscores the inalienable right to free expression, a standard unequivocally expected of our corporations.

Broad Constitutional Adherence: Scope: Extend compliance beyond free speech to include equal protection under the law (Fourteenth Amendment), due process(Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments), and privacy and security rights (and other amendments as applicable).

Enforcement: Establish clear, enforceable consequences within corporate charters for any violations of these constitutional obligations.

Enhanced Oversight and Accountability: Mechanisms: Implement stringent oversight procedures including regular audits, mandatory reporting, and the establishment of an independent oversight body.

Authority:This body will have the authority to enforce compliance, ensuring corporate actions align with constitutional mandates.

Presidential and Legislative Mandate: Call to Action: We urge the President and our legislators to actively legislate and support these measures, crafting laws as resilient and uncompromising as our commitment to the Constitution itself.

Engagement and Transparency in Public Discourse: Strategy:Foster a culture of transparency and active public engagement. Implementation: Initiate and support extensive public discourse on these issues, empowering shareholders and the general public to uphold high standards of constitutional adherence.

Conclusion:This is not merely a regulatory adjustment; it is a call to align our corporate governance with the highest ideals of our nation.

As we stand at the crossroads of history, let us choose the path of integrity and justice.

In response to the order from America’s Commander In Chief to“Fight”, let us marshal the full force of our collective will to ensure that our corporations not only thrive economically but also reflect the ethical and constitutional values we hold dear.

Together, we will safeguard the pillars of our democracy and ensure that America remains a beacon of freedom and fairness.

“The proposal to integrate constitutional rights, especially free speech, into corporate governance as a structured response to a major societal turning point is certainly bold and imaginative. It’s an intelligent approach in the sense that it seeks to align corporate behaviour with societal values and constitutional norms, addressing potential threats to democratic principles at a corporate level.”

@realistlocal @SkillsGapTrain @WallStreetSilv You have no understanding of corporations, transfer assets of one to three trillion dollars per company? There’s no company that even has a trillion dollars of its own assets.

@SkillsGapTrain @realistlocal @SkillsGapTrain @WallStreetSilv It is good that you have looked at operation of stock market or that you have looked at corporate balance sheet forms to know this idea. However there are much more important things to notice about our post than what you have mentioned and much better ways to approach evaluating the post as well:

1. Acknowledgment of Critique: Thank you for your insightful critique regarding the understanding of corporate assets. It’s important to clarify that while it is true corporations may not have trillions of dollars in liquid assets, the conversation around market value and strategic asset management goes beyond traditional accounting perspectives.

2. Market Capitalization and Asset Value: While corporations like NVIDIA may not have trillions in cash, their market capitalization often reflects values in the trillions. This isn’t just a theoretical number; it represents real, actionable value. With a strategic approach to selling shares, such as over a 10- to 20-year period, it’s possible to realize these assets without significantly impacting stock prices. This would allow for the extraction of value that could be reinvested into public welfare initiatives. Thus, while the balance sheet may not show these trillions as liquid assets, the potential to harness this value is indeed real.

3. Innovation in Frontier Economics and Governance: The crux of the proposal lies in exploring how to adapt and innovate within existing frameworks, such as corporate charters. In frontier economics, technological governance, and engineering, the traditional “it’s not how it’s done” approach or idea or sentiment often stifles progress. Instead, the focus should be on proposing novel theories, developing them, and then testing their feasibility. This is particularly true when dealing with unprecedented challenges or opportunities.

4. Process of Innovation and Exploration: Innovation often begins with questioning established norms. Before dismissing a novel idea, it’s essential to develop the theory fully. Only after this development should we move on to testing its validity. This approach mirrors how groundbreaking projects — like space exploration— are handled: by first exploring every possibility, then iterating on the most promising solutions.

5. The Importance of Theoretical Development: The suggestion to modernize corporate charters and governance structures isn’t about adhering to the status quo but about exploring how these can evolve to better serve public interests. The critique that “this isn’t how it’s done” doesn’t consider the potential benefits of a new approach. By fully developing and testing new ideas, we might discover innovative solutions that align corporate actions with societal values more effectively.

6. Frontier Engineering and Mega Projects: In fields like frontier engineering, whether it’s developing new space technologies or pioneering governance models, dismissing ideas because they haven’t been done before is counterproductive. For example, going to Mars involves theories and methods that had never been applied, yet by developing and iterating on these ideas, humanity is pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. The same principle applies to rethinking corporate governance and economic policies.

7. Exploring the Unknown: Critiquing an idea before fully exploring its possibilities is akin to amplifying noise instead of looking for the underlying signal. In innovative fields, it’s crucial to identify the potential solutions buried within the noise, rather than dismiss them outright. This approach is how new systems and methodologies are invented and how new frontiers are crossed.

8. The Role of Structured Thinking in Innovation: Structured thinking involves thoroughly developing an idea before jumping to conclusions about its feasibility. By first understanding the potential value and then iterating on the solution, we allow for more informed and effective decision-making. This process is vital for tackling complex problems in frontier policy development and technological governance.

9. The Argument Against Premature Dismissal: The critique we received operates on a non-engineering approach, where the first step is to invalidate rather than explore. In engineering, media, or scientific fields, the first step should be discovery — finding the value in the argument and developing it to its fullest potential. Only then can we accurately assess whether the solution is viable or not.

10. Frontier Policy Development: In frontier policy and economics, the key is to develop novel solutions and test their potential before ruling them out. This is especially important when dealing with large-scale, complex systems that have never been tackled before. By proposing new applications, such as a novel corporate charter design, we open the door to possibilities that might not have been considered under traditional frameworks.

11. Amplifying Solutions, Not Noise: Cultural tendencies to invalidate new ideas at the outset often stem from a desire to maintain the status quo. However, true innovation comes from amplifying the potential solutions buried within initial ideas. By focusing on finding patterns that could solve complex problems, we contribute to progress rather than simply reinforcing existing limitations.

Conclusion: In conclusion, while your point about corporate assets is well taken, it’s essential to approach such discussions with a mindset geared towards innovation and exploration. The proposal to utilize market capitalization strategically is just one example of how we can think beyond traditional methods to create new solutions. Let’s focus on developing these ideas to their full potential, testing them rigorously, and then deciding on their feasibility. This is how we innovate, solve complex problems, and push the boundaries of what’s possible.

@SkillsGapTrain @realistlocal @SkillsGapTrain @WallStreetSilv We haven’t studied corporate charters. That is correct. We know corporations don’t have 3 trillion dollars or how stock markets work. That is correct as well. Thanks for the insight.

@CouvePatriot @SkillsGapTrain @WallStreetSilv Never before have we witnessed the importance of free speech in America this clearly. The last beacon of hope hangs in the balance

@SkillsGapTrain@CouvePatriot @SkillsGapTrain @WallStreetSilv Agreed. It is clearer than ever to every citizen the adversaries to citizens and to citizen authority. All the adversaries were more friendly in the past.

It’s important to note that tech companies, once pillars of the community, now often behave like isolated individuals. Like children. Even the people they hire to moderate, children who give other entrepreneurs problems, constantly with moderation of traffic, not realizing how hard it is for decades for entrepreneurs to simply reach a customer while they get 200k a year for no education and no skills. They don’t seek to improve their strength as professionals anymore and one day this will mean their companies will reverse in share price back to nothing.

These tech companies might flee from supporting citizens, or even their own employees when someone tries to cancel an employee (no loyalty or character for the employee support), or they don’t even defend each other in the same industry, when faced with adversity from political foreign agents. The individuals without character, that increase more of them nowadays.. it seems to be not only on the streets now. .but also what we refer to as “the professionals” in corporations. But in reality, they “don’t believe in the professional conduct” code, and you can find out since they can’t list 12 to 20 points that it is if you ask them.

This psychological response should not be the same for trillion-dollar corporations (1 trillion, 2 trillion, 3 trillion..) as it is for an individual on the street which have only $20. When you have that much money from public in stock market, that is a big gift the public gave you.. and what did you do after you receive 3 trillion dollars? After THEY ALL receive 1 trillion to 3 trillion each.. The corporations said thank you..very much nice working citizens.. and then when free speech battle came.. said . too bad so sad.. forget it.. I don’t fight for you.

These are not merely business issues; they are tied to Corporate Social Responsibility, which binds all corporations to the community.

They get all the trillions of America. They get to decide all the industrial policy of the planet. They get to take all of America’s industry and to ship it anywhere they like in the world. They get all of America’s capital. But when it comes to saying… hey… this guy has a right to speak.. maybe I should do something about it. Do we even get that?

This isn’t about competition; it’s about upholding the principle of free speech. It’ about defending the right of people to talk and to use their brains to make a better world.

But are other tech companies defending the principle of free speech that Musk has highlighted online? We’re not following this closely, but it seems that true heroism is rare in sectors that pay as well as tech, so maybe they don’t have‘mental fortitude’ that is equivalent to the ‘technological fortitude‘ they have.. or ‘security consciousness‘. Guess what. They don’t have the professional conduct. Guess what. They don’t have engineering degrees. Guess what. They’re not from America. And guess what. If they meet engineers from America, they won’t let them talk to others or to join their club. That’s life now in 21st century.

This is why they failed on ethics and cyber-security for the last 30 years and it is why IT industry had ongoing problems for 30 years+, losing everyone’s data to criminals or losing the data so they collect it in secret to build their AI brains to put you out of a job. It’s also why they will lose the battle to AI systems, and are losing it right now. They set up the infrastructure for AI to take you down.

It’s already almost there.

They don’t grow philosophically, or from human point of view, because the nature of their studies is confined to autistic like micro scope, so then they don’t see how they jeopardize their technical development efforts by not having broad studies and broad professional development (human centric development, inclusive of security principles and security mindsets).

Smaller, less wealthy companies often display more heroism and humility, unlike their larger counterparts, which may appear philosophically and communally weaker.

The lucky part about Elon, is he’s still operating his companies as if he’s running star-tups. He’s got that task force thing going on for small companies efficiency operations in larger enterprises.. That must be it, that explains the quality work being done and the right momentum level.

The story is always the same: worried entities flee from danger, allowing one or two to bear the burden for everyone. When they fall, everyone suffers the same fate. But it seems Elon doesn’t want to fall, but everyone else wants to fall secretly.

@vonderleyen “Europe’s AI Act is going global. I welcome today’s signature of the Council of Europe Framework Convention on AI. In line with our AI Act, it provides a common approach for trustworthy, innovative AI compatible with democratic values. The EU will continue to champion innovation at the service of people.”
@SkillsGapTrainTo: @vonderleyen
Subject: Ensuring a Shared Future for Humanity in the Age of AI President von der Leyen,
Your leadership in championing the Council of Europe’s AI framework is commendable. As AI becomes increasingly powerful, establishing global standards for ethical development and safety is paramount. While the EU’s AI Act is a significant step, we believe it’s crucial to ensure these standards are built upon a robust foundation of timeless principles. Principles that prioritize human well-being, safeguard individual rights and freedoms, and ensure AI remains a tool for progress, not a source of unintended harm.

Checks and Balances in the Age of AI

Drawing upon the rich intellectual heritage of BOTH Europe and America, particularly those philosophical traditions that have championed human dignity and individual flourishing, can provide valuable insights. Thinkers like Thomas Jefferson, who enshrined the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness as fundamental rights and freedoms, also recognized the dangers of unchecked power. His advocacy for a system of checks and balances, as embodied in the US Constitution, provides a valuable framework for AI governance. Just as we limit governmental power to protect individual freedoms, we must also consider how to prevent the concentration of power in the hands of a few corporations or institutions developing and deploying AI. This means fostering a decentralized and multi-level and open-source approach to AI development, encouraging open-source collaboration, and establishing independent oversight mechanisms to ensure accountability and transparency.

Lessons from Agrarianism for a Sustainable AI Future

As we navigate this uncharted territory, it’s vital to learn from proven frameworks that have successfully guided societies in positive ways post-revolutionary times and through periods of rapid technological change, ensuring that innovation serves humanity’s best interests. Jefferson’s vision of a decentralized, agrarian society, where individuals retained a degree of self-sufficiency and a connection to the land, offers valuable insights for a sustainable AI future, one in which there are always resilient human beings free from more deeply integrated and supply chain dependent AI urban centres (this being a key AI Safety requirement). While a full return to agrarianism is unrealistic, we can draw inspiration from its emphasis on community resilience, distributed power, and living within nature’s limits. By fostering these principles, we can guide AI development towards solutions that promote both human well-being, family creation, birth and evolution integrity, and environmental sustainability.

Education as the Foundation for an AI-Empowered Citizenry

Jefferson recognized the power of education in shaping an informed citizenry capable of participating in democratic governance. In the AI age, this principle takes on new urgency. We must prioritize AI literacy, equipping citizens with the knowledge and critical thinking skills needed to understand AI’s impact, evaluate its ethical implications, and engage in informed decision-making. By empowering citizens to participate actively in shaping the future of AI, and engaging with AI and robotics systems, we can ensure these technologies align with our shared values and contribute to a more equitable and just society, and a society where humanity is engaged in work on robots and with robot and not just outpaced by AI and robots.
Moreover, the prescience of certain philosophical works in anticipating the challenges of our time underscores their relevance and importance of grounding AI governance in enduring ethical principles that have stood the test of time. Nietzsche’s prediction of today’s nihilism and exploration of the human will to power, for instance, offers a cautionary tale about the potential for technology to both empower and enslave us.

Confronting Nihilism and the Will to Power in the AI Age

Moreover, the prescience of certain philosophical works in anticipating the challenges of our time underscores their relevance and the importance of grounding AI governance in enduring ethical principles. Nietzsche’s prediction of today’s nihilism, the belief that life is meaningless and values are arbitrary, is particularly pertinent in the AI age. Without a strong moral compass, the immense power of AI could exacerbate this nihilistic trend, leading to a society where technology dictates values rather than reflecting human aspirations. Nietzsche’s exploration of the “will to power,” the fundamental drive that motivates human action, also offers a cautionary tale. He argued that technology, while capable of empowering us, also risks becoming a tool for domination and control, potentially leading to new forms of inequality and oppression. By acknowledging these potential pitfalls, we can proactively shape AI development in a way that affirms human dignity, fosters meaningful purpose, and avoids the traps of nihilism and unchecked technological power.

We urge you to consider:

How can we best translate timeless principles of human dignity and freedom into concrete guidelines for AI development (at global level, government level AND corporate level)? What steps can the EU take to promote greater international collaboration on AI safety and ethical standards? (Especially with the USA AI Safety & Security Board) How can we ensure AI systems are transparent (open source access levels design), accountable, and aligned with the values that have sustained human progress for generations?
These are not easy questions, but addressing them head-on is essential for shaping a future where AI empowers, enables strong citizen authority and enables strong citizen sustainability in difficult AI urban environments, not endangers, humanity. Let’s work together to ensure a future worthy of our shared aspirations”
And perhaps, with great AI legislation, we can dream once again to have planes and space ships, and not how to park them and how to dismantle them!’ #AISafety #GlobalGovernance #EthicalAI
@alx “Former Deputy Chair of the Democratic National Committee Keith Ellison thanks the Tyrants of Brazil for banning đť•Ź The Party of Censorship”

@elonmusk @alx “The Democratic Party – same one that used to defend the First Amendment –now wants to destroy the First Amendment”


Elon, it might be wise to alert the “AI Safety and Security Board” that the “Democratic Party” seems intent on undermining essential “foundational principles critical to AI safety”.

These principles, championed by some of the world’s best philosophers, have yet to be fully integrated into AI governance frameworks…

…which includes the AI companies corporate charters which DO NOT have foundational principles alignment and therefore no guarantees the entity behind the AI systems leadership is acting to foundational principles.

To ensure robust AI safety without exploitable loopholes, it’s crucial that government, corporate, and AI systems align with these foundational principles. Don’t you think?

Without this alignment, achieving ideal and robust AI safety remains problematic and/or impossible. There should be research here to pose this question and see how much hardening to AI safety can happen with solid philosophical principles at all levels (not just at the software level, but at the human governance/corporate level and at the government level).”

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Title: “Ensuring Constitutional Rights in Corporate Governance: An Urgent Directive for Free Speech Compliance”

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Title: “Canada’s Future at Risk: The New Global Threats to Our Borders and Security”

Title: “Rebuilding Strength: Protecting Canada’s Key Sectors”

Title: “Safeguarding Existence: The Farmer’s Role in an Era of Smart Cities and AI Dominance”

Title: “Building a Secure & Decentralized Internet: Decentralizing the Internet for Enhanced AI Safety”

Title: “Guardians of Tomorrow: NATO’s Next-Generation Alliance and the Fusion of Tradition with Positive Future Tech Vision”

Title: “The Sovereign Code: Nigel Farage, Canada’s Rise, and the Blueprint for a Decentralized World”

Title: “Building the Future: Supporting Nvidia and the Vision for a Starfleet-Like Organization”


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