There Are Four Lights: Gaslighting & Resilience in ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation

InStar Trek: The Next Generation,’ the episode Chain of Command, Part II’ is a powerful portrayal of psychological manipulation, known as gaslighting, which is relevant to understanding how and why such tactics have manifested in Canada today and how innovative and forward looking Star Trek: The Next Generation TV series was in predicting this dystopian reality of western civilizations in the 21st century’.

Scene and Context

In this episode, Captain Jean-Luc Picard is captured by the Cardassians and subjected to brutal interrogation by Gul Madred. The Cardassians are a militaristic and authoritarian species, often depicted as ruthless in their tactics. Madred’s goal is to break Picard’s spirit and extract strategic information from him.

During the interrogation, Madred uses a particularly insidious form of psychological torture. He repeatedly shows Picard four lights and demands that he say there are five. The lights are a clear and objective reality, but Madred’s insistence that Picard acknowledge a falsehood is designed to make him question his own perception and sanity.

The Power of the Scene

The interrogation scenes are intense and harrowing. Madred uses physical pain, deprivation, and psychological manipulation to wear Picard down. The central focus becomes the lights. Every time Picard states that there are four lights, Madred increases the pressure, demanding that Picard admit there are five.

Gaslighting and Its Modern Relevance

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation where the victim is made to doubt their own memory, perception, and sanity. In the context of modern society, especially among millennials, this can be seen in various forms of misinformation, social and political manipulation, and the undermining of objective truth.

For example, in the digital age, where information is abundant but not always reliable, individuals can be overwhelmed by conflicting narratives. Authorities, media, or influential figures might push false information repeatedly, making people doubt what they know to be true. This constant exposure to contradictory information can erode confidence in one’s own judgment, akin to what Picard experiences in the episode.

Picard’s Resilience

Throughout the ordeal, Picard remains defiant. Despite the immense physical and psychological pain, he refuses to concede to Madred’s false reality. His famous line, “There are four lights!” represents his unwavering commitment to the truth. This defiance highlights the strength of human spirit and integrity in the face of overwhelming oppression.

Did He Break?

While Picard’s final cry of “There are four lights!” suggests he never fully breaks, the episode’s ending reveals the toll the torture has taken. In a poignant moment after his rescue, Picard confesses to Counselor Troi that he was on the verge of breaking. He admits that he could see five lights at one point, demonstrating the profound impact of the psychological torture.


“Chain of Command, Part II” serves as a stark warning about the dangers of gaslighting and the importance of maintaining one’s grip on reality. Picard’s struggle and ultimate resilience remind us of the value of truth and the human spirit’s capacity to endure. In a world where misinformation and manipulation are prevalent, the episode’s message is more relevant than ever, urging us to stand firm in our perceptions and truths, just as Picard did.

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