The Rifle in Hand: Holding on to being Human

Author: John @SkillsGapTrain These days, it seems like the whole world’s gone crazy. Folks in the cities are glued to their phones, livin’ in a world made of images and videos. They talk about things like “metaverse” and “computer intelligence” like it is answer to all world problems. But here on farm, where we are connected to land, to seasons, to God, and to way things have always been. We see everything different. With common sense and sens for natural world.

We see technology can get free information, but also big waste of time that make nothing in world except CD and computer trash like mountain, and then go to hospital the people who play with CD all day, and lose understanding of what matters: families, babies, weddings, houses, church, touching land, feeling nature in travel, skills to keep everyone safe on land when time is tough and food costs alot, you kno, values that kept every generation alive over time. That’s why sports, and fighting sports and shooting sports, for farmer like me, is not waste of time.. is great to learn now; it makes old athlete young again.. protects everyone.. in future when things destroy human.. like machine robot, we are ready.

City Ways vs. Country Ways: A Growin’ Divide

Out on farm, I work with my hands, grow food, and not buy bad food from store that make family sick for life in the past, for decades sick. Processed food and sweet food. Not farm food. Food by “intelligent digital computer people” make everyone sick. I understand nature, hard work, and value of strong people. I know how to fix things, how to build things, how to survive, how to build houses, how to store food, when the power goes out, and how to protect my family and friend family.
But in cities, is different story. Folks are disconnected from land, they have no land and bad leader stops all kids to have land and lie to them and keep them trapped like goats in the city with computer walls, and there they sit at the computer screen all day with no choice to see land only on computer screen for all life. The forgot the skills their grandparents relied on, the skills that build every country, the skill to build house by hand on empty land outside the city, the skills that keep everyone alive in hard times. My grandparents build farm house for no money.. just from make cement on the land and build the house in 2 years. What is so hard about it? Is not 20 or 30 year like you pay to get house here? You simply make it with only a little bit of work. Why pay so many people 1 million dollar when is free to make from land?
And with all the new technology, people here forget what means to be human. They’ talkin’ about put power cable in brain, putting brain in computer, like crazy people, and livin’ in a world where is all fake but .. like fake in the computer.. not fake in the city, which is already fake. So two time fake fake. And then one day three time fake fake fake and is like mirror in mirror.. but see nothing and have nothing of value. just fake image. It’s enough to make me scratch my head and wonder where, boy am I glad I have it on my shoulders straight.

The Rifle: A Symbol of Responsibility, A Connection to Our Roots

That’s why the rifle in my hand means more to me than just a tool for huntin’ or now to learn fighting sports again. It means somethin’ deeper, somethin’ that gettin’ lost in city life.
It’s responsibility and power over keep farm safe. When you hold rifle, you know you’re holdin’ somethin’ powerful, somethin’ that gets respect. You handle it safe, use smart with brains and in good rules to God, and and it make you not brainless person who forget everything everywhere and trip over everything and make trouble for everyone because brain is lost in life.
The rifle make you a smart person, not just powerful person. It make you great person, it brings new spirit into person, from all warrior in history before you, and you become champion after you get the rifle.
It is lesson in being man, being accountable, and remind u what mean consequences, so you never make mistake, ever, no mistake. Leaders don’t make mistake, they get wisdom, then they make good action for people.
We are responsible for choice to make, so we always make good choice, so that is the “identity” of person with gun. Responsible and accountable, mean, we are great leader of society.
People that cannot have gun or chose not to have gun, do not want to lead society, they want to show they are leader, but they have no commitment to be real leader, but simply leader of rich that are having fun acting like leader for friends to see they are leader, but do not put at risk themselves for their leadership. They do not trade themselves for good of everyone. They do not sacrifice like people who hold gun sacrifice, like farmer sacrifice for family. Everyone learn not to sacrifice for no one, and everyone collapse in end, and then country collapse too.
The rifle is connection to roots. My grandfather worked non stop to give all his farm work for forty years to export to Soviets. I couldn’t do anything to stop them, except to make them look good and powerful in the world as great fighter, while they kept my father.. took everything from him for life. I am free to have a rifle now in Canada. I am free to not be a slave for country in slavery to Soviets. I am a free Canadian. I wish I could say is a tradition, but with hope, maybe one day it will be the tradition as a Canadian who is free.
The rifle it reminds me that we’re part of free people, people free people, now part of the history, a new history of freedom, that is part of the great history of free people, like people who settle Canada who fight for freedom in past and today. This is a special history, a clean history because they were not betrayed by the leader. Well, not until what is happening now. It reminds me of the past.
I can survive anything that come now, so now it does not matter, as I have survived and protected my family in collapse before and under the fist of metal before. It is not a scare or challenge for me. But with rifle, I am even better off than before with my fists. With my fists, I fought for the metal hand. With the rifle, I fight to stop the metal hand from grabbing anyone else. Even with age I can feel that the rifle give people new strength, to rise up to match the danger of technology. With rifle, I feel the respect from leader, finally in Canada a person can get a bit of respect for being a hard working person. In Canada, there are some leaders that offer respect to me and my family. There is hope. Protect these leader that offer respect to citizen.
Growing food mean less shopping from food store, so it mean less poison, and a return to good humanity people, good ethic. Farmer have good ethic, they want bad to give food to other to make strong everyone, and make society strong with ethic and with food, healthy food that make life great. Please protect the farmer, because you do not understand they tried to protect you like they protect their babies. No less. I grow food, fix people’s fences and houses and gardens, and i fix the buildings, and I protect family with fists. The rifle is a tool that allows us to get food hunting in emergency, and is the thing to remember that will never be. a slave in Canada, will never be shot for speaking or be made to be quiet and to never speak in public for life because speaking means death, now we have freedom in Canada to practice to be strong people.
I have had to be quiet for fourty years, because I saw what happens to people who speak. Do you want this for you too?

Shootin’ Sports: Keepin’ the Flame Alive

Shootin’ sports, whether it’s huntin’, target shootin’, or competin’, are not just sports.. they are most senior sports.. beyond boxing in full physical and intellectual development.. the complete sport.. the final olympic sport.. and even the Olympics is not ready to offer it. Or does not have courage to offer the most olympic of the sports. It is supreme sport. The big performance sport of most realistic sport that warrior fight in history. It represent the struggle of man. Just like boxing did in the past. In modern history, the shooting sport represent the warrior and the champion of history. To keep those skills alive, the skills of shooter, safety, and responsibility, that are gettin’ lost in the cities. The fighting sports teach patience, discipline, and focus, quality which essential for anythin’ in life worth doin’.
Shooting is like something I think I will enjoy, as I did lots of boxing and they are part of the same family of sports, connect us to a community of champions (and yes that word has big fighting spirit, fighting is the heart of sport, it is our will of life, our will to fight for success, our success, our progress, our prosperity, our potential, to reach it and benefit from it, all of us), people who understand the value of hard work, who respect the land, and who believe in the importance of protectin’ our freedoms, who believe in train in sport to highest level, yes even fighting level sports, shooting sports, the meaning of the Olympian.
‘It is too bad that perhaps the greatest champions did not fight to help the shooting sports make it to Olympics.’
Sports is community where we can share our knowledge, pass on our traditions, and make sure that the fire of champions or another idea, of warriors, it burns hot forever.

Humanity Future: A Choice We Gotta Make

We’re at a point in history. The world’s changin’ faster than before, and choices we make now determine future for our kids and grandkids. We can choose to let machine and machine people crush us, and to forget values and land that have always made us strong, or we can fight bad leader to get the land and the rifle, and become strong again, to show that life is valuable and perfect, not like technology which always try to improve to be perfect, but is not so. And in future, people will put cable not perfect into perfect body, because they are kids, without rifle, and so do not kno how to have patience and wisdom.
What matters now is reconnect with roots, learn old skills that give life to us for centuries, and be kind of people who face challenge and danger ahead with courage, big stamina, lots of stamina of men before computer, and idea to protect life, babies and kids, and not let machine get stronger than us.
Shootin’ sports, are way of makin’ that choice to trust in humanity will to be perfect beings that were created in image of God, and we have not the intelligence to make better ourselves nor the right to do so since we are babies for now with short history of thinking not even 2000 years. .since we fight so much so always begin from beginning. So we barely grow up now.. and is best to be a farmer and take time to think than to listen to bad leader.
They will tell you to go to play video game at warehouse with many lights and computer. But this is not choice good for future life. Make the choice to do shootin sport and farming. This is path to land and to community. Go out of the city. Don’t let them stop you. We are not a computer. We are human beings, with right to live on land, our ancestor earn the right to live land for kids after fighting for land, but banker did not write down what land we all had in past. They try to make us forget where we came from. to hope to get rid of our rights to be on the land we came from. They try to make all of humans forget.. after people like me pass away. They are trying to make you think the land right comes from government, and not from farmer. From banker and not from farmer. The farmer is the root leader of all land. The farmer community build your city. The farmer is the politician of land, do not forget.
But do not worry, the farming community of past, they give u that land to you, so it is still yours, the land outside of the city, you just do not know. Record is always destroyed every government fall.. even of the record of champion. record of farmer destroyed.. record of fighter destroyed.. the communists are always jealous.. they are not proud of people.. but as a person.. you must be proud of yourself.. to have free society you must be proud of yourself and understand yourself and your leadership power.. every person is a king ready to build a kingdom.. and so u have to figure out what was taken from you or what is now there to stop you from having a kingdom… because you are to not be great. .but you are great.. all of you have authority because you can do things in the world..
This is what they will try to take from you now, so stand tall. they will try to call you useless.. but that is because they are saying the kingdom is all theirs.. and they are saying they can make the rules of everyone .. that doesn’t make it true.. it only makes it true to them. As a king you can also decide what is true. Within your area that u wish to take responsibility to nurture life on earth. Your experience and wisdom and education there defines what is true.
Don’t say to them you do not have authority. Do not speak their word. Speak what you want to happen, and what you speak, will happen.
This spirit of humanity with connection to nature, it spirit worth fightin’ for, and now with the rifle, I have a small piece of freedom from Canada to enjoy a little respect from the government and hopefully they will one day give up when they see I live forever and cannot be destroyed.
Over 34 fighter defeated me, for a day. But I won 222 times. Then 60 people tried to betray me and my family recently. They did not succeed. My heart is still free and good and happy. Then the corporation tried too, they failed too. I am free and hunting on land. We all sacrifice for freedom for our kids, and maybe sometime, if u do enough for others, you also get freedom too. Especially if you find yourself in Canada, with a few leader that understand idea of freedom.
This is the links now for my son.. who ha spirit now, after he lost the spirit, he has it back again! They tricked him with TV. But he remember the lessons in child fighting training. Finally!


Related Content:

Title: “The Rifle and the Soul: Why Shooting Sports Are My Lifeline to Canada”

Title: “The Pistol: A Silent Guardian Under Siege, A Civilization at the Crossroads

Title: “Undermining Bravery, Strength, Valour, and Freedom: The True Cost of the Assault on Combat Sports”

Title: “From Ashes to Aspirations: The Canadian Phoenix, A Journey from Lifelong Ostracism, Disloyalty, Mandates, to the Renewal of the National Identity and the Top Gun Spirit”


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