The Pistol: A Silent Guardian Under Siege, A Civilization at the Crossroads

The pistol. A seemingly simple tool, compact and unassuming, yet one imbued with profound symbolic meaning, a meaning that has been woven into the fabric of human history, culture, and the very concept of heroism itself.
In the hands of a protector, it represents courage, responsibility, and the willingness to stand against injustice. It is the iconic weapon of the private security, the sports shooting firearm instructor, the national and international sports shooting competitor International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC), the police officer, the correctional officer, the parks officer, the border security officer, the military police officer, the sheriff, the detective, thewhite collar criminal investigator, the intelligence agent, the counter terrorism agent, the soldier, see special forces soldier, the secret international spy agent, the air marshall and even the pilot – the silent guardian who stands between order and chaos, between the innocent and those who would seek to harm them.
But in an era where traditional values are under assault, where the lines between hero and villain blur, and where the individual’s right to self-defense is increasingly questioned, the pistol has become a target. Its meaning is being twisted, its significance diminished, and its presence in the hands of responsible citizens demonized. This is not merely a debate about firearms; it is a battle for the very soul of our society, a civilization teetering precariously at a crossroads.

The Unwritten Code of Guardianship: A Badge of Honour, a Silent Vow

For those who understandthe unwritten code of guardianship, the pistol is more than just a tool; it is a badge of honour, a symbol of responsibility, a silent vow to protect the innocent and uphold the values that have long defined the free world. It represents thewarrior ethos,” a spirit of courage, resilience, and self-reliance forged through generations of those who have stood on the front lines, defending their communities, their families, and their way of life. It is a legacy passed down from the cowboys who tamed the Wild West, the soldiers who fought for freedom, the police officers who patrol our streets, and the countless individuals who quietly carry the burden of protecting those around them.
This code, this ethos, is not something taught in textbooks or classrooms in Canada, and especially not by the government, media or the bankers; it is a deep-seated understanding, an instinctual response to the inherent dangers of the world. It is a recognition that evil exists, that threats are real, and that the responsibility to confront those threats ultimately falls upon those who are willing to stand up and act.

The Second Badge: A Symbol of Trust Bestowed by Society

The pistol, in the hands of a responsible firearms owners (RPALs)”, is a tangible representation of this code, a visible symbol of their commitment to guardianship. It is, in essence, a “second badge, an applied real world badge, and potentially a use of force badge in certain contexts” but no less significant or valuable than the first, a mark of trust bestowed by society upon those deemed worthy of bearing the responsibility of guardianship.
It signifies that the individual has undergone training, is undergoing applied training at a range, has demonstrated a commitment to safety and ethical conduct, has a good track record in society as a responsible citizen, understands the multiple components of the definition of the concept of responsible citizenship, and has earned the right to wield this powerful tool for the protection of themselves and others (earned this right from members of society and public safety leaders who are comfortable and have approved their possession of the pistol).
Unlike the “official administrative certified badge of a police officer, which is conferred by an institution legitimized through public voting, the “second applied use of force badge”typically the pistol also derives its authority from the public and the public’s chosen public safety leaders. Whether wielded by a police officer or a responsible citizen in the wake of a public safety system collapse, a pistol represents a more profound and foundational symbol. It embodies the social contract between individuals and the society they form, serving as a tool of authority and protection in critical, heroic emergencies.
It acknowledges that the responsibility for safety does not solely rest with the government or law enforcement; it is a shared burden, a collective effort in which responsible citizens play a vital emergency and special status role.

The Assault on the Symbol: Disarming the Guardians, Crushing the Spirit

Yet, this fundamental right, this symbol of individual empowerment and responsibility, is under attack. Those in power, driven by agendas that prioritize control over freedom, seek to disarm the very citizens they are meant to protect. They target the pistol, not because it is the most dangerous of all firearms (in fact it has far less energy than most firearms), or the most commonly used in crime, but precisely because it represents something they fear: the power of the individual to say “no” to tyranny, to stand up for what is right, even when it means challenging authority.
The assault on the pistol is a calculated attempt to erode an even erase the warrior ethos,” to break the spirit of self-reliance, autonomy, independence, personal agency, self-defence and to render citizens dependent on a system that may not always have their best interests at heart. It is part of a larger cultural shift, a movement away from traditional values of individual responsibility, resilience, emergency response, community defence and towards a more collectivist, centralized, surveilled, monitored and ultimately controlled society.

The Pistol’s Role Throughout History: A Constant in the Face of Chaos

Throughout history, the pistol has been an essential tool for those tasked with maintaining order, protecting the innocent, and upholding justice. From the American cowboys who tamed the Wild West to the brave law enforcement officers who patrol our streets today, the pistol has played a vital role in shaping our societies and ensuring the safety and well-being of our communities.
Law Enforcement: The pistol is the primary sidearm of police officers around the world, providing them with the means to defend themselves and others, to deter crime, and to apprehend those who break the law.
Military and National Security -vs.- Public Safety Symbol: While automatic rifles are the primary firearm in warfare, pistols hold the primary firearm designation in domestic security for citizens. The pistols are essential for close-quarters combat andpersonal protection in urban settings where civilians are likely to exist, with the pistol serving as the primary tool in the defence of citizens in urban settings. In military contexts, the pistol role issecondary firearm, for emergencies in case the primary firearm is no longer functional, and is therefore not centred around the idea of the pistol in terms of the symbol of soldier. Thus, the pistol embodies the concept and symbol of domestic defense of citizens in civilian contexts”, safeguarding citizens as a critical public safety technology and the critical and iconic public safety symbol and thus maintaining internal security and the law and order and integrity of modern societies.
Intelligence and Counterterrorism: Intelligence operatives and counterterrorism units often rely on pistols for their concealability, versatility, and effectiveness in close-quarters situations, where discretion and speed are paramount.
Personal Protection: For countless individuals throughout history, the pistol has been a means of self-defense, providing a last line of protection against criminals, attackers, and those who seek to do harm.
The pistol’s enduring presence in these diverse contexts highlights its versatility, effectiveness, and its unique symbolic power as a tool of both authority and individual agency, and the quintessential mark that a citizen has been granted extra authority and respect form the authorities.

The Unseen War: An Attack on Identity, A Subversion of Values

The current attack on the pistol is not just about firearms and it is not about crime; it is about something far more profound: an attack on the very identity of the citizen-protector. It is an attempt to erase the “second badge,” to de-legitimize the role of responsible gun ownership in society, and to paint a narrative where only the state has the right to wield force, leaving individuals at the mercy of systems that are increasingly centralized, bureaucratic, and prone to failure.
This attack is often subtle, disguised as concern for public safety or a desire to reduce crime. But those who understand the unwritten code see through the façade. They recognize the underlying agenda: to create a society where individuals are stripped of their agency, rendered dependent and compliant, and ultimately powerless to resist the encroaching control of a powerful elite, and unable to resist the control of the corporation and the multinational elite over their own property or bodies and/or to stand up for human rights in totality should those be breached again, which they inevitably will be.

The International Practical Shooting Confederation: A Testament to Mastery and Responsibility

The International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC), with its focus on safe and skillful handgun use, stands as a powerful counterpoint to the negative narratives surrounding pistols. IPSC competitors are not gun-toting cowboys or reckless vigilantes; they are disciplined athletes, dedicated to honing their skills, promoting safety, and upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct.
They understand that true mastery of a firearm requires more than just technical proficiency; it demands mental focus, emotional control, and a deep respect for the inherent power of the tool.
IPSC competitions are not about glorifying violence; they are about celebrating skill, precision, and the pursuit of excellence in a challenging and demanding discipline.
The choice of the pistol as the primary firearm in IPSC is not accidental. It reflects the pistol’s unique role as a personal tool, an extension of the individual’s will and ability to act. It is the firearm that is always there, always ready, a constant companion and a symbol of the individual’s commitment to self-reliance and preparedness.

The Crossroads: A Choice Between Freedom and Control

We stand at a crossroads in our civilization, a point where the very definition of freedom and individual agency is being challenged. The attack on the pistol is a symptom of this larger struggle, a microcosm of the forces that seek to reshape our world in their own image.
The choice before us is clear: Will we surrender our right to self-defense, allowing ourselves to be disarmed and rendered dependent on a system that may not always have our best interests at heart? Or will we stand firm, embracing the legacy of the warrior, the code of the guardian, and the enduring spirit of Prometheus, refusing to relinquish the tools and the values that have long protected our freedoms and defined our societies?
The pistol, this silent guardian under siege, is more than just a firearm; it is a symbol of our choice, a line in the sand that we must draw if we are to preserve the flame of liberty and ensure that the future of our civilization is one where individual agency, responsibility, and the right to self-defense remain paramount.
Sovereign Guardians of Tranquility (SGT)


@RachunZero It has one purpose: to kill other humans. If you’ve ever wandered a mall in Texas and seen an open carry, you realize how creepy the idea is. One guy in the lineup for fast food can kill the others ON A WHIM. I don’t want that in my community.

@SkillsGapTrain That is a very understandable and logical comment.

Concealed Carry Indeed, it would be beneficial to revise transport laws concerning firearms (in USA), particularly regarding concealed carry in public. Carrying a pistol as part of daily life introduces significant risks and is neither safe nor advisable. The potential for accidents, misuse, and escalation of minor conflicts into deadly encounters increases dramatically when firearms are carried in everyday settings. Firearms should be securely locked in a vault (not even a gun cabinet, which has thin steel and a weak lock and is easy to move), and only accessed on specific, planned occasions (where attention level is high, everyone is ready and alert, and everyone is prepared and fully planned events, ready to deal with contingencies or prepared to tackle any unexpected issues).

Allowing individuals to carry concealed weapons in public places can create an atmosphere of fear and unease, as the presence of hidden firearms can lead to heightened tensions and a lack of trust within the community. Moreover, even well-intention-ed, law-abiding citizens, some of them, may not have the necessary training, experience or judgment to effectively handle high-stress situations involving firearms. This lack of expertise could theoretically result in unintended harm to themselves or others.

It is important to note that effectively eliminating concealed carry in the United States will only be feasible and safe once it is possible to use artificial intelligence to locate all illegal guns.

By identifying and removing illegal firearms, AI technology can reduce the need for individuals to carry firearms for self-defense, ultimately allowing for the abolition of concealed carry laws without compromising personal safety. This approach would not compromise public safety, as it would maintain the citizens’ ability to own firearms. This ownership is essential for retaining their citizen authority and earning respect from the government’ as empowered citizens with the right to occupy an area in their country, the right to defend themselves and their families, and the right and capability to defend society should extreme situations arise.

‘These are non negotiable rights. Rights do not just come from government, they also come from the living beings who give the rights ‘distribution and management authorities’ to the government in the first place (from living beings).’

Citizens would still have the right to possess firearms for self-defense and for the potential defense of society in extreme situations. These situations might include the rise of an authoritarian government, the outbreak of civil war, or an invasion that overwhelms the national army.

In this way, AI technology could ensure a safer public environment while preserving the fundamental rights and responsibilities of citizens, thus maintaining their respect and authority within the societal framework.


Firearms should be securely locked in a vault and only accessed on specific, planned occasions. Such occasions should involve meticulous preparation and coordination with like-minded, responsible professionals, whether for a trip to a shooting range or an organized expedition.

It is unfortunate that the United States did not implement a careful and meticulous approach in distributing firearms. Ideally, firearms should be allocated to knowledgeable, intelligent, moral, civil and “responsible” users — individuals who have been thoroughly vetted and possess both a fantastic professional history and a good economic status, as well.

The idea of “responsible” can be broken down into sub-components by AI, as relating to firearms, and you can do more research there.

Instead, the U.S. distributed approximately 360 million firearms without stringent checks, allowing anyone, regardless of their background or circumstances or economic status or professional level, to obtain and carry them openly in public.

‘This does not protect the public against owners which are “immoral”, “uncivilized”, “unprofessional”, “irresponsible in nature”, “desperate for money”, or “chaos seeking” from gaining access to firearms.’

This has led to a pervasive and potentially hazardous situation, reflecting a lack of responsible leadership in managing the firearms ecosystem.

By contrast, a more controlled and deliberate distribution system would ensure that only qualified individuals with proven track records of responsibility and professionalism have access to firearms. This approach would enhance public safety and foster a more secure environment for all citizens.


“Canada has a superior system to the United States.”

Carry Laws According to data from the RCMP and other sources, the total number of active ATC (Authoritization to Carry) permits in Canada is extremely low. For example, in 2018, it was reported that fewer than 10 ATC permits were issued nationwide, and the number has remained similarly low in subsequent years.


The distribution system in Canada is likely superior because we do not experience the same level of firearm saturation seen in other countries. Instead of implementing a blanket ban on handguns, the government should focus on enhancing the quality of the distribution system. This system should not rely solely on reference checks and background checks but also consider additional factors such as professional standing” and economic stability. These criteria are likely to correlate better with notions of civil function and responsible behaviour in society.

By refining the distribution process to include these additional factors, we can ensure that firearms are allocated to individuals who are more likely to handle them responsibly. Unfortunately, the Liberal Party appears to disregard the possibility of an ‘intelligent factors correlation analysis andnuanced approach to firearm distribution, opting instead for outright bans. This approach ignores the potential for a well-regulated system that prioritizes responsible ownership and public safety.

As a result, the Liberal Party seems to pretend there is no known method for intelligently distributing firearms, choosing bans over more sophisticated solutions.

Enhancing the distribution system in this way would promote a more secure environment without resorting to broad prohibitions, addressing both safety concerns and the rights of responsible firearm owners.

‘It is great to not want pistol carry in your community, in order to seek safety. But danger, is not simply from the person with the handgun who walks in the community, danger is everywhere. Seeking total and complete public safety, is the best goal we should aim for.’

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