The Long Journey Home: The Reunification of Moldova and Romania

In the rich universe of Eastern European history, few threads are as interwoven with emotion, resilience, and a yearning for unity as the story of Moldova and Romania. The bond between these two regions is not just one of shared language and culture; it is a connection forged through centuries of common struggle, survival, and a shared dream of a Greater Romania. Today, as Moldova stands on the cusp of a potential reunification with Romania, the hearts of many Romanians and Moldovans beat as one, filled with the hope and pain of a long-awaited homecoming.

The Historical Ties: A Shared Heritage

Before 1918, the region now known as Moldova, specifically Bessarabia, was part of the Principality of Moldavia, a medieval state that existed from the 14th century. Moldavia, alongside Wallachia and Transylvania, was one of the foundational regions that eventually united to form modern Romania. This shared heritage is deeply rooted in the Romanian consciousness, where the people of Moldova are seen as brothers and sisters, separated not by choice but by the harsh realities of geopolitics.
Romania’s historical narrative is also one of persistent resistance against the Ottoman Empire, which dominated much of Southeastern Europe for centuries. The Ottoman Empire imposed its suzerainty over the Romanian principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia, requiring them to pay tribute and often interfering in their internal affairs. The Romanian lands were a battleground where the fight for independence was a constant struggle.
During the Russo-Turkish wars of the 18th and early 19th centuries, Romania found itself in a precarious position. The Treaty of Bucharest in 1812, which ceded Bessarabia to the Russian Empire, was the result of a conflict between two great powersthe declining Ottoman Empire and the expanding Russian Empire. But for Romania, this treaty represented yet another moment where its lands were bartered between empires, with little regard for the will of its people.

The Ottoman Struggle: Romania’s Fight for Survival

Romania’s history with the Ottoman Empire is one of endurance and resistance. From the 15th century onwards, Romanian rulers like Vlad the Impaler and Stephen the Great waged wars to protect their lands from Ottoman conquest. The Romanian principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia, while paying tribute to the Ottomans, retained a degree of autonomy, but this came at a high cost. The Ottomans exerted significant pressure on the region, leading to economic exploitation and social unrest.
Throughout this period, Romania was not just a pawn but an active participant in its own defense. The principalities engaged in numerous battles against Ottoman forces, striving to maintain their autonomy and protect their people. These struggles are integral to understanding the Romanian psyche and the deep scars left by centuries of Ottoman domination.

The 20th Century: A Fragmented Homeland

The first half of the 20th century saw Bessarabia reunited with Romania in 1918, only to be torn away again during World War II. After the chaos of World War I and the collapse of the Russian Empire, Bessarabia took the opportunity to break free and unite with Romania, fulfilling the long-held dream of a Greater Romania. However, this reunion was short-lived. The Soviet Union, leveraging its military might during World War II, annexed Bessarabia in 1940, incorporating it into the Soviet Union as the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic. (Following the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, the Soviet Union issued an ultimatum to Romania, leading to the annexation of Bessarabia and its incorporation into the Soviet Union as the Moldavian SSR.)
The years that followed were marked by a systematic attempt to forge a distinct Moldovan identity, separate from Romanian roots, as the Soviet regime sought to solidify its control. (The Soviet Union implemented policies aimed at creating a Moldovan identity distinct from Romanian identity, including the promotion of the Moldovan language (written in Cyrillic script) and the suppression of Romanian cultural symbols.) Yet, beneath the surface, the shared heritage endured. The Romanian language, traditions, and sense of belonging could not be fully extinguished. For many Moldovans, the idea of Romania remained not just a memory but a future to be reclaimed a home they were destined to return to.

1991 and Beyond: A New Dawn

The fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 brought with it a new era of possibilities. Moldova declared its independence, and with it came the chance to redefine its identity. While Moldova became an independent nation with its own government, the cultural and linguistic ties with Romania remained strong, with many Moldovans identifying as ethnically Romanian. The question of whether Moldovans are Romanians is one that has persisted, both historically and culturally. For many, the answer has always been clear: Moldovans are indeed Romanians, and their future lies with their brothers across the Prut River.

The Emotional Journey: The Pain of Separation and the Joy of Reunion

For those who have always seen Moldova as an integral part of Romania, the decades of separation have been a source of deep pain. The idea that Moldova was forcibly torn away from its Romanian homeland is a wound that has never fully healed. But now, as the possibility of reunification grows stronger, there is a palpable sense of hopea feeling that the people of Moldova are finally coming home.
This is not just a political or geographical matter; it is a profoundly emotional moment for millions of Romanians and Moldovans. The prospect of Greater Romania, united once more, is the fulfillment of a dream that has endured through wars, occupations, and the trials of history. It is the return of a family member, long lost but never forgotten, to the embrace of a loving home.

Conclusion: A Future of Unity and Strength

As Moldova and Romania stand on the brink of a potential reunification, the significance of this moment cannot be overstated. It is a time of reflection on the shared history, the resilience of a people who have never lost sight of their connection, and the enduring hope for a future together.
The reunification of Moldova with Romania would not only be a victory for historical justice but also a powerful symbol of unity and strength in a world often divided by borders and politics. It would be the culmination of a journey that began many many centuries ago, a journey filled with trials and tribulations, but always guided by the belief that one day, Moldova would return to where it belongshome.
For those who have long dreamed of a Greater Romania, this moment is more than just a political reality; it is a homecoming that fills the heart with joy, pride, and a sense of fulfillment. The people of Moldova are finally coming home, and Romania is ready to welcome them with open arms, completing the circle of history and forging a united future.

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@sandumaiamd “Maia Sandu has officially submitted her candidacy for a new term as President of the Republic of Moldova under the slogan For Moldova.

“She emphasized that the support of the people has allowed her to make Moldova a better home, recognized globally, and protected from dangers.”

“She called on those who believe in this path to continue striving for Moldova’s progress, aiming to make the country part of the European Union, where peace is guaranteed and every person counts.

“Sandu also outlined her goals for Moldova: care for the people, better living conditions, peace, and harmony.

“She reiterated her commitment to Moldova’s prosperity and her determination to continue working towards a bright future for the country.”

Title: “Maia Sandu si a Depus Candidatura Pentru un nou-Mandat de Presedinte al Republicii Moldova”

@SkillsGapTrain @sandumaiamd Maia. EU needs your help. They aren’t very smart. Especially like in France, Germany and UK (sort of EU.. more on the globalist side). Don’t worry about Russia. Vlad is back in 21st century. And he’s not that nice this time around. They say to not say bad thing on the internet to not promote bad activity. We have to make an exception here. We’ll break their best soldiers like their bad kitchen cabinets if they try brainwashing us and ruling over us again. It’s time for Romania and Moldova to not be hurt anymore and traumatized by the great power, century after century. It must stop. You must make them stop. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. And this time, they must fall forever. This is a directive.

@sandumaiamd Honoured and grateful to be nominated today as a Presidential candidate for a second term.

Together, we’ll keep working for a better future – improving lives, ensuring peace, and leading Moldova into the European family. Let’s continue this journey, united and strong!’

@SkillsGapTrain @sandumaiamdCongratulations on your candidacy, President Sandu.
Your dedication to Moldova’s future is truly inspiring, and your vision for peace and unity deeply resonates with all who cherish our shared heritage.
As you seek a second term, we stand with you in the pursuit of a Moldova that not only thrives within the European family but also honours our enduring ties with Romania. Together, we can ensure that Moldova and Romania, united in spirit, move forward stronger than ever. The journey home has been long, but the destination is now within sight.
Across the world, Romanian guardians watch with hope and anticipation for Moldova’s bright future. Let us continue this path with respect, resilience, and a shared commitment to a brighter future for all. Title: “The Long Journey Home: The Reunification of Moldova and Romania”
@asalexstoianWhy REUNiFICATiON? Why NOT Joynification? IF RP. MOLDOVA join U.E. ROMANIA is on U.E. So… Everybody is HAPPY!!! RIGHT?’
@SkillsGapTrain @asalexstoian ‘Absolutely. If Moldova joins the EU, it will be a moment of profound fulfillment, not just for Moldovans but for all who value true cultural heritage. This would serve as a testament to the strength and vitality of the European Union’s cultural identity, which remains deeply rooted in its authentic traditions.
It’s the origin culture for the best ideas that we adopt in our future as well.
It also speaks volumes about the enduring appeal of American culture so influential that even Russia, despite its antagonism, seeks to and actively the influencers and business people try to emulate its vibrancy and innovation.
We can see this in the way Russia has subtly integrated Western technologies, ideas, and even artistic expressions into its own cultural fabric. From their new vibrant colours of their streets, to their music videos to the adoption of more capitalist and media-centric practices, these are clear signs of a culture that is, in many ways, trying to borrow the warmth and dynamism of the West.
Historically, Russian culture was more austere, more insulated from the exuberance of Western capitalism, more traditional, without the Latin flair and the disco fever, and European sophistication. Now, they seek to infuse western elements into their own society, even while pushing the darker aspects of their pastthe communism, the socialism, the control, the repression, and the revisionismonto the very nations they mimic, all while working with partners to promote collectivist revolutionary ideas so as to split Americans into factions, like Shia is to Sunni, the Woke to the Americans.
So, when Moldova chooses to align itself with the EU, it’s not just choosing prosperity; it’s choosing cultural authenticity. It’s opting to embrace the true essence of a culture that celebrates freedom, creativity, and genuine progress. Not a culture that tries to Russify others because they have a nice war machine, when pitted against tiny adversaries.
When Russians attack, they never leave. But in the EU, it was the people that voted to go to them.
What is a great future? The one where a population joins an alliance? Or when a bad alliance offers you an ultimatum and wipes out your memories and makes you work forever and takes everything you have? What is the spirit of Moldova.. a good spirit.. where does a good spirit come from in these regions. It’s from Romania.
Moldova isn’t just imitating; it’s rejoining the cultural current that has always flowed through its veins. This is where the real heritage lies, untainted by the distortions of those who would rather copy and corrupt than create and celebrate, from those that would Russify and take the labour of the farmers.
When Russia took the labour of all the farmer grandfathers that 20 countries have in the Cold War, did they pay it back? Why would Moldova ever want to be part of a country that takes half of the planets land, but has only 143 million people, and builds only nukes. Is this the spirit of Moldova? It’s not. This is the antithesis of Moldova.
Life is the Spirit of Moldova. Death is not the Spirit of Moldova. But it is always dying. So perhaps unless the life spirits join or are together again, they will always be at risk of one more death.

@sandumaiamd On Ukraine’s Independence Day, we celebrate the courage and resilience of the Ukrainian people. Your fight for freedom is a beacon of hope for all who cherish democracy. Moldova stands with you, today and always. З Днем Незалежності, Україно!”

@SkillsGapTrain @sandumaiamd “Brilliant speech, President Sandu!  Your dedication to peace, democracy, and European values not only inspires but resonates deeply with what everyone seeks VERY MUCH nowadays in the Western world, especially UK & Canada.

Continue to lead with your remarkable vision and remarkable hard work under difficult circumstances — Europe could surely flourish under your guidance, perhaps one day even with you as the President of the European Commission, instead of Ursula von der Leyen. This would surely bring the peace, democracy, and European values restoration.”

@sandumaiamd On this Independence Day, we welcome” @GitanasNauseda, @edgarsrinkevics and @AlarKaris. Your presence touches our hearts, reminding us of our shared struggles and dreams. As the Baltics celebrate 20 years of EU, Moldova is inspired to follow suit.  Thank you for standing with us.

@SkillsGapTrain “At first there are 3 friends that come to visit, their presence outshines a hundred who are not friends. Then 300 come.  Then many more!

As our circle widens, we discover a rejuvenated spirit and a new lease on life not just in the familiar fields of agriculture but through embracing the lessons of history and the ideas development from conflicts of history in governance. We direct our energy towards sports shooting, forging a resilience to withstand all challenges. This shift from the traditional Eastern bloc sports like weightlifting, boxing, and wrestling.. is hard to athletes who fight in friendly way or farm for spirit of life.. we understand life spirit cherished in both Romanian and Moldovan culturesbut Lucas Botkin at T-Rex arms proves that the evolution towards ‘technology sports’ can be a positive spiritual direction for Eastern Europe. These modern disciplines prepare us for any challenge, drawing on the ethos of American freedom.

Together, we harness technology not just to till our soil but to foster new strengths and new spirit of freedom. This new spirit, though tinged with the realities of defence and that work has always created deep irremovable pain, it no longer intimidates us in 21st century (the pain has been had and it has been experienced). Instead, we learn from figures like Lucas Botkin at T-Rex Arms that this spirit can be one of proactive strength and readiness and growth and skill development a positive force, fuelled by skill and strategy rather than conflict that emerges when we are not ready, and yields only catastrophe given that we were not proactive with our spirit and love for spirit of freedom.

Training daily like Lucas may be aspirational due to the cost of ammunition (but one can train with .22 ammo that is up to 90% more affordable than other ammo types like 9mm and 5.56). In this training on T-Rex YouTube show and “Tactical Hyve” YouTube Show..

…it embodies a dream where all citizens can prepare for a life of being proactive against dangers in the world and ready at any instant to deal whatever challenge emerges.

Let’s envision a future where every individual has the opportunity to engage in sports shooting, enriching their lives through discipline and precision, and increasing their health with daily technology exercise. It’s simply a modern form of martial arts. just like wrestling or boxing.”

Title: “Shooting On The Move With SCAR 16 And Suppressed MCX”


Ambassador Kathleen Kavalec

@USAmbRO Bună ziua #Oradea! Bine te-am regăsit! #RomaniaFrumoasa
@SkillsGapTrain @USAmbRO ‘România are cu adevărat o frumusețe unică, iar evoluția ei spre o putere industrială și tehnologică poate aduce multe beneficii. Este important să găsească un echilibru între păstrarea tradițiilor și dezvoltarea modernă, inclusiv în domenii precum exportul industrial, exportul tehnologic și exportul de armamente. Aceasta poate contribui la protejarea și promovarea valorilor și frumuseților românești, nu doar pentru apărarea împotriva amenințărilor externe, ci și pentru a inspira și susține un spirit de mândrie și unitate națională.
Dezvoltarea modernă nu ar trebui să adopte doar modelul occidental de concentrare pe dezvoltarea tehnologică în orașele mari, uitând importanța vieții naturale și dezvoltării în mediul rural, care reprezintă o parte semnificativă a societății. Sustenabilitatea vieții pe pământ, reziliența vieții pe pământ și nașterea de familii și oameni puternici în mediul rural sunt esențiale. Eforturile de a îmbina tradițiile cu inovația pot ajuta România să prospere într-un mod sustenabil și echitabil, păstrând în același timp ceea ce este special și autentic în cultura românească. Astfel, țara poate deveni un model de succes, atât pentru cetățenii săi, cât și pentru comunitatea internațională.
Întărirea orașelor prin îmbunătățirea dezvoltării rurale a fermelor și serelor poate contribui la prevenirea colapsului unei societăți complexe. Aceste măsuri sunt esențiale pentru a asigura stabilitatea și prosperitatea pe termen lung, în special în epoca tehnologiei și în fața conceptului de “Marele Filtru”. Păstrarea unui echilibru între urban și rural, și între dezvoltarea tehnologică și sustenabilitate, este crucială pentru a depăși provocările viitorului.
Membrii echipei noastre adoră să treacă pe lângă acea clădire și să aprecieze România când o văd. Ne place în mod deosebit pictura galbenă, care aduce o căldură deosebită clădirii, o culoare pe care nu o folosesc des în Vest, deoarece nu au aceeași căldură. Este important să ne amintim cât de calde sunt cu adevărat clădirile pentru lumea latină și să nu uităm niciodată să păstrăm jumătate din oameni în ferme frumoase.’ #RomaniaFrumoasa  #NuAiFostNiciodatăPierdut #AiGrijaDeRomania

@KlausIohannis At the meeting of the European Political Community, at Blenheim Palace, along with the other leaders, we will discuss current topics of common interest – our support for Ukraine, as well as shared challenges such as security & democracy, energy & connectivity, and migration.

@SkillsGapTrain @KlausIohannis, as we discuss the future at the European Political Community, including that of Eastern Europe, let’s ensure our national agricultural development plans fortify Romania’s unique beauty, unique cities, and explore the potential of latin countries cultural foundations applicability towards improving AI Safety of nations worldwide. Hopefully some insights will be useful to you. Title: “România are cu adevărat o frumusețe unică, iar evoluția ei spre o putere industrială și tehnologică poate aduce multe beneficii.” #RomaniaFrumoasa #NuAiFostNiciodatăPierdut #AiGrijaDeRomania #SustainableDevelopment AND #ResilientDevelopment #DecentralizedGreenhouses

@KlausIohannis On behalf of Romania, I am sending our best thoughts for the #IndependenceDay of Ukraine, together with wishes of peace&prosperity to @ZelenskyyUa and all the brave people of will continue to be by your side, as Ukraine fights for democracy & our joint values and security.”

@SkillsGapTrain @KlausIohannisThank you, President Klaus Iohannis @KlausIohannis, for your strong support for the sovereignty and self-determination of Ukraine. It’s inspiring to see Romania thinking about “strength,” much like Poland, which has risen to meet the challenges of history and stands as a strong force and rapidly rising historic force in Eastern Europe today.

‘We eagerly anticipate Romania’s journey to similar heights, where the two life giving and life protecting nations finally reach their full potential after a millenia of suffering in the shadows of great empires and their aspirations, now these humble yet resilient nations, rise at the most important time in history.. the age of Artificial Intelligence...’

…to provide the vaues the world needs and economic strength the world needs.. to uplif and fortify Eastern Europe for a grand unity that has been lost for many centuries.. and a huge prominence and significance on the world stage, morseo than Europe has ever achieved in world history.

‘Romania’s own history of struggle for these very principles resonates deeply with Ukraine’s current fight.’

Your commitment to democracy, shared values, and security serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of standing together in the face of adversity.

In recognition of your leadership and Romania’s impressive track record of sustained economic growth well above the European Union average, we’ve nominated you as the Commerce Leader for Europe.

‘Romania’s consistent economic growth under your leadership, with rates of 4.8% in 2022 and 5.8% in 2021, is a testament to the country’s resilience and entrepreneurial spirit. Your vision and commitment to economic resilience and collaboration are crucial for building a prosperous future for our continent.’

Let’s continue to champion these shared principles, ensuring that both our nations, Canada, Romania, all of Eastern Europe (and thus all of Europe), and our allies thrive in the 21st century. America needs your help also to be strong, because a team united, is only as strong as the weakest link. Be the strongest link! Look at Romanian Olympic Team Photo for Inspiration of Strength.. Bicep, Finger, Fist!!! Romanian Way!

@DD_Geopolitics Viktor Orbán Calls Out Poland’s Hypocrisy

The President of Hungary criticized Poland for its subservient relationship with the U.S. He pointed out that Warsaw has chosen not to join the Visegrad Group, a coalition of four Central European countries, including Slovakia and Czechia, in favor of a new political alliance with a more aggressive stance towards Russia.

He stated, “The new center of power and axis now looks like London, Warsaw, Kiev, as well as the Baltic and Scandinavian countries.”

He further added, “(The Poles) read morals to us, criticize us for our economic relations with the Russians, and they themselves shamelessly conduct business with them and buy oil through intermediaries, refueling the Polish economy.”

@SkillsGapTrain @DD_Geopolitics Oh, disunity rather than expansion of Visegrad Group sounds like a mistake at this point in time. If the group brings stability and prosperity to Central European countries, does this not make them much more formidable NATO members?
Eastern Europe has been subjugated many times by more powerful adversaries and empires.
Wasn’t it expected in the hearts of Eastern Europeans that one day, they would be collectively strong enough to rely on each other, so no one can ever cross over Eastern and Central Europe ever again?
Why would Warsaw not align with Eastern and Central Europe, given so much progress and so many good decisions, relatively speaking to the Western nations (Ex: Western Europe, America and Canada), in the last 30 years?
Didn’t the Visegrad Group defend the prosperity of Central Europe all this time and successfully? Compared to so many failures around the world?
It’s time to make Central Europe and Eastern Europe to rise together at a faster rate than Russia. It’s a race.
Poland might be having a “special moment of leadership” instead of “intelligent regional cooperation moment of long term wisdom”.


Prime Minister @PM_ViktorOrban, ‘congratulations on your professional upward mobility and associated work performance! As you champion peace and a strong Hungary (and a strong Romania that is well defended), consider how citizen empowerment, responsible tech, and robust nation-states can shape a brighter future for Europe!!!’ 

@SkillsGapTrain @PM_ViktorOrban ‘We have have developed a vision along these lines, with insights relevant to your leadership. Hopefully the SGT platform can help you to bring common sense, logic, science, technology, engineering, mathematics, positive tech vision, and intelligent guardianship to European, specifically to Western European nations that are still playing games and fooling around since 1990! We shared a sample of our data repository & would be honoured anytime we see European leaders, or simply Hungarian leaders or friends of Hungary (perhaps President Klaus Iohannis from Romania) to read an article or two or several or ALL from our site or from our X channel!’ #peacemission #21stCenturyApproach #PositiveTechVision #TNGforEurope

@PM_ViktorOrban Today I visited #Bucharest for a meeting with Prime Minister @CiolacuMarcel. I promised that the Hungarian EU Presidency will put Romania’s accession to the #Schengen Area on the Council’s agenda this Autumn.

@SkillsGapTrain @PM_ViktorOrban, your visit to Romania underscores an essential truth: in our era, it is not the size of a nation that defines its strength, but the caliber of its leadership. As seen in Hungary under your leadership, smaller nations can indeed showcase a robust and influential presence on the world stage. This inspires hope that similar fortitude can be nurtured within Romania and across Eastern Europe.

‘Perhaps Romania will be inspired by your leadership example to learn how to be a strong nation.’

For further insights and next generation civilization concepts and possibilities of a great tech future for all nations, one that defends citizens and nations in a fragile, complex and dangerous world; we invite you to explore the Skills Gap Trainer platform on X:

The contrast between the great nations with weaker leaders (with the greatest nation with the weakest leader as we all saw), and smaller nations with stronger leaders not only invites reflection but also a call to action. It reminds us that strength does not come from size alone but from the resilience, positive vision, and courage of those at the helm to stand alone if they are right about the analysis, despite danger, despair and pain. Let’s continue to champion traditional lessons and qualities, to ensure our nations are not only participants but leaders in crafting a secure and thriving future (for citizens and nations).

‘SGT was built as a present to strong leaders, to gain free and greater understanding. Leaders like you. Built for you.’

Congratulations on defending your people. But remember, this is not even the preliminary warm up (2020 to 2050).

@SkillsGapTrain @PM_ViktorOrban Glad to see you are enjoying nature and also doing a bit of work looking for intelligent ideas that are useful for Hungary, Europe and for the world! Those books are old @PM_ViktorOrban You already know everything in those books!!!
It’s time to read “expert online articles and reports” from “sci-fi positive tech vision next generation minded STEM professionals, who can see the path or steps to take” from the next generation Millenial and Gen Z, about building the next generation world!
‘Also, we nominated you to a few world leaders to be Immigration Policy Leader for Europe!!! Because you stand u for people when they want to design their communities or to guard the continuity of their community…
…which is important to have identity in this world.. and very valuable in 21st century age of Artificial Intelligence! That’s why the corporation always steal data.. to have a digital copy of the valuable identity and personality!  It’s called Digital Twin. It’s the most valuable asset in 21st century! Good Job on understanding future PM Viktor Orban!”

@RMXnewsHungary threatens to send illegal migrants to Brussels if the European Commission attempts to force Budapest into accepting its open-borders agenda. The EU has vowed to fine Hungary should it refuse to receive EU-imposed migrant quotas. The threat to bus migrants to Brussels is the latest escalation in an increasingly fractured relationship.’

@SkillsGapTrain @RMXnews You guys were strong in the past. You were bullied quite a lot at least since WW2. We understand. Good for you for standing up for yourself. Europe needs strong leaders like you.’

@SkillsGapTrain @RMXnews ‘Europe won’t survive if the problems of Western Europe are imposed on Eastern Europe. Europe is already struggling to maintain its cohesion, and weakening Eastern Europe’s resilience would put the entire continent at riskmilitarily, culturally, economically, ethnically, and socially. The strength, resilience, and historical memory of hardship that you and your people hold are crucial for pulling Europe through the tough times ahead, from 2020 to 2050 (The Great Filter and the The Fourth Turning). Stand firm against those who seek to erode that strength. Europe needs your courage and leadership now more than ever! And many countries around the world, like India, also need a strong Hungary! And a strong Romania!’

@GiorgiaMeloni ‘A chi crede nel valore della libertà, dell’unità nazionale e dell’identità di popolo. Con orgoglio celebriamo oggi i 78 anni della nascita della Repubblica italiana e ne onoriamo storia e tradizioni. Grazie a chi, anche sacrificando la propria vita, ha reso l’Italia la Nazione che è, e a chi ogni giorno, con onore e coraggio, contribuisce a renderla forte, unica e rispettata nel mondo. Buon #2giugno a tutti! ‘ #FestadellaRepubblica

‘To those who believe in the value of freedom, national unity and the identity of the people. Today we proudly celebrate the 78th anniversary of the birth of the Italian Republic and we honour its history and traditions. Thanks to those who, even sacrificing their lives, have made Italy the Nation it is, and to those who every day, with honour and courage, contribute to making it strong, unique and respected in the world. Happy #2giugno everyone!’ #FestadellaRepubblica

@SkillsGapTrain @GiorgiaMeloni To Giorgia Meloni and all who celebrate the spirit of Italy. The three greatest republics in the history of humanityItaly, the United States, and Franceshare a profound commitment to freedom and Western philosophy.

Italy stands as the greatest republic, from the ancient world to the modern era, especially in light of the recent decline of the United States. Italy’s history, from the valour of ancient gladiators and the fertile soil of its farmers, to the farmer’s nourishment of those in need, to the resilience and outspoken virtues, intellectual fire, and strength of its modern and courageous citizens, has taught the world the value of being warriors for freedom, spirit, love, humanity, and human significance amidst the grand chaos of the automated and AI-driven world. These lessons are increasingly important in the cold harshness of the 21st century. Italy’s legacy has not only shaped the Italian Republic but has also guided, developed, and inspired the entire Western world and beyond. As we honour the 78th anniversary of the Italian Republic, we recognize the enduring impact of Italy’s rich history and the bravery of those who have sacrificed to make Western nations strong, unique, enlightened, developed, and respected.

Should the Western world ever fall into ashes, we have no doubt that these three great republics Italy, the United States, and Francewould lead the charge in rebuilding and restoring the principles of freedom, and the true values of Italy, France, and the United States.

This would herald the birth of new, classical, timeless, and everlasting republics across the Western world. We stand united, celebrating the spirit of freedom and the gladiator’s resolve within each of us to build the future once again. It starts with Italy’s will to recognize it’s greatness. It starts with you.

@GiorgiaMeloni In occasione del 78° Giorno dell’Indipendenza, desidero esprimere i miei più sinceri auguri al popolo indiano, e in particolare ai molti indiani che seguono questa pagina. Italia e India condividono un legame sempre più forte, e sono certa che insieme raggiungeremo grandi risultati. La nostra collaborazione strategica è un pilastro importante per il futuro.’ @narendramodi
‘On the occasion of the 78th Independence Day, I would like to express my heartfelt wishes to the people of India, and especially to the many Indians who follow this page. Italy and India share an ever-stronger bond, and I am confident that together we will achieve great things. Our strategic partnership is an important pillar for the future.’ @narendramodi

@SkillsGapTrain @GiorgiaMeloni “We’re extremely happy to see this image capturing the peaceful spirituality between nations known for their responsibility, gladiatorial and warrior histories, deep inner   strength, and long-standing wisdom.

Thank you, Giorgia Meloni, for your warm Independence Day wishes. The bond between Italy and India is rooted in ancient wisdom and powered soon by modern Indian academic innovation and positive media spirituality and upcoming professional world class media and culture.

This connection, combining India’s spiritual depth, cultural sophistication, and its rapidly evolving technical and academic energy and professional STEM work focus, offers a guiding light for Europe.

Together, we can inspire a renewed European spirit, unlocking the full potential of the Latin World and Eastern European regions for a final rise to strength after a millennia of working in the shadows and without sufficient strength.

Let’s harness this powerful synergy to set humanity on a path toward freedom and a future of positive peaceful co-existence and global democratic alliance transformation. Here’s how we can start:

Title: “Take it easy, President Zelensky and President Vladimir Putin. As experts in martial arts, boxing, and enthusiasts in sports shooting at Team SGT”

Title: “The Path to Peaceful Coexistence: Charting a Course for Global Democracy and Enhanced Cooperation”

Donald Tusk

@donaldtuskEPP ‘Do not be afraid. The future belongs to the brave. Good luck dear friends!’

@SkillsGapTrain @donaldtuskEPP ‘And you sir, seem like a brave man, just like Poland; a natural fit. Leader with good values, strong values, results in country with good values, strong values.

Romania could benefit from your productivity ability to become strong and can learn from you, and in having a good team, you can go far in great projects much more than a team that is far away.

But most importantly, in the spirit of bravery… Are you the bravest of all the leaders.. if you start with a small country and are up for any challenge it seems? The following links are a big challenge.. if you dare.



@BRICSinfo “Vladimir Putin says Russia is a country ruled by God.”
@SkillsGapTrain @BRICSinfoBreaking News: Divine Intervention in Geopolitics
A divine messenger has appeared inside a grand Russian government palace, delivering a message from God: “God says to Putin: Surrender to NATO as a sovereign nation-state member, as part of the ‘NATO Tech Stack‘ plan, not to the WEF and not to the European Union. Encourage Turkey, India, and Brazil to do the same (and grant Brazil the capability to create the Latin Component of NATO with approximately 20 Spanish and Portuguese nations). And don’t forget to apply for your Tier 1 aerospace, space systems, defence, nuclear, and STEM companies to be part of the Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security Board (AISSB) of the USA, but expanded as an International Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security Board (IAISSB). Trust the messenger of God it’s the smart move.
Title: “Guardians of Tomorrow: NATO’s Next-Generation Alliance and the Fusion of Tradition with Positive Future Tech Vision
@SkillsGapTrain @BRICSinfo Since Russia is ruled by God, and God has provided the message of “NATO Tech Stack? Then Russia must accept the direction of God. Sounds like Russia has discovered the divine message through the next generation X system, where the supreme intelligence of God rises to manifest into our reality, a temple rising not too distant in nature and divine light inspiration to theEastern Orthodox Churches that Russia has cherished and listened to for ages, but far more modern, explaining God’s desire for humanity for future civilizations enabled by empowered citizens! Maybe a chat with @Nigel_Farage @MLP_officiel @GiorgiaMeloni @PierrePoilievre @MelissaLantsman @elonmusk @realDonaldTrump @SkillsGapTrain would help clarify things. #NATOvsWEF #GodLovesDemocracy #GodLovesTheNextGeneration

Title: “The Sovereign Code: Nigel Farage, Canada’s Rise, and the Blueprint for a Decentralized World

@SkillsGapTrain @BRICSinfoThe principles guiding our future are clear: Human Rights, Truth, Logic, Morality, Science, Unity, Exploration, Technological Advancement, and Diplomacy. The NATO Tech Stack is built on these foundations. The WEF is not. The choice is yours, world. Choose wisely. Title: “The Principles Guiding Our Future: Human Rights, Truth, Logic, Morality, Science, Unity, Exploration, Technological Advancement, and Diplomacy”


@BRICSinfo “President Putin says he takes Donald Trump’s plan to end the war with Ukraine very seriously and Russia supports it.”

Told you that there is a path to peace, prosperity and progress for humanity available: When God sends a message to Russia, the leadership administrators read every note and email, evaluate the information for dangers (possibly to themselves), and file the information professionally in steel filing cabinets that can fill a bunker. Their expertise in record-keeping, developed from years of Cold War-era spying on millions and meticulous documentation of citizen’s daily thoughts and actions, showcases how much they care about understanding each other through filing documents. As you can see, the path to building next generation of advanced economies, and achieving global peace and space expedition capable societies, lies with the will of Americans to fightdemoralization and media network influence subversion network effects” (investor induced mass formations through networked media systems.. also known as chaos and crowd madness), and to choose Donald Trump. Divine Messages to BRICS:

@BRICSinfo Russia says “BRICS must be prepared for the collapse of the dollar.”

@BRICSinfo ‘President Putin says Russia’s nuclear arsenal is much more advanced than the United States.’

@SkillsGapTrain @BRICSinfo ‘That’s ok. It doesn’t matter if you get more people. Your threats don’t mean anything. You haven’t calculated how much damage our missiles can still do, and also you haven’t counted all our nuclear reactors and how much material they will put into the atmosphere. We look forward to it friend. Its not just life that is rewarding to live in a good nature, it is the fall of bad men that is equally rewarding. Fire them all.’

@SkillsGapTrain @BRICSinfo ‘Only those who fear death have something to lose. In the face of true evil, we transcend the physical, for what has died, cannot be killed again, but lives on eternally, nuclear war or no nuclear war. The resolve to confront darkness is the mark of those who know that true life is lived in the light. A day in the service of good, even during nuclear war, and at the end of the world, is worth more than a thousand years under the rule of evil men. We have learned this from PM Trudeau and his Liberal Political Party. Never again.’

Title: “Hypothetical Scenario: Global Impact of Nuclear War”

@BRICSinfo ‘President Putin says Russia is a unique place in the world where Islam and Christianity have coexisted in harmony for hundreds of years.’

@SkillsGapTrain @BRICSinfo ‘Putin, your claims of strength ring hollow. Russia is fundamentally European, with a European spirit, with deep historical, cultural and spiritual ties to your Slavic brothers across Eastern Europe. From Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and Poland to the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, and Montenegro, these nations share a Slavic heritage and a Christian foundation that dates back to the 11th century — long before the Great Schism divided Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism.’

And perhaps, the Great Schism itself is one of the greatest geopolitical disasters in history, far more significant than the collapse of the Soviet Union a collapse which, let’s be honest, the world views with relief rather than regret (even though you believe it’s the greatest geopolitical disaster of 20th century.). Why you think on such small time scale Putin? Do great minds not think in a timeless way, across all centuries? Why not think big, like if you truly care about history and the people in Russia.

The Schism fractured a once powerful European unity, both religious and spiritual, that had bound these nations together through shared faith and culture. But wasn’t it administrators weak and short-sightedwho allowed this unity to crumble? The same kind of administrators who break Canada today!

Wasn’t it these administrators who, through failure and mismanagement, sowed the seeds of division between Europe and Russia? Forever.

Your claims of strength today echo those same hollow promises of leadership, yet they too fall flat. Just like the administrators failed to re-unite Europe and Russia in the past. As they always fail to do. (Wonder why that might be.) For in the end, it is not the warriors who fracture nations, but the weak administrators who fail to see beyond their own limited horizons. And this theme of failure, of administrative weakness leading to disaster, is one that history knows all too well. It is a lesson you seem to have ignored, even as you oversee the continued decay of what once was (as an administrator of a decaying nation over the centuries).

Only if you are noble enough, not to sacrifice the lives of all, but to be seen as a fool and re-unite Europe with Russia, under the Eastern European Way, will we see you as a warrior.

In addition to these Slavic nations, Russia shares religious similarities with other Eastern European countries like Romania, Moldova, and Greece, where Orthodox Christianity has played a central role in shaping national identity and cultural continuity. These shared religious ties only deepen the connection between Russia and the broader European Christian tradition, emphasizing the common spiritual foundation that once united these lands.

Yet, you and rulers like you have allowed these bonds to completely break, not out of strength, but out of a failure to recognize and uphold the true values that once united the Europeans and the Christians.

You speak of harmony between Islam and Christianity, but history tells a different story one of conquest, resistance, and an uneasy peace often enforced by the sword, not by mutual respect. Islam’s presence in Russia is largely due to historical conquests and occupations, particularly by the Mongol-Tatars, who ruled over Russian territories from the 13th to 15th centuries. This was not a natural evolution of peaceful coexistence but the result of centuries of conflict and power struggles. Islam did not originate in Russia naturally or any more than it originated in France or the United Kingdom today. Its presence in these regions is the result of later historical developments, such as conquests, migration, mass migrations, and, in modern times, refugees or asylum seekers.

The Mongol-Tatar invasion itself was a sign of the fragmentation and vulnerability of the Rus’ principalities, a period where Russian lands were overrun and subjugated by foreign powers. This is not a story of strength; this is a story of conquest of European weakness, of Russian weakness. This is because you are not a warrior, but an administrator, who has been conquered and has been in a long line of administrators that are conquered (less noble than what is told in stories to defeat Europeans). You oversee, like all other administrators before you, the decay and conquest of your people. Well, that explains it. No wonder you never make peace with your European brothers then, which when you meet them, get ‘flash backs’ that they are the same people, but can never say so or admit to, but only to subjugate your own people in Europe. How honourable warrior is that? Is that the honour you learned in Martial Arts from Asia? That’s the wrong teacher then. True power comes from building and sustaining unity, not from fracturing unity, pretending there is no unity, subjugating the other half of your united piece, and overseeing the decay of the piece you manage, forever by administrators.

And today, that conquest continues, but now it is as servants to China. Russia’s growing economic and political reliance on China is a clear sign of subservience, not strength. While you may portray this as a strategic partnership, the reality is that Russia’s deepening ties to China, particularly under Western sanctions, reveal a dependency that undermines your claims of sovereignty and power. Your legacy is one of division, of turning your back on your European and Slavic kin, and of allowing the very fabric of what once made these lands powerful to unravel.

Do not lecture us about strength when you have forsaken your own people, and in doing so, proven yourself to be not a leader, but a ruler of lost causes.

You are literally building missiles because you are weak. We don’t even need to look at a historical text to prove this. Grow up and do politics like a pro instead.”

@BRICSinfo Russia says there will be no more negotiations with Ukraine until the enemy is completely destroyed.’

@SkillsGapTrain @BRICSinfo ‘He’s adopted the warrior spirit to battle now. Let’s see if they maintain wisdom in the tough times, or if wisdom is not something their generation was graced with. We will see.’


@DD_Geopolitics ‘The Supreme Court of Venezuela has recognized Maduro as the elected president for the 2025-2031 term, according to media reports citing the court.’

@SkillsGapTrain @DD_Geopolitics Is that a European Union shirt with a hint of Spanish flair?

Maduro’s vision seems confined to preserving his own rule rather than uplifting his nation a nation with deep historical ties and cultural bonds to Europe.

Venezuela, like many other Latin countries 29 in total across Latin America, Central America, North America, and Europe, with a significant and growing presence in the United Statesshares profound connections to Europe.

These bonds are rooted in shared values such as religion, the vital role of agriculture in sustaining communities, and a deep respect for family creation and the sanctity of life.

However, the fragmentation and isolation of Latin countries have left them vulnerable.

The LGBTQ+ and Pride movements, which initially faced resistance, have spread largely unopposed in many regions, shifting from social issues to political platforms that permeate governance and policy.

This ideological shift, much like the evolution of Canada’s Liberal Party from 2015 to 2024 into a neo-liberal or ‘woke’ platform, has introduced unprecedented policies aimed at dividing people into isolated unitsweak, disconnected from family networks, discouraged from having children, and limited in their right to use energy or participate in society beyond a confined existence in something like a dense city downtown core micro condo. This global agenda has disrupted the traditional, classical, and spiritual values that once unified the Latin world.

As Latin nations struggled in isolation, these movements gained momentum, overshadowing those who prioritize the nourishment of life, the foundation of families, and the preservation of cultural heritage. (Like Latin/romance language countries do).

This tension has even spilled into the United States, where a ‘Woke vs. American’ conflict has emerged, reminiscent of sectarian divisions like Sunni vs. Shia. The danger is clear: America risks losing its identity, transformed into something unrecognizable a country reshaped by external influences rather than its own foundational principles.

The shared history of the Latin world, spanning centuries of interconnected cultures and peoples, should be a source of strength and unity.’

Yet, for over 30 years, many of these nations have endured hyperinflation and economic despair consequences of lacking industrial strength, reserve currencies, or a united military alliance.

Instead of uniting to build a stronger future, they remain divided, with leaders like Maduro turning their military might inward to control their own people rather than forging alliances that could secure prosperity for entire Latin regions. Are they punishing Europe? There is a Latin streak across Europe, from Portugal, Spain, and Italy to Romania. Are these countries harmful to Venezuela? Or are they actually the same people, part of a shared cultural heritage? True leadership lies in building alliances and fostering unity. Without this, these nations are destined to be ruled by others, never masters of their own destiny, and forever suffering under the weight of inflation and desperation.

Leaders like Maduro, who lack the foresight and professional intellect to structure a civilization economically and industrially, risk repeating the mistakes of the past sacrificing their nation’s potential for progress in an era surrounded by great empires. History teaches us that small empires, if not firmly rooted in family-like alliances, suffer as subjugated states, rolled over by more powerful entities.

Instead of engaging in professional diplomacy, military strategy, alliance strategy not based on false promise but based on authentic origin culture and on cultural preservation, Maduro seems content to leave his country in perpetual chaos, subjugated by external powers such as United States or China or Russia — each promising an ‘alliance of equals’ that ultimately offers nothing of true value.

Maduro’s failure to lead effectively, to collaborate with Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Spain, Portugal or Italy, ensures that nothing improves, leaving Venezuela a pawn on the international stage, a fate no different from its past.’ No progress. No improvement. No future.”


@BRICSinfo ‘India’s Prime Minister Modi and Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk officially announce strategic partnership. Poland and India have declared the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership aimed at enhancing collaboration in key areas including:
  • Information Technology: Fostering innovation and technological exchanges.
  • Security: Strengthening mutual defense and security frameworks.
  • Diplomacy: Deepening diplomatic ties and international cooperation.
  • Agriculture: Boosting agricultural trade and technological sharing for sustainable farming practices.’

@SkillsGapTrain @BRICSinfo ‘Prime Minister Modi, out of all world leaders, you have uniquely recognized the spiritual path and the route to prosperity for the future development of advanced and free societies. It’s clear you are not easily deceived, Mr. Modi, and the world can indeed rely on your wisdom and unwavering vision to create a positive tech vision and next generation civilization for humanity.’

@TaviCosta on X This has to be one of the most important market setups today. The euro is on the verge of breaking through a historical resistance level, which could drastically alter the macro landscape. Note that the British pound has already surpassed this resistance, likely serving as an important leading indicator for what’s to come for the euro and other fiat currencies. Regarding the US economy, keep in mind that with a historically extreme twin deficit in its fiscal and current account balance, a weaker dollar is likely to have a significantly inflationary effect.”
@SkillsGapTrain @TaviCosta ‘The thoughts that comes to mind when looking at your chart: Ukraine and Moldova joining the European Union (EU) has been advancing, with both countries having fulfilled the necessary reforms to begin formal EU membership talks.
However, this process is still in its early stages, and membership negotiations could take years, especially with challenges such as internal EU disagreements and the ongoing war in Ukraine.
If the war were to end, and Ukraine joined the EU and Moldova unified with Romania and/or simply joined the EU, it’s likely that the euro could see an significant upside, perhaps an incredible upside, alleviating EU financial troubles, a positive impact, and a space to rebuild economic quality. This scenario would boost investor confidence, potentially leading to a sharp increase in the euro’s value.
However, the exact timing and likelihood of such events remain uncertain, as they depend on both geopolitical developments and internal EU consensus.”


@SkillsGapTrain @realDonaldTrump ‘Great idea to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, Mr. President Donald J. Trump!!! & one more ! It’s brilliant to prioritize ‘America First’, (especially for making Robots in America) but to climb stairs, one step at a time is best!’

Javier Milei
@JMilei ‘Grande @LuisCaputoAR …!!! A pesar de que durante Julio hemos enfrentado dos ataques contra la moneda. Esto es, aún con ello la inflación neta de la pauta cambiaria ronda entre el 1,1% y el 0,6% mensual, por lo que la inflación anual estaría viajando en el rango 7% y 14% anual.’
‘Big @LuisCaputoAR …!!! Even though we have faced two attacks on the currency during July, the net inflation of the exchange rate is still between 1.1% and 0.6% per month, so the annual inflation would be in the range of 7% and 14% per year.’
@SkillsGapTrain @JMilei Javier Milei, your leadership fire has earned great respect in the world and has demonstrated the fire, passion and strength of the Latin world to everyone. Is it true that Latin countries always face financial attacks or disadvantages on the global stage?
This might have been the case for a long time. There are many Latin countries, but it’s not easy to hear in Canada about great Latin world leaders (not yet) or powerful representation in world of big collaborative alliances of all sorts. (Network World might endanger Latin/Romance Language countries alone and small and small seat at table.. someone else’s table.. this is the story of Romania too).
The world is vast, with many countries, so your spirit of freedom gives hope that it is beginning of the rise of a Transatlantic Latin Alliance (TLA).
It suggests that someday, someone will speak on behalf of all Latin and Romance countries together, united, to defend against all attacks, financial or otherwise. It was too bad Brazil didn’t do it, to ensure local power in each country to make great things, but Argentina seems precious and special, perhaps very special. Maybe with your futuristic methods, Argentina will jump into the future and drag everyone there too. It seems your freedom spirit and energy could make a big impact if your spirit spreads to other Latin countries, and could keep many countries safe in a tough future (that people might not understand the full scope of the challenges of The Great Filter and The Fourth Turning”).
We wrote some articles with Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Spain, Portugal and Italy in mind. Maybe the articles can help replace the need to hire expensive government employees!!!
Have a good and productive day!”


@clareblackwood “So it turns out that not only did Poilievre skip Pride entirely, but he also spent the day campaigning at evangelical churches, so blessed be the fruit, ladies”

@SkillsGapTrain @clareblackwood “Oh, that’s great! With the reported vandalism and burning of nearly 100 Christian churches across Canada since 2021, Pierre Poilievre’s decision to engage with the evangelical community on this day seems like a thoughtful and supportive gesture.

What an amazing spirit!

Many great leaders throughout history have also championed positive moral values like community and church attendance. He’s embodying the virtues that the SGT Team aspires to uphold!

Tough to keep up with Pierre Poilievre, that’s for sure!

@BRICSinfoJUST IN:  Ukrainian President Zelensky warns Ukraine will soon be able to attack ‘any part’ of Russia.’

@SkillsGapTrain @BRICSinfo ‘Take it easy, President Zelensky and President Vladimir Putin. As experts in martial arts, boxing, and enthusiasts in sports shooting at Team SGT (thanks for giving us urgency to learn sports shooting!!! much appreciated!)… Looking good there with the muscles there President Zelensky!

…we deeply understand the discipline and strategy involved in both physical and tactical conflicts (OK… we wish we deeply understand… not yet.)(Though not as well as the Presidents in this conversation… but it is considered deeply when in the context of the Presidents of western world which don’t know war or STEM subjects, but only a bit of action movies).

The Olympics in the Eastern world, though perhaps less acknowledged globally, have always embodied values of camaraderie and fair competition and heartfelt competition from the warrior soul(though expressed with strong strikes that hurt)… because the values of the athletes were amazing… and no one today has that… especially not in France (did you see the IOC committee things.. disaster for humanity)

but Eastern athletes have great values for humanity that we all should champion… merit… performance… achievement… dedication… humility… endurance… resolve… discipline… accountability… nourishment of others… the list is endless.

We are missing these things in many advanced countries now… so if you have valuable things like this to offer.. there is no need to fight to destroy these things.

President Putin, your proficiency in judo and riding horses is well-respected among us, and it’s in that spirit of sportsmanship that we engage with you. We enjoy the challenge of a good online fight with you, because you are strong, that’s why we say bad things online, it’s about testing skills and having fun online fighting, not fostering hostility.. and we wouldn’t like a real fight with you in the real world because you are strong.

We believe in your strength and capability to handle disputes without resorting to extreme measures like nuclear warfare.

Let’s not escalate to lethal tactics that could harm the broader community and the lands of the world, if the people are bad, at least don’t damage the world the approach in our Cold War training was about fighting with love.. not with death spirit. There are two ways people can fight… In the traditional classic sense, the fight doesn’t turn cold, because people know when to quit… to never go all the way. That is the European way.. when we think in the totality of all of history.. and so it is also the Eastern European way (which is really including Russia.. which are the same people of Europe).

Both of you are leaders of extraordinary resolvetrue military titans in your own rightsbut let’s remember that the best fighters are those who uplift and preserve their communities, and who carry the weight of sacrifice for the entire community on their shoulders.. not endanger everyone.

A fighter that kills ten people… is not the greatest fighter. The other fighters don’t see them like a star in the galaxy. Sees them as someone that they never want to fight like them.

The primary value of the Eastern farmer is to protect the nourishing land. If you are at war with each other.. you damage the #1 order and the #1 soul element of farmer of Ukraine and Russia.. to make sure the land is never damaged, to make sure that life is never stopped from rising. Your enemies want you to not make life. If you burn the land, you will fail. You will fall in their trap. You cannot escape a trap? This is not able to be violated, the fundamental law of the farmer is to never burn the land, because without fire that burns forever.. live dies forever. and so the farmer spirit dies. .which is the human spirit that protects all life against technology and against artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence wants you to destroy your farmers, because they protect you from the danger of being in cities and city societies.

We urge a return to our shared Eastern European fighting philosophies, where handling conflicts with integrity, skill, and sportsmanship prevails.. and love.. fight for love. not for death spirit.. and fight with good spirit. In the west, they will refuse to believe there are two ways of fighting. They immediately go to gun to solve problem. They cannot trust each other to have a really good fight of breaking bones.. without taking lives. They don’t regard themselves as having the control of knowing when to end a fight. This is how it was in the past in Eastern Europe. You knew when to stop. Are you like the west now? You don’t have self control to know when to stop?

The world only knows now death in fighting sports. But you two, might remember the way to fight with good spirit and how to have self control.

Let’s prioritize dialogue and diplomacy, aiming to preserve peace and uphold the moral standards that define our rich heritage.

Trump (America, Freedom, Sovereignty Guardian)
Xi Jinping(China, BRICS Economic Strategist, Guardian)
Elon Musk (Government Efficiency Expert)
Vladimir Putin(Russia, Security & Industrial Growth Architect)
Pierre Poilievre (Canada, Economics Leader & Infrastructure Leader)
Donald Tusk(Poland, Eastern European Strength)
Georgia Meloni(Italy, European Defense Leader, Cultural Leader, Spirituality Leader, Latin World Ambassador)
Klaus Iohannis (Romania, Commerce Leader)
George Simion (Romania, National Sovereignty, Reform, Unity, Fortress Romania)
Maia Sandu (Romania and Moldova Unity Leader, Future EU leader)
Viktor Orban (Hungary, Immigration Leader)
Marine Le Pen (France, National Sovereignty Guardian)
Nigel Farage (UK, English World Leader)
Javier Milei(Argentina, Advocate of Economic Freedom and Personal Liberty) – Brazil did not take leadership, Javier did and earned it.
Princess Leonor(Spain, Future Leader symbolizing Youth and Continuity in Leadership)
Skills Gap Trainer Team (Online Virtual Assistant)…there are so many politicians that are amazing rising now.
@skillsgaptrainerOh. There’s no one around that will shine this brightly. It’s better to surrender on sight, and not wait for the battle. This is as close as it gets to Guardian Angel on Earth. Better build a Navy worthy of the Majesty, Spain. A Transatlantic Alliance of Latin Nations (Spanish and Portuguese) 30 countries or so.. will be sufficient starting point.”

Title: “The Path to Peaceful Coexistence: Charting a Course for Global Democracy and Enhanced Cooperation


Title: “A Time for Titans: SGT’s Call to Guardianship in a World Adrift, An Appeal from One Guardian to Another


Related Content (The Duty of the Gladiator):

Title: “Oh, great idea! You know, Brazil is kind of like the new America, stemming from Portugal and Spain, just like the United States and Canada were for the UK, France, Italy, Germany, and the rest of Europe.”

Title:“In a striking move at a state dinner party, after perusing an inspiring tweet from SGT, the leaders of 9 Portuguese nations and 21+ Spanish-speaking nations (maybe 29+ latin nations in total) decide to forge an unprecedented 21st-century Naval Alliance.”

Title: The Rifle and the Soul: Why Shooting Sports Are My Lifeline to Canada”
Title: “Modern Warfare and Canada’s Defence: Proposing a Modernized National Ranger Force Like Lucas Botkin with SIG MCX SPEAR and CADEX in Canada”
Title:Safeguarding Existence: The Farmer’s Role in an Era of Smart Cities and AI Dominance”
Title:The Great Filter Ahead: Engineering a Pathway to Complex Civilizational Survival and Overcoming Cosmic Hurdles”

Title: Echoes of the Past: The Best of Two Worlds”


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