The Illusion of Progress: How Administrative Overhead Stifles Canada’s Growth

The government of new Multi-National Liberal Party 2015 to 2024 might even respond to citizens occasionally by putting up documents that imply they’re doing things Canadians need or think are wise and rational for the country.

But these are just specification documents online.

The money is always kept in the administrative aspects of the economy, and has been for 10 years (1.5 trillion to administrative charities and 1 trillion recently in pandemic times / administration), such as the administrative branches of healthcare instead of specialists like surgeons, or the administrative branches of finance instead of developing resource export companies or energy export companies.

The same goes for government and education money flows to administrative roles rather than to professional trades worker development, professional land developers to create more housing, professionals to work in factories for export of real goods, or programmers developing systems to create tech businesses and export technology and internet services.

There’s nothing behind the curtain.

Anytime there’s a chance for real technological, economic, or industrial advancement, they won’t authorize or fund it. No way.

They can detect the ideas of progress from the national population during evaluations. They can see merit, competence, and the high capability for success.

They can identify those with conservative, industrial, or business technology backgrounds people with practical, real-world mindsets that diverge sharply from bureaucratic processes.

They can detect the non-bureaucratic, artistic, and technician mindsets the creators, engineers, specialists.

‘The immigrants think it’s these people holding them back, and it’s not. It’s the new Multi-National Liberal Party 2015 to 2024 that holds them back. The problem is not Canadians, the problem is the attitude against creators, engineers and specialists from administrative departments that are over employed versus national priority, so the sector distribution of workers is not in good balance to the balance required for prosperity and 21st century technology and industrial alignment of planet. (Making the present Canada incompatible with 21st century global economies).

‘The administrative officers see rationalism and structured thinking of creators, professionals, specialists, scientists, engineers, technicians and trades, and immediately block it through an aversion function.’

What needs to happen but doesn’t is a strategic shift from administrative overhead employment priority to wealth activation and sectoral diversification into specialization driven private sectors.

Canada needs to allow farming systems and energy systems in Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan to thrive, strengthening exports and currency, and making housing and life more affordable.

Canada’s focus should be on developing domestic factories, technology, business, and resource exports rather than accumulating national debt and taxes. The national debt only helps politicians salaries, it doesn’t help progress or standard of living increase for people, but the opposite (it creates inflation for regular people).

For instance, look at the U.S. Chips Act, attracting top global chipmakers to set up in the States, or Honda’s $15 billion commitment to establish four new EV plants in Ontario. These are examples of what real investment in technology and industry looks like.

‘Canada should ramp up this approach by at least 100x, attracting leading tech firms from Japan, South Korea, the UK, France, Italy, and Germany.’

Instead of perpetuating an illusion of progress with administrative expansions, there needs to be a genuine commitment to growth, innovation, and leveraging Canada’s vast resource export capabilities and energy export capabilities and potential for manufacturing, potential for a prosperous future.

Instead, we destroy powerful multi-national companies like Bombardier (our own Tesla with high speed rail, EV bus, EV car, passenger aircraft that not even Elon has, we destroy companies like this), we do not value it, we do not value what is important in our country, we do not nurture or make strong our best people and our best enterprises, but fight them to become weak.

Let’s adopt a proactive, real goods-based investment strategy and foster an environment where technological and industrial advancements, instead of being blocked and banned, are instead, not even just to be authorized, but actively promoted!!!

By doing so, we can create a 21st-century infrastructure, advanced resource and advanced energy system and advanced technology system, in the West that we can be proud of and that will keep us safe in the age of AI and other emerging challenges.

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