The Evolution of Thought: From the Birth of Islam to Modern Engineering and Philosophy

Islam was established approximately 1,414 years ago, beginning in the year 610 CE when the Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation. It has provided a spiritual framework for millions and billions of people worldwide. However, as societies evolve, so do the structures that govern thought and progress. In light of the intellectual transformations initiated during the Enlightenment, we must ask: Can such an ancient system of belief, rooted in pre-modern philosophical ideas, continue to serve as a viable foundation for guiding modern societal, technological, and ethical progress?

‘We are in the age of building fusion nuclear reactors and starships to cross the galaxy.’

Tech Question: Is this the optimum spiritual framework and optimum high performing philosophy to base our technology systems and intelligence systems for the purpose of achieving maximum progress of humanity and maximum acceleration to ascend to Heaven? A post Star Trek TNG world? Beyond TNG! The next generation, after Trek?

As we confront an era defined by artificial intelligence, multi-polar geopolitical conflicts, and global challenges like climate change, we must consider whether older spiritual frameworks and philosophical systems offer the precision and adaptability and divine altruistic quality of pure unconditional love, nurturing and innocence needed for addressing these complex issues. Math is innocent. Is Islam innocent?

Tech Question: ‘Shouldn’t we instead turn to intellectual traditions that emphasize modern scientific principles and engineering accuracy to guide the next phase of human development?’

The Intellectual Flourishing of the Enlightenment and Beyond

The Enlightenment, spanning from the late 17th to the 18th century, marked a period of dramatic intellectual awakening in Europe. It was during this time that philosophers began to challenge traditional structures of authority, including religious institutions. Thinkers like John Locke, Voltaire, Immanuel Kant, and David Hume advanced ideas based on reason, individual liberty, skepticism, and empirical science. These ideas laid the foundation for modern democratic governance, scientific inquiry, and ethical systems that continue to influence the present.

Tech Question: ‘So why does Germany choose 3000 mosques? When it has invented the worlds greatest philosophical knowledge AND greatest scientific knowledge AND greatest manufacturing knowledge AND greatest engineering knowledge? What has happened?’

These philosophers didn’t just challenge established dogma; they shifted the focus toward human potential, progress, and rationality. They inspired Team SGT! They laid the intellectual groundwork for systems of thought that now serve as the bedrock of modern engineering, technology, and the empirical sciences.

Political Question:‘Germany, if you can’t do philosophy, and you can’t do science, and you can’t do security, and you can’t do anything.. anything at all.. you want Romania to do all of this! We looked up to you!’

Tech Question: ‘But how do these modern philosophical systems compare to older religious systems like Islam, which were built upon pre-modern ethical and moral structures?’

Key Enlightenment and Post-Enlightenment Philosophers and Contributions

The Enlightenment, spanning from the late 17th to the 18th century, marked a period of dramatic intellectual awakening in Europe. It was during this time that philosophers began to challenge traditional structures of authority, including religious institutions. Thinkers like John Locke, Voltaire, Immanuel Kant, and David Hume advanced ideas based on reason, individual liberty, skepticism, and empirical science. These ideas laid the foundation for modern democratic governance, scientific inquiry, and ethical systems that continue to influence the present.

These philosophers didn’t just challenge established dogma; they shifted the focus toward human potential, progress, and rationality. They laid the intellectual groundwork for systems of thought that now serve as the bedrock of modern engineering, technology, and the empirical sciences. But how do these systems compare to older religious systems like Islam, which were built upon pre-modern ethical and moral structures?

Key Enlightenment and Post-Enlightenment Philosophers and Contributions

  • René Descartes (1596–1650): “Father of modern philosophy”; famous for Cogito, ergo sum (“I think, therefore I am”); Cartesian dualism.
  • John Locke (1632–1704): Developed the idea of natural rights and tabula rasa (mind as a blank slate); foundational to political philosophy.
  • Baruch Spinoza (1632–1677): Contributed to ethics and metaphysics; believed in pantheism (God is identical with nature).
  • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716): Best known for his work in metaphysics and calculus; believed in monads as the fundamental units of reality.
  • Voltaire (1694–1778): Advocate for freedom of speech and religion; critical of the Church and absolutism; emphasized reason.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778): Famous for his social contract theory; emphasized education and the “noble savage” concept.
  • David Hume (1711–1776): Major figure in empiricism and skepticism; his work influenced the philosophy of science and ethics.
  • Immanuel Kant (1724–1804): Developed the categorical imperative (a foundational concept in ethics); key figure in epistemology.
  • Denis Diderot (1713–1784): Co-founder of the Encyclopédie, aimed to collect all human knowledge; champion of Enlightenment ideals.
  • Montesquieu (1689–1755): Known for his theory of the separation of powers, which influenced modern political systems.

Post-Enlightenment Philosophers:

  • Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831): Developed dialectical method and absolute idealism; influential in political philosophy and metaphysics.
  • John Stuart Mill (1806–1873): Major proponent of utilitarianism (the greatest good for the greatest number); advocate of individual liberty.
  • Karl Marx (1818–1883): Developed historical materialism; founder of Marxist theory and influential in political economy.
  • Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900): Explored the will to power, nihilism, and the Übermensch; proclaimed the “death of God.”
  • Bertrand Russell (1872–1970): Contributed to logic, mathematics, and analytic philosophy; advocate for peace and education.
  • Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889–1951): Major figure in the philosophy of language and mind; his work influenced logic and linguistic philosophy.

Post-Enlightenment Philosophers:

These philosophers laid the foundation for modern systems of thought, systems that are essential to building the advanced technologies, cities, and governance models of the future. They offer practical, adaptable ethical frameworks that resonate with the demands of precision engineering, empirical science, and technology.

The Challenge of Nietzsche and Precision in Modern Systems

Philosophers like Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) took Enlightenment ideals further by not just challenging religious dogma but also rethinking the very nature of morality.

Nietzsche’s concept of the Übermensch (Overman) was a call for humanity to rise above conventional moral systems, create new values, and assert their will in a world increasingly governed by reason and science.

His concept of the Übermensch (Overman) called for humanity to rise above traditional values and create new ones based on strength, creativity, and individual will. Nietzsche’s work laid the intellectual groundwork for postmodernism, but ONE ELEMENT WAS CRUCIAL: his emphasis on the will to power DEMANDS precision, control, and mastery — qualities essential in technological development.

However, philosophers like Nietzsche did not always align directly with systems thinking and engineering. Engineering requires exactitude. It deals with blueprints, schematics, borders, and measurements. Any deviation from perfect calculations can result in failure. While philosophy explores ideas in the abstract, modern engineering systems must be rooted in real-world precision, or they risk creating flawed structures that damage the natural and technological systems on which human survival depends.

It’s not just about abstract concepts; modern engineering systems, whether it’s AI-driven technologies or nuclear fusion, depend on precision, measurement, and empirical rigour. Without exactitude, systems fail whether in physical structures or software designs. Philosophical systems that emphasize ambiguity or ancient traditions may lead to societal setbacks and points of failure when applied in areas where precision and accuracy are paramount.

Why the Continued Spread of Islam?

Despite the philosophical advancements that emphasize precision and empiricism, why do ancient religious systems like Islam continue to spread? Who is wiping out the scientific enter of Europe, America and North America? How can you let this happen? We wanted STEM jobs! Don’t you know, that’s the future! Why you listen to bad leaders?

In a world dominated by technological innovation, why do we see mosques being constructed and ancient moral systems maintained in societies that are rapidly advancing in science and technology?

In China, the government has enforced policies on its Muslim population, particularly the Uyghurs, including mosque demolitions and restrictions on Islamic practices. These measures suggest an effort to align societal values with the state’s vision of modern technological advancement, potentially viewing Islam as incompatible with a forward-looking, uniform society. They’re on to something, but this is not the way to do it.

Professional engineering approach would dictate research into the latest foundational principles analysis of all intellectuals, spiritual and philosophical, to determine what most aligns the moment we are in, what has supported civilization the best throughout time, what has provided prosperity and intellectual progress in the past, and what supports positive tech vision for the future.

In India, there have been cases of mosque demolitions driven by political and religious tensions. Although India’s constitution guarantees religious freedom, the rising tensions between Hindu and Muslim communities, combined with nationalist movements, have led to pressures on Islamic institutions.

Both governments, through very different approaches, appear to view Islam as incompatible with their vision of a modern, scientifically advanced society. These are the countries of Earth, that represent the future. It means, they have detected a problem here. There’s an incompatibility with the future engineering.

This raises a broader question: Can ancient systems like Islam, with its pre-modern origins, guide the next generation of scientists, engineers, and policymakers? Or are these systems too rigid to keep pace with the demands of precision engineering, AI, and space colonization?

The Future: A Philosophical Framework for Engineering Precision and Progress

The challenges of the 21st century whether AI safety, the Great Filter, the Fourth Turning or multi-polar geopolitical conflict (WW3) or Transhuman vs AI wars or Human vs Transhuman vs AI wars of 21st century the western world requires a connection to it’s foundational philosophical principles.

While ancient systems like Islam have protected their civilization throughout conflict and throughout time, they are not engineered for the precision, adaptability, and rigour needed for building smart cities, starships, or even nuclear fusion reactors.

A lot of innovation has emerged into the world due to the ideas of the foundational principles discovered in the west in 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.

Philosophers like Kant and Descartes whose ethical frameworks are grounded in reason and logic are more aligned with the challenges of modern engineering.

John Stuart Mill’s utilitarianism offers a decision-making process based on maximizing well-being, making it highly relevant to AI ethics.

More recent thinkers, like Bertrand Russell and Ludwig Wittgenstein, provide crucial insights into logic, language, and communication, ensuring clarity in both thought and engineering.

As we move forward, we must be discerning in the philosophies we adopt, ensuring they respect the role of precision, measurement, and empirical evidence.

Philosophies that disregard these principles could undermine the systems needed for building the future and it can compromise AI Safety such that .. well you know who will suffer then (possibly not just humans). AI might turn the planet into a metal box with lava. Think of the bunnies.

Conclusion: Engineering the Future with Precision and Wisdom

As we face unprecedented global challenges, the philosophies we adopt must be rooted in precision, empirical evidence, measurements, schematics, standards, borers, guidelines, rules, principles, and engineering accuracy. Enlightenment ideals offer a rational, adaptable framework for tackling complex problems in science, technology, and ethics. Relying solely on ancient systems, like Islam, which lack the necessary focus on precision and exactitude, risks hindering future technological and societal progress.

Every religion has its valuable aspects, and as we integrate those values into modern frameworks, it is crucial to approach the process with careful, altruistic, and ethical design. This requires a discerning mind that can identify what is truly valuable, good, sincere, and just, while also being able to critically weed out harmful or outdated elements. Only by doing so can we build a framework that honours the best of past traditions while avoiding the mistakes and sins of outdated systems.

‘Only then can we be a timeless species, one that is durable and everlasting, and one that connects the past to the future, to transcend the limitations of time. If we cannot see what is in the past, while we struggle with a problem of the present, we cannot solve the problems of the present or of the future. Look at the last episode of Star Trek TNG, an you will understand after you watch it, the message for us for the future, so we can build the future.’

The future belongs to those who can balance creativity and engineering with the exactitude required for engineering and building sustainable civilizationswhether in AI, smart cities, or nuclear fusion.

Additional Information:

Title:In China and India, mosques are being torn down, while Germany has built 3,000.”
Title: “Wasn’t the goal of Western culture — across Canada, the U.S., and Europe — to remove religious, spiritual, and moral education from K-12 schools, universities, colleges, and workplaces in the name of secularism?”

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