The Dragon’s New Clothes: How the CCP Mirrors Neoliberalism of Liberal Party (2015 to 2024)

A simple meme, Successful Rebranding: China = Liberal Party of Canada, might seem like just another online jab at political opponents. But beneath the surface lies a chilling insight that resonates with growing anxieties about the trajectory of both technology and ideology in the 21st century. The parallels between the dark, dystopian visions of AI in Chinese science fiction and the concerns surrounding the neoliberal movement are too striking to ignore.

Both narratives highlight a creeping loss of human agency and control. In Chinese sci-fi, it’s the chilling specter of AI exceeding human intelligence, reducing us to subjects or even erasing our humanity. The fear surrounding the neoliberal movement in the world, echoes this dread. It warns of a future where traditional values crumble under the guise of individual liberation, where neoliberal guarded and promoted transhumanist aspirations blur the line between flesh and machine, and where seemingly benevolent technologies ultimately serve to manipulate and control.

This unease extends to the very structures of power. Just as AI threatens to displace human dominance in Chinese sci-fi, the critiques of neoliberalism point to a shift in power away from nation-states (where human rights, rights and freedoms, freedom of expression, emotional expression protections, and bio-security is guarded), towards a global elite intertwined with “woke” or transhumanist ideology. This elite, detached from the concerns of ordinary citizens, wields the dual weapons of technology and neoliberal ideology to impose a vision of the future that feels increasingly dystopian, and decreasingly human.

The internet, hailed as a democratizing force, has ironically accelerated this process. By connecting people across borders, it has also fostered echo chambers and fragmented societies, exacerbating ideological divisions. The story of the internet highlights this trend, pointing to a “disunited” United States, where ideological camps, fuelled by a distrust of traditional institutions and mainstream narratives, retreat into their respective online enclaves.

This distrust is further fuelled by a widespread perception that institutions, once seen as pillars of democratic society, have been co-opted by powerful interests. The FDA (and medical establishment in Canada) and the regulatory state/legal state, suggests a chilling reality: systems designed to protect the public may be more concerned with self-preservation and serving incumbent powers. This echoes the anxieties depicted in dark Chinese sci-fi, where governments and institutions often prove impotent in the face of technological threats.

So, what is the “successful rebranding” suggested by the meme? It proposes an unsettling equivalence: the CCP and the neoliberal movement in the English countries (America, Canada, UK and a bit of Western Europe), despite their seemingly opposed ideologies, share a disturbingly similar modus operandi. Both utilize a language of universalism (communism for the CCP, democracy for the neoliberal movement) to mask their underlying particularist goals. Both exploit the allure of technology, particularly AI and transhumanism, to advance agendas that could ultimately dehumanize us, deceptively framing control as liberation. Both, ultimately, raise questions about the future of human agency in a world increasingly shaped by forces beyond our control.

The anxieties voiced in dark Chinese sci-fi should serve as a warning, not just about AI, but about the unintended consequences of our choices. If we’re not careful, the pursuit of unchecked progress, and ‘never ending liberation’, whether driven by technological hubris or ideological zeal, could lead us to a future where we are no longer masters of our fate, but mere cogs in a system we no longer recognize (and no longer human as well).

The meme, with its seemingly simple message, throws down a gauntlet: it’s time to wake up, to critically examine the narratives we are being sold, and to actively shape a future where humanity, not extreme ideology or technology, remains at the centre.

Definitions: Canada’s Neoliberalism seems to be Unbounded Progressivism”.

Note: The original Liberals are probably going to be pissed when they find out (Since no one told them the plan at any of the elections. Not even their friends told them.).

Unbounded Progressivism: A strain of thought within progressive ideology characterized by a radical commitment to social constructivism, technological optimism, and universalism, often advocating for social justice and equality. However, “Unbounded Progressivism”, is to extremes, and this leads to unintended consequences, including:

Erosion of Boundaries: A blurring of categories (which is antithesis to real 21st century science, technology, and engineering practice, which requires schematics, blueprints, principles and borders) and a rejection of traditional norms that can undermine social cohesion and create confusion and instability. This encompasses not just social constructs like gender and race, but also extends to areas like national sovereignty, biological realities, and established moral principles.

Erosion of Individual Agency: A focus on collective good or social justice that, while well-intentioned, can lead to the suppression of individual rights and freedoms in the name of achieving a utopian ideal. This can manifest as pressure to conform to specific ideologies, censorship of dissenting voices, and the use of institutional power to enforce conformity.

Reckless Technological Embrace: Neoliberalists or Unbounded Progressives exhibit a dangerous eagerness to adopt emerging technologies (and emerging medical technologies fascination is a bit too deep), often before they have been adequately tested or understood (especially given the complexity of the human body and lack of long term, multi-generational studies). This move fast and break things” mentality, applied to areas with profound and irreversible consequences like genetic engineering, AI, and transhumanism, threatens the very essence of humanity and threatens to overpower biological freedom and integrity.

Driven by a blind faith in technology’s power to solve all problems, they fail to critically assess the risks of these interventions, including the potential for:

Permanent Damage to the Human Genome: Genetic manipulation could lead to unforeseen and irreversible alterations to the human DNA, potentially compromising the health and well-being of future generations.

De-evolution and Replacement: Rapid advancements in AI and transhumanism could result in the creation of artificial intelligences that surpass and eventually displace humanity, leading to a future where humans are either subservient to or entirely replaced by machines, thus reducing stimulation to problem solving and challenge aspect to humans, triggering a rapid de-evolution and decline of human civilizations.

Emergence of Uncontrollable Superintelligence: The pursuit of god-like AI, driven by an uncritical desire to transcend human limitations, could unleash forces beyond our comprehension and control, potentially endangering the very existence of our species. Further, the “unbounded” aspect of neo-liberal mindset and unbounded progressive mindset, means that all of the dangers to humanity will be developed and pushed in a public policy, precisely without the “bounded security architecture” that it would severely warrant.

‘It is the absolute strongest technology on Earth, paired with the weakest security policy on Earth, the most dangerous combination of philosophy and technology that has ever been devised to the existence of life.’

Note: This “Neoliberalism” of Liberal Party of 2015 to 2024, or another way to say “Unbounded Progressivism” its not actually acceptable to Earth people (like Russia) and will probably wipe it out if it continues. It’s possible the entire 21st century could be wars due to the refusal of neoliberal type party to make peace with humanity, for example by stopping this pursuit of “Unboudned Progressivism” idea.

@PierrePoilievreBefore Trudeau, immigration was not even controversial.

9 years later, and he has broken (shattered) the system.

Serious question: Is he that incompetent or does he break stuff on purpose?’

Title: “NP View: Canada’s immigration system needs to be rescued from Trudeau”

@SkillsGapTrain Canada needs your guardianship, Mr. Poilievre, to safeguard citizens against Prime Minister Trudeau devising a new immigration strategy for immigrant robot imports.

It’s crucial to prevent any notion of adopting a Chinese manufactured robots that would involve importing millions of CCP-manufactured robots for Canadian homes.

Your tariff plan was a prudent measure for semiconductors and EVs. But is this the ‘acheeles heel to Canada’s future’? Semiconductors? Or is it also the full system of who manufactures the humanoid robots?

We hope that the Conservative Party’s platform will include a secure policy on robot drones and humanoid robots (with economic safety, industrial safety, technological safety, public safety and national security considerations in context and fully considered).

We advocate for a partnership with U.S. manufacturers to develop and domestically manufacture next-generation humanoid robots for both America and Canada, but manufactured in Alberta and in Texas/California, steering clear of inexpensive robot imports from the Chinese industry (that unintelligent and harmful to life people will try to convince the public is a good idea).

We recently conveyed this message to Bindu, an AI influencer in America:

Bindu, while Unitree offers affordability and dexterity, emphasizing domestic production in robotics could strengthen our technological sovereignty and economic resilience, making it an economic, public safety, and national security imperative.

Given the known impacts of AI on white-collar jobs, combined with the fragile economic state of the U.S. government, the precarious health of stock market companies (zombie companies), and the indebted consumer base, relying on foreign manufacturing for critical sectors such as robotics, semiconductors, drone electronics, or military electronics is increasingly untenable.

With the U.S. as a technological leader, adopting an America First’ approach in robotics and technology could re-industrialize the American economy by re-establishing a robust manufacturing base, ensuring public safety, and fostering innovation domestically.

It’s crucial to not just compete on cost but to lead on standards and quality, investing in American ingenuity and manufacturing to address future challenges. Americans must reject cheap robots from China; the costa collapse of America is too great for both the nation and the world.’

Title: “Meet Figure 02 – the world’s most advanced AI hardware”

@bindureddy Here is what is remarkable about Unitree from China
– cheap to produce
– pretty dextrous
– China is already the manufacturing hub of the world
– Chinese AI companies are as good as the US ones
The house hold robot may be more affordable than most people think! I still think this is about 2-3 years away….

@SkillsGapTrain Bindu, while it’s true that Unitree offers affordability and dexterity, emphasizing domestic production in robotics could bolster our own technological sovereignty and economic resilience and is now an economic, public safety and national security necessity.

…and given known AI effects on white collar work, when combined with the fragile economic setup and deteriorating economic setup of US government at this point in time, and the overall health of stock market companies (zombie companies) and consumers (in debt).. it would not be a good idea to use foreign manufacturing anymore for next generation areas such as robotics manufacture or semiconductors or drone electronics or missile and military electronics.

With the U.S. as a leader in tech, an ‘America First’ approach in robotics and technology could re-industrialize the American economy with a re-established manufacturing base, ensuring public safety, security and fostering innovation at home.

It’s crucial not just to compete on cost but to lead on standards and quality, investing in American ingenuity and manufacturing to meet future challenges. Americans must give up on cheap robots from China. The cost is a collapse of America, and that cost is too high for America and for the world.

@sagemountie The train might have left the station already. An “America First” policy in robotis is likely to be as effective it has been in semiconductors.

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