The Digital Balkanization of Canada: How Trudeau’s Technophobic Neglect is Fracturing the Nation & Forcing a Choice Between Stagnation & a Corporate World Order

Canada stands at a precipice, poised between a fading past and an uncertain future. The cracks are evidenta broken immigration system, a sense of national malaise, and a government seemingly incapable of navigating the complexities of the 21st century.

But this is not merely a story of incompetence; it’s a calculated dismantling of the Canadian nation-state, orchestrated by the Trudeau administrations and some of the excessive traditionalism in design of government operations seems to also have existed before PM Trudeau, going back to 2000, driven by a deep-seated technophobia and a desperate attempt to cling to an outdated model of power.

At the heart of this engineered decline lies a systematic exclusion of the Canadian STEM community in governancethose with the skills, the positive tech design vision of next generation civilization layouts, next generation business process models (community based, network based, cloud based, data based, artificial intelligence based), and the adaptability to thrive in a world driven by technology and digital innovation.

For over two decades, Canadian governments, both provincial and federal, have consistently overlooked Canadian STEM professionals (they have all had to flee to America, China and Europe), barring them from leadership, the technical design of operations and mechanics of interaction in government systems, positions and effectively stifling the potential for true progress (reduction in cost to taxpayer through the ability to offer the same service in automated way but without the excessive salary and building maintenance requirement). This is not an oversight; it’s a deliberate strategy.

‘It cannot be changed, as hard as you try.’

The evidence is compelling. While Silicon Valley thrives and digital nations rise across the globe, Canada remains tethered to antiquated systems and administrative bloat. We witness the rise of STEM Gen Z and STEM Millenials, a generation fluent in the language of technology and entrepreneurship, yet they are nowhere to be found within the ranks of our government administration, our banking administration, our healthcare administration, institutions, or our education administration.

‘Are there 5 million STEM workers in these locations?’ No.

‘Are there administrative officers in the millions in these locations (non-professional and non specialized).’ Yes.

Modern STEM Millennial and modern STEM Gen Z are not willing to negotiate and make a deal to work on tasks that do not achieve progress for society towards building the future, but to operate at a job in a fake way that only involves maintaining operations, instead of changing them so they work in a fundamentally new way and more effective way that uses and adopts and includes and incorporates the possibilities of STEM.

Though they are drawn to the stagnant Canadian administrative office economy to fix it;the HR blocks them from either entrance or when they accept them, they undermine their progress at some point, such that it makes it an irrelevant effort to try to exist within the government administrative system.

Instead, STEM Millennial and STEM Gen Z are building a different future, a future Canadian government officials and administrative collaborators are actively rejecting.

This rejection is not simply a matter of misguided policy; it’s a calculated effort to maintain control, and maintain wealth flows to certain points of control, administrative control operators.

By suppressing the influence of STEM, the Trudeau government and its collaborative administrative office allies (and 86 000 charities on the list and media establishments on the list), aim to lock in a reality that benefits them while actively hindering the nation’s progress.

They control the hiring levers, they manipulate the flow of talent, and they tilt the tax flows in their favour, they manipulate the success of individuals in the labour market, ensuring that the levers of power, the mechanisms for change, the people who can make decisions as to how things like urban policy, land policy, technical policy, city design, energy design and deployment, housing approval, etc.. and the rewards of innovation remain firmly in their grasp and further, the actual shape of the future remains in their grasp.

They want non-Science, non-Technology, non-Engineering, and non-Mathematics individuals, like individuals who don’t know what the future actually is, they want people from the past to make the future who don’t know how to use elements, data and rules in reality, even though they don’t know how to build the future or how to design the future or how to imagine that future that will work given global realities.

The result? A Canada frozen in time, its classrooms identical in every component on the wall and on the desk and in the room, of every classroom and how they all looked in 1991, it is the same look today in every way (with the exception that we now have a multi national RGB flag there for the kids).

Further, Canada’s infrastructure crumbling, and some books predict a collapse by 2040 to 2050 in infrastructure (not surprising given that we built weak building standard buildings in 1960 and 1970s with a limited life span unfortunately), our economy lagging behind the Eastern nations that have embraced the digital revolution.

And while Canada stagnates, a new world order is emerginga world of Network States, decentralized, digitally native communities that are crowdfunded, self-governing, and driven by shared values and a desire for a better future.

These Network States, eloquently envisioned by thought leaders like Balaji Srinivasan, operate outside the constraints of traditional nation-states, creating their own economies, their own legal frameworks, and their own social structures. They are attracting the best and brightest, those who yearn for a world where innovation is celebrated, where talent is rewarded, and where the future is built on a foundation of technological progress and individual empowerment.

The Next United States, could have been Brazil (but look at what they did to the freedom of speech). It could have been Canada (but look what they did to the doctors, the trades workers, the farmers, the truckers, the police officers, the military, the STEM Workers and rejecting them from building the digital nation of Canada, the energy workers, the resource workers, etc..)..

So then, the nextUnited States will be a Digital Nation State(Possibly it will be in Texas with Elon as President and X as the bridge operating system that connects all Digital Nation States around the world.).

Meanwhile, Canada’s existing frameworks, the very documents that have long defined our nation and protected our freedomsthe

  • Charter of Rights and Freedoms
  • Bill of Rights
  • Constitution Act
  • Official Languages Act
  • Multiculturalism Act
  • Privacy Act
  • Access to Information Act
  • Canadian Human Rights Act
  • Provincial and Territorial Human Rights Acts
  • Employment Equity Act
  • Citizenship Act
  • Labour Laws
  • Indian Act
  • Emergencies Act

… are all being rendered increasingly irrelevant.

As citizens, we face a stark choice: cling to a fading Canada, a nation hollowed out by neoliberal woke techno-phobia and held hostage by a government that prioritizes decorum control over creative positive tech vision progress, or embrace the future, align ourselves with these emerging digital communities, and participate in building digital nation state collectives (like around Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, Solana etc..), one where our values are respected, our talents are valued, and our voices are heard.

These cryptocurrencies are a digital passport, and the quantity of currency determines the quantity of interaction as citizen within these nation state collectives and ecosystems.

This is not a decision to be taken lightly. The stakes are high.

The very essence of Canada, the rights and freedoms we cherish, and the future we bequeath to future generations hang in the balance.

The Trudeau government’s strategy of calculated collapse (debt implosion through borrowing, stuffing pockets of administrators, and raising the national debt to collapse levels/hyperinflation levels) has brought us to this crossroads. He might be attempting to reset the currency, and extract all the value he can out of it for his administrative team across the economy (spanning millions of office administrators), and then to bring in the ‘non organic digital nation state’, the ‘corporate digital nation state of WHO and WEF’.

This is extremely dangerous to do, since it will not have any of the previous frameworks (rights and freedoms mentioned earlier) of Canada as it would be a replacement network collective, to the network collective we have of Canada today (the Canadian citizenship with all the rights, freedoms and privileges that the citizenship provides).

We can either accept our fate as a nation relegated to the dustbin of history, or we can choose a different path, a path that leads towards a brighter, more innovative, and truly Canadian future within the emergent digital landscape.

The choice is ours. Let’s pay attention to this in a wise way, and guard our rights and freedoms documents. Let’s guard our citizenship and our nation. It is more advantageous to have multiple citizenship, than to give up this one, in exchange for a corporate WEF one. Don’t let them swap it. You add whatever citizenship you like, but don’t let them trick you to take this one away. And since you probably know this, they will try to take it away by destroying your government. You must work towards guarding your nation state as well, in order to defend the function of your nation’s effectiveness and competitiveness in digital age.


@SkillsGapTrain You can implement a cashless society without Digital ID.’

‘The concept of a cashless society without relying on digital IDs is not only feasible but already partially realized with technologies like Bitcoin and hardware wallets. Bitcoin, for instance, operates on a decentralized blockchain system that allows users to conduct transactions anonymously without requiring a centralized authority or traditional identification methods’

‘Hardware wallets further enhance this by providing a physical means of storing cryptocurrency offline, significantly increasing security and reducing the risk of hacking compared to online wallets. These wallets can execute transactions without directly exposing private keys, maintaining user privacy.’

‘This approach exemplifies how digital currencies can function in a way that respects user anonymity and autonomy, mirroring some of the privacy aspects of using cash. Such systems demonstrate that it’s possible to design a cashless infrastructure that upholds a high degree of personal privacy and security without necessitating a digital ID, thereby preserving the relative power dynamic between individuals and the government while safeguarding against excessive surveillance, control and exploitation or “cuber-security breach” caused harm to citizens.’

‘Further, the ethical framework of digital currency systems is significantly shaped by their designers.’

‘The system’s integrity depends on whether it’s developed by an individual, a corporate entity, a government entity, a banking alliance, a foreign nation state, a foreign set of allied nation states, or a collective of public STEM communities engaged in open-source and transparent design processes’

The last option carries the highest degree likelihood of quality and safe design as the reward incentive for corruption is removed.’

‘A pivotal aspect of this design process is the accuracy of the assumptions provided by project leaders. Engineers can engineer the wrong rules into a product, by adopting a narrow lens, if it is the case that a wise technical project leader is not selected for the broad interdisciplinary world view and principles upon which that engineering is taking place.’

‘If designers are steered by misleading contexts or directives, or narrow directives that are not broadly considering the needs of humans and not only the needs of institutions or governments, through such biased loyalty structure, they might inadvertently establish rules that compromise the rights and freedoms of users (and therefore run the risk of making an unsafe environment for humans in the future.. one that can even threaten core security such as financial security, bio-security, etc..).’

‘It is often the case that the initial design proposals are crafted by those who might not prioritize the safeguarding of user freedoms, focusing instead on control mechanisms.’

Hollywood films taught us skepticism, and this is of great assistance in this case, to scan and detect dark intentions via IT mechanisms in our modern digital governance upgrades.’

‘This can pose significant risks to the well-being of citizens. And you seem attuned to these risks. Congratulations, despite the fact that the ‘mainstream non playable followers’ might not like the advertisements you are posting.’

‘Fortunately, there is an increasing awareness among individuals who can identify potential threats in IT systems as those above nation states might seek to use IT systems for non-ethical control type ‘lockdown type design frameworks and behavioural engineering frameworks similar to CCP design objectives’.’

‘North America’s ethical IT systems ethical design vigilance is essential for advocating for designs that truly protect user rights and promote autonomy in digital currency systems.’

‘Analogous to the private storage of capital through cash, a key aspect of digital currency design involves enabling citizens to retain authority over their transactions and wealth.’

‘It is possible to have “cash” in a “cashless society”.’

‘By allowing the withdrawal of digital currency to private blockchain vaults (perhaps at home, at banks or tech start-ups), and withdrawal to open-source blockchains (like are found in cryptocurrency space), such hybrid and decentralized digital cryptocurrency systems can empower users to manage their assets outside the direct control of any central authority BUT ALSO within the control of the central authority as well, reflecting a crucial balance of power between the government and its citizens.’

‘This “sovereignty digital cash storage vault feature” not only supports individual autonomy but also reinforces the social contracts that define and protect the rights and freedoms of citizens within their respective nations. The ability to hold and transfer digital wealth privately, peer to peer as well in the event of government overreach, is vital for maintaining a healthy power dynamic, ensuring that governments remain accountable to the people they serve and ensuring that the government does not see itself as more powerful than the people, by breaching and violating their citizen authority to do commerce.’

@SkillsGapTrain Yes, you’re rightorganizations often aim to link blockchain addresses to a Digital ID for identification purposes.’

‘For those interested in maintaining full anonymity and privacy, it’s crucial to have a deep understanding of blockchain technology. Investing in a few books on blockchain development is a smart move (say about 5 to 10). This will only cost a few hundred dollars (under $1000).’

‘Understanding digital network collective technology is actually very useful, as the economic system of 21st century, may change to collective networked style businesses and collective network organizations of all types, including governments.’

‘The blockchain development books on Bitcoin and on Ethereum are the right starting point. Publications on other cryptocurrencies are not yet mature level.’

‘These type of resources offer vital knowledge about private currency management, including storage, transfer, and usage (and if it is not there in the book, it is possible to realize the solution through one’s own engineering creativity).’

‘These type of books also provide insights into navigating the complexities of decentralized financial systems and identifying potential vulnerabilities where personal information could be compromised.’

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Title:“For the past two decades, there has been a noticeable avoidance of STEM professionals within government roles, reflecting a broader hesitance towards digital modernization.”

Title: “There are hundreds of emerging nations now (just not quite visible yet to citizens), both ‘digital nations’ and ‘rising traditional nations’, rising across the globe outside of the English world, particularly from the East.”

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