Core Categories
1. Dual Mode Operation & Frequency Range
BTECH DMR‑6X2 PRO: – Supports both DMR and Analog modes – Covers VHF (136–174 MHz) and UHF (400–480 MHz) bands at 7W
Anytone AT‑D878UVII Plus: – Also offers dual‑mode functionality over similar frequency ranges
Winner: Tie
Rating: – BTECH: ★★★★★★★★⁺ (9/10) – Anytone: ★★★★★★★★⁺ (9/10)
2. Repeater Functionality
BTECH DMR‑6X2 PRO: – Offers refined repeater scanning and access features – Provides user‑friendly repeater memory management and programming
Anytone AT‑D878UVII Plus: – Supports repeater operation but may require more manual configuration – Users report the repeater section can be less intuitive
Winner: BTECH
Rating: – BTECH: ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10) – Anytone: ★★★★★★★ (7/10)
3. Connectivity & Modern Features
BTECH DMR‑6X2 PRO: – Integrated Bluetooth and GPS – USB‑C battery interface for modern charging convenience
Anytone AT‑D878UVII Plus: – The Anytone AT‑D878UVII Plus includes both integrated Bluetooth and GPS, comparable to the BTECH DMR‑6X2 PRO.
Winner: Tie
Rating: – BTECH: ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10) – Anytone: ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10)
4. Advanced Functionalities (Talker Alias, APRS, Roaming, Voice Recording)
BTECH DMR‑6X2 PRO: – Offers a comprehensive suite including Talker Alias, APRS, roaming, and voice recording
Anytone AT‑D878UVII Plus: – The Anytone AT‑D878UVII Plus supports both Analog and Digital APRS.
Winner: Tie
Rating: – BTECH: ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10) – Anytone: ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10)
5. Security Features
BTECH DMR‑6X2 PRO: – Implements robust encryption with AES256 and ARC4
Anytone AT‑D878UVII Plus: – Supports encryption, though not necessarily to the military‑grade standards of BTECH
Winner: BTECH
Rating: – BTECH: ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10) – Anytone: ★★★★★★★★ (8/10)
6. Programming Interface & Firmware Support
BTECH DMR‑6X2 PRO: – Backed by a detailed website, comprehensive documentation, and frequent firmware updates
Anytone AT‑D878UVII Plus: – Has programming software, but it’s often seen as less intuitive with slower update cycles
Winner: BTECH
Rating: – BTECH: ★★★★★★★★⁺ (9/10) – Anytone: ★★★★★★★ (7/10)
7. Value & Accessories
BTECH DMR‑6X2 PRO: – High feature set for the price – Option to pair with a compact, inexpensive RF amplifier (AMP V25‑D/AMP U25‑D 40W)
Anytone AT‑D878UVII Plus: – The Anytone AT‑D878UVII Plus offers a comparable feature set and accessories, including Bluetooth, APRS, and USB‑C charging in newer models.
Winner: Tie
Rating: – BTECH: ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10) – Anytone: ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10)
8. Build Quality & Audio Performance
BTECH DMR‑6X2 PRO: – Solid construction and clear audio, meeting modern expectations
Anytone AT‑D878UVII Plus: – Known for reliability and good build quality
Winner: Tie
Rating: – BTECH: ★★★★★★★★ (8/10) – Anytone: ★★★★★★★★ (8/10)
Additional Categories
9. Battery Life & Power Management
Evaluation: – Both radios are designed for field use; while detailed battery comparisons require specific test data, initial impressions suggest competitive endurance.
Rating: – BTECH: ★★★★★★★★ (8/10) – Anytone: ★★★★★★★★ (8/10)
10. User Interface & Ease of Use
Evaluation: – BTECH offers intuitive on‑device menus and straightforward programming software. – Anytone’s interface can feel less streamlined.
Rating: – BTECH: ★★★★★★★★⁺ (9/10) – Anytone: ★★★★★★★ (7/10)
11. Ergonomics & Portability
Evaluation: – Both radios are built for extended field use, though BTECH’s design edges ahead slightly in comfort and layout.
Rating: – BTECH: ★★★★★★★★⁺ (9/10) – Anytone: ★★★★★★★★ (8/10)
12. Durability & Environmental Resistance
Evaluation: – Both models are engineered to professional standards, offering solid durability under stress and good environmental resistance.
Rating: – BTECH: ★★★★★★★★ (8/10) – Anytone: ★★★★★★★★ (8/10)
13. Customer Support & Documentation
Evaluation: – BTECH stands out with responsive, top‑level support and detailed, well‑organized documentation. – Anecdotal reports suggest that other companies can sometimes be unresponsive.
Rating: – BTECH: ★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10) – Anytone: ★★★★★★★ (7/10)
Overall Evaluation & Final Score
Strengths: – Superior repeater functionality – Modern connectivity (Bluetooth/GPS/USB‑C) – Broad advanced features and robust security – User‑friendly programming and consistent firmware updates – Excellent value, enhanced further by accessory options – Outstanding customer support and documentation
Total Points (across 13 categories): 120/130
Average Score: Approximately 9.2/10
Anytone AT‑D878UVII Plus
Strengths: – Solid core functionality – Reliable dual‑mode performance and proven build quality
Weaknesses: – Less intuitive repeater operation – Fewer integrated modern features – A less streamlined programming and support experience
Total Points (across 13 categories): 116/130
Average Score: Approximately 8.9/10
SGT Final Verdict
BTECH DMR‑6X2 PRO: ★★★★★★★★★⁺ (9.2/10)
Anytone AT‑D878UVII Plus: ★★★★★★★★⁺ (8.9/10)
SGT Impression: The BTECH DMR-6X2 PRO in Focus”

Questions & Answers:
Does the BTECH DMR-6X2 PRO or the Anytone AT-D878UVII Plus have the certification they need from Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for HAM radio operation?
Yes, both the BTECH DMR-6X2 PRO and the Anytone AT-D878UVII Plus have the necessary FCC certifications for amateur radio operation.
The Anytone AT-D878UVII Plus is FCC Part 90 certified, with FCC ID: T4KD878UV. (
The BTECH DMR-6X2 PRO holds FCC certification under FCC ID: 2AGND-DMR6X2. (
These certifications ensure that both radios comply with FCC regulations for use in amateur radio operations.
Does the BTECH DMR-6X2 PRO or the Anytone AT-D878UVII Plus need Part 90 and Part 95 certification?
In the United States, amateur radio equipment does not require FCC certification under Part 90 or Part 95 for operation in amateur bands. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations for amateur radio, outlined in Part 97, do not mandate equipment certification, allowing licensed amateur radio operators to use a wide range of equipment, including home-built or modified devices, provided they comply with technical standards and do not cause harmful interference.
However, if a radio is to be used for services like General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) or other Personal Radio Services, it must have the appropriate FCC certification under Part 95. The BTECH DMR-6X2 PRO and the Anytone AT-D878UVII Plus are primarily designed for amateur radio use and are certified under Part 90 for commercial land mobile radio services. They do not possess Part 95 certification; therefore, using them on GMRS or other Part 95 services would not comply with FCC regulations.
In summary, both radios are suitable and compliant for amateur radio operations without needing Part 90 or Part 95 certification. For use in other radio services like GMRS, appropriate Part 95-certified equipment is required.
Being new and high level radios, is the BTECH DMR-6X2 PRO or the Anytone AT-D878UVII Plus suitable and compliant for use in Canada?
In Canada, operating amateur radio equipment requires an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate issued by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED). This certificate is the sole authorization needed to operate amateur radio apparatus in the country. (
Regarding equipment certification, ISED mandates that radio apparatus must meet Canadian technical standards and, in many cases, obtain a Technical Acceptance Certificate (TAC) before being marketed or used in Canada. This ensures that the equipment complies with Canadian regulations and operates without causing harmful interference. (
The BTECH DMR-6X2 PRO and the Anytone AT-D878UVII Plus are primarily designed for amateur radio use and are certified under FCC Part 90for commercial land mobile radio services in the United States. However, for use in Canada, these radios would need to comply with ISED’s certification requirements. It’s essential to verify whether these specific models have obtained the necessary Canadian certifications before operating them. Operating un-certified equipment may contravene Canadian regulations and could lead to penalties.
In summary, while both radios are suitable for amateur radio operations, it’s crucial to ensure they meet Canadian certification standards before use. Always verify that your equipment is compliant with local regulations to ensure lawful and interference-free operation.
In Canada, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) requires radio equipment to be certified and listed on the Radio Equipment List (REL) to ensure compliance with Canadian regulations. As of now, there is no publicly available information confirming that the BTECH DMR-6X2 PRO or the Anytone AT-D878UVII Plus have obtained ISED certification or are listed on the REL.
To verify the certification status of these radios, you can consult the ISED’s Radio Equipment List (REL) directly: (
If these models are not listed, they may not be authorized for use in Canada.
For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it’s advisable to contact the manufacturers or authorized Canadian distributors directly. They can provide specific details regarding the certification status and compliance of these radios with Canadian regulations.
Operating un-certified radio equipment in Canada may contravene ISED regulations and could lead to penalties. Always ensure that your equipment is compliant with local laws to maintain lawful and interference-free operation.
Does the BTECH DMR-6X2PROor Anytone AT-D878UVII PLUS have spurious emissions?
Both the BTECH DMR-6X2 PRO and the Anytone AT-D878UVII Plus are designed to meet regulatory standards concerning spurious emissions.
Here’s a detailed overview:
Transmitter Spurious Emissions: Specified as ≤-36 dBm for both wide and narrow bands.
Receiver Spurious Emissions: Specified as ≤-57 dBm for both wide and narrow bands.
These specifications indicate that the Anytone AT-D878UVII Plus is engineered to suppress unwanted emissions effectively, adhering to regulatory requirements. (
Transmitter Spurious Emissions: Specified as ≤-36 dBm.
Receiver Spurious Emissions: Not explicitly stated in the available documentation.
The transmitter specifications suggest that the BTECH DMR-6X2 PRO is designed to control spurious emissions within acceptable limits. (
Some users have reported satisfactory performance regarding spurious emissions with the Anytone AT-D878UVII Plus, noting compliance with regulatory standards. (
Specific user feedback on the BTECH DMR-6X2 PRO‘s spurious emissions is limited.
It’s important to note that while manufacturer specifications provide a baseline, actual performance can vary based on factors like manufacturing tolerances and usage conditions. For critical applications, conducting independent testing or consulting detailed reviews is advisable to ensure the equipment meets your specific requirements.
For a visual assessment of the BTECH DMR-6X2 PRO‘s spurious emissions, you might find this video informative:
Is the Btech 6×2 DMR Radio Clean?

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