@JohnRustad4BC My Conservative Party of BC government will not bend the knee to violent mobs. If you call for “death” and burn the Canadian flag — BC’s Conservatives will fight for your arrest or deportation. #bcpoli https://x.com/JohnRustad4BC/status/1843676567664521506
@SkillsGapTrain @JohnRustad4BC Great work as a leader of Conservative Party of BC.
Mr. Rustad, your leadership of the Conservative Party of British Columbia is commendable, and now, more than ever, the weight of our future rests on clear-headed vision and decisive action.
But Team SGT must be direct — Canada is at a crucial crossroads.
We have 2 to 5 years, not just to catch up, but to surge forward, while global Industry 4.0 technologies redefine economic powerhouses on global basis as well as the new alliance structures that for as our adversary. (corporate alliances, military alliances, political alliances).
Countries like the U.S., China, South Korea, and Japan are positioning themselves at the heart of technological revolution…
— artificial intelligence in USA & China promise to absorb global revenues and redirect flows from world’s nations to these two nations
…advanced manufacturing and automation promise to revolutionize tech savvy countries, but not Canada as we just invested 7.3 trillion to 7.8 trillion in opposite, administrative office intangibles, over the last 9 years.
‘No data, IP, tech, factory, hospital or industrial production capability acquired.’
Canada stands at risk of being sidelined.
But here is something key to consider: Canada’s narrative must not be hijacked by the climate change agenda.
Not because the environment isn’t important, but because our real national crisis is not climate.. and climate can be solved if we solve our national crisis — it’s existential for us to have capability to fix our broken country, which then helps us fix the broken world. One step at a time.
It’s about the very pillars that hold up this great nation.
The globalists and foreign interests (corporations like McKinsey or from Century Initiative or those associated with PM Trudeau) often write the policies landing on our politicians’ desks do not have our best interests at heart.
We must rise above and reclaim our sovereignty. This is the new idea of 21st century of great nations that will not focus on great industrial and tech investment, and begin the process of growth and ascension that has been avoided for the last 30 years (Sleep Walking Age 1990 to 2019).
‘We must make our citizens, our industries, our technology and our national security our priority.’
We are custodians of 10 million square kilometres of land, a responsibility that’s not just geographic, but generational. With the immense knowledge, talent, and resources at our disposal, with the diversity of people who have chosen Canada as their home, the top people of all the former nations of the world, we must build and protect our future — now. Build. Build. Build.
Our narrative isn’t about appeasing foreign interests. We are not here to serve international wealthy who do not have our vision, character or skills. We are here to build and to stand on guard for the things we have built and for good things in general, to make a positive future happen (since they won’t, and they will only make dystopia). So it comes down to us to engineer utopia.
We know how to do it, and we are the only ones who will do it.
It’s about strengthening the pillars of our nation, so that when hard times come (0 to 5 years timeframe), Canada stands tall and unshaken.
What are those pillars? National Defense. Public Safety. Farming. City Development. Housing. Manufacturing. Robotics. Artificial Intelligence. AI Factories local. Blockchain. Resilience and Preparedness. Health. Innovation. Technology. Justice. etc..
These are the core pillars of any thriving, resilient nation. Yet, we’re being told we can’t afford to invest in them. Why?
Because we’ve allowed ourselves to be trapped in a narrative that limits our capacity to generate real economic activity.
Here’s the real narrative — Canada is drowning in debt. Not because of climate change alone, but because we lack the economic engine necessary to solve even a SINGLE problem effectively.
We don’t generate enough revenue/income or Foreign Direct Investment or stock market investment from or economic growth to build our future. Without us becoming appealing place to do business, business will not happen here. And what does it take to become appealing to do business, to build a productive and REAL economy that makes real things with REAL energy (electrical generation being increased 500%), and not an office economy where energy use doesn’t change even 1% over 20 years.
And here’s the shocking part: if we can’t fix one problem without being crippled by debt, how can we tackle 15 problems? We can’t. That would create so much debt to try to create the growth, that it would be instant bankruptcy.
The globalists, through mechanisms like the WEF, have pushed policies that keep us dependent, vulnerable, and economically stagnant. Their “solutions” are meant to keep Canada in a weakened state, unable to thrive on its own terms. But this is our country. This is our fight.
Perhaps it is the case that you can’t decide to increase “National Security” strength or “Police” strength, even if you increase the allocation of funding. Perhaps it is the case that there are greater forces at play, giving the politicians the illusion of sovereignty and that they can in fact build a military if they want, but any attempt to do so , actually fails. So why would that be? Isn’t that a little bit odd. Wouldn’t an experiment be warranted to see whether or not there is in fact an attempt to keep us a non sovereign nation?
Fighting for our sovereignty, is a fight for human rights, not just for ourselves. We are the torchbearer of human rights, and over a dozen such legislation packages exist within our government setup, and if we don’t fight for our sovereignty with tings like growing the police and growing the military, that data is going to get wiped out, replaced, and one day everyone will live in a camp inside a city no different than a farm animal.
We are here to stand on guard, not to sit in office and in a camp.
We must stop accepting foreign narratives that undermine our national potential. Instead, we need massive, bold investments to strengthen our pillars:
National Defense – We need to protect Canada’s sovereignty and secure our borders.
Public Safety – Proper funding for our police, emergency services, and cyber-security infrastructure (including EMP hardening of all nuclear facilities, houses, cars, critical infrastructure, police, military, and government centres and city transformers).
Agriculture – We need a farming renaissance to ensure food security and independence, on city by city basis.
City Development – Let’s grow small towns and cities, launching new opportunities for Canadians across all provinces.
Housing – We must build single-family homes and affordable housing for future generations.
We must accept pod houses built in factory and shipped by Amazon or Home depot to Crown land, which itself must be supplied to the market at scale, millions of lots from the 10 million km we have in public trust nearby the cities.
Resilience and Emergency Preparedness – Develop systems that can withstand global shocks.
Healthcare – Build a healthcare system that not only cures, but also prevents, reducing disability and enhancing quality of life. We must ban processed food, to reduce the disability and health problems with 8 million people not participating in labour force, and help rebuild the labour force of Canada from this big talent pool that isn’t working.
Space Systems – Position Canada as a leader in space exploration and technology and flying vehicles with partnership with Boeing and Tesla and Bombardier.
Tech & Business – Develop a powerful tech economy that leads innovation, not just follows trends. Deploy local AI factories, so foreign factories don’t steal all of the data of all of our businesses and all of our government officials.
Poverty & Inequality – Break down barriers, ensuring that prosperity is shared, not concentrated in a few hands. But let’s be real — it will cost money. A lot of money.
And that’s the vulnerability the climate narrative has exposed: we are not generating enough wealth to sustain ourselves, let alone grow.
NOTHING is possible, because they are creating the fake narrative for us. Engineers can solve climate change issues very easily.
They have dozens of technologies to solve it. The politicians however do not talk about the technologies, they talk about climate ONLY as a way to stop the country from growing on 15 pillars. The politicians also focus on electric cars, thinking it solves climate change, but it is mean to harm the climate and that’s why they mention it, and not the other 10 transportation methods.
Why? Because we’re not focused on real economic growth.
The true crisis is that we’ve been pushed into a corner, where the very policies designed to “save” us are hollowing us out. We’re not generating enough exports, revenue, or innovation to keep up with the global competition.
This is the hidden truth — Canada has been strategically weakened by adversaries, that want to own the people and the land of Canada and all of the business assets and intellectual property.
And unless we act swiftly, every pillar of our society will crumble under the weight of foreign interests and failed policies. Mr. Rustad, we need to reclaim Canada’s future. We need to empower the citizenry, give them the authority to build the narratives of our future, and refocus our energy and investments on real pillars of strength.
‘It’s time to reject decay. It’s time to push back against policies that tell us we can’t succeed.’
Canada deserves better. And with the right leadership, we can and will rebuild this nation into a powerhouse of innovation, strength, and resilience.
Let’s invest in Canada’s pillars — and ensure that when the hard times come, we are the ones standing tall and on guard (again).
‘This is our time, Mr. Rustad. This is Canada’s future. Let’s claim it.’
@CentreMinder At this point it’s leadership for half the province. I’m disappointed in his statement last night and it was enough to not vote conservative again. All 3 parties had valid points and we’d be serving a larger majority by getting along. We’re obviously not a one solution province.
@SkillsGapTrain @CentreMinder We don’t recall his exact words, but there was a striking statement recently in one of the YouTube shows on Canadian politics that stuck out.
In light of the recent tight race in British Columbia between the BC Conservatives and the NDP, it’s essential for the Conservatives to focus on a clear victory, and only to consider a victory a victory.
It is only a victory for people if they can get immediate change, as long term change can result in a loss of sovereignty and loss of effective financial position in the world and the position of the citizens.
Whoever made the statement that not winning as Conservative Party, as a victory, underestimates the scale of threats to Canadians.
When core issues like sovereignty, fiscal sustainability, family formation, housing development, economic resilience, and even the fundamentals of being a first-world nation are at stake, anything less than winning falls short of success.
The stakes encompass halting politicians from draining public resources, preventing the use of debt to invent funding programs that benefit insiders or partners, and ensuring land access for Millennials and Gen Z…
— all while safeguarding Canada’s independence from corporate or foreign influence or supranational institutes and their partners like WEF. For British Columbians, public safety, cost of living, and fundamental rights cannot be compromised.
In this context, participating or nearly winning does not equate to victory. True success is about protecting people from harm, which can only be achieved through decisive wins and transformative change.
@SkillsGapTrain @CentreMinder Your statement that “we’re not a one-solution province” is very important here.
We can’t expect John Rustad, in the short time frame of a few months, to do more than he already has. Given the circumstances, he has done as well as possible, and no other leader could have done better.
But there’s a deeper issue at play in British Columbia. In most places around the world and throughout history, people have exercised their free will to either support or oppose their government. However, BC seems to be an exception to this rule.
According to recent polls, approximately half of the people in BC are unable — or perhaps unwilling — to oppose the government like the NDP, one focused on collective thinking instead of market thinking and professional capability thinking.
Even if the NDP government were to engage in excruciatingly unethical actions, repeatedly — actions that no reasonable, free-thinking person could accept — half the population would still not stand against it.
Even if everyone in BC were fully mentally healthy and intellectually capable, they still might not oppose a collectivist government under any circumstances.
We often hear people say, “I would stand up to the government if it is evil.” Dr. Jordan B. Peterson challenges this notion, skeptically remarking, “Of course you would,” calling out people’s overconfidence in their own courage.
As we learned during the pandemic, very few people stood up against even weak leaders like Prime Minister Trudeau. If people in Canada do not stand up to weak leadership, what would they do if faced with a truly tyrannical government, like the one that is being founded right now and shaped in preliminary stage by Prime Minister Trudeau? They would likely fold. And soon, they will fold in more folds than they already have.
In BC, there’s a phenomenon where lifelong social groups are formed —people who’ve had the same friends from grade school to age 50.These “inner circles” consist of upper-middle-class individuals from families with homes and employment in government, public sector services, healthcare, education, or banking —usually in administrative, non-professional, and non-technical roles that emphasize empathy and social communication, human resources, public administration, banking administration, management and so forth.
These groups have rarely lived outside of BC or experienced the “real world.“ They might travel occasionally, to prove to themselves they are fully connected to reality, but they are not, not even to the people in Canada, which are often interacted with in small talk in the community only and only during professional interactions at work.
These collectivist groups form friendships not with individual members of the group, but with the entire group as a whole. Bonds are not independent or distinct, one to one; instead, they come as a package deal, where each relationship is part of the collective rather than a separate connection.
These groups often do not engage with alternative media or counter-narratives, global narratives of news, available on platforms like YouTube. Instead, they choose to consume mainstream news sponsored in Canada by the federal government, which presents narratives shaped by administrators themselves, reinforcing group-think, from administrator informing other administrator.
Being part of these groups comes with an expectation: you must adopt the group’s perspectives and think the same way.
‘Everyone ensures that others share the same viewpoints.’
However, if one day you question the government— saying,“Wait, the government is causing significant harm; I will stand up against this”
— and you adopt a security mindset by becoming a prepper, buying an off-grid house, storing food, owning firearms, engaging in self-defense training, investing in Bitcoin or gold, acquiring radio systems, using encryption, or securing your communications —
…you set yourself apart from the group.You are no longer part of that circle.
They become extremely uncomfortable with this. It’s a conditioned response, and there’s nothing wrong with someone enhancing their own resilience, adaptability, and security capabilities— traits often celebrated in media and literature.But the collectivist groups in BC can’t accept it because it confronts personal issues they’re unaware of.
The core idea is that these groups in BC— and likely these are the ones that vote for the NDP or Liberal Party— lack a security mindset and also lack the acceptance of individuals who possess a security mindset, one that stands for good and against evil, if called upon (duty, service).
This dynamic is often evident in hiring practices.
Individuals who may not prioritize a security mindset — or who lack traditional attributes like honour, respect, authority, integrity, character, loyalty, and adherence to foundational principles—sometimes create barriers for those who do possess such qualities.
This can include professionals with backgrounds as trades workers, truckers, farmers, soldiers, or engineers.. who often have the great historical attributes of men. and can be blocked at HR or at the work place by men who disregard such attributes (often jokingly the men who lack these things are said to be beta men).
These less heroic men may impose obstacles to more stoic and historically minded and security minded men through human resources policies or manipulate workplace situations to disadvantage these security minded men or women. Consequently, many tech workers with a strong security mindset find better opportunities when hired by those who appreciate their skills and perspectives, sometimes finding that female hiring managers are more open to their qualifications, thereby bypassing potential biases against security-focused attributes.
These groups in BC vote for the NDP because this is part of the process to convince themselves that the NDP government has done nothing wrong; otherwise, they’d have to rationalize why they didn’t prepare themselves to stand up against wrongdoing with bad or evil policy in the past.
Admitting that the NDP is harmful and changing their vote would imply they should have taken other actions as well. Since they didn’t take any action, acknowledging this would reveal that they are unresponsive and unwilling to stand up to wrongdoing and that they have a non functional security mindset system in their minds. And the denial system does not let them get past this block. Rather than activate this dormant system of bravery, courage, it is easier to avoid its existence or understanding or activation.
To avoid confronting their own inaction and lack of courage to stand up to dark policy or evil, they continue to vote for the NDP. The easy way out. Ignorance is bliss, as they say. Life is short, as they say. Don’t take on work, to fix evil.. or all you will ever do is work. and not enjoy the beauty of BC right?
In essence, it seems that people would rather let negative forces take over than admit they don’t have the courage to stand against them.
We once heard a quote reflecting this sentiment, but we truly understood it by observing NDP or Liberal voters and how they live their lives — following harmful policies when they appear and being unwilling to admit or do something about it.
Moreover, they will ostracize or cancel anyone who stands against harmful actions, simply because it reminds them of their own unwillingness to act and potential complicity. It’s almost impossible for them to stand against the government, and that’s what makes BC unique in the world.
There’s a lack of free, independent thinkers. Having a security mindset is a normal component of the human psyche, but here, it has been suppressed and conditioned out of existence with repetitive CBC style words 50 times a day.
We see it happening to people, wake up at 7:30 am CBC, drive CBC, work CBC, drive home CBC, radio at home CBC.. newspaper.. similar to CBC. Then they lose their full spectrum thinking ability, their free thinking ability, their ability to fight that which is not right or to even to see it.
The evil disappears from the radar. It’s part of the local social contract to discourage the mindset of fighting wrongdoing should it materialize and discourage seeing it.. most importantly.
The government is content with this arrangement since it allows them to continue unopposed— except for the Conservative Party. They can be negotiated with. If you negotiate with them sufficiently that evil is bad, they will do something about it.
So.. since people in BC will attack all those who have self worth as independent citizens of authority and self respect and with heroic agency to fight all that is unfair and illegitimate about a bad government and go against power to speak truth to power.. this is a deeply ingrained psychology.. and cannot be undone in a few months.
It is decades of programming here. It’s asking the impossible for John Rustad to clear the minds of everyone in one go.
In that he is right, he needs more time to bring freedom in the mind to BC. Being visible online for a few months more prominently and freeing up half of BC to be economic agents and logical thinkers. that’s quite an achievement.

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