@elonmusk … Kamala vows to be a communist dictator on day one. Can you believe she wears that outfit!? https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1830656672211103825
1. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen’s Prophetic Vision for 2024
Elon. In the 1960s, archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, a prominent Catholic figure, known for television and radio programs, such as “Life is Worth Living,” made him one of the most well known figure in the United States in the 50s and 60s. He was able to communicate philosophical ideas to a broad audience and this earned him widespread respect and influence.
In one of his speeches “Quo Vadis America”, he starts off the speech by making the prediction for the year 2024, saying that a woman could finally be elected president, as he outlines the detailed scenario of 2024.
2. The Woman as a Symbol of Revolutionary Change
3. A Return to Founding Principles: The Choice Before America
Voting against the woman, therefore, symbolizes a desire to return to or preserve the core principles of self-governance, individual rights, and the dignity of man as envisioned by figures like Thomas Jefferson.
4. A Crossroads Similar to the American Revolution
This election then becomes a pivotal moment in American history where the nation must choose between “embracing a new direction”, represented by the woman, or “reaffirming its commitment to the foundational ideals that have guided it for centuries”.
5. Alternative Revolutionary Inspirations: The French Connection
The American Revolution, over 250 years ago, was a turning point where the colonies chose to break away from British rule and establish a new nation based on the principles of self-governance, individual rights, and democracy.
6. The Risks of Embracing Radical Change
The French Revolution, very close in time to American Revolution, started with the promise of liberty, equality, and fraternity, but eventually spiralled into violence and terror, particularly during the Reign of Terrorunder leaders like Saint-Just. Revolutionary changes, even those with noble intentions, can lead to unforeseen and destructive outcomes.
While the American Revolution is often celebrated as a successful struggle for independence that led to the establishment of a stable, democratic nation, it’s important to recognize that there were alternative paths the colonies could have taken — some of which might have been inspired by other revolutionary movements, like those in France.
During the American Revolution, the Founding Fatherswere largely influenced by Enlightenment ideals, emphasizing reason, individual rights, and self-governance. However, they opted for a more moderate approach compared to the more radical paths that other revolutionary movements, like the French Revolution, would later take.
Had the American colonies chosen a different inspiration — one rooted in more radical revolutionary ideals — they might have pursued a course similar to the French Revolution, which emphasized liberty, equality, and fraternity but ultimately led to widespread violence, internal conflict, and the Reign of Terror. Such a path could have resulted in a very different outcome for the United States, potentially involving more severe internal strife and less political stability.
The choice of a more measured approach allowed the American Revolution to avoid some of the pitfalls that later plagued the French Revolution. This decision enabled the creation of a Constitution that balanced power among various branches of government, ensuring stability and the protection of individual rights over the long term.
In essence, the American Revolution could have looked very different had the Founding Fathers been more inspired by the more radical revolutionary movements that emerged later in France. This underscores the importance of the ideological foundations that guide revolutionary movements and the lasting impact these foundations have on the resulting society.
While the new direction being proposed might seem appealing or progressive, it carries risks that are not fully understood or appreciated by the public. Just as in France, where the initial revolutionary ideals were eventually overshadowed by chaos and violence, embracing radical change without a clear understanding of its consequences can easily lead to a loss of stability, values, or even freedoms that have been foundational to the nation.
7. Sheen’s Call for a Renewal of American Values
In his speech, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen suggests that America is at a crossroads, where it must choose between two paths: one that adheres to the foundational principles of the American Revolution, such as the dignity of manand the belief that rights and liberties are endowed by God, and another that embraces a more radical, violent form of revolution that seeks to overthrow the principles of the United States.
Sheen advocates for a return to the values of the Founding Fathers, particularly those espoused by Thomas Jefferson. He emphasizes the importance of:
1. Respect for the Individual: Sheen believes that government should be based on the dignity of each person and that individual rights and liberties are fundamental and cannot be taken away by any majority or government.
2. Belief in God:He argues that the recognition of a Creator who endows humans with rights is essential to preserving democracy and protecting human dignity. According to Sheen, governments or societies that deny the existence of God are more likely to deny the existence of human rights.
3. Rejection of Violence and Elitism: Sheen criticizes the modern revolutionary movements as being driven by violence, elitism, and a desire to destroy the past. He warns against the dangers of these movements, which he sees as threatening the moral and social order established by the Founding Fathers.
4. Restoring Patriotism: Sheen calls for a revival of patriotism, which he defines as a love of God, neighbour, and country. He believes that true patriotism involves upholding the values that made the nation strong and resisting the forces that seek to tear it down.
In essence, Sheen suggests that America needs to “restore Jefferson,” meaning it should return to the principles of self-governance, respect for individual rights, and faith in God that were central to the American Revolution. He calls for a cultural and spiritual renewal, urging Americans to reject the negativity, violence, and destruction of modern revolutionary ideologies and instead build up the nation through positive, constructive action.
8. The Intersection of Politics and AI Safety
9. Conclusion: A Pivotal Moment in American History
‘The direction chosen in the 2024 election will have significant implications not only for the political and cultural landscape of the United States but also for the ethical and safe development of advanced technologies like AI.’
‘This positions the election as a moment of critical decision-making for the future of the country but for the future of our mastery over AI systems or our being mastered by AI systems.’
But of course Elon, you already knew all of this without us thinking about it this morning.
The following video explains the situation much better than we could ever explain it. It’s a profound video and critical to the choices the West makes in 2024, and to the future of the world (no exaggeration). The world waits for this decision.
Title: “Life is Worth Living | Episode 1 | Quo Vadis America | Fulton Sheen” https://youtu.be/WQA9nxUtIew?feature=shared
Title: “Battle for Humanity: How Rising Ideological Extremism Could Ignite a Century of Conflict” https://x.com/SkillsGapTrain/status/1830676962895110416
And this path is also a possibility as it is embedded in global consciousness and textual materials directly or indirectly.
Title: “Preparing for the End: Biblical Prophecies, Geopolitical Realities, and the Christian Response” https://x.com/SkillsGapTrain/status/1828822758815347081
Title: “Hypothetical Scenario: Global Impact of Nuclear War” https://skillsgaptrainer.com/global-impact-of-nuclear-war/

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