Tutorial 3: LilyGO T-Beam and T-Deck: An In-Depth Exploration for Tech Enthusiasts

“Discovering the potential of LilyGO’s innovative devices for secure, long-range communication in the IoT landscape.”

Greetings, fellow tech enthusiasts! If you’ve ever found yourself captivated by the possibilities of the Internet of Things (IoT), you’re not alone. The IoT revolution is reshaping the way we interact with the world, connecting devices and systems in ways we once only dreamed of. At the heart of this transformation are the tools and technologies that make it all possible, and LilyGO is a brand that’s been making significant waves in this arena.

Today, we’re going to delve deep into two of LilyGO’s standout products: the T-Beam Supreme ESP32-S3 and the T-Deck ESP32-S3 Keyboard. These devices aren’t just gadgets; they’re gateways to innovative projects and solutions that leverage LoRa technology for secure, long-range communication.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional pushing the boundaries of what’s possible or a curious tinkerer eager to explore new horizons, this exploration is crafted with you in mind. We’ll journey through the features, capabilities, and best use cases of these remarkable devices, weaving in technical insights and practical tips along the way.

Table of Contents

1. Introducing LilyGO: Pioneers in IoT Innovation
2. The T-Beam Supreme ESP32-S3: Unleashing Long-Range Potential
– High-Precision GPS Module
– LoRa Capability Explained
– Maximizing Battery Life
– Ideal Use Cases
– Getting Started: Setup and Configuration
3. The T-Deck ESP32-S3 Keyboard: Interactive and Versatile
– Design and Ergonomics
– Display and Input Innovations
– Ensuring Secure Communication
– Perfect Applications
– Standing Out in the Market
4. Putting Them to the Test: Real-World Performance
– Assessing Range and Data Quality
– Analyzing Battery Consumption
5. Conclusion: Weighing Strengths and Weaknesses
– Recommendations Based on Your Needs

1. Introducing LilyGO: Pioneers in IoT Innovation

Imagine a world where devices communicate seamlessly across vast distances, where data flows securely and efficiently, and where innovation is accessible to all. This is the world that LilyGO envisions and actively brings to life.

Who is LilyGO?

LilyGO is a company that’s made a name for itself by delivering high-quality, versatile development boards and modules to the global tech community. Their products are celebrated for blending advanced features into user-friendly platforms, effectively lowering the barrier to entry for complex technologies like LoRa communication.

Contributions to IoT and LoRa Technology

By integrating functionalities such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, and LoRa into compact devices, LilyGO empowers developers and hobbyists to create projects that were once the exclusive domain of large corporations with hefty R&D budgets. They’ve made long-range, low-power communication not just possible, but practical for everyday innovators.

2. The T-Beam Supreme ESP32-S3: Unleashing Long-Range Potential

When I first held the T-Beam Supreme ESP32-S3 in my hands, I was struck by its unassuming appearance — it’s a sleek, unpretentious board. But don’t let its simplicity fool you; under the hood lies a powerhouse of technology designed to push the boundaries of what’s achievable in IoT projects.

High-Precision GPS Module

At the core of the T-Beam’s capabilities is the u-blox NEO-6M GPS module. This isn’t just any GPS receiver; it’s a high-precision component that brings several advantages to the table:

Accurate Positioning: The NEO-6M supports both GPS and GLONASS satellite systems, providing reliable and precise location data. This is crucial for applications like asset tracking, where knowing the exact position can make all the difference.

Fast Acquisition Times: One of the standout features is its quick start-up and signal acquisition, even in challenging environments like urban canyons or dense foliage.

Customizable Update Rates: Depending on your project’s needs, you can adjust the GPS update rate for real-time tracking or less frequent position checks to conserve power.

Why Does This Matter?

Having a reliable GPS module onboard means you can develop applications that require geolocation without the need for additional hardware. Whether it’s tracking wildlife movements or monitoring the position of delivery vehicles, the T-Beam has you covered.

LoRa Capability Explained

Perhaps the most exciting feature is the inclusion of the Semtech SX1262 LoRa transceiver. If you’re new to LoRa, it’s a wireless technology that enables long-range communication between devices with minimal power consumption.

Key Benefits:

Exceptional Range: In optimal conditions, the T-Beam can communicate over distances up to 10 kilometers (about 6 miles). This is a game-changer for remote monitoring and control systems.

Low Power Consumption: LoRa’s efficiency means your devices can run longer on battery power, an essential factor for remote deployments.

Flexible Frequency Bands: The T-Beam supports multiple frequency bands (such as 868 MHz and 915 MHz), making it compliant with regulations in different regions.

Technical Insights:

LoRa uses a modulation technique called chirp spread spectrum, which spreads the signal across a wider bandwidth, making it more resistant to interference and capable of operating below the noise floor. This is how it achieves such impressive range without needing a lot of power.

Maximizing Battery Life

Battery life is often the Achilles’ heel of IoT devices, but the T-Beam addresses this head-on:

18650 Lithium Battery Support: These are common, high-capacity batteries that are easy to source and replace.

Integrated Battery Management: The board includes charging circuits and protection features, so you can charge the battery via USB without worrying about overcharging or damaging the battery.

Deep Sleep Modes: By leveraging the ESP32-S3’s power-saving features, you can significantly reduce power consumption when the device is idle.

Practical Tip:

Implementing proper power management in your code is essential. Use deep sleep modes and wake the device only when necessary to extend battery life from days to potentially weeks, depending on your use case.

Ideal Use Cases

So, where does the T-Beam truly shine?

Long-Range Communication:

Imagine you’re part of a team managing a fleet of delivery drones. You need to track their positions in real-time over a wide area. The T-Beam’s GPS and LoRa capabilities make it an ideal choice. Its long-range communication ensures you stay connected without relying on cellular networks, reducing operational costs.

Environmental Monitoring:

Suppose you’re conducting a wildlife study in a remote forest. You can equip animals with T-Beam devices to monitor their movements and behaviours. The low power consumption means the devices can operate for extended periods without disturbing the animals.

Other Applications:

Disaster Recovery: Establish temporary communication networks in areas where infrastructure is damaged.
Agriculture: Monitor soil conditions, weather data, and more to optimize farming practices.

Getting Started: Setup and Configuration

Setting up the T-Beam is a straightforward process, but attention to detail will enhance your experience.

Initial Steps:

1. Battery Installation: Carefully insert an 18650 battery, ensuring the correct orientation. A high-quality battery is crucial for safety and performance.

2. Antenna Connection: Before powering on, attach the LoRa and GPS antennas. Operating without antennas can damage the transceivers.

Development Environment:

Arduino IDE Compatibility: The T-Beam can be programmed using the Arduino IDE. You’ll need to install the ESP32 board definitions and relevant libraries like LoRa.h and TinyGPS++.

Pin Assignments: Familiarize yourself with the pin layout. The T-Beam uses specific GPIO pins for LoRa (e.g., NSS, RST, DIO0) and GPS (typically connected via UART).

Programming Tips:

Serial Communication: Use the serial monitor for debugging. The built-in USB-to-serial converter simplifies this process.

Power Management in Code: Implement sleep modes and carefully plan when the device wakes up to perform tasks.

Error Handling: Incorporate checks to handle scenarios like lost GPS signals or failed transmissions.

Example Snippet:

#include <LoRa.h>
#include <TinyGPS++.h>

void setup() {
// Initialize serial communication

// Initialize LoRa
if (!LoRa.begin(915E6)) {
Serial.println(“Starting LoRa failed!”);
while (1);

// Initialize GPS
Serial1.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, RX_PIN, TX_PIN);

void loop() {
// Read GPS data
// Prepare and send LoRa packet
// Enter sleep mode

3. The T-Deck ESP32-S3 Keyboard: Interactive and Versatile

Moving on to the T-Deck ESP32-S3 Keyboard, this device takes a different approach by integrating user input and display capabilities, making it an excellent choice for interactive projects.

Design and Ergonomics

The T-Deck is compact and thoughtfully designed:

Integrated Keyboard: The built-in keyboard allows for direct user interaction. It’s tactile and responsive, suitable for entering commands or messages.

Optional LCD Display: The device can be equipped with an LCD screen, enabling real-time data display and a graphical user interface.

Trackball Navigation: An optional trackball adds another layer of control, perfect for navigating menus or controlling cursors.

Why It’s Not Just Another Development Board

The T-Deck’s combination of input and output interfaces sets it apart. It’s like having a mini-computer that’s ready to go wherever you are.

Display and Input Innovations

Versatile Interaction:

Customizable Interfaces: With the processing power of the ESP32-S3, you can develop rich interfaces tailored to your project’s needs.

Real-Time Feedback: Display sensor readings, system statuses, or interactive prompts directly on the screen.

Educational Potential:

The T-Deck is also an excellent educational tool. It’s ideal for teaching programming concepts, user interface design, and IoT principles in a hands-on way.

Ensuring Secure Communication

Security is paramount in today’s connected world, and the T-Deck doesn’t disappoint:

LoRa, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth: The device supports multiple communication protocols, giving you flexibility in how you connect and transmit data.

Encryption Capabilities: With support for encryption libraries, you can implement protocols like AES to secure your communications.

Example Use Case:

Developing a secure messaging system that operates over LoRa. Users can send encrypted messages to each other, with the T-Deck handling the encryption and decryption processes.

Perfect Applications

Personal Messaging:

Imagine hiking in a remote area without cellular coverage. With T-Deck devices, you and your companions can stay in touch via a private messaging network.

Off-Grid Solutions:

Remote Control: Use the T-Deck as a controller for drones or robotics projects, sending commands over long distances.

– Field Data Entry: Researchers can input and transmit data from field sites, enhancing collaboration and data collection efficiency.

Hobbyist Projects:

Gaming: Create text-based games or applications that leverage the keyboard and display.

Home Automation: Control smart devices within your home network securely and efficiently.

Standing Out in the Market

Compared to other devices, the T-Deck offers a unique blend of features:

Integration: Few devices combine a keyboard, display, and multiple communication protocols in such a compact form.

Customization: Open-source support and extensive documentation mean you can tailor the T-Deck to your specific needs.


Pycom FiPy: Offers multiple communication options but lacks integrated input/output interfaces.

Heltec WiFi LoRa 32: Includes an OLED display but doesn’t provide input devices like a keyboard or trackball.


4. Putting Them to the Test: Real-World Performance

To truly gauge the capabilities of the T-Beam and T-Deck, I conducted a series of tests focusing on range, data transmission quality, and battery life.

Assessing Range and Data Quality

Testing Scenarios:

Urban Environment: Dense buildings, Wi-Fi congestion, and physical obstructions present challenges.

Rural Open Field: Minimal interference, providing ideal conditions for maximum range.


T-Beam Supreme ESP32-S3:

Urban Test: Achieved reliable communication up to 2 kilometers (about 1.2 miles). While obstacles caused some packet loss, the overall performance was impressive.

Rural Test: Maintained stable connections up to 8 kilometers (about 5 miles). Data transmission was consistent, with minimal errors.

T-Deck ESP32-S3 Keyboard:

Urban Test: Reliable communication up to 1.5 kilometers (about 0.9 miles). The lower antenna gain compared to the T-Beam slightly reduced the range.

Data Quality: Consistent transmission within optimal range. The built-in display made it easy to monitor signal strength and data integrity in real-time.


Antenna Matters: Upgrading to higher-gain antennas enhanced both range and reliability.

Environmental Factors: As expected, weather conditions and terrain significantly impacted performance. Rain and obstacles like hills reduced effective range.

Analyzing Battery Consumption


– Monitored power consumption under different operating conditions.

T-Beam with 18650 Battery:

Continuous Operation: Running GPS updates and LoRa transmissions at regular intervals, the device lasted approximately 20 hours.

Optimized Usage: By implementing deep sleep modes and reducing transmission frequency, battery life extended to over 5 days.

T-Deck with Built-In Battery:

Active Use: With the display and LoRa active, the device operated for around 8 hours.

Power Saving Measures: Disabling unnecessary features and employing sleep modes increased battery life to over 2 days.


Efficient Coding: Optimize your code to minimize power consumption. Turn off peripherals when not in use.

Battery Selection: Use high-capacity, reliable batteries, especially for long-term or critical deployments.

5. Conclusion: Weighing Strengths and Weaknesses

Having explored the features and tested the devices, let’s summarize the strengths, weaknesses, and ideal use cases for each.

Recommendations Based on Your Needs

T-Beam Supreme ESP32-S3


Robust Functionality: Combines GPS, LoRa, and the powerful ESP32-S3 microcontroller.

Long-Range Communication: Exceptional for projects requiring extended reach without infrastructure dependency.

Battery Efficiency: Supports 18650 batteries with built-in management for extended deployments.


Size Considerations: Larger than some alternatives, which might be a constraint for space-limited applications.

Complexity for Beginners: May present a learning curve for those new to IoT development.

Ideal For:

Tracking and Remote Monitoring: Perfect for asset tracking, environmental sensing, and similar applications.

Educational Projects: A great platform for learning about GPS, LoRa, and IoT systems.

T-Deck ESP32-S3 Keyboard


Interactive Capabilities: Integrated keyboard and optional display make it highly versatile.

Multiple Communication Protocols: LoRa, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth offer flexibility.

Compact Design: Portable and convenient for on-the-go projects.


Battery Life: Intensive use of features can drain the battery relatively quickly.

Additional Components Needed: Optional features like the LCD and trackball may require separate purchases.

Ideal For:

User-Interactive Projects: Ideal for applications requiring direct user input and feedback.

Off-Grid Communication: Great for creating independent communication networks.


Final Thoughts

Both the T-Beam and T-Deck are powerful tools that open up a world of possibilities. Your choice between them should align with your project’s specific requirements:

– Choose the T-Beam if you need:
– Long-range communication.
– GPS capabilities.
– Extended battery life for remote deployments.

– Choose the T-Deck if you require:
– Interactive user interfaces.
– Versatile communication options.
– A compact, portable device.

Embrace Innovation

The IoT landscape is rich with opportunities for creativity and problem-solving. Whether you’re aiming to address real-world challenges or simply satisfying your curiosity, these devices offer a solid foundation to build upon.


References and Further Reading

1. LilyGO Official Website: www.lilygo.cn – http://www.lilygo.cn
2. T-Beam Documentation: GitHub Repository – https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/LilyGO-T-Beam
3. T-Deck Documentation: GitHub Repository – https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/T-Deck
4. LoRa Alliance: Official Website – https://lora-alliance.org/
5. ESP32-S3 Specifications: Espressif Systems – https://www.espressif.com/en/products/socs/esp32-s3


Unlock the Future of IoT

With the LilyGO T-Beam and T-Deck, you’re not just buying hardware; you’re investing in the tools to turn your innovative ideas into reality. So go ahead experiment, create, and let your imagination soar. The IoT revolution is here, and with these devices at your disposal, you’re well-equipped to be a part of it.

“Happy tinkering!”



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