The Inescapable Reality of War: Technology, Power Shifts, & the Lessons of History

“You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.” – Leon Trotsky
Trotsky’s quote is as relevant today as it was in his time, perhaps even more so in the 21st century. We live in a world where the conveniences of modern technology our smartphones, GPS systems, and digital camerasare so deeply integrated into our lives that we rarely stop to think about their origins. Yet, nearly all of these innovations trace their roots back to military applications. This reality, along with the shifting global power structures, demonstrates that war is an omnipresent force shaping our world, whether we acknowledge it or not.

The Technology of War in Your Pocket

The devices we carry with us daily are often seen as symbols of progress, modernity, and human ingenuity. But take a closer look, and you’ll realize that their origins are drenched in war. The smartphone in your pocket, for example, is a compilation of technologies developed for military purposes. The microchip the brain of your phone was initially created during the Cold War to guide intercontinental ballistic missiles with precision. The digital camera was developed by the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office for spy satellites, and GPS was invented by the U.S. Air Force to guide military units and cruise missiles. Even the internet, which connects the world, was born out of a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) initiative to transfer classified data between secret laboratories during the Cold War.
These technological advancements were born not from a quest for convenience but from the need to defend, attack, or gain the upper hand in war. When we marvel at the seamlessness of our technology today, we’re indirectly marvelling at the products of warfare and the relentless drive to outmanoeuvre adversaries.

The Sanctity of Expertise and Technology: Built on the Back of War

The global belief in technology as the ultimate solution for humanity’s problems, and the reverence for experts who develop and manage these technologies, is another byproduct of war. World War II solidified the idea that the future could be shaped by expertspeople like Dwight Eisenhower, who organized the largest military force in human history. The war was won by scientists, engineers, and technocrats who developed everything from radar to nuclear weapons. This belief in the sanctity of technology continues to dominate our thinking today, as we often see technology as the tool to solve all of humanity’s challenges, whether it’s climate change, pandemics, or social inequality.
However, what we often overlook is that these experts and technologies were originally crafted with destruction in mind. As George Friedman points out, modern life is deeply intertwined with the tools of war, even if we prefer to forget or ignore this fact.

Rising and Falling Powers: The New Global Landscape

As technology advances, so do the players in the global power game. Traditionally, the Westled by the United Stateshas been the dominant force, controlling much of the world’s economy, technology, and military might. But as we move deeper into the 21st century, we are witnessing a significant shift in global power dynamics.
Today, Russia, China, India, and Iran are rising as new global players. These nations, backed by industrial production, bilateral deals, and the BRICS alliance, are challenging the long-standing dominance of the West. Their increasing production of military equipment, expansion of economic alliances, and technological advancements are reshaping the balance of power.
  • Russia, despite its declining demographics and economic reliance on oil, remains a formidable military power. Its intervention in Ukraine, along with its alliances in the Middle East, demonstrates its willingness to assert its influence.
  • China, though facing economic challenges, continues to build its military and expand its geopolitical influence, particularly through the Belt and Road Initiative. Its focus on technological advancement and military modernization ensures it remains a dominant global force.
  • India, with its massive population and growing industrial base, is also asserting itself as a key player. It is strategically aligning with various nations and leveraging its economic power to gain influence in global affairs.
  • Iran, long seen as an isolated nation, is finding new partnerships through BRICS and bilateral deals, strengthening its geopolitical position.
The BRICS alliance, which includes these nations, represents a challenge to the existing Western-dominated world order. With an increasing focus on military production and industrial cooperation, this group of countries is carving out a new path in global politics, one that may shift the balance of power in unforeseen ways.

War: The Unseen Architect of Global Power

What ties these rising powers together is their shared understanding of war as both a driver of technological progress and a tool for geopolitical manoeuvring. As they expand their military capabilities and challenge the Western status quo, it becomes clear that war and conflict whether overt or through economic and technological competitioncontinue to shape the global landscape.
The technologies we take for granted today, from our phones to the internet, are relics of past wars. They are products of a world where military dominance translates to technological dominance. The powers that rise today, like China and Russia, understand this and are investing heavily in both technological and military advancements. They recognize that global power is still fundamentally linked to the ability to wage and win wars, whether on the battlefield, in cyberspace, or in the global economy.

Conclusion: The Inevitable Return of War

Despite the comforts of modern life, war is not something we can escape. As Trotsky warned, “You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.” It has shaped the world we live in, and it will continue to do so. The technologies we rely on, the experts we trust, and the rising global powers all carry the legacy of war. And as new powers rise and old ones fall, the likelihood of conflict grows. Whether through economic rivalry, technological competition, or military engagement, war remains a constant force in the shaping of human history.
In a world where rising powers like Russia, China, India, and Iran are flexing their industrial and military muscles, and where technology itself is born from war, we must recognize that conflict is not a distant threat it’s a present reality, woven into the very fabric of our lives. The challenge for this generation is to understand and prepare for the inevitability of war’s influence, even if we wish to live in peace.

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