Ideological Subversion and the Demoralization of RCMP Officers

Understanding the Threat: Ideological Subversion

Ideological subversion, a concept extensively used by Soviet intelligence, refers to a strategic process aimed at changing the perception of reality in a target nation to such an extent that, despite the abundance of information, its citizens cannot come to sensible conclusions to defend themselves, their communities, and their country. This is a form of psychological warfare designed to destabilize and demoralize a society from within.

Stages of Ideological Subversion.

Demoralization: This stage spans 15-20 years — the time required to influence and educate an entire generation. Through indoctrination and exposure to hostile ideologies, citizens are conditioned to embrace values that undermine their national interests. In Canada, this process has taken shape through various channels, including educational curricula and mass media narratives. Coordinated media outlets utilize identical language and phrases simultaneously to create network effects, effectively hypnotizing and shaping public opinion. This systematic approach promotes learned helplessness and instills a sense of inevitability about societal decline.

Destabilization: Taking just 2-5 years, this stage targets vital societal structures. It focuses on areas such as economic inefficiency(creating large national debts to slow growth indefinitely), causes issues like corruption administrative (endless hiring in gov), creates drug trades (for off grid money that is not digital for criminal networks and the corrupt), forced land scarcity to create housing bubbles, and administrative hiring’instead of productive economic specialist hiring’.

It also includes resource and energy export bans, foreign direct investment cancellations, ideas to cause foreign relations problems, and targets areas like pointless legislation, taking away public safety authority of professionals like STEM workers and their communities self governing legislative frameworks, and weakening and keeping down defense.

In Canada, a critical objective is demoralizing law enforcement, particularly the RCMP. By weakening the morale and effectiveness of the police, subversive elements aim to undermine public safety and order.

Crisis: This stage can bring a nation to the brink of collapse in as little as six weeks. It involves a violent change in power structure and economy, leading to a period of instability and chaos.

Normalization: Following the crisis, a new power structure asserts control under the guise of restoring order. This is often marked by the suppression of dissent and the establishment of a regime that eliminates previous democratic freedoms.

The Current Attack on RCMP Officers

The RCMP is currently facing an international psychological subversion attack intended to demoralize officers and coerce them into adopting “woke philosophy, with a lower quality operation framework, perhaps one that is “not officer professional level with a badge” and perhaps even without RCMP legislation. This is a possibility, given the track record of this movement.

This pressure on police to become woke as officers and as an institution, by accepting drugs within a society for example, on initial inspection seems like a tactic that aims to fracture the police force by “promoting internal division and eroding traditional values of duty, honour, loyalty, unity, valour and service“.

It causes the police to question their fundamental beliefs and understanding of what it means “to have a friend”, “to have a relationship”, to have “character”, and should one fight to have it.

How should relationships in 21st century between people be thought of or conceptualized?

Everything is thrown into chaos, and police lose the ability to communicate, make friends, and be integrated into the society as guardians of citizens and of morality.

Officers who desire societal acceptance may succumb, but this should be recognized as part of a broader strategy to weaken Canada’s law enforcement.

‘Why should we do this to the police? Why should we take their applied professional skills away? Why should we take away their emotional and social intelligence? Why should we take away their ability to understand what normal health society and interactions are? Why should we turn them into a dark force? This will be the result. They will be shut down and they will have to regress to being dark, being the very danger you feared of in the movies all your life.’

‘Protect the Police. It’s time to Protect the Police. They’ve guarded you since birth.’

The Role of Narcotics and Corruption

This subversive effort, to distribute drugs in Canada, benefits drug cartels and corrupt politicians by leveraging drug cash flows and the growth of drug economies and kingpins. Narcotics, in this context, function similarly to gold, creating a stealthy private currency that bypasses official financial systems and fuels corruption and crime. The increased availability of drugs, often facilitated by government policies, and now it seems stimulated by government policies, further undermines and breaks public safety and societal stability. Further, why have “war on cash”, and not have instead war on drug cash”, which is actually what drug are, and which apparently they want to make more of in Canada.

Hybrid Warfare and Communist Expansion

These tactics mirror those used in communist expansion, seeking to destabilize nations from within. By eroding trust in professional STEM workers, law enforcement, and public institutionsguardians of public safety according to their conduct codessubversive forces aim to pave the way for a new regime aligned with their interests. The woke movement threatens these institutions, as it seeks to dismantle the culture of reasoning, republicanism, enlightenment, and the advancement of technology and civilization (that we’ve had in the west for hundreds of years). Subversive elements exploit this turmoil to undermine societal stability, creating an environment ripe for their influence. This hybrid warfare approach effectively combines psychological, economic, and political strategies to achieve its goals, weakening a nation’s internal cohesion and resistance to external manipulation.

Call to Action: Supporting the RCMP

‘In this critical juncture, it is imperative for Canadian citizens to recognize the subversion tactics at play and stand strong in support of the RCMP.’
Our police officers are the frontline defenders against this insidious strategy. By upholding their morale and integrity, we can counter the forces aiming to destabilize our nation. Canadian citizens need to rally behind our professional police force, ensuring that they remain resilient against these psychological and ideological attacks. We must inform them that we are not woke and they do not need to become woke. Because they are concerned. The safety and sovereignty of our citizens, our country, depend on it.

Related X-Post:

Conservative Party of BC

@Conservative_BCThe Conservative Party of BC will end David Eby’s deadly drug experiment. We will fund treatment and help British Columbians recover with a common sense plan.’#bcpoli

@SkillsGapTrain ‘Thank you for initiating the crucial dialogue to end the ‘deadly drug experiment’ under David Eby’s leadership. While the proposal to fund treatment and support recovery is a positive step forward, this issue demands a deeper, more structural response to truly safeguard our communities.

Our challenge is not merely the exponential rise in death from above ground and under ground rapid drug economy growth, but of deep-seated corruption and foreign nefarious agent infiltration within our very institutions meant to protect us. In both Canada and the United States, we’ve observed not just the influence but the systematic embedding of drug cartel operatives, sometimes referred to as Gangs in areas like California police and such, but now also within governmental agencies within Canada. These individuals start as so-called experts, providing deep value as high level know it all’s (thus compensating for their local lack of familiarity with local networks of citizens), at first gaining trust of all the leaders or commanders, but eventually, gradually expanding their reach by bringing like minded cartel members one at a time into such organizations, and paving the way for more members of their networks to infiltrate our police forces, public safety committees, security committees, political structures and intelligence agencies.

The collective networks of bad guys, have finally learned how to do ‘administrative or institutional crime’, in a similar fashion to how KGB and CIA were trained to do operations during the Cold War. The ‘barrier to entry’ has been lowered to regular crime networks, due to the proliferation of internet as to the function of ‘white collar’ national and corporate and public agency environments (especially in the age of AI).

‘This sophisticated infiltration strategy undermines the foundational integrity of our public institutions.’

‘It’s not just about the flow of drugs; it’s about the flow of influence and power that shifts subtly yet decisively into the hands of those who manage these illicit networks. As they embed themselves within our system, they gain the ability to manipulate policy decisions, effectively paralyzing initiatives that could significantly impede their operations.

Our response must therefore extend beyond treatment programs. We need a robust, transparent vetting process for key positions within our institutions to prevent infiltration at its root. We must enhance our intelligence and law enforcement capabilities to dismantle these networks comprehensively. Furthermore, international security cooperation is paramount in tackling these issues at their source and transit points. (And we are not looked upon as capable security partners.)

The stakes are incredibly high, as the erosion of public trust and the corruption of our civic structures pose a far greater risk than any individual drug-related crisis. This is about preserving the sanctity of our public institutions and the very democracy that underpins our society.

We urge all of BC and all of Canada to consider these factors seriously and push for an integrated strategy that addresses both the symptoms and the underlying causes of this deep-rooted problem. It is only through such comprehensive measures that we can hope to restore and protect the integrity and security of our institutions and, by extension, our society at large.

An Emergency Response by someone with authority to stop this, must firewall and block drug economy from Canadian economy, and thus prevent the rise of leaders within Canada that sourced their power base and network (gangs etc), from origin of drug source.’

@Bratt_world This happened on Vancouver island last night. I’m betting $100 he came to Canada as an international student.” #DiversityIsOurStrength

@SkillsGapTrain @Bratt_worldPublic safety doesn’t rely on just ONE system, such as the police.

Relying on a single system for public safety would not meet any engineering requirements for reliability, fault tolerance, or redundancy. Such a system would fail, and there would be no recourse except to shut it down until it can be rebuilt or restarted.

Public safety requires a MULTI-SYSTEM approach.

The public has always played a crucial role throughout history. They put fear into the criminals, just as the police do (and sometimes consequences as well, for ethical or moral integrity or danger infractions).

The public provides a counterbalancing force against criminal actions, much like the police, professional classes, and leadership.

When the government is not functioning properly and fails to oppose criminal activity, when professional classes are centralized and stripped of their power to combat criminality and white collar corruption (such as the use of public money efficiently and intelligently), and when citizens’ authority is removed (such as through self-defense laws that are designed to be implemented like self-offence laws or self-harm/self-destruction), the ability to counteract criminal actions is significantly weakened and/or removed.

It’s a team effort. That’s why unity is what makes countries strong unity is the strength of nations.

Only in extremist government operations do they centralize power to remove redundant safety systems. This often happens in societies that adopt an ideology, quasi-religious, or fully religious structure.”

‘We recommend including the public in counterbalancing the dangers posed by criminals and subversion by other nation-states.’

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