Guarding the Citizens: The Essential Role of Citizenship Ceremonies in Canadian Identity and Authority


A recent revelation by Canada Proud highlighted a significant proposal from Immigration Minister Marc Miller, which aimed to replace traditional citizenship ceremonies with a mere checkbox for swearing allegiance. This plan was promptly shelved after a wave of public outcry, underscoring the community’s dedication to preserving a practice deeply embedded in the fabric of national identity. Citizenship ceremonies represent more than a formal procedure; they are a critical element of the naturalization process, imbued with the gravity, dignity, and solemnity that mirror the responsibilities and privileges of becoming a Canadian citizen. This essay explores the profound implications of such a change and reaffirms the indispensable role of these ceremonies in maintaining the integrity of Canadian citizenship.

Cultural Integration and Social Fabric

Issue: Citizenship ceremonies are pivotal in integrating new citizens into the societal and cultural tapestry of Canada. They serve as a formal introduction to the country’s values, traditions, and community.
Impact: Reducing this rite of passage to a simple administrative task risks stripping the naturalization process of its role in fostering a deep connection with Canadian values. The shift could transform a profound life event into a bureaucratic formality, diminishing the newcomer’s emotional and psychological investment in their new home.

Allegiance and Mutual Commitment

Issue: These ceremonies are not just a formality but a public declaration of a new citizen’s loyalty and allegiance to Canada. They symbolize a mutual commitment between the country and its citizens.
Impact: Eliminating these ceremonies would significantly weaken the perceived bond between the nation and its newest members. The lack of a formal, solemn pledge may lead to a diluted sense of allegiance, undermining the foundational trust and loyalty that bolster the “authority of citizenship”.

Unity, Diversity, and National Identity

Issue: Traditional ceremonies highlight Canada’s commitment to diversity and unity, celebrating the individual stories and collective identity of new Canadians.
Impact: Removing this public celebration risks fragmenting national unity and undermining the celebration of diversity that strengthens our collective identity. The ceremonies act as a powerful reminder of the inclusive spirit of Canada, essential for fostering a cohesive national community.

Historical Continuity and Shared Destiny

Issue: Citizenship ceremonies connect new citizens not just to the current values but to the historical lineage and ongoing narrative of Canadian society.
Impact: Abolishing these ceremonies could sever this vital historical link, diluting a sense of continuity and shared destiny crucial for a nation’s identity. The act of swearing allegiance in the presence of fellow citizens and representatives of the state reinforces a historical continuum, linking past, present, and future Canadians.

Authority of Citizenship and Civic Responsibility

Issue: These ceremonies underscore the seriousness of the responsibilities and rights being assumed by new Canadians.
Impact: Diminishing the ceremonial aspect risks reducing the perceived authority and value of Canadian citizenship. This authority is crucial as it encompasses not just rights but also significant responsibilities towards the country and its laws. The ceremonial reinforcement of these commitments helps them resonate more deeply with new citizens, enhancing their understanding and acceptance of these duties.

Conclusion: Preserving Loyalty and Authority

‘The proposal to reduce citizenship to a mere administrative checkbox is a profound misstep that underestimates and understates to newcomers and citizens the importance of ceremonial commitment in Canada. Such changes undermine the loyalty, service, and commitment that are central to our national ethos. By preserving these ceremonies, we ensure that becoming a Canadian remains a significant and trans-formative commitment, reflecting both the privileges and duties of citizenship.’

Call to Action

It is imperative for policymakers, citizens, and advocacy groups to remain vigilant and proactive in safeguarding the traditions that dignify the process of becoming part of Canada. Let us uphold the sanctity of our citizenship ceremonies, ensuring they continue to serve as a meaningful gateway for those stepping into the fold of Canadian society.

PS: Do not forget the “Oath of Allegiance” Canada! And always check if the MP’s uphold this standard in their policy making with AI tools!

Title: “The Oath of Allegiance and Ethical Vulnerabilities in Canadian Parliamentary Practice”


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UK the most respected and the most powerful country on Earth. They stand for justice, law at the highest ethical order of practice possible, independence, sovereignty, resilience, futuristic roads and infrastructure roads that connect all nations, survival, and the do-it-yourself mentality that defined a nation.

And yet, the UK is throwing all of that out the window, dismantling the very rights — like human rights — and the ‘very roads and connections between nations that they actually built around the world’ — the free speech and the global communications between nations — that once made it a beacon of all civilization.

This is the second collapse of the United Kingdom. The first was from being the worlds’ beacon of all civilizations.

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@SkillsGapTrain @elonmusk@ SeibtNaomiIt’s great to see you are so wise about censorship Mr. Musk. Censorship can be used to condition people like Pavlovian style condition method using AI. It’s good to keep an eye out for such things.’


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@SkillsGapTrain @PeterSweden7 ‘Poor Romanians. After three decades of gruelling efforts to recover from the political revolution of 1989, that shifted them from communism to capitalism, to the western system, they then endured a decade of hyperinflation during the 1990s in effort to try to get their economy, industry and labour market working againa common hyperinflation plight among Eastern European nations following their exit from the oppressive Warsaw Pact.

As they worked tirelessly to rebuild their national economydespite the exodus of many leaders and skilled professionals to the West.. millions upon millions.. real demographic decline.. not like they talk about in the Canada as to be afraid of it still their industry slowly began to stabilize and grow, from all that effort and fighting against all that corruption to pay people for their work or to allow people to keep money from working.

Finally, despite always having their money stolen, some Romanians managed to earn enough to immigrate to the UK, seeking the CHERISHED FREEDOMS of UK. But irony strikes hard. Just as these few Romanians that made it to land of justice and freedom, and just as they manage to find a job in energy company, the UK says.. OK SURPRISE… we are SOVIET now. This is a very interesting dilemma.. this ‘we are soviet game’ being played by the big countries. It kinda feels like they want to have fun at people to confuse them as to who is SOVIET.’

@SkillsGapTrain ‘Further, the misuse of the term “misogyny” to suppress dissent and control behaviour of men, and the responsibility of men in nation states, to guard families, to guard life, to guard their communities, and to guard their nations against corrupt leadership practice, is deeply concerning.

We’ve seen similar patterns in Canada, where even basic affirmations of male identity or traditional masculinity have been controversially labelled as misogynistic. Simply for the self-identification of being a man. This framing risks stifling genuine expression and undermines the authority men have to stand up for timeless values…

— or as some would say “the code”, in reference to moral and ethical codes that traditiona men have lived by (before woke age pushed by internet pornography, WEF corporations, academic institutions, wealthy individuals in government levels), morality, courage, risk taking, religiosity, and the noble aspects of masculinity that have been upheld through history.

Throughout history, the virtues and values associated with male heroes have been deeply embedded in cultural narratives, myths, and the ethos of societies.

These virtues often define the ideal qualities of men in various roles, such as warriors, leaders, protectors, and moral guides. Here are some of the key virtues and values traditionally linked to masculinity:

Courage and Bravery: Courage to face danger, adversity, or challenges without yielding to fear. Historically, this has been crucial for warriors and leaders in battles but also applies to standing up for one’s beliefs.

Honour and Integrity: Adherence to a moral code, often associated with honesty, fairness, and integrity. Honour compels men to do the right thing, even when it may be the harder path.

Strength and Resilience: Physical strength is often celebrated in male heroes, but emotional and mental resilience are equally important. The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties or to persevere in the face of adversity is highly valued.

Leadership and Responsibility: The ability to lead, guide, and take responsibility not only for personal actions but also for the welfare of others under one’s charge. Wisdom and Intelligence: Being able to make sound decisions, often in complex or stressful situations. Wisdom combines knowledge, experience, and deep understanding.

Justice and Fairness: Fighting for what is right and just, not just for oneself but for society at large. This often involves defending the weak or oppressed and advocating for fairness.

Self-Sacrifice and Altruism: Putting the needs of others before one’s own, which is a common trait in the narratives of heroes who risk their own well-being for the benefit of others.

Stoicism and Emotional Control: The ability to maintain composure and rationality in emotionally charged situations, often tied to the idea of being a “rock” in turbulent times.

Religiosity and Spirituality: A strong moral and ethical framework often connected with religious beliefs, which guide behaviour and decisions.

Loyalty and Fidelity: Faithfulness and unwavering support to one’s family, friends, country, or cause, often at great personal cost.

Protectiveness and Provision: The role of protector and provider, ensuring the safety, security, and well-being of one’s family or community.

These virtues have shaped the archetype of the male hero across different cultures and eras, painting a complex picture of what masculinity has meant and continues to mean in various contexts.

Unfortunately, societies in Canada’s and the UK, at legal level (above banking), and even at banking level (above government), and at government level (above people).. these are working to change these definitions.. to associate male archetype to ‘misogyny’. This is what we experienced in life in Canada (as comments from weak men), but it could be different for others.

Unfortunately, this manipulation of social concepts is not just about controlling a narrative but about engineering behaviour and social conformity. It’s a form of control that cuts across Western societies, wielding “misogyny” as a double-edged sword.

The tragic irony is that this blade often seems poised to strike not just those who abuse their power against women, but also those men who, are actual saints (punished for being nice to everyone), punished for striving to live by a high moral compass instead of a woke moral compass.

This trend is becoming palpable across Canada and extends broadly into the West, and maybe now it is in the UK as well, reflecting a disturbing shift away from the freedoms we once took for granted.

This seems to be a worrying and growing pattern that echoes some of the darkest aspects of Soviet control. Collectivist control over the men, taking 90% of their value of production as people to others.

Just as the Romanians who worked tirelessly to escape the grip of totalitarianism find themselves confronted with its spectre in the UK, we too must be vigilant about the creeping resurgence of these oppressive tactics under new guises. Men need to stand on guard for themselves and not give up their security and foundations as men so easily, for the good and freedom of all.’


@SkillsGapTrain @debivice You can implement a cashless society without Digital ID.’

‘The concept of a cashless society without relying on digital IDs is not only feasible but already partially realized with technologies like Bitcoin and hardware wallets. Bitcoin, for instance, operates on a decentralized blockchain system that allows users to conduct transactions anonymously without requiring a centralized authority or traditional identification methods’

‘Hardware wallets further enhance this by providing a physical means of storing cryptocurrency offline, significantly increasing security and reducing the risk of hacking compared to online wallets. These wallets can execute transactions without directly exposing private keys, maintaining user privacy.’

‘This approach exemplifies how digital currencies can function in a way that respects user anonymity and autonomy, mirroring some of the privacy aspects of using cash. Such systems demonstrate that it’s possible to design a cashless infrastructure that upholds a high degree of personal privacy and security without necessitating a digital ID, thereby preserving the relative power dynamic between individuals and the government while safeguarding against excessive surveillance, control and exploitation or “cuber-security breach” caused harm to citizens.’

‘Further, the ethical framework of digital currency systems is significantly shaped by their designers.’

‘The system’s integrity depends on whether it’s developed by an individual, a corporate entity, a government entity, a banking alliance, a foreign nation state, a foreign set of allied nation states, or a collective of public STEM communities engaged in open-source and transparent design processes’

The last option carries the highest degree likelihood of quality and safe design as the reward incentive for corruption is removed.’

‘A pivotal aspect of this design process is the accuracy of the assumptions provided by project leaders. Engineers can engineer the wrong rules into a product, by adopting a narrow lens, if it is the case that a wise technical project leader is not selected for the broad interdisciplinary world view and principles upon which that engineering is taking place.’

‘If designers are steered by misleading contexts or directives, or narrow directives that are not broadly considering the needs of humans and not only the needs of institutions or governments, through such biased loyalty structure, they might inadvertently establish rules that compromise the rights and freedoms of users (and therefore run the risk of making an unsafe environment for humans in the future.. one that can even threaten core security such as financial security, bio-security, etc..).’

‘It is often the case that the initial design proposals are crafted by those who might not prioritize the safeguarding of user freedoms, focusing instead on control mechanisms.’

Hollywood films taught us skepticism, and this is of great assistance in this case, to scan and detect dark intentions via IT mechanisms in our modern digital governance upgrades.’

‘This can pose significant risks to the well-being of citizens. And you seem attuned to these risks. Congratulations, despite the fact that the ‘mainstream non playable followers’ might not like the advertisements you are posting.’

‘Fortunately, there is an increasing awareness among individuals who can identify potential threats in IT systems as those above nation states might seek to use IT systems for non-ethical control type ‘lockdown type design frameworks and behavioural engineering frameworks similar to CCP design objectives’.’

‘North America’s ethical IT systems ethical design vigilance is essential for advocating for designs that truly protect user rights and promote autonomy in digital currency systems.’

‘Analogous to the private storage of capital through cash, a key aspect of digital currency design involves enabling citizens to retain authority over their transactions and wealth.’

‘It is possible to have “cash” in a “cashless society”.’

‘By allowing the withdrawal of digital currency to private blockchain vaults (perhaps at home, at banks or tech start-ups), and withdrawal to open-source blockchains (like are found in cryptocurrency space), such hybrid and decentralized digital cryptocurrency systems can empower users to manage their assets outside the direct control of any central authority BUT ALSO within the control of the central authority as well, reflecting a crucial balance of power between the government and its citizens.’

‘This “sovereignty digital cash storage vault feature” not only supports individual autonomy but also reinforces the social contracts that define and protect the rights and freedoms of citizens within their respective nations. The ability to hold and transfer digital wealth privately, peer to peer as well in the event of government overreach, is vital for maintaining a healthy power dynamic, ensuring that governments remain accountable to the people they serve and ensuring that the government does not see itself as more powerful than the people, by breaching and violating their citizen authority to do commerce.’

@SkillsGapTrain @redanddead12345 Yes, you’re rightorganizations often aim to link blockchain addresses to a Digital ID for identification purposes.’

‘For those interested in maintaining full anonymity and privacy, it’s crucial to have a deep understanding of blockchain technology. Investing in a few books on blockchain development is a smart move (say about 5 to 10). This will only cost a few hundred dollars (under $1000).’

‘Understanding digital network collective technology is actually very useful, as the economic system of 21st century, may change to collective networked style businesses and collective network organizations of all types, including governments.’

‘The blockchain development books on Bitcoin and on Ethereum are the right starting point. Publications on other cryptocurrencies are not yet mature level.’

‘These type of resources offer vital knowledge about private currency management, including storage, transfer, and usage (and if it is not there in the book, it is possible to realize the solution through one’s own engineering creativity).’

‘These type of books also provide insights into navigating the complexities of decentralized financial systems and identifying potential vulnerabilities where personal information could be compromised.’

@SkillsGapTrain It is evident that you represent independent voices of citizens, independent of regional institutions. By this very measure, you are performing a valuable service in upholding the authority of Romanian citizens and their right to use their voices online to shape national political platform policies and the future design of society (which seems up for grabs nowadays).”


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