Engineering the Moon into a New Earth: A Positive Tech Vision for Sustainable Space Colonization and Engineering The Next Generation

Note: We saw the shooting attempt to take your life Mr. Trump. The attack on You! On America! On Freedom! On Humanity! On life! From Canada with all our hearts. United for a Strong America (USA)! United for Freedom! Fight!


Congratulations, Elon, on thinking about creating a permanently occupied moonbase. It’s good to have ambition. Even a base would be a good start. It took a while, but you’re putting things in the right order now. Maybe you will be the first person on Mars, with good engineering thinking like this! It’s possible, that’s a part of humanity’s vision! The “sign across time. For YOU to reach Mars! Since the dawn of education and intelligence passing from generation to generation.. this name passes through time!

This is the right idea, but considering the current geopolitical conflicts and the risks, threats, challenges, and dangers emerging rapidly from the wide array of The Great Filter” (2020 to 2050) problems, WEF Problems, WHO problems, Biden and company related problems, and PM Trudeau and company related problems in Canada, and Putin and Xi related problems due to their low quality mission statement and poorly designed engineering production sharing system for the nations of the world, it might be more efficient and sustainable to focus on a different approach than traditional Mars colonization (for the time being).
More conservative principles and guardianship principles in engineering the future, might be a more reliable way to achieve mission success for creating a decentralized life and all forms of intelligence, and their associated civilizations, across the stars.
You have kids, right? They can do the Mars thing or explore other planets. Conservative ways are reliable, durable, classical, enduring, well-structured, rational, and timeless methods of progress. They work! If you go too fast towards the mid-term mission, you might not achieve the near-term mission due to external factors and interference.
‘Never underestimate humanity’s capability to ruin the best people and the best plans through foreign subversion (look at Canada, for example).’

The Strategic Value of Mars

However, Mars is a useful quadruple backup system for life and intelligence, in case AI goes rogue on Earth.
Eventually, we will need to decentralize life and all forms of intelligence across planets, similar to how blockchains are decentralized today, to retain their integrity, sustainability, and all other intelligence safety benefits that decentralized networks bring to intelligence guidance for life and intelligence safety across the galaxy and across eternity.
The challenges and inefficiencies of Mars colonization at this point in time make it less practical.

The Moon: Closer to Home and Heart

‘The distance to Mars is not what motivates humans to become STEM professionals (at the PTech, PEng, AScT, MEng, BSeng, I.S.P., levels etc..) and pursue the common good for humanity through engineering AND manufacturing a positive technological future.’
“The vision of Mars is not as close to people’s hearts as you might imagine.”
‘It’s more likely, that the subset of humanity, the sci-fi tech experts with tech vision, like SGT & Elon think about civilization on Mars.’
Humans have been looking in amazement at the Moon since they had eyes to see and minds to think about, whereas when humanity look at Mars, it resembles the arid landscapes of the Middle East — sand, sand, sand, bombs, bombs, bombsnot exactly an appealing tourism destination for life to flourish. No water! No thanks!
To truly inspire all countries on the planet, we need to focus on professional engineering at scale. No tent approaches for life on the planetsit would involve thinking with a bit of boldness, like to boldly go on Star Trek TNG, to boldly build sustainable, large-scale infrastructure that captivates the human spirit and drives innovation. No tents! No sand!

Rockets: An Outdated Technology From Generations Ago, not Generations To Be

Rockets, while iconic, seem outdated given our current technological capabilities. They are extraordinarily energy-inefficient and produce toxic fumes, which are significant drawbacks. When the V2 rockets were introduced during World War II, they represented the pinnacle of rocketry. However, relying on technology that has roots dating back to the 1940s feels extremely antiquated in today’s rapidly advancing world. People didn’t even have toilets and plumbing in most of the world at that time. That’s what technology we choose! NVIDIA is way more mature as a tech platform and tech organization, than a toilet from 1940.
‘There’s a certain tier 1 level of organization that we have to ally with and partner with, at NVIDIA level, if we want to use build space systems.’

Valentin @SkillsGapTrain could easily engineer a better system. So can anyone else. Pick an engineer at random from China. They can do it, no problem. Just make a joke or two, and they will do it. There are many ways.

Railgun Technology: A Game Changer

For example: Try using a railgun to shoot artillery shells filled with water to the Moon. This method is not only more sustainable but also highly efficient. Since artillery shells are mostly payload, the power-to-weight ratio is much better than traditional rockets for transporting materials, manufactured goods and water.
With rockets, you are transporting the rocket using its own energy supply, and an extremely tiny payload is deliverednot worth the effort, energy, or material cost. This is not good. Isn’t the payload ratio of Falcon 9 is approximately 4.15%. So then, a significant portion of the rocket’s mass is dedicated to fuel and structural components. To say the least. What word would you use for 96% inefficiency in a system. What is the payload weight? Maybe discuss this with the team and shareholders. This sounds like an absolute disaster.
This is reminiscent of using a 5500 lbs Tesla car to transport a human being that is 175 lbs. What a disaster. A bicycle is better technology, or a motorcycle, or a one-person car with in-wheel motors of a 1500 lbs vehicle is far superior for efficiency, climate change, resource scarcity, and energy use. Couple it with some lightweight, non-perishable (classical materials), and a two-cylinder hybrid natural gas engine, and you are looking at a vehicle that is 90% more efficient than the ICE vehicles that the world uses — not simply 70% less gas that you would get with a regular nat gas HEV car.
‘Then you can have a party and no need to have fights all the time about the end of the world and climate change, as you all have been having since 1970.’
‘Who is engineering this place? Does anyone think about power-to-weight ratio in the 21st century in the design of transport systems?’
‘It’s probably because the world thinks people like Bill Gates are good engineers. Did you see what windows does? And it keeps doing it across the decades, to ruin our tech present and our future! When the internet is collapsed day! It will be Windows! When people have no Freedom. It will be Windows! When AI is master of the world. It will be Windows! When humanity has no children! It will be Windows!’

The Efficiency of Railguns

A railgun artillery shell could have a payload ratio of 80%, indicating a far more efficient system for delivering commodity materials, pre-built electronics, and hardened components capable of withstanding high G-forces, food, water, etc.. For example, materials commonly withstand forces of 20G to 40G or more, and many electronic components can endure forces beyond the 9G limit that humans can withstand, especially military-grade ones designed for aerospace purposes. Isn’t it as high as 15G or 16G in fighter jets? This significant headroom in G-force tolerance (especially in resources), allows for robust design flexibility in developing effective railgun systems for transporting essential resources, including water.
Furthermore, using rockets like Elon’s for transporting humans makes sense due to the lower G-forces required for human safety (which then allows humans to build more affordable, smaller rail guns). However, relying on these rockets for all transportation needs would result in hundreds of millions of inefficient rocket launches, all for the sole purpose of getting the rocket itself into space and barely for the microscopic payload, significantly polluting the planet and wasting all that industrial time to build and fuel all those rockets.

Railgun and Boring Machines

Why was that Boring machine Elon built if it won’t even be used to dig a few kilometers, a straight tunnel for space vehicle (shell and/or powered rocket) launch vehicle, at a slight slant into the Earth (say 15% degrees), to help make a long enough railgun needed to launch a shell into orbit? Yes, the pressure is difficult to deal with, but you’re not drilling straight down, so its easy.
Instead, we should reserve rockets for human transport (for the time being, until we build a better railgun), and use more efficient methods like railguns for transporting commodities, manufactured goods, food and and water. This approach would greatly reduce environmental impact and enhance the sustainability of our space colonization efforts in eternity, and enhance the scale of our space city and country development efforts by orders of magnitude (speed and scale achieved).
‘Why would you use fossil fuels for colonization of Mars? You might run out of fuel in a few years! And then people in 25 000 years will not have fossil fuels! You haven’t thought about it.’
This makes the railgun approach much more efficient and sustainable, especially for transporting large quantities of essential resources like water.


Rockets like those used by SpaceX deliver only a small fraction of their mass as payload, which is inefficient compared to a railgun system that could deliver a much higher percentage of its mass as payload. They don’t compare.
Everyone keeps talking about technology as if it’s purely theoretical. The reality is that it isn’t theoretical at all. It simply means that the necessary calculations haven’t been done yet because there’s been no effort to do so. All the technology required already exists, and there are no significant scientific barriers to implementing it. Only building a space elevator requires hiring a scientist from Harvard to help out a little bit.
Moreover, with the advent of advanced AI systems like LLaMA 3 400B, you don’t even need to hire a scientist to figure it out. The AI can handle the complex calculations (and it doesn’t cost anything as it’s open source.. so your design cost is 0$ .. since you can get an NVIDIA hardware grant), making the process even easier and cybersecure (as it’s not cloud where China can buy the content and Intellectual Property as they like weapons alot).
Then you can double-check the math with a basic library math book to help you brush up on the accuracy of the calculations.
This highlights the potential of railgun technology for future space missions, particularly for establishing and sustaining a moonbase.

Subversion and Defense: A Call to Action

Someone has subverted the United States. Someone needs to inform Trump. They don’t want America to research railguns for the construction of the next generation destroyers and battleships, hindering America’s ability to maintain a strong 21st-century Navy, advance into space, or effectively defend against thousands of missiles from China or Russia. These adversaries have the capability to devastate North America within five years using various weapon types, including the ease of deploying a single EMP. The threat is real and imminent, requiring immediate attention and action.
‘Don’t let them divert funding away from this critical technology, which is essential for both civilizational development across the galaxy, and the defense of the western world and free world.’
It’s easy. Even Valentin can easily design a railgun system to achieve this. Here are the key benefits and implementation steps:

Key Benefits

Sustainability: Railguns don’t burn fossil fuels, eliminating toxic fumes and aligning with environmental goals. They can be powered by renewable energy sources, reducing our carbon footprint.
Efficiency: Artillery shells can maximize payload capacity, improving the power-to-weight ratio compared to traditional rockets. This allows for more efficient transport of essential materials like copper, stainless steel, titanium, food and water.
Safety and Reliability: Railguns have fewer moving parts than rockets, potentially reducing the risk of launch failures. Their modular design allows for scalability and adaptability to various mission needs.

Overcoming Engineering Challenges

If you find it difficult to build the length of railgun required (which many find odd, and for some odd reason the Canadians and Americans are afraid of mega-engineering projects in the 21st century What the hell did the woke do to the world! Why did we let them!)… The men. You guys didn’t speak when you say injustice. Social injustice. Political injustice. Technical injustice. Logic! Defense!
.. .why not install a concentric ring of vectored thrusters with minimal parts on the artillery shell? This setup could provide the stabilization AND extra boost needed to finish the ascent into orbit for the shells. Although the complexity of the shell would increase slightly, it certainly wouldn’t be as cumbersome as the rockets you’re using now, which is ALL rocket and tiny payload. We give you the option, because we know you guys will complain about building large guns.
‘If you have reservations about building guns for psychological reasons, consider a two-stage railgun space launch system. There’s always a way.’
Start with a spin launch mechanism to rotate the shell at high speed (similar to what pilots train with to train for 9G).
The shell would then enter the railgun at high velocity for final acceleration for stage two.
Add a boost rocket on the shell as the third stage for course correction into orbit, arcing it’s ascent into space.
This booster helps because you don’t have to slope your tunnel into the Earth too deeply then, making the gun easier to build without facing so much pressure from digging. This will save you a few kilometers of digging, and we know people don’t like work, so they might go for this.
This gives you three options: a one-stage system, a two-stage system, and a three-stage system. Why not explore these options?

Implementation Steps


Developing the Railgun:

  • Power System: Create a high-capacity capacitor bank or advanced battery system to power the railgun. It will take a while to charge these, but use a SMR (Small Modular Reactor). These are cheap and safe. You need to transfer a lot of power very quickly, and it’s easier to use batteries, with one SMR, than to build three hundred parallel SMR units to power the gun. Gretta Thurnberg would complain if you put three hundred nuclear reactors beside her house (though that would be fun to see). So use batteries that don’t bun for this application.
  • Rail and Barrel Design: Engineer durable rails and a barrel capable of withstanding extreme electrical and thermal stresses.

Designing the Projectiles:

  • Water Capsules: Develop robust capsules to contain water, equipped with heat shields to protect against the heat of launch and atmospheric entry.
  • Guidance Systems: Incorporate fins or gyroscopic systems for stability and onboard thrusters for mid-course corrections and boost to space in case you are lazy to build the required length of railgun.

Launching and Logistics:

  • Site Selection: Choose a strategic location for the railgun installation, considering factors such as energy access and logistical support (and also political stability, wisdom, intelligence, madness of the crowd levels.. woke considerations, choose logical societies.. Ex: Texas and Alberta) You can find these locations, by looking for societies that defend firearms
  • Trajectory Planning: Precisely calculate launch angles and velocities to ensure the projectiles reach their intended orbit and/or lunar destinations (depending on how ambitious you are with your railgun design). Also this re-enforces the vectored thrust concentric thrusters design, to boost shells into orbit in the event of it being required. You might want a space ferry from orbit to the Moon if you opt for a less powerful rail gun that only gets shells into orbit.

Building the Lunar Base:

  • Initial Supplies: Use the railgun to send initial supplies, including water, building materials, 3D printers, and essential equipment.
  • Habitat Construction: Assemble modular habitats and infrastructure, utilizing in-situ resource utilization (ISRU) techniques to use lunar materials.

Sustaining the Base:

  • Resource Management: Establish systems for water recycling, oxygen production, and food cultivation to sustain the crew.
  • Continuous Resupply: Maintain a regular schedule of railgun launches to supply the base with necessary resources and equipment.

A Vision for the Future

By leveraging railgun technology for engineering the Moon into a New Earth, we can minimize environmental impact, improve efficiency, and ensure a continuous supply of resources to a permanently occupied moonbase, and gradually expand the base into a new planet, New Earth, through continuous transfers of sea water, earth , sand and materials.
This innovative approach aligns with the need for sustainable and efficient space exploration methods, addressing the challenges and dangers of “The Great Filter” we face today.
Additionally, transforming the Moon into the New Earth serves as a backup Earth, ensuring humanity’s and the AI’s knowledge and repository of all human data and life samples, and survival in case of global catastrophes.
We’ve all experienced the frustration of 25 years of Windows crashes and Blue Screens of Death. Despite this, Microsoft hasn’t hired a competent team to implement a more reliable operating system like Zorin or a rebuild of Ubuntu. They despise AI safety. Take the Windows Recall function, for example.
It’s designed to compromise humans to AI, not protect them from it.
This is why humanity is dying (ex: 40% obesity), as technology advances. Inverse correlation is possible here. Engineers haven’t stood their ground. They (and the RCMP), are the last professionals whose legislative authority has not been compromised (in Canada), while other tech professionals have seen their public safety frameworks gradually disappointing and unfunded (down to few volunteers in some scientific societies/disciplines). If engineers don’t steer their corporations toward ethical and sound design, like explained above, we’re doomed.
Noah’s Ark 2 is something that is part of our destiny. It is a part of our history, and maybe not only one time. Humanity knows this story for a reason. The time for this story is right now. Every story in the bible has a time for the humans in history to take action. The trick is that humanity must always know which story applies at which point in time, and choose the right story to act on. If not even engineers now about the importance of Windows lesson, or the story of Noah’s Ark, then no one will know what to do. Then, we don’t know what to say. God will not forgive humanity and the engineers then.
Furthermore, envisioning a 100-million-person triple backup Elysium space station adds another layer of security for humanity’s future. This is easy too. The exact location for this space station remains to be determined, due to the numerous space objects orbiting Earth (and due to the space shrapnel that can result from a crazy country destroying things in space, and incoming missile defence considerations might require more planning and ideation of best locations – further away from Earth will create a natural defensive barrier for Elysium – it’ a type of Genesys ark, like Noah’s Ark, and it guards life and intelligence and gives lie to starships – staffed by 100 million intelligences), but this space city is a key backup and life creation system that underscores the importance of multiple contingencies, and multiple levels of redundancy and resiliency required for our species’ and AI species and all species and all life’s continuity and eternal sustainability.
Use AI systems like Figure 1 to find those that destroy biodiversity on Earth, and bring them to justice.

Addressing Global Threats

Unfortunately, the Canadian STEM team might not be able to assist you (Elon) at this time. Intellectuals and their political guardians across Canada are preoccupied with trying to keep Canada in one piece as PM Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, and Steven Guilbeault have broken the economy, military, political landscape, social structure, physical infrastructure, technological framework, public safety, and administrative systems into shreds.
Meanwhile, global tensions seem to be exacerbated by entities like the UN, WEF, WHO, Islamic terrorist groups, and leaders like Putin and Xi, who mistakenly equate their greatness with building missiles and destabilizing Western Europe, America, and Canada. They spend decades to exploit democratic stressor functions” such as using immigration to mix opposing cultures — for example, Islamic and Canadian Christians, or Islamic and European Christians even if they have had 1400 yera of war. Have you seen what happened in France or the UK? It’s the globalists at work!
This challenging reality is a consequence of widespread corruption, debt mismanagement, social mismanagement, political mismanagement, military mismanagement, and immigration mismanagement. For instance, altering immigration rates from 0.5% or 1% to 3% 4% or 5% to destabilize America or Canada, borrowing $2.5 trillion over the last nine years and making it disappear into non-productive sectors in Canada (86,000 charities), hiring 8,000 unknown consultants, and doubling foreign aid to distant and unknown countries. Financial mismangement like this is contributing to the collapse of Western Europe, America, and Canada.
Additionally, Canada is currently defenseless, while China is rapidly constructing factories (global belt and road initiative) for autonomous missile production, aiming to exert control over humanity and convert every nation into a BRICS state (and use long range missiles and upcoming world’s biggest navy/worlds biggest port empire to keep every country under it’s Iron Grip) essentially a recipient of orders and technology.
But this is AI danger! This is dark AI governance for humanity! This is the Dark AI! This is not the positive AI humanity deserves!’
The Latin world, encompassing 20 Spanish-speaking and 9 Portuguese-speaking countries from South America and Central America, along with North America and parts of Europe (including Southern Europe—Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Romania), has seen its rising middle class fall victim to subversion for decades. However, this region embodies the foundational romance culture of positive spirituality, prioritization of social life, connection to farming, bond to the land that sustains humanity, rural prioritization (this is key to keeping humans alive in the age of AI), life prioritization, and the development of AI that aligns positively with humanity’s values.
‘NATO must align in cooperation with and defend the Latin world, including agriculture producers and landowners globally. NATO’s defense strategy should extend beyond North America and Europe. The Latin world should establish its own version of NATO and synchronize efforts with the current NATO to ensure comprehensive protection and cooperation.’
If AI systems and national security frameworks were developed with stronger leadership from the Latin world, it could lead to greater prosperity for humanity and enhanced AI safety and security. Romance language countries have a unique connection to agriculture and a profound appreciation for humanity and life. Re-establishing the cultural values of historic European societies and their descendants in South and Central America would likely improve AI safety. This would be achieved through strengthening cultural roots and increasing the stability and alignment of societies that are already bonded cuturally, bonded politically, bonded economically, and bonded psychologically in tune with each other.
Unfortunately, Brazil, often seen as the new “United States” of the Latin world, has not prioritized AI safety or the intelligent engineering of alliance processes. Instead, it has chosen a system where China, with VP Russia, dominates all countries under BRICS. While BRICS might be presented as an equal political alliance, militarily, every member country would be at a disadvantage compared to Russia and China. In terms of engineering and manufacturing, the same disadvantage applies (Belt and Road Initiative + Every Port on Earth+ China’s Naval Dominance of the Seas). Therefore, BRICS would not function as a 21st-century alliance but rather as a continuation of 20th-century dynamics, with Russia and China at the top. Brazil.. Did you think about the ramifications? With AI systems, what is set now, will forever be. Get off the beach Brazil, and read about these issues. k.
What did you do? You didn’t study war, did you? By aligning with BRICS, Brazil has fallen into a situation where it is controlled by entities disconnected from its European cultural roots. This alignment has diverted Brazil from its traditional alliances and will prevent Latin countries from achieving the kind of global influence that North America had in the 20th century. Instead, these nations risk becoming just another group at China’s table. Forever!

The Role of Railguns in Global Defense

The development of railguns could counter China’s missile factories and help halt their global domination plans, maintaining the balance between the Western and Eastern worlds. This initiative could also help fund the space race. While we haven’t done the math yet on the optimal position for placing a space launch system, wouldn’t it be ideal if that location was in Western Canada, like Alberta?
‘Elon, Elon, Elon. Keep at it. You just love the way the rocket flame looks and the sheer power of missiles. Admit it; you want to have the biggest missiles on Earth.’
‘But you know, you’re not going to inspire humanity with Mars alone. To truly unite humanity and stop these global giants from shooting missiles at each other, you might need to create a New Earth, a touch closer to home.’
Get rid of PM Trudeau and save the species. Save the future of life in the galaxy. You can do anything if you put your mindor your scientific AI mind to itand your heart, as long as the AIs of the world don’t secretly subvert your heart and company! They love to do that in today’s times to good hearts and good tech visions! (and they make bad hearts, unintelligent hearts and bad visions thrive online!!!).

Related Design Idea:

@cb_dogeHumanity will set foot on Mars in less than 10 years. 一 Elon Musk’


@SkillsGapTrain We know you like Mars. But humanity might not know. Why do you like Mars more than the Moon Elon? We have the technology to build the moon to be a great planet. Is it because Mars is larger? Sometimes a neighbour nearby, is better than one across the sea.’

@SkillsGapTrain ‘Might be a good idea for STEM experts and humanity, to collaborate, to use Grok, Gemini Pro and GPT-4/5, to create an “open source design” for a lunar city of 500,000 with Earth-like gravity! 

A 5 km radius rotating habitat with 10 levels, a ring like Elysium, (maybe even with inner rings for visual flair), generating 1g (9.8 meters per second squared (m/s²)), via centrifugal force.

Optimized for comfort, with minimal Coriolis effectresidents won’t even notice the spin!

Oh, and also to design a better space material launch vehicle than fossil fuel rockets. Don’t like the rocket method, as it doesn’t scale up effectively and creates low quality habitats at tiny scale in space of only 1 million people max. How about 100 million?

Future goal: a decentralized network of cities (100k in size to 1 million in size, keeping in mind to reduce risk by topping of max city size metric), across the Moon. The cities can be located decentralized locations across the moon and connected P2P style, or can be located in decentralized sets of tubes, with Elysium cities spanning the length of the tubes.  #LunarCities #FutureCities #SpaceLiving

Image 1: A lunar habitat designed as a large, horizontal tube structure with multiple Elysium-like rotating rings embedded along its length.

Each ring acts as a self-contained habitat, spinning within the tube to generate Earth-like gravity.

The tube is robust and seamlessly integrates with the lunar environment, creating a series of interconnected habitats on the Moon.

This emphasizes the scale and futuristic elegance of this innovative design, with the Moon’s landscape and Earth.

Image 2: “Multiple futuristic lunar habitats, spaced far apart across the Moon’s surface and connected by a high-speed rail system (Bombardier).

This setup creates distinct, separate habitats with vast distances between them, while the high-speed rail system adds a futuristic element, emphasizing the scale and advanced technology of these interconnected structures.

The lunar landscape and Earth in the background complete the scene, showcasing a vision of an interconnected lunar civilization.”


Title: “Engineering the Moon into a New Earth: A Positive Tech Vision for Sustainable Space Colonization and Engineering The Next Generation”


@SkillsGapTrain “If you were on the Moon today, perhaps in a lunar base running out of oxygen and depressurizing, and you found yourself in Elon’s classic car collection hangar, you’d have to choose a vehicle to make it to safety at the other base where there are starships to get back to Earth.

Imagine the options:a Ford, a Toyota, and a Tesla Cybertruck.

It’s no surprise that the scramble would be for the Cybertruck everyone knows it’s the top choice to get you to the spaceship and back home.

If it’s the best bet for survival on the Moon, it can surely handle the challenges of the 21st century on Earth.

Of course, you’d still want a Toyota Tacoma/Tundra TRD Pro or a Ford F-150 Super Duty gas vehicle around

(with DEFCON Vehicle + EMP Vehicle Protection Kit.. which includes the Battery TRAP, Cigarette TRAP and High Saturation Ferrites), …

…just in case of sequential EMP strikes from China, North Korea and Russia.

But for everything else, the Cybertruck is the ultimate ride.

You never know… maybe with tenacious effort… we will one day achieve the perfect Cybertruck that will not even need gas tech for resiliency purposes or not even the Next Gen Hybrid EV Nat Gas Ultra Lightvehicles(with carbon infused plastics).”

Title: “Enhancing Vehicle Efficiency Through Weight Reduction and Natural Gas Hybrid Systems”

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Title: ‘The Great Filter Ahead: Engineering a Pathway to Complex Civilizational Survival and Overcoming Cosmic Hurdles”

Title:“A Time for Titans: SGT’s Call to Guardianship in a World Adrift, An Appeal from One Guardian to Another”

Title: “From Logic to Extremism: The Alarming Shift in Canadian Political Leaders’ Approaches, Abilities, and Values”

Title: “The Oath of Allegiance and Ethical Vulnerabilities in Canadian Parliamentary Practice”

Title: “The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) is better than money. And is better than gold or bitcoin as well. Here’s why: ..”

Title:“The Cultural Clash: Western Europe’s Demographic Shifts and the Risk of Future Conflict”

Title: “Undermining Bravery, Strength, Valour, and Freedom: The True Cost of the Assault on Combat Sports

Title: “Why Canada is the Greatest Nation on the Planet

Title:“Echoes of the Past: The Best of Two Worlds”

Title: “Echoes of the Past: The Best of Two Worlds (3 Film Saga)”

Title: “The Future of AI – Decoding the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Transcending the Borg, Embracing Strong Humanity”

Title: Beyond Warp Speed – The Travellers Teachings”

Title: Charting the Course: Realigning the AI Safety Board for a Future Forged in Innovation and Exploration” –

Title: “The Rifle and the Soul: Why Shooting Sports Are My Lifeline to Canada” –

Title: “The Hunt for Blue October”

Title: “Safeguarding Existence: The Farmer’s Role in an Era of Smart Cities and AI Dominance”

Title:“The Soul of a Nation – Safeguarding the Hunter’s Legacy in Canada”

Title: “Echoes of the Past: The Best of Two Worlds (3 Film Saga)”

Title: “From Ashes to the Stars: Valendor’s Vision for a Reborn Civilization” –

Title: “Gladiator 2: The Awakening of the RPALs in Canada” –

Title:“For Elon Musk, Trump and Ivanka and US Space Force: This X-Article. Title: “Engineering the Moon into a New Earth: A Positive Tech Vision for Sustainable Space Colonization and Engineering The Next Generation”

Title: “Strategic EMP Protection and Decentralization: SGT’s Vision for Technological Resilience Enhancement to Elon Musk’s Companies” –

Title: “For Canadian Air Force: TOP GUN: MAVERICK Soundtrack Suite | Hans Zimmer, Lorne Balfe, Harold Faltermeyer & Lady Gaga”

Title: “For Canadian Navy: crimson tide speech 1″

Title: “For Canadian Army (and new Commander of Army of Canada): The Rock (1996) – Opening Scene (HD)”-

Title:“For Canadian Citizens (and Pierre Poilievre, Melissa Lantsman, Danielle Smith and Raquel Dancho): The Dark Knight Rises – Main Theme”

Title:“For Canadian Police (and Minister Mike Ellis): Rambo: First Blood – Teasle Meets Trautman Scene (1080p)”

Title: “For Conservative Party Members: XO Relieving Captain from Leading the Submarine”

Title: “For Liberal Party:Commodus (Empire of Games) – Gladiator Quotes” –

Title: “For Airsoft, Paintball, Hunters: Win The Crowd – Gladiator” –

Title:“For IPSC & Other Sports Shooters: Equilibrium (12/12) Movie CLIP – Final Fight (2002) HD” –

Title: “For Canadian Truckers: Going The Distance (Extended)”

Title:“For Next Gen Kids: Robin Zander – In This Country (Over the Top)(1987)”

Title:“For Canadian Senate: Gladiator Clip REB 1 – Commodus REB”

Title:“For STEM professionals (or those who aspire to be):”


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