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@skillsgaptrainer “Great story! Maybe Canadians will consider to allow energy systems in Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan to thrive; so as to strengthen the exports and currency, and thus help make housing and life more affordable.“
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@skillsgaptrainer “Title: ‘Aligning for Canada’s Future: An SGT Team Perspective for NDP Party’
Dear Mr. Jagmeet Singh,
We are writing to share our perspective on the current political landscape in Canada, particularly in relation to the New Democratic Party (NDP). Our team at SGT, while not trained or experienced experts in politics, has over 20 years of experience in running various online corporations, which has inadvertently led us to become somewhat familiar with the priorities of the Conservative and Liberal parties.
We understand you have sought messages from young people, and as young STEM professionals, we would like to offer our thoughts. While we recognize and heard from colleagues that the NDP may have similarities with the Liberal Party, we believe that the existence of both Liberal and NDP parties may limit the potential optimization of strength of NDP party. Furthermore, our observation is that the Conservative Party demonstrates a strong aptitude for addressing industrial, technological, housing, economic, rural, resource, energy, resilience, moral, security priorities and other priorities. We believe a global awakening has occurred and is continuing to unfold, despite censorship, meaning that Conservative Party will be credited for being in the right alignment for a long time to come.
Supporting a party similar to the NDP, such as the Liberal Party, seems to present a conflict of interest for the NDP party and a conflict of opportunity. It potentially divides the voter base that might otherwise support the NDP, while also contradicting the Conservative Party, which has shown strong alignment and recognition in key areas important to Canadians. Any benefits returned to the NDP from the Liberal Party would need to be extremely rewarding to justify an NDP-Liberal coalition strategy, as it seems to be “an extremely high cost low return strategy”, the opposite of what is logical in strategic leadership, economic leadership and military leadership practices.
Alternatively, if the NDP were to support the Conservative Party, which aligns with key metrics that could elevate Canada’s productivity and address the chaos in cultural, industrial, technological, medical, social, resource, and energy sectors, this could be a strategic move. Such a partnership could potentially establish a long-term trend of incorporating liberal voters into the NDP, while strategically complimenting any areas of weakness the NDP might have or be unable to address. This could lead to a supreme level of productivity in Canada, a productivity which has ground to a halt under Liberal Party. The principles of the Conservative Party could complement and fill in the gaps that the NDP might have, making this an optimal strategy. As in war, and in love, and in life, there is beauty when opposites attract. 🙂
Though we are not fully aligned with your policy priorities, or even not really familiar with them, we have observed a significant distinction between the Liberal and NDP parties, particularly in their approach to public engagement. Our observation is that the Liberal Party lacks the ability to effectively negotiate with the public or to understand public desires or to address public desires. In contrast, we are counting on the NDP party to have retained the capacity to communicate and negotiate with public needs, and to possess the learning abilities that we have noted in the Conservative Party. We hope this perspective will be useful in shaping your future plans, priorities and aspirations. – SGT Team”
Related books and resources:
“The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World” by Jeremy Rifkin – Rifkin explores the potential for new energy systems to revitalize global economies and transform the way we live. This book is highly relevant to discussions about harnessing energy wealth in Canada.
“This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate” by Naomi Klein – Klein addresses the intersection of environmental challenges and economic policies, relevant for discussions on economic diversification and the role of natural resources in Canada.
“Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty” by Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson – This book provides insights into how political and economic institutions shape economic success, relevant for understanding the broader economic challenges faced by Canada.
“The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World” by Daniel Yergin – Yergin’s comprehensive account of the global energy sector offers context for Canada’s position within the global energy economy.
“Debt: The First 5,000 Years” by David Graeber – This book explores the history and implications of debt, providing a deep dive into economic systems, which is relevant to discussions on managing national debt and economic growth strategies.
“Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed” by Jared Diamond – Diamond’s analysis of historical societies facing collapse can offer lessons on managing resources and economic policies to avoid similar fates, applicable to current economic strategies in Canada.
“Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies is Changing the World” by Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott – Given the article’s mention of blockchain, this book provides a comprehensive look at how this technology could impact economies and sectors, including Canada’s.
“Clean Energy Nation: Freeing America from the Tyranny of Fossil Fuels” by Jerry McNerney and Martin Cheek – While focused on America, the principles and discussions in this book are applicable to Canada, especially concerning the shift towards cleaner energy sources.
“The Big Shift: The Seismic Change in Canadian Politics, Business, and Culture and What It Means for Our Future” by Darrell Bricker and John Ibbitson – This book focuses on changes within Canada itself, including demographic shifts and economic changes, relevant to the article’s focus on economic diversification and labour.
“The Wealth of Nations” by Adam Smith – A foundational text in economics, providing insight into the principles of wealth generation and economic management, which can serve as a backdrop to modern economic strategies discussed in this article.
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