Analysis of Factors Leading to Reduced Family Formation and Decline in Birth Rates in Western Countries

1. Economic Factors


A. Work Hours and Employment:

Increasing work hours, such as proposals for 48-hour work weeks, can lead to higher stress and less time for personal life, which negatively affects family planning, bonding and family starts. Economic instability and high unemployment rates, which can be exacerbated by 48 hour work hour per week requirement, can also delay or discourage marriage and childbearing as financial/life volatility and severe time constraints are a significant consideration and constraint for starting and managing a family.


B. Cost of Living:

High costs of housing, and irrelevant non-technical education and/or non-economic/non-professional educational choice that is more aligned withacademics rather than “professional designations”, can make raising children un-affordable for many families. Taxing primary residences, taxing trucking – supply chain support systems, and taxing farming could further increase the financial burden on homeowner ecosystems that could support large families, reducing disposable income and savings for potential families.


C. Wage Stagnation and Inflationary Deficits:

Stagnant wages, combined with national debt increase and currency profligacy via national debt borrowing, contributing to significant increases in inflation; the rising living costs can lead to financial strain, making it difficult for young adults to save for the future, and impossible to start a family and have children.


2. Health and Lifestyle Factors


A. Obesity and Fertility:

Rising obesity rates, mostly due to processed food consumption and corrupt food industry corporations (which sell processed boxes of food instead of vegetable and fruit based food system), have been linked to decreased fertility in both men and women and obviously reduces significantly bonding and creates an impossible barrier between men and women, thus preventing family starts and baby births. Obesity can lead to various health issues, reducing overall quality of life and lifespan, which reduces family formation.


B. Environmental Toxins:

Exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals found in plastics and other products can affect hormone levels and fertility, and disrupt sex process. Fluoride in water has been controversial, with some studies suggesting it might impact thyroid function, though consensus on this is not absolute.


3. Social and Cultural Factors


A. Shifting Cultural Norms:

Changing social norms and values around marriage and family have led to higher rates of cohabitation, delayed marriages, and childbearing. Reduced prevalence of christian communities can affect values around family and marriages, lead to promiscuity and sexual extremism, interfering and reducing successful long term families and large family creation. Increased acceptance of single-hood and child-free lifestyles contribute to lower birth rates, and can be exacerbated by product focused and materialistic values driven by corporate media.


B. Gender Roles and Equality:

Efforts toward gender equality in education and employment have empowered women but also led to delays in marriage and childbearing as women prioritize careers, and may even accept internet and corporate promotion of masculinity among women, leading to women preferring combat sports, travelling, professional development, and weight lifting above the concept of allocating time towards bonding with men, having long term relationships and starting families and raising children identity support mechanism.


C. Digital and Social Media:

The rise of digital entertainment, extreme internet pornography, and social media can lead to reduced face-to-face interactions with the opposite sex, reducing relationship formation, maintenance and family starts between men and women. Online dating, while increasing opportunities to meet partners, has also been linked to superficial connections and reduced long-term relationship stability, reduced trust in relationships, and increased divorce rates at extreme levels, reducing family success and reducing birth of children.


D. Woke Culture and Pride Movements:

Woke culture, which emphasizes social justice, diversity, and inclusion, can create environments where traditional family structures are less emphasized, reducing the total max family capability and baby capability of a society. Pride movements advocate for the rights and acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals, which is good for boosting equality, but can also be taken to extremes of evil if there is no known limit on the intensity of the movement, as there can be shift in focus from traditional family models to more diverse and non-traditional family structures, potentially interfering with the prioritization of the nourishment of raising a large array of babies. The emphasis on individual identity and rights can sometimes lead to prioritizing personal and professional goals over family formation, reducing the quantity of babies that a family can make.. maybe down to zero.


E. Feminism:

Feminism has played a role in promoting gender equality in the past, at least it seems this way on brief retrospection, but empowering women to pursue education and careers, when taken to an extreme, could be bad like a masculine driven society, such that without the required centre between the sexes, the baby creation could stop under a feminist society, due to non participation of men.

Men require certain considerations, such as secure families and secure national security and public safety policy, and or “security consciousness”, and if there are breaches in certain code elements, they will reject the idea of family and leave society altogether to not participate.’

Extremist empowerment of one sex over another, in this case women over men, can lead to delays in marriage and childbearing as women are influenced to prioritize career goals above child family/child goals, reducing max capability of baby per family, perhaps to zero. The concept of gender equality is not uniformly realized across Western societies. In some cases, the push for equality can be perceived as going to extremes, potentially leading to tension between genders and impacting relationship dynamics. The contrast in “gender appreciation observed in Southern and Eastern Europe, where traditional gender roles and mutual appreciation between sexes are more prominent, suggests that cultural attitudes towards gender play a significant role in family formation.


4. Government Policies and Welfare Systems

A. No Taxation for Families with 4 babies and Low Taxation for Families with 2 babies: Countries with robust family support systems tend to have higher birth rates. Examples of good supports include no taxes for millennials which choose to have four babies, and 50% tax rate for Millenial couples with 2 babies. This does not exist, and in a broken economy driven by non productive spending of tax dollars, this means that the family starts are not economically feasible for Millenials and Gen Z.

B. Education and Career Support: Policies that support work-life balance, such as flexible working hours and career support for parents, can positively impact family planning. Remote work can help in this instance, but “public work administrative office” societies like Canada, operated on tax payer funding for a vast quantity of professional jobs (administrative public office jobs and/or banking administration office and/or healthcare office administration and/or educational office administration office work), have had 20 years for Remote Work, but they were already seniors in the work place with families already made, so the Remote Work offered so far has not helped create more new families and babies. This exacerbates the problem for entry level Millenial and Gen Z, which were not offered senior Remote Work opportunities, so this factor helps to reduce family starts and births of new children capability. Student loan debt and the high cost of education can delay financial independence and family formation, reducing capability of having a family and babies, in countries like Canada.


5. Psychological and Behavioural Factors A. Mental Health:

Increasing rates of mental health issues, including anxiety and depression, which can arise if a terrible K-12 educational system does not educate people sufficiently for University/College or professional occupations, then these hardship environmental stressors can cause mental illnesses in the Millenial and Gen Z populations, affecting personal relationships, family formation, and births are reduced. The stress of modern life, exacerbated by economic and social pressures, the exponential timeline that is required to deal with technological change that is accelerating yearly, impacts overall well-being and the ability to form stable families. Therefore, less babies are possible.

B. Lifestyle Choices: A shift towards individualism and personal fulfillment can lead to decisions against marriage and having children. The emphasis on career and personal development often delays or de-prioritizes family formation.

C. Gender Extremes and Societal Balance: In Western societies, there is a noticeable tension between traditional masculinity and modern feminist ideals. This can lead to confusion and conflict in gender roles, impacting relationship stability and family formation, and creating a lot of division and conflict in society, in addition to preventing family starts and babies from arriving on scene. The overemphasis on masculinity in regions like the Middle East contrasts sharply with the feminist overemphasis movements of the West, highlighting different forms of “gender extremism“.

‘There is more centred “gender egalitarianism” in Eastern Europe, Central Europe and Southern Europe.’

This means that in the west, it appears that it impacts family formation and serves as an additional factor which can reduce family formation, family stability and births. Societies that promote egalitarian structures, which is not what is discussed by Liberal Party of Canada, and other concepts such as mutual respect, and appreciation between genders, and specifically gender appreciation, like some observed in Poland, Romania, and Japan, look often online to have healthier relationships and potentially higher birth rates, and this appears to often be the case when surveying and discussing the matter and observing couples interact on site (from 2020 to 2024).

6. Moral, Ethical & Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematical (STEM) Integrity Factors – Family Law and Its Impact on Men’s Willingness to Marry:

Family law, especially in jurisdictions like British Columbia, can sometimes appear to favour women in divorce settlements. This perception can discourage men from marrying, fearing financial loss and lack of fairness in asset division. Even in Alberta, rumours of immoral processes in family law concerning wealth transfer can deter men from family commitments. Such imbalances in family law can breach men’s code of mathematical precision and accountability, leading to reduced willingness to participate in marriage and family formation.


The decline in family formation and birth rates in Western countries is influenced by a complex interplay of economic, health, social, cultural, ideological, policy, and psychological factors. Woke culture, pride movements, and feminism add to this complexity by shifting focus from traditional family structures to more diverse and individualistic lifestyles. The tension between traditional gender roles and modern feminist ideals further complicates relationship dynamics. Achieving a balanced and egalitarian approach to gender roles, supported by comprehensive policy interventions, is crucial for fostering environments conducive to family formation and higher birth rates. Recognizing and addressing these multifaceted influences is essential for creating societies where raising a family is both feasible and desirable and achievable!


Examples of Egalitarian Society and Gender Appreciation Society (many examples exist in 1980s music videos on YouTube, and even in the 1990s):

Title:The BEST of Sandra



Note: @Aunt_Mill We agree with you. Yes, they are indeed going for it all. They have learned from history, and instead of fighting real guardians directly, they aim to use information to hypnotize everyone (mass formation driven by network upon network of information sources, creating a network effect of information environments for all the citizens, to drive the crowds to madness and to hypnosis in the direction of relinquishing the citizen’s authority and the citizen’s authority over the lands and businesses of Canada and the citizen’s authority over the public safety apparatus).

We won’t list here, which American corporations and which intelligence agencies have such media systems set up for such purposes.’

By controlling the narrative, they exploit people’s tendency to believe and comply when faced with overwhelming informational dominance from various sources. This strategy could soon, in a few years, lead to the complete surrender of Canada’s vast land, infrastructure, and people without resistance.’

‘Will the X Guardians Stop Them? X might be the system that shows whether it’s possible for the crowd to strike back, whether in fact social media works both ways. Let’s hope it does and maybe work technically to help make it work bidirectionally for us, and not just against us!’


Title: “Canada doesn’t seem to try very hard to strengthen its currency, does it?”

Canada doesn’t seem to try very hard to strengthen its currency, does it? You know, the old-fashioned way with attracting international business investment, boosting factory production, doubling or quadrupling resource and energy exports, enhancing technological innovation (applied projects not research journals), improving trade policies, reducing national debt (high growth economy setup), and increasing productivity and higher wage job access, through infrastructure development and professional mentorship programs (apprenticeship at work sites in combination with professional societies administration).

These are all missing.

Danielle Smith and Alberta are beginning the process to switch from de-growth economic setup to pro-growth economic setup, but more people have to switch to the correct economic and technical model to build a prosperous, clean, sustainable, growth oriented (family creation), and advanced civilization (high level technologies).


‘Fix the broken countries of the west through increased transparency, design and professional skills. Support Skills Gap Trainer.’

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