Embracing Red Deer: Alberta’s Strategic Pillar for the Future

@ABDanielleSmith Happy Heritage Day, Alberta! Today, we celebrate the vibrant history, traditions, and values that make Alberta truly special. Here’s to the spirit and legacy that unite us all.

@SkillsGapTrain Nice image! That looks like a great name (ALBERTA). In the spirit of great names, another great name is “Red Deer.”Not only for hunters, but for futurists too!

Do not let PM Trudeau or Klaus ruin Alberta or Canada!

Make Alberta Great Again! (MAGA)

Fight! As Trump says!

Canada’s population will keep increasing, whether citizens vote for it or not.

But we can stop PM Trudeau’s plan to destroy our cities and our people. They will attempt to create ‘mega city dystopian slums,’as seen in sci-fi films like Judge Dredd, by crowding poor people into tiny condo spaces, putting them on mortgages and government payments and food handouts, essentially using digital controls to keep humans in containers like we do for cows in farming operations with physical tags today, but humans in high-density areas and in perpetual danger of life failure scenario should systems fail (like electrical). And these systems will fail at some point. We have reasons, good reasons to believe this.

‘We can stop the people who subvert Canada.’

As people move to Alberta due to your great leadership, like Engineers and Doctors which will be attracted to a good government operation as exists now in Alberta, the immigration inflow will be of high quality professionals that move from Canada into Alberta.. we need a plan where everyone suddenly wants to move to Red Deer, instead of Calgary and Edmonton only.

‘Positioned perfectly between Edmonton and Calgary, Red Deer offers a unique opportunity.’

Instead of doubling the size of Calgary and Edmonton as the globalists might likecreating unsustainable engineering nightmares with infrastructure collapse by 2050, and ecological and ‘sustainability to life’ vulnerabilities in the event of major disasters like war, climate change, resource scarcity, financial collapse, civil war from culture fights with adversarial cultures, terrorism from cultural originswe decentralize Alberta and develop it into THREE great cities.

‘Show off to BC a little bit.’

This plan makes Alberta more influential, industrial, technologically capable, and resilient. It improves the influence of Alberta in the national conversation, it’s prominence and its future. We can refer to this as the ‘column of the temple’ or a ‘pillar of great strength for the temple architecture of Canada, where ideally the whole country could become pillars of strength, with great cities of each province running up and down the provinces, building the entire Temple of Freedom for the world,’ powered by three great cities in Alberta. Starting with that.

This strategy reduces pressure on Calgary and Edmonton significantly and develops low-cost real estate in Red Deer, demonstrating to Canada the potential for new city development.

We can’t just keep stuffing our major cities with people without growing intelligently. That growth should start in cities of size 100 000, not in cities already at optimum levels of 500k to 2 million.

Growth needs to happen by transforming small towns into medium sized cities, not by turning major cities into mega-cities. It’s not a “ego” measuring contest as to who has the biggest cities in the world. We’re not trying to impress China here or to be like China. Unless PM Trudeau thinks we will be like China if we have a lot of people in cities.

‘See this is the problem with people that never studied in their life. They can’t analyze anything and how systems of world work. Systems Engineering course would help him.’

We aren’t trying to prove that we can stack a lot of condo buildings together in a tiny space; we are trying to prove that we can ‘span across the space of Canada,’ creating a ‘network of cities,’ not isolated mega-cities.

‘The plan is to distribute people, not to centralize them into single points of failure.’

This is the real 21st-century technological design architecture or framework: network nodes of decentralization, like the internet, like the block-chain.

Now, this concept can be applied to our physical infrastructure.

This is possible because of the existence of high-speed rail — 500 km/hr.

Coincidentally it was this high speed rail from 2008 to 2024 that build China into a superpower, and it is precisely this rail that we had with Bombardier and we got rid of it!!! This was the key to “making the great leap” to the 21st century!

But PM Trudeau, when he thought of “The Great Leap”, he didn’t think high speed rail through de-centralized city construction of small cities into medium city nodes.

He thought of China “The Great Leap”, which refers to a significant event in Chinese history from 1958 to 1962, which aimed to rapidly transform China from an agrarian society into an industrialized socialist society.

But China’s “Great Leap”, was a total failure, and it resulted in a catastrophic famine, leading to the deaths of millions of people. This is a historical tragedy.

‘PM Trudeau CHOSE THE WRONG GREAT LEAP. He chose 1958 to 1962 instead of 2008 to 2024. There’s a HUGE difference here.’

The decentralized way is the new way to develop economies, technology, and infrastructure.

‘Alberta is absolutely blessed to have Red Deer in the exact position required for this.’

Happy Heritage Day, Alberta! Today, we celebrate the vibrant history, traditions, and values that make Alberta truly special. Here’s to the spirit and legacy that unite us all, and to the future of Canada, powered once again by the mighty Albertans.

Remember Alberta. Red Deer. Show Klaus some Red Deer.

@NASA ‘Title: “Rethinking Canada’s Power Distribution: The Case for Shifting Federal Governance to Calgary”

Note: Instead of secession, please consider to transfer more national governance power and/or national federal government branch in Calgary.’

‘Quebec receives significant annual funding yet has failed to capitalize on Bombardier’s immense potential a company once at the forefront of sectors like electric vehicles, high-speed rail, and passenger aircraft. From a multi-national to a small business private jet company. Way to go Eastern Canada!’

‘This failure is striking, especially considering Bombardier could have positioned Canada alongside global innovators like Tesla and SpaceX. It seems that Alberta’s hard work of consistent investments to Eastern Canada, aimed at spurring innovation and economic growth have yet to yield proportional national benefits, particularly in Canada’s innovation and stock markets, which have been stagnant since 2010, or sideways while all other business stock markets/innovation economies of other countries have up to the sky for over a decade. This situation highlights a potential imbalance in regional responsibilities and contributions.’

‘Perhaps it’s time for Alberta to take on a more prominent role in shaping Canada’s future in tech, resources, energy, industry, and agriculture and even in governance. To reflect this shift, relocating some federal government offices to Calgary, similar to the distribution in Ottawa, ON, and Victoria, BC, could symbolize and support Alberta’s increased leadership role in national affairs.’

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Red Deer, City in Alberta 2050!!!
Red Deer, Alberta 2050!!! Aerospace, Defence, Transport, Electronics, Software, AI & STEM, Design & Production Centre of Canada!!!
Calgary 2050 – The New Federal Government Headquarters of Canada

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