Against the Corporatization of the Olympic Games: A Call for Public Ownership and Accessibility

The Olympic Games have historically been a celebration of athletic prowess, cultural diversity, and global unity. While they are indeed a global event meant for people worldwide, the increasing corporatization of the Olympics raises several significant concerns that challenge the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) legal frameworks and intellectual property rights.

Historical Context and Original Intent

  1. Ancient Olympic Spirit: The original Olympic Games, held in ancient Greece, were a communal celebration focused on athletic competition and unity among city-states. These events were public and free from commercial interests, embodying the spirit of fair play and shared cultural heritage.
  2. Modern Olympic Revival: Pierre de Coubertin revived the modern Olympic Games with the vision of promoting peace and international understanding through sport. The Games were intended to be inclusive, fostering a sense of global camaraderie without the influence of commercialism.

Current Issues with Corporatization

  1. Commercial Exploitation: The IOC’s commercialization of the Olympics has led to excessive focus on revenue generation through sponsorships, broadcasting rights, and merchandising. This shift prioritizes profits over the athletes’ welfare and the original spirit of the Games.
  2. Accessibility and Inclusivity: High costs associated with hosting and attending the Games limit access for many athletes and spectators. Corporate interests often drive ticket prices and related expenses, making the Olympics less accessible to the general public.
  3. Broadcasting Restrictions: The IOC’s stringent control over broadcasting rights restricts free access to Olympic coverage. This limits the global audience’s ability to experience the Games, contradicting the principle of making the event accessible to all.
  4. Impact on Host Cities: The commercial demands of hosting the Olympics often leave cities with enormous debt and underutilized infrastructure. The focus on short-term commercial gains overshadows the long-term well-being of host communities.

Ethical and Legal Considerations

  1. Public Ownership of Cultural Heritage: The Olympics should be considered a global cultural heritage, belonging to all humanity. The corporatization and privatization of this heritage by the IOC undermine its universal significance and public ownership.
  2. Ethical Concerns: The pursuit of profit often leads to ethical compromises, such as the exploitation of labour, displacement of local communities, and environmental degradation. The IOC’s commercial partnerships can conflict with the values of fair play and social responsibility.
  3. Legal Precedents: While the IOC holds intellectual property rights, there is a strong argument for re-evaluating these rights in the context of the public good. The legal framework should prioritize the inclusive and non-commercial nature of the Olympics over corporate interests.

A Call for Reform

  1. Reclaiming the Olympic Spirit: It is imperative to reclaim the Olympic Games as a truly public event, free from excessive corporate influence. This involves ensuring accessibility, reducing costs, and prioritizing the well-being of athletes and host communities.
  2. Public Broadcasting and Accessibility: Olympic coverage should be freely accessible to all, reinforcing the Games’ role as a global cultural event. This can be achieved by making broadcasting rights available to public broadcasters without exorbitant fees.
  3. Sustainable Hosting Practices: The IOC should implement sustainable practices for hosting the Games, focusing on long-term benefits for host cities and minimizing environmental impact. This includes transparent budgeting, community involvement, and legacy planning.


The Olympic Games are a symbol of global unity and human achievement. To preserve this legacy, it is crucial to challenge the corporatization that undermines the original spirit of the Games. By advocating for public ownership, accessibility, and ethical practices, we can ensure that the Olympics remain a celebration for all humanity, truly reflecting the values of peace, inclusivity, and shared cultural heritage.

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