Tutorial 8: Advanced Mesh Networking Techniques with LilyGO T-Deck and T-Beam Devices

Welcome to the third tutorial in our series on mastering LoRa technology with LilyGO devices. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into advanced mesh networking techniques using the LilyGO T-Deck ESP32-S3 Keyboard and the T-Beam Supreme ESP32-S3. We’ll explore how to set up a secure mesh network with multiple devices, implement multi-hop routing, and incorporate custom encryption methods. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be equipped to deploy mesh networks for practical applications such as disaster recovery, emergency communication, and secure IoT systems.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a curious enthusiast, this tutorial aims to provide an engaging and thorough understanding of advanced mesh networking concepts. So, let’s embark on this exciting journey into the world of secure, long-range communication!

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Mesh Networking
– 1.1 What is Mesh Networking?
– 1.2 Benefits of Mesh Networks
– 1.3 Mesh Networking with LoRa and ESP32-S3
2. Prerequisites and Requirements
– 2.1 Hardware Requirements
– 2.2 Software Requirements
3. Setting Up the Development Environment
– 3.1 Installing Necessary Libraries
– 3.2 Configuring the Arduino IDE
4. Setting Up a Secure Mesh Network
– 4.1 Network Topology and Planning
– 4.2 Hardware Configuration
– 4.3 Programming the Devices
5. Exploring Advanced Configuration Options
– 5.1 Implementing Multi-Hop Routing
– 5.2 Custom Encryption Methods
6. Practical Applications
– 6.1 Disaster Recovery Networks
– 6.2 Emergency Communication Systems
– 6.3 Secure IoT Deployments
7. Testing and Troubleshooting
– 7.1 Verifying Network Connectivity
– 7.2 Debugging Common Issues
8. Conclusion and Next Steps
9. Additional Resources

1. Introduction to Mesh Networking

In this section, we’ll introduce the concept of mesh networking and discuss its significance in modern communication systems.

1.1 What is Mesh Networking?

Mesh networking is a network topology where each node (device) is interconnected with one or more other nodes. This structure allows data to be transmitted between nodes even if one or more nodes fail or are out of range. In a mesh network, nodes can dynamically self-organize and self-configure, which contributes to the network’s robustness and flexibility.

Key Characteristics:

Decentralization: No single point of failure; the network doesn’t rely on a central hub.
Self-Healing: Nodes can find alternative routes if a connection fails.
Scalability: Easily add more nodes without significant reconfiguration.
Reliability: Multiple paths for data to travel ensure consistent communication.

1.2 Benefits of Mesh Networks

Mesh networks are particularly advantageous in scenarios where traditional network infrastructure is unavailable or impractical.


Extended Coverage: Nodes can relay data, effectively increasing the network’s range.
Resilience: The network adapts to changes, such as nodes going offline.
Flexibility: Supports dynamic network topologies, accommodating mobile nodes.
Cost-Effective: Reduces the need for extensive infrastructure.


1.3 Mesh Networking with LoRa and ESP32-S3

Combining LoRa’s long-range, low-power communication capabilities with the processing power of the ESP32-S3 microcontroller opens up exciting possibilities for mesh networking.

Why Use LoRa and ESP32-S3 for Mesh Networks?

Long-Range Communication: LoRa enables communication over several kilometers.
Low Power Consumption: Ideal for battery-powered or solar-powered nodes.
ESP32-S3 Features:
– Dual-core processor for efficient multitasking.
– Integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth for additional connectivity options.
– Ample memory and processing power for complex networking tasks.

Devices We’ll Use:

LilyGO T-Deck ESP32-S3 Keyboard:
– Built-in keyboard, optional LCD, and trackball.
– Suitable as a user interface device within the network.

T-Beam Supreme ESP32-S3:
– Integrated GPS and LoRa module.
– Ideal for fixed or mobile nodes in the mesh network.

2. Prerequisites and Requirements

Before we begin, let’s ensure we have all the necessary hardware and software components.

2.1 Hardware Requirements

– LilyGO T-Deck ESP32-S3 Keyboard (at least one)
– T-Beam Supreme ESP32-S3 devices (two or more for mesh networking)
– LoRa Antennas for each device
– USB-C Cables for programming and power
– 18650 Li-Ion Batteries (optional for portable power)
– MicroSD Cards (optional for data logging)


2.2 Software Requirements

– Arduino IDE (latest version)
– ESP32 Board Support Package installed in Arduino IDE
Required Libraries:
– LoRa by Sandeep Mistry
– painlessMesh (or an alternative mesh networking library compatible with ESP32)
– Crypto Libraries for encryption (e.g., **AESLib**)

3. Setting Up the Development Environment

If you’ve completed the previous tutorials, your development environment may already be set up. If not, follow these steps.

3.1 Installing Necessary Libraries

1. LoRa Library:

– Open Arduino IDE.
– Go to `Sketch` > `Include Library` > `Manage Libraries`.
– Search for “LoRa” by Sandeep Mistry and install it.

2. Mesh Networking Library:

– We’ll use **painlessMesh** for this tutorial.
– In the Library Manager, search for “painlessMesh” and install it.
– Alternatively, you can download it from [GitHub](https://github.com/gmag11/painlessMesh).

3. Encryption Library:

– Install AESLib for encryption.
– Search for “AESLib” in the Library Manager and install it.

3.2 Configuring the Arduino IDE

Ensure that the ESP32 Board Support Package is installed.

1. Add ESP32 Board URL:

– Go to `File` > `Preferences`.
– In the “Additional Boards Manager URLs” field, add:
– Click “OK”.

2. Install ESP32 Boards:

– Go to `Tools` > `Board` > `Boards Manager`.
– Search for “esp32” and install the package by Espressif Systems.


4. Setting Up a Secure Mesh Network

In this section, we’ll set up a mesh network using multiple LilyGO devices.

4.1 Network Topology and Planning

Understanding the Network Structure:

Nodes: Each T-Beam or T-Deck device acts as a node.
Connections: Nodes communicate directly with nearby nodes and relay messages.
Multi-Hop: Messages can be passed through intermediate nodes to reach distant nodes.

Planning Your Network:

– Determine the number of nodes and their placement.
– Identify any obstacles or interference sources.
– Decide on the roles of each node (e.g., data collector, repeater, user interface).

4.2 Hardware Configuration

Setting Up the T-Beam Devices:

1. Attach Antennas:

– Connect the LoRa antenna securely to each T-Beam device.

2. Insert Batteries (Optional):

– If using batteries, insert a charged 18650 Li-Ion battery.

3. Connect to Computer:

– Use a USB-C cable to connect each T-Beam to your computer for programming.

Setting Up the T-Deck Device:

1. Attach Antenna:

– Connect the LoRa antenna to the T-Deck.

2. Power On:

– Ensure the device is charged or connected via USB-C.

4.3 Programming the Devices

We’ll write code to enable mesh networking capabilities.

Selecting the Right Library:

– painlessMesh is designed for Wi-Fi-based mesh networks.
– However, for LoRa-based mesh networking, we’ll use a LoRa mesh library or implement custom mesh logic.

Implementing LoRa Mesh Networking:

Since LoRa doesn’t inherently support mesh networking, we’ll create a simple mesh protocol.

Creating a Mesh Network Protocol:

1. Define a Message Structure:

– Include fields like source ID, destination ID, hop count, and payload.

struct MeshMessage {
uint8_t sourceID;
uint8_t destinationID;
uint8_t hopCount;
String payload;

2. Initialize LoRa Communication:

– Set up LoRa parameters (frequency, bandwidth, spreading factor).

void setupLoRa() {
LoRa.setPins(SS, RST, DIO0);
if (!LoRa.begin(BAND)) {
Serial.println(“Starting LoRa failed!”);
while (1);
// Configure LoRa parameters as needed

3. Implement Message Handling:

– Receiving Messages:

– Parse incoming messages.
– If the message is for this node, process it.
– If not, decrement hop count and forward it.

void onReceive(int packetSize) {
if (packetSize == 0) return;

MeshMessage msg;
// Read and parse the message
// …

if (msg.destinationID == myID) {
// Process the message
} else if (msg.hopCount > 0) {

– Sending Messages:

– Construct the message with appropriate headers.
– Set the initial hop count based on maximum allowed hops.

void sendMessage(MeshMessage msg) {
// Serialize and send the message
// …

4. Assign Unique IDs to Nodes:

– Each node should have a unique identifier.

uint8_t myID = 1; // Assign a unique ID to each node

5. Set Up Event Loop:

– Continuously listen for messages and handle them accordingly.

void loop() {
// Other tasks

5. Exploring Advanced Configuration Options

Now, let’s delve into multi-hop routing and custom encryption to enhance our mesh network.

5.1 Implementing Multi-Hop Routing

Understanding Multi-Hop Routing:

– Purpose: Allows messages to traverse multiple nodes to reach distant destinations.
– Mechanism: Each node acts as a relay, forwarding messages that are not intended for itself.

Implementing Multi-Hop Logic:

1. Maintain a Routing Table (Optional):

– Keep track of neighboring nodes and paths.
– For simplicity, we’ll use flooding where messages are forwarded to all neighbors.

2. Avoiding Loops:

– Include a list of visited nodes or use hop count to prevent infinite forwarding.

3. Adjusting Hop Count:

– Set a maximum hop count to limit how far a message can travel.

4. Forwarding Messages:

– In the `onReceive` function, check if the message should be forwarded.

if (msg.destinationID != myID && msg.hopCount > 0) {
sendMessage(msg); // Forward the message

5. Optimizing Performance:

– Implement time-to-live (TTL) mechanisms.
– Use selective forwarding based on routing information.

5.2 Custom Encryption Methods

Importance of Security:

– Protects data from eavesdropping.
– Ensures data integrity and authenticity.
– Essential in applications involving sensitive information.

Implementing Encryption:

1. Choose an Encryption Algorithm:

– AES-128 is a common choice for embedded systems.

2. Integrate AESLib Library:

– Include the library in your code.

#include <AESLib.h>
AESLib aesLib;

3. Define Encryption Keys:

– Use a 16-byte (128-bit) key.

byte aesKey[] = { /* 16-byte key */ };
byte aesIV[] = { /* 16-byte initialization vector */ };

4. Encrypting Messages:

– Before sending, encrypt the payload.

String clearText = “Hello, Mesh Network!”;
char encryptedText[64];

int cipherLength = aesLib.encrypt((byte*)clearText.c_str(), clearText.length(), (char*)encryptedText, aesKey, aesIV);

5. Decrypting Messages:

– Upon receiving, decrypt the payload.

char decryptedText[64];
int plainLength = aesLib.decrypt((char*)msg.encryptedPayload, msg.payloadLength, (byte*)decryptedText, aesKey, aesIV);

6. Handling Encryption in MeshMessage:

– Modify the `MeshMessage` structure to include encrypted payloads.

struct MeshMessage {
uint8_t sourceID;
uint8_t destinationID;
uint8_t hopCount;
int payloadLength;
char encryptedPayload[64];

7. Ensuring Key Management:

– Securely store and distribute encryption keys.
– For this tutorial, we’ll assume keys are pre-shared.

Best Practices:

Key Rotation: Change keys periodically to enhance security.
Authentication: Verify the source of messages.
Data Integrity Checks: Use message authentication codes (MAC) to detect tampering.

6. Practical Applications

Let’s explore how our mesh network can be applied in real-world scenarios.

6.1 Disaster Recovery Networks


– In the aftermath of a natural disaster, conventional communication infrastructure may be unavailable.
– A mesh network can provide an immediate communication solution for rescue teams.


– Deploy T-Beam devices throughout the affected area.
– Use T-Deck devices as mobile communication terminals.
– Utilize GPS data for location tracking of team members.


Resilience: Mesh network adapts to node failures.
Coverage: Extends communication range without additional infrastructure.
Coordination: Facilitates information sharing among teams.


6.2 Emergency Communication Systems


– In remote areas with no cellular coverage, establishing communication is critical during emergencies.


– Equip community centers or vehicles with T-Beam nodes.
– Provide T-Deck devices to individuals for sending distress signals.
– Use custom encryption to protect sensitive information.


Accessibility: Enables communication where none existed.
Security: Ensures messages are confidential.
Ease of Use: User-friendly interfaces on T-Deck devices.

6.3 Secure IoT Deployments


– Deploying a network of sensors and actuators in an industrial environment requires secure and reliable communication.


– Use T-Beam devices as sensor nodes collecting data.
– Implement multi-hop routing to cover large facilities.
– Encrypt data transmissions to protect proprietary information.


Efficiency: Real-time data collection and control.
Security: Safeguards against industrial espionage.
Scalability: Easily add more devices as needed.

7. Testing and Troubleshooting

Ensuring your mesh network operates smoothly is crucial.

7.1 Verifying Network Connectivity


1. Monitor Serial Output:

– Use the Serial Monitor to observe messages being sent and received.

2. Check Node Status:

– Ensure all nodes are powered on and running the correct firmware.

3. Test Message Transmission:

– Send test messages from one node and verify receipt at the destination.

4. Verify Multi-Hop Functionality:

– Place nodes out of direct range and confirm messages are relayed through intermediate nodes.

7.2 Debugging Common Issues

No Communication Between Nodes:

– Check Antennas: Ensure they are properly connected.
Frequency Mismatch: Verify all nodes are set to the same frequency band.
LoRa Parameters: Confirm that bandwidth, spreading factor, and coding rate are consistent.

Messages Not Being Forwarded:

Hop Count: Ensure the hop count is not zero.
Routing Logic: Review the code handling message forwarding.

Encryption/Decryption Fails:

Key Consistency: Ensure encryption keys and IVs are identical on all nodes.
Data Corruption: Check for data loss during transmission.

Interference and Range Issues:

Obstacles: Reduce physical obstructions between nodes.
Interference Sources: Identify and mitigate sources of radio interference.
Adjust LoRa Parameters: Modify spreading factor or bandwidth for better range.

8. Conclusion and Next Steps

Congratulations! You’ve successfully set up a secure mesh network using multiple LilyGO devices, explored advanced configuration options like multi-hop routing and custom encryption, and learned about practical applications in various scenarios.

Key Takeaways:

Mesh Networking: Provides robust and flexible communication networks.
Multi-Hop Routing: Extends network range and reliability.
Custom Encryption: Enhances security in data transmission.
Practical Applications: Mesh networks are invaluable in disaster recovery, emergency communication, and secure IoT deployments.


Next Steps:

Expand the Network: Add more nodes and test scalability.
Enhance Routing Logic: Implement more sophisticated routing algorithms.
Integrate Sensors and Actuators: Build IoT applications with real-world data.
User Interface Development: Utilize the T-Deck’s keyboard and display for interactive applications.
Community Engagement: Share your projects and learn from others in the maker community.

9. Additional Resources

LilyGO Official Resources:
– LilyGO GitHub – https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO
– T-Beam Documentation – https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/LilyGO-T-Beam
– T-Deck Documentation – https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/T-Deck

Mesh Networking Libraries:
– LoRa Mesh Library – https://github.com/sandeepmistry/arduino-LoRaMesh
– painlessMesh Library – https://github.com/gmag11/painlessMesh

Encryption Libraries:
– AESLib – https://github.com/DavyLandman/AESLib

LoRa and LoRaWAN Information:
– Semtech LoRa Technology Overview – https://www.semtech.com/lora/what-is-lora
– LoRaWAN Specification – https://lora-alliance.org/resource_hub/lorawan-specification-v1-0-3/

Community Forums:
– LilyGO Community – https://community.lilygo.cc/
– Arduino Forum – https://forum.arduino.cc/


We hope you found this tutorial both informative and enjoyable. Mesh networking with LoRa and ESP32-S3 opens up a world of possibilities for creating resilient and secure communication systems. Continue exploring, experimenting, and innovating with these powerful technologies.

Happy coding and networking!



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