BRICS Influence on Brazil’s Policy?
Brazilian Citizens and the Shaping of Freedom
An Early Sign of a BRICS-Dominated World?

@SkillsGapTrain @BRICSinfo “Brazilian leaders are concerned to be caught having done something incredibly stupid for their own people and for the Latin world.
The Brazil leaders are concerned that their citizens and the broader Latin American community might realize that that the key to not being alone in a dangerous future and a non Christian and a non-life affirming world and a non-natural nourishment/agrarian rural and natural life in the future…
… that the key to halting the end of times, lies in forging stronger bonds with the spirit of freedom remaining, in renewing friendships, and in renewing the family connections and transatlantic roots.. across the Atlantic among all nation people and most importantly, to the free-spirited people of North America.”
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