The Fragility of Civilization: Real-World Parallels to Leave the World Behind in America and Canada

Part 1: A Growing Storm of Social Unrest and Global Tensions

1. Introduction

From 2019 to 2024, the United States and Canada have been embroiled in escalating social, political, and cultural chaos. In Canada, over 100 Christian churches were burned, synagogues faced an alarming rise in attacks, and there was a growing wave of anti-Semitic and anti-Christian violence. Meanwhile, the U.S. saw a breakdown of trust in its institutions, explosive protests in support of Palestinian rights, and adversarial foreign nations from the Middle East flexing influence within the country. The rise of criminal drug networks in Canada and movements like Khalistani separatists in Canada further stoked domestic tensions and international tensions, adding to a growing atmosphere of instability.
In the midst of this turbulent period, Leave the World Behind (2023), produced by Barack and Michelle Obama, eerily reflects these growing fears of societal collapse. The film presents a world where critical infrastructure crumbles, communications break down, and society itself unravels, all triggered by a devastating cyberattack. As the film explores isolation, fear, and the fragility of modern systems, we can trace direct parallels to real-world events unfolding in America and Canada between 2019 and 2024.
This article seeks to unpack these connections, comparing the catastrophic events in the film with alarming real-world counterparts. From cyber warfare to failures of communication and transport, the film’s fictional narrative reflects the stark reality of how fragile our modern world has become.

2. The Premise of Leave the World Behind: The Collapse of Society in Fiction

In the film, a family retreats to a remote location to escape a growing societal collapse, which begins with a cyberattack by a foreign adversary, speculated to be the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Communications fail, critical infrastructure breaks down, and international shipping halts, cutting off access to essential goods. As cities fall into chaos and those without stockpiles of food and medicine are left desperate, the film portrays a rapid unravelling of modern society.
The narrative raises crucial questions about how dependent we are on technology, global trade, and stable governance, and what happens when those pillars of modern civilization fail. This dystopian vision finds chilling parallels in the events of the past five years.

3. Real-World Parallels (2019-2024)

3.1. Cyberattacks and Foreign Adversaries

  • Film Event: A cyberattack allegedly perpetrated by the IRGC cripples infrastructure across the U.S., accompanied by pamphlets stating “Death to America.”
  • Real-World Parallel: The killing of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in 2020 led to heightened tensions between Iran and the U.S., and fears of cyber retaliation. Iranian hackers were tied to several attempts on U.S. infrastructure, and while a full-scale attack like the one in the film didn’t materialize, cyber threats from state actors like Iran, Russia, and China became more prominent. The increasing vulnerability of U.S. critical infrastructure to cyberattacks has been repeatedly demonstrated, such as with the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack in 2021. In more recent times, Canada too faces chants of “Death to Canada”.

3.2. Anti-Christian and Anti-Jewish Violence

  • Film Event: The collapse of social order sees deepening divisions along religious lines.
  • Real-World Parallel: From 2020 to 2024, over 100 Christian churches were burned in Canada. Synagogues faced a sharp rise in anti-Semitic attacks, particularly in the U.S. The rise of hate crimes against religious groups mirrors the film’s portrayal of societal breakdown leading to intensified religious and ethnic tensions.

3.3. Failure of Autonomous and Electric Transportation

  • Film Event: Tesla’s autonomous transport system fails, leaving people stranded.
  • Real-World Parallel: Tesla has faced numerous issues with its Autopilot and Full Self-Driving systems, including fatal crashes and large-scale software recalls in 2023. These problems highlight the vulnerabilities of relying on advanced technology for critical infrastructure, just as in the film when technological systems break down en masse.

3.4. Aircraft System Failures

  • Film Event: Planes are grounded due to catastrophic system failures, halting international travel.
  • Real-World Parallel: The grounding of Boeing 737 MAX jets after two deadly crashes in 2019 was a stark reminder of how dependent international travel is on safe aviation systems. Combined with the near-total shutdown of air travel during the COVID-19 pandemic, the aviation industry’s fragility was laid bare, much like the film’s depiction of grounded flights.

3.5. Collapse of Communication Networks

  • Film Event: Communication systems fail, leaving the public isolated and without critical information.
  • Real-World Parallel: The Texas power grid collapse in 2021, during a severe winter storm, cut millions off from power, heat, and communication. This was exacerbated by widespread misinformation, as citizens were left without reliable information from government authorities. Similar disruptions occurred during ransomware attacks, like the Colonial Pipeline hack, which left people panicked and uninformed.

3.6. Supply Chain Breakdown and International Shipping Halt

  • Film Event: Supply chains collapse, leading to food and medicine shortages, as global shipping halts.
  • Real-World Parallel: The COVID-19 pandemic severely disrupted global supply chains, leading to shortages of food, medical supplies, and critical goods. The Suez Canal blockage in 2021 also demonstrated the delicate balance of international shipping. Many countries, including the U.S. and Canada, struggled with supply shortages, mirroring the film’s depiction of a halted global economy.
  • In March 2024, the Francis Scott Key Bridge, a critical component of Interstate 695 and a key transportation artery in Baltimore, was severely damaged when the cargo ship Dali collided with one of its support columns after a power failure. The collapse disrupted regional traffic and supply chains, as the bridge is crucial for both local commuters and freight movement along the East Coast. The resulting closure of the Port of Baltimore, a major shipping hub, had significant economic impacts, halting operations for nearly three months and affecting thousands of workers dependent on the port.

3.7. Stockpiling of Essential Goods

  • Film Event: Only those who had stockpiled food, water, and medicine are prepared to survive.
  • Real-World Parallel: Panic buying during the early months of the pandemic saw widespread stockpiling of essential goods, from food and water to toilet paper and medicine. Preppers and survivalists gained new visibility as many began preparing for the worst-case scenarios, similar to the film’s characters.

3.8. Energy Grid Failures

  • Film Event: Energy grids fail, causing widespread blackouts.
  • Real-World Parallel: The 2021 Texas power grid failure exposed the vulnerabilities in America’s energy infrastructure. Millions were left without electricity or heat in freezing conditions. California also experienced rolling blackouts due to wildfires, which were exacerbated by extreme weather and infrastructure issues, echoing the film’s depiction of widespread power loss.

3.9. Destruction of Cities

  • Film Event: Cities are destroyed or abandoned as societal order collapses.
  • Real-World Parallel: The summer of 2020 saw mass protests, riots, and civil unrest following the murder of George Floyd. Cities like Minneapolis, Portland, and Seattle experienced significant destruction due to clashes between protesters and law enforcement. Additionally, wildfires and hurricanes wreaked havoc on urban areas. While not a total collapse as in the film, the destruction of urban centers was a stark reminder of how easily cities can become ungovernable in times of crisis.

3.10. Breakdown of Social Order

  • Film Event: As infrastructure fails, panic and civil unrest erupt.
  • Real-World Parallel: The January 6th Capitol Riot in 2021 marked a significant breakdown of social and political order in the U.S. It highlighted how rapidly civil unrest could escalate. Other incidents, including the racial justice protests in 2020, further illustrated the growing instability in Western democracies, much like the film’s depiction of societal collapse.

3.11. Food and Water Shortages

  • Film Event: With the breakdown of global trade, food and water supplies become scarce.
  • Real-World Parallel: During the pandemic, food insecurity surged across both the U.S. and Canada, particularly in vulnerable communities. California’s ongoing droughts (2019-2023) highlighted growing concerns over water scarcity, with potential for long-term shortages. The war in Ukraine exacerbated global food shortages, mirroring the desperation seen in the film as supplies dwindled.

3.12. Religious and Cultural Conflicts

  • Film Event: The breakdown of social order intensifies ethnic and religious divisions.
  • Real-World Parallel: From 2020 to 2024, the U.S. and Canada saw rising tensions between various religious and cultural groups. The burning of over 100 Christian churches in Canada, increased anti-Semitic attacks, and violent protests tied to Palestinian activism are clear reflections of the film’s portrayal of religious and cultural fragmentation in the face of societal collapse.

4. Conclusion: Fiction as a Warning for the Present

The unnerving parallels between Leave the World Behind and the events in the U.S. and Canada from 2019 to 2024 are not coincidental. The film serves as a stark reminder of how fragile our modern systems are be they technological, political, or social. The breakdowns depicted in the film, while dramatized, reflect vulnerabilities that have been painfully exposed in recent years.
As nations continue to face geopolitical tensions, climate disasters, cyber threats, and social unrest, the warning signs are clear: without major reforms and preparations, the collapse seen in Leave the World Behind may not remain fiction for long. The need for resilient infrastructure (EMP hardened residential, commercial, military and nuclear infrastructure), unified leadership, and a more prepared populace has never been more urgent.

Part 2: Avoiding Collapse: Steps to Resilience and Protection

The film Leave the World Behind illustrates a society on the brink, a chilling vision of how fragile our urbanized, hyper-connected world is. It is not just a cautionary tale but a reflection of current warning signs that humanity must heed. The following sections address how we can prevent this dystopian future by taking proactive steps in critical areas.

5. Humanity’s Overdependence on Cities: A Fragile Urban Ecosystem

The urban exodus depicted in Leave the World Behind is more than a plot device; it reveals the fragility of hyper-centralized cities. Modern cities are highly dependent on intricate supply chains and infrastructure systems, making them vulnerable to catastrophic failure when any key system whether food, water, energy, or communicationbreaks down.


  • Decentralization of Population: Governments must invest in developing rural areas and smaller cities to reduce the pressure on large urban centers. This means creating incentives for businesses and families to move to these areas by improving infrastructure, access to resources, and technology.
  • Self-Sufficient Communities: Encourage smaller communities to adopt sustainable agricultural practices, localized energy grids, and robust communication networks, reducing their dependence on external sources in times of crisis.

6. Building Infrastructure Resilience and Fortifying Cybersecurity

In the film, the cyberattack on U.S. infrastructure serves as the catalyst for the collapse of society. In reality, we are seeing the first waves of this with cyberattacks like the Colonial Pipeline hack and the growing threats posed by state actors. Our dependence on technology has reached dangerous levels where a single point of failure in the system could cripple entire nations.


  • Strengthen Cyber Defenses: Both public and private sectors must take immediate steps to enhance the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure. This includes conducting regular vulnerability assessments, upgrading legacy systems, and fostering collaboration across industries to protect against sophisticated cyber threats.
  • Energy Resilience: Diversify energy sources, incorporating renewables and microgrids to ensure energy independence for critical facilities. In times of crisis, these resilient systems can act as lifelines for communities cut off from centralized power grids.

7. Economic Resilience Amid Supply Chain Disruptions

The film vividly depicts the rapid collapse of supply chains, from food shortages to medicine running out. We saw real-world glimpses of this during the pandemic, with supply chains breaking down and critical goods becoming scarce. The economic fallout from such disruptions can spark civil unrest, panic, and a descent into survivalism.


  • Regionalized Manufacturing: Encourage the re-establishment of local and regional manufacturing hubs, reducing dependency on international shipping and creating local jobs. The key is shortening supply chains to prevent global disruptions from cascading into crises at home.
  • Stockpiling Critical Goods: Governments and private citizens alike should build reserves of essential items food, water, medicinewhile adopting more efficient distribution systems in times of crisis.

8. Technology Over-Reliance and the Case for Low-Tech Resilience

The collapse of autonomous systems in Leave the World Behind is not far-fetched. We have already seen examples of this with autonomous vehicle failures and other high-tech systems faltering under pressure. The film suggests that those living a more low-tech lifestyle — those with fewer dependencies on automated systems fare better.


  • Balanced Tech-Integration: While embracing innovation, we must build parallel low-tech alternatives that can sustain us in the event of technological failure. This could include traditional farming techniques, manual transportation options, and non-digital communication systems like radio-based networks.
  • Rural Resilience: Encouraging the growth of rural and semi-rural communities that are less dependent on complex technology ecosystems will provide a safety net against city-based collapses.

9. Restoring Public Trust and Preparing for Societal Stability

A significant driver of societal collapse, as seen in both the film and real-world events, is the loss of public trust in institutions. When citizens lose faith in the ability of governments, law enforcement, or even media to act in their best interest, societal bonds erode quickly. Recent events like the mishandling of the pandemic and racial tensions in both the U.S. and Canada have amplified this mistrust.


  • Government Transparency: To restore faith, governments must become more transparent and engage directly with their citizens through open forums, transparent decision-making, and accountability measures. Trust-building reforms must be prioritized.
  • Civic Engagement Programs: Encourage greater citizen participation in decision-making processes, particularly at the local level, to foster a sense of shared responsibility and community resilience.

10. The Role of Spirituality, Philosophy and Community in Societal Collapse

In times of societal breakdown, faith and spirituality have historically served as pillars of hope and resilience. The rise in anti-religious violence in both Canada and the U.S., as well as globally, threatens this source of stability. Faith communities often step in during disasters to provide moral support, organize relief, and rebuild.


  • Faith as a Stabilizing Force: Reinforce the role of faith-based communities by fostering interfaith dialogues and supporting their social infrastructure. In times of crisis, these groups can offer shelter, food, and mental health support when public services are strained.
  • Promote Spiritual and Philosophical Education: Support spiritual and philosophical education rooted in Western traditions (e.g., classical philosophy and Christian spirituality). These teachings offer foundational wisdom that promotes logical problem-solving and moral clarity, essential in navigating crises.
  • The power of natural language, often underestimated, holds a deeper “scientific weight” than many initially realized. As Artificial Intelligence has demonstrated, particularly to the scientists and engineers who once believed the full development of original AI system designed from the ground up using newly developed technology design and development methods, would take multiple decades if not centuries.
  • However it turned out that all that work was done over the last 20 centuries through natural language, embedded already in spiritual texts, philosophy texts and texts of all subjects, language itself contained the logical structure needed for reasoning effectively as a computational agent and the breakthroughs. It’s not just about equations or STEM-based design principles from the 21st century that we need to build The Next Generation; language encapsulates the code of reasoning, understanding, and innovation.
  • This realization has shifted our approach, showing that natural language is more than just communicationit is a blueprint embedded with the keys to scientific and technological advancements.
  • Community-Led Recovery: Encourage faith-based communities to organize grassroots recovery efforts, utilizing their strong networks to distribute resources and provide emotional and spiritual care. This can serve as a model for resilience-building at the local level.

Title:“What you talking about. We live in Canada. This is European region or Western region of the world. Regions don’t just change. Ever.”

11. Military Movements and Prepping for Civil Collapse

As the real-world parallels of geopolitical instability grow, so does the potential for societal collapse on a wider scale. The rise of domestic militias, prepping movements, and government contingency plans all suggest an awareness of the fragility of our current systems. Governments are preparing for civil unrest, and the film echoes these developments.


  • Civil Defense Programs: Governments should invest in robust civil defense programs that empower citizens with survival skills and offer clear guidance on how to respond to large-scale crises. This can include urban evacuation plans, disaster response training, and civil protection units.
  • Preparation Networks: Encourage the growth of localized preparedness networks where communities can organize and share resources, ensuring collective survival in times of chaos.

Title: “Undermining Bravery, Strength, Valour, and Freedom: The True Cost of the Assault on Combat Sports”

Title: “Modern Warfare and Canada’s Defence: Proposing a Modernized National Ranger Force Like Lucas Botkin with SIG MCX SPEAR and CADEX in Canada”

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12. Addressing the Psychological Impact of Crisis Living

One of the less-discussed elements of societal collapse is the mental toll it takes on populations. From mass shootings to environmental disasters, people are living under constant fear and anxiety. This leads to increased rates of depression, anxiety, and a general sense of hopelessness, reflected in both the film and the real world.


  • Mental Health Infrastructure: Governments and private institutions must bolster mental health support systems, making them more accessible and community-centered. Crisis counseling, stress management programs, and trauma care should be integrated into public health strategies.
  • Community Resilience: Strengthen community bonds to mitigate the psychological impact of isolation and fear. Programs that bring people together, even digitally, in times of crisis can help reduce the mental health fallout.

13. Final Thoughts: Securing Humanity’s Future

Leave the World Behind isn’t just a story it’s a warning. The vulnerabilities exposed in the film exist in the real world, and the parallels between fiction and reality are too close for comfort. The solutions outlined above are not theoretical but actionable steps we must take to prevent a collapse.
From fortifying our infrastructure to decentralizing our mega dsytopian sized cities (all with a central point of failure, and barely a highway or two for life sustaining trucks to arrive with food and medicine)to multiple small cities with local generation of energy and food abilities (greenhouses), and rebuilding trust in our institutions, there are ways to ensure that humanity does not follow the path of the film. If we ignore these warning signs, the collapse we’ve been warned about may very well become our future.
‘The time to act is now. Society’s survival depends on the steps we take today.’


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