Tutorial 9: LilyGO T-Deck and T-Beam Integration for IoT Applications

“Unlock the power of IoT with LilyGO devices: A comprehensive guide to data acquisition, transmission, and cloud integration”

Welcome to the exciting world of the Internet of Things (IoT), where everyday objects become smart, interconnected devices that can communicate, collect data, and transform the way we live and work. If you’ve ever been curious about how to bring IoT applications to life, you’re in the right place. Today, we’ll embark on a journey to integrate two powerful devices — the LilyGO T-Deck ESP32-S3 Keyboard and the T-Beam Supreme ESP32-S3 into IoT applications that harness data acquisition, transmission, and cloud integration.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a passionate hobbyist, this guide is designed to be comprehensive and engaging, providing you with step-by-step instructions, insights, and practical tips. We’ll delve into the principles of IoT, explore typical architectures, and walk through setting up sensors, transmitting data to cloud platforms like AWS IoT and Google Cloud, and visualizing that data using cloud-based dashboards.

So, let’s dive in and unlock the full potential of these remarkable devices in the IoT landscape!


Table of Contents

1. Introduction to IoT Principles and Architectures
– What is IoT?
– Typical IoT Architecture
2. Getting to Know the LilyGO T-Deck and T-Beam
– Overview of T-Deck ESP32-S3 Keyboard
– Overview of T-Beam Supreme ESP32-S3
3. Setting Up Sensors and Integration
– Required Hardware and Software
– Connecting Sensors to the T-Deck and T-Beam
– Programming the Devices
4. Data Transmission to Cloud Platforms
– Understanding Cloud Integration
– Setting Up AWS IoT Core
– Configuring Google Cloud IoT Core
– Using Private Servers
5. Data Visualization and Monitoring
– Creating Dashboards on AWS
– Visualizing Data on Google Cloud
– Custom Dashboards with Grafana
6. Troubleshooting Connectivity and Data Integrity
– Common Connectivity Issues
– Ensuring Data Integrity
7. Conclusion
8. Additional Resources

1. Introduction to IoT Principles and Architectures

Before we dive into the technical aspects, let’s take a moment to understand the fundamentals of IoT and how devices like the T-Deck and T-Beam fit into the bigger picture.

What is IoT?

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the network of physical objects—”things”—embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies to connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the internet. These “things” can range from household appliances to industrial machinery, all aimed at making processes more efficient, data-driven, and responsive.

Key Components of IoT:

Devices/Sensors: Collect data from the environment or perform actions.
Connectivity: Transmit data to other devices or cloud services.
Data Processing: Analyze and process the collected data.
User Interface: Allow users to interact with the system, often via dashboards or mobile apps.

Typical IoT Architecture

A standard IoT architecture comprises several layers:

1. Perception Layer (Sensors and Actuators):
– Devices like the T-Deck and T-Beam collect data from sensors or perform actions through actuators.
2. Network Layer (Connectivity):
– Data is transmitted over networks using protocols like Wi-Fi, LoRa, or cellular connections.
3. Middleware Layer (Data Processing):
– Data is aggregated, processed, and managed, often in cloud platforms.
4. Application Layer (User Interaction):
– Users interact with the system through applications, dashboards, or services that utilize the processed data.

Why is this important?

Understanding the architecture helps you design efficient systems, choose the right components, and ensure seamless integration between devices and cloud services.

2. Getting to Know the LilyGO T-Deck and T-Beam

Let’s familiarize ourselves with the stars of our guide — the LilyGO T-Deck ESP32-S3 Keyboard and the T-Beam Supreme ESP32-S3.

Overview of T-Deck ESP32-S3 Keyboard

The T-Deck ESP32-S3 Keyboard is a versatile development board that combines the power of the ESP32-S3 microcontroller with interactive features.

Key Features:

ESP32-S3 Microcontroller:
– Dual-core processor with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities.
Built-in Keyboard:
– Allows for user input directly on the device.
Optional LCD Display:
– Visualize data and create interactive interfaces.
Optional Trackball:
– Navigate menus and control applications.
LoRa Module:
– Enables long-range, low-power wireless communication.
GPIO Pins:
– Connect additional sensors and peripherals.

Use Cases:

– User-interactive IoT devices.
– Portable data collection terminals.
– Off-grid communication tools.


Overview of T-Beam Supreme ESP32-S3

The T-Beam Supreme ESP32-S3 is designed for projects requiring GPS tracking and long-range communication.

Key Features:

– ESP32-S3 Microcontroller:
– Powerful processing with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
– Integrated GPS Module:
– High-precision location tracking.
– LoRa Module:
– Facilitates long-range communication.
– 18650 Battery Support:
– Portable power with battery management.
– GPIO Pins:
– Expand functionality with sensors and actuators.

Use Cases:

– Asset tracking.
– Environmental monitoring.
– Remote data collection.

Why Use Both Devices?

By integrating both the T-Deck and T-Beam, you can create a comprehensive IoT system that combines user interaction, data acquisition, and reliable communication over long distances.

3. Setting Up Sensors and Integration

Now that we’re acquainted with our devices, let’s get hands-on and set up sensors, connect them to our devices, and program them for data acquisition.

Required Hardware and Software


– LilyGO T-Deck ESP32-S3 Keyboard
– LilyGO T-Beam Supreme ESP32-S3
– For example, DHT22 (Temperature and Humidity), BMP280 (Pressure and Temperature), or any other compatible sensor.
– Connecting Wires and Breadboard
– USB-C Cables
– 18650 Lithium Battery (for T-Beam)
– Optional:
– LCD Display and Trackball for T-Deck
– Additional sensors as per your project needs


– Arduino IDE
– Download from the official website – https://www.arduino.cc/en/software
– ESP32 Board Support
– Install via Arduino IDE Boards Manager.
Required Libraries:
– Adafruit Sensor Libraries (for specific sensors)
LoRa Library by Sandeep Mistry
– Wi-Fi and MQTT Libraries
TinyGPS++ (for GPS functionality on T-Beam)

Connecting Sensors to the T-Deck and T-Beam

Step 1: Planning Your Sensor Setup

Determine which sensors you want to use and understand their pinouts. For this example, we’ll connect a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor.

Step 2: Wiring the Sensors

For the T-Deck:

1. Power Supply:
– Connect the VCC pin of the DHT22 to the 3.3V pin on the T-Deck.
2. Ground:
– Connect the GND pin of the DHT22 to a GND pin on the T-Deck.
3. Data Pin:
– Connect the DATA pin of the DHT22 to a GPIO pin on the T-Deck (e.g., GPIO 21).

For the T-Beam:

1. Power Supply:
– Connect the VCC pin of the DHT22 to the 3.3V pin on the T-Beam.
2. Ground:
– Connect the GND pin of the DHT22 to a GND pin on the T-Beam.
3. Data Pin:
– Connect the DATA pin of the DHT22 to a GPIO pin on the T-Beam (e.g., GPIO 21).

Note: Ensure that the sensors are compatible with 3.3V logic levels to prevent damage to the devices.

Programming the Devices

Step 1: Setting Up the Arduino IDE

1. Install ESP32 Board Support:
– In Arduino IDE, go to File > Preferences.
– Add the following URL to the Additional Boards Manager URLs field:
– Go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager, search for ESP32, and install.

Step 2: Installing Required Libraries

– Go to Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries.
– Install the following libraries:
DHT sensor library by Adafruit.
Adafruit Unified Sensor.
LoRa by Sandeep Mistry.
WiFi (usually included with ESP32 support).
PubSubClient for MQTT.
TinyGPS++ (for T-Beam GPS functionality).

Step 3: Writing the Code

For the T-Deck (Data Acquisition and Transmission):

#include <WiFi.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include <DHT.h>

#define DHTPIN 21 // Pin connected to the DHT sensor
#define DHTTYPE DHT22 // DHT 22 (AM2302)

const char* ssid = “your_SSID”;
const char* password = “your_PASSWORD”;
const char* mqtt_server = “your_mqtt_broker_address”;

WiFiClient espClient;
PubSubClient client(espClient);

void setup() {

// Initialize Wi-Fi
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println(“WiFi connected”);

// Initialize MQTT
client.setServer(mqtt_server, 1883);

void loop() {
if (!client.connected()) {

// Read sensor data
float humidity = dht.readHumidity();
float temperature = dht.readTemperature();

// Check if any reads failed
if (isnan(humidity) || isnan(temperature)) {
Serial.println(“Failed to read from DHT sensor!”);

// Prepare JSON payload
String payload = “{“;
payload += “\”temperature\”:”;
payload += temperature;
payload += “,\”humidity\”:”;
payload += humidity;
payload += “}”;

// Publish data
client.publish(“sensor/data”, payload.c_str());
Serial.println(“Data published: ” + payload);

delay(60000); // Delay for 1 minute

void reconnectMQTT() {
while (!client.connected()) {
Serial.print(“Attempting MQTT connection…”);
if (client.connect(“TDeckClient”)) {
} else {
Serial.print(“failed, rc=”);

**For the T-Beam (GPS Data Transmission):**

#include <WiFi.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include <TinyGPS++.h>
#include <HardwareSerial.h>

const char* ssid = “your_SSID”;
const char* password = “your_PASSWORD”;
const char* mqtt_server = “your_mqtt_broker_address”;

WiFiClient espClient;
PubSubClient client(espClient);
TinyGPSPlus gps;
HardwareSerial GPS_Serial(1);

void setup() {
GPS_Serial.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, RXPin, TXPin); // Replace RXPin and TXPin

// Initialize Wi-Fi
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println(“WiFi connected”);

// Initialize MQTT
client.setServer(mqtt_server, 1883);

void loop() {
if (!client.connected()) {

while (GPS_Serial.available() > 0) {
if (gps.encode(GPS_Serial.read())) {
if (gps.location.isUpdated()) {
// Prepare JSON payload
String payload = “{“;
payload += “\”latitude\”:”;
payload += gps.location.lat(), 6;
payload += “,\”longitude\”:”;
payload += gps.location.lng(), 6;
payload += “}”;

// Publish data
client.publish(“gps/data”, payload.c_str());
Serial.println(“GPS data published: ” + payload);

void reconnectMQTT() {
while (!client.connected()) {
Serial.print(“Attempting MQTT connection…”);
if (client.connect(“TBeamClient”)) {
} else {
Serial.print(“failed, rc=”);

Note: Replace `your_SSID`, `your_PASSWORD`, and `your_mqtt_broker_address` with your actual Wi-Fi credentials and MQTT broker address.

Step 4: Uploading the Code

1. Connect your device to your computer using the USB-C cable.
2. In Arduino IDE, select the correct board and port:
Tools > Board: Select ESP32S3 Dev Module.
Tools > Port: Select the COM port corresponding to your device.
3. Click Upload to program the device.

Step 5: Testing the Devices

– Open the Serial Monitor to view debug messages.
– Ensure that sensor readings are being captured and data is being published.

4. Data Transmission to Cloud Platforms

With your devices collecting data, the next step is to transmit this data to cloud platforms for storage, processing, and visualization.

Understanding Cloud Integration

Cloud platforms like AWS IoT Core and Google Cloud IoT Core provide scalable, secure, and reliable services for IoT applications. They offer features such as:

Device Management: Register and manage devices securely.
– Data Ingestion: Receive data from devices using protocols like MQTT.
Data Processing: Analyze and process data using cloud services.
Data Storage: Store data in databases or data lakes.
Visualization: Create dashboards and visual representations of data.

Setting Up AWS IoT Core

Step 1: Create an AWS Account

– If you don’t have one, sign up for an AWS account at aws.amazon.com – https://aws.amazon.com/

Step 2: Configure AWS IoT Core

1. Navigate to AWS IoT Core in the AWS Management Console.
2. Register a Device (Thing):
– Go to Manage > Things and click Create thing.
– Choose Create a single thing.
– Provide a name (e.g., TDeckDevice).
3. Create Certificates:
– During the creation process, download the device certificate, private key, and root CA.
– Store these files securely.
4. Attach a Policy:
– Create and attach an IoT policy that allows the device to connect and publish/subscribe to topics.
– Example policy:

“Version”: “2012-10-17”,
“Statement”: [
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [
“Resource”: “*”

Step 3: Modify Device Code for AWS

Include AWS IoT Libraries:
– Use the AWS IoT Device SDK for Embedded C.
Configure MQTT Client:
– Use the certificates and endpoint provided by AWS.
Update MQTT Connection Settings:

const char* aws_endpoint = “your-aws-endpoint.iot.your-region.amazonaws.com”;
// Load certificates and keys
// Use WiFiClientSecure for SSL/TLS connection

Step 4: Upload and Test

– Upload the modified code to your device.
– Use the AWS IoT Core console to monitor incoming messages.

Configuring Google Cloud IoT Core

Step 1: Create a Google Cloud Account

– Sign up at cloud.google.com – https://cloud.google.com/

Step 2: Set Up IoT Core

1. Enable the IoT Core API:
– In the Google Cloud Console, enable the Cloud IoT API.
2. Create a Registry:
– Go to Cloud IoT Core and create a new registry.
– Specify the region and select MQTT as the protocol.
3. Register Devices:
– Add your devices (e.g., TDeckDevice) to the registry.
– Upload the public key for authentication.

Step 3: Modify Device Code for Google Cloud

– Include Google Cloud IoT Libraries:
– Use the Cloud IoT Device SDK.
– Configure MQTT Client:
– Use JWT for authentication.
– Update the MQTT broker address to point to Google’s MQTT bridge.

Step 4: Upload and Test

– Upload the code to your device.
– Use the Google Cloud Console to verify that data is being received.

Using Private Servers

If you prefer to use a private server:

– Set Up an MQTT Broker:
– Use software like Mosquitto to run an MQTT broker on your server.
– Secure the Connection:
– Implement SSL/TLS encryption.
– Use username/password authentication or certificates.
– Update Device Code:
– Point the MQTT client to your server’s address and port.
– Ensure proper authentication is configured.

5. Data Visualization and Monitoring

Collecting data is only half the battle; visualizing and making sense of it is where the real value lies.

Creating Dashboards on AWS

Step 1: Set Up AWS IoT Analytics

1. Create a Channel:
– In AWS IoT Analytics, create a channel to ingest data from your devices.
2. Create a Pipeline:
– Process and filter data as needed.
3. Set Up a Data Store:
– Store the processed data for analysis.

Step 2: Use AWS QuickSight for Visualization

– Connect to the Data Store:
– Use AWS QuickSight to connect to your IoT Analytics data store.
– Create Visualizations:
– Build dashboards to display temperature, humidity, GPS location, etc.

Visualizing Data on Google Cloud

Step 1: Use Cloud Functions and BigQuery

– Set Up Cloud Functions:
– Trigger functions on data arrival to process and store data.
– Store Data in BigQuery:
– Use BigQuery for scalable data storage.

Step 2: Create Dashboards with Data Studio

– Connect Data Studio to BigQuery:
– Use Google’s Data Studio to create interactive dashboards.
– Design Visualizations:
– Chart sensor readings, map GPS data, and monitor trends.

Custom Dashboards with Grafana

Step 1: Set Up a Time-Series Database

– Install InfluxDB:
– Store time-series data efficiently.

Step 2: Configure Grafana

– Install Grafana:
– Use Grafana for powerful visualization capabilities.
Connect to InfluxDB:
– Set up a data source pointing to your InfluxDB instance.

Step 3: Design Your Dashboard

– Add Panels:
– Create graphs, gauges, and maps.
– Customize Alerts:
– Set up notifications for thresholds or anomalies.

6. Troubleshooting Connectivity and Data Integrity

Even with meticulous planning, issues can arise. Let’s address some common problems and their solutions.

Common Connectivity Issues

Issue 1: Device Not Connecting to Wi-Fi

– Solution:
– Double-check SSID and password.
– Ensure the Wi-Fi network is operational.
– Verify that the device supports the Wi-Fi frequency (2.4 GHz vs. 5 GHz).

Issue 2: Unable to Connect to MQTT Broker

– Solution:
– Ensure the broker address and port are correct.
– Check network firewall settings.
– Verify that certificates and keys are properly configured for SSL/TLS connections.

Issue 3: Data Not Reaching the Cloud Platform

– Solution:
– Use the Serial Monitor to debug and check for error messages.
– Ensure the device has internet access.
– Confirm that the correct topics are being used for publishing.

Ensuring Data Integrity

Issue 1: Incomplete or Corrupted Data

– Solution:
– Validate sensor readings before transmission.
– Implement data checksums or hashes to verify integrity.
– Use QoS (Quality of Service) levels in MQTT to ensure message delivery.

Issue 2: Duplicate Data Entries

– Solution:
– Debounce sensor readings to prevent rapid, repeated measurements.
– Implement message deduplication in the cloud processing pipeline.

Issue 3: Time Synchronization Issues

– Solution:
– Use Network Time Protocol (NTP) to synchronize device clocks.
– Include timestamps in data payloads.

7. Conclusion

Congratulations! You’ve successfully integrated the LilyGO T-Deck ESP32-S3 Keyboard and T-Beam Supreme ESP32-S3 into an IoT application that acquires data, transmits it securely, and visualizes it using cloud platforms. By understanding IoT principles and architectures, setting up sensors, programming devices, and addressing potential issues, you’ve unlocked a world of possibilities.

Whether you’re monitoring environmental conditions, tracking assets, or building innovative solutions, the skills and knowledge you’ve gained are invaluable. The IoT landscape is vast and ever-evolving, and with these powerful devices at your disposal, you’re well-equipped to explore, innovate, and make a real impact.

Remember, the journey doesn’t end here. Continue experimenting, refining your applications, and sharing your experiences with the community.

“Happy tinkering!”

8. Additional Resources


– LilyGO Official Documentation:
– T-Deck GitHub Repository – https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/T-Deck
– T-Beam GitHub Repository – https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/LilyGO-T-Beam

– ESP32 Resources:
– ESP32 Official Documentation – https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/index.html

Cloud Platform Guides:
– AWS IoT Core Documentation – https://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/index.html
– Google Cloud IoT Core Documentation – https://cloud.google.com/iot-core/docs

– MQTT Brokers:
– Mosquitto MQTT Broker – https://mosquitto.org/

– Visualization Tools:
– AWS QuickSight – https://aws.amazon.com/quicksight/
– Google Data Studio – https://datastudio.google.com/
– Grafana – https://grafana.com/

– Community Support:
– LilyGO Community Forum – https://community.lilygo.cc/
– Arduino Forum – https://forum.arduino.cc/
– ESP32 Forum – https://esp32.com/


“Empower your world with IoT. Connect, innovate, and transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.”



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