Tutorial 4: LilyGO T-Beam Setup and Configuration Guide

“Unlock the full potential of your T-Beam device for long-range communication, GPS tracking, and mesh networking”

Welcome, fellow tech enthusiasts! If you’ve recently gotten your hands on the LilyGO T-Beam Supreme ESP32-S3, you’re about to embark on an exciting journey into the world of IoT, long-range communication, and GPS tracking. This comprehensive guide is designed to help you set up and configure your T-Beam device, whether you’re a seasoned professional or a curious beginner eager to explore new possibilities.

We’ll walk you through everything from unboxing your device to configuring it for various applications like environmental monitoring and off-grid messaging. Along the way, we’ll share insights, tips, and troubleshooting advice to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.

‘So, let’s dive in and unlock the full potential of your T-Beam!’


Table of Contents

1. Introduction to the LilyGO T-Beam
– Key Features
2. Unboxing and Hardware Overview
– What’s in the Box
– Hardware Components
– Antenna and Battery Connections
3. Getting Started: Setting Up Your T-Beam
– Preparing Your Workspace
– Installing Required Software
4. Configuring LoRa Settings
– Understanding LoRa Technology
– Step-by-Step Configuration
5. Integrating GPS Functionality
– GPS Module Overview
– Setting Up GPS Tracking
6. Example Applications and Configurations
– Environmental Monitoring
– Off-Grid Messaging
– Mesh Networking Basics
7. Troubleshooting Common Issues
– Improving Signal Strength
– Resolving GPS Inaccuracies
– Firmware Updates
8. Conclusion


1. Introduction to the LilyGO T-Beam

The LilyGO T-Beam Supreme ESP32-S3 is a versatile development board that brings together powerful features in a compact package. It’s designed for projects that require long-range communication, GPS tracking, and low-power consumption, making it ideal for IoT applications, environmental sensing, and more.

Key Features

ESP32-S3 Microcontroller: Dual-core processor with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities.
LoRa Module (Semtech SX1262): Enables long-range, low-power wireless communication.
Integrated GPS Module: High-precision GPS for accurate location tracking.
Battery Support: Compatible with 18650 lithium batteries for portable applications.
Expansion Options: Multiple GPIO pins and interfaces for sensors and peripherals.


2. Unboxing and Hardware Overview

Unboxing a new gadget is always exciting! Let’s take a closer look at what’s inside and familiarize ourselves with the T-Beam’s components.


What’s in the Box

LilyGO T-Beam Supreme ESP32-S3 board
– LoRa Antenna
– GPS Antenna
– Protective Case (optional)
– USB-C Cable (optional)

Note: Some packages may include additional accessories or may require you to purchase certain items separately, such as batteries or a USB-C cable.

Hardware Components

T-Beam Hardware Overview

Diagram: Annotated image of the T-Beam highlighting key components.

ESP32-S3 Microcontroller: The brain of the device, handling processing and communication.
LoRa Module: Located on the board, responsible for long-range wireless communication.
GPS Module: Provides real-time location data.
Battery Holder: Fits a standard 18650 lithium battery.
USB-C Port: For programming and charging.
GPIO Pins: For connecting sensors and other peripherals.
Power Switch: To turn the device on and off.
LED Indicators: Show power status, charging, and other notifications.


Antenna and Battery Connections

Properly connecting the antennas and battery is crucial for optimal performance.


Connecting the LoRa Antenna

1. Locate the LoRa antenna connector on the board.
2. Carefully attach the LoRa antenna by screwing it onto the connector.
3. Ensure it’s firmly connected but avoid over-tightening.


Connecting the GPS Antenna

1. Find the GPS antenna connector, usually labeled or near the GPS module.
2. Attach the GPS antenna by snapping it onto the connector.
3. Make sure the connection is secure.


Inserting the Battery

1. Power Off the device using the power switch.
2. Slide an 18650 lithium battery into the battery holder, aligning the positive and negative ends correctly.
3. Check that the battery is seated properly.

Safety Tip: Use high-quality batteries from reputable brands to prevent damage or hazards.


3. Getting Started: Setting Up Your T-Beam

Now that your hardware is ready, let’s set up the software environment to start programming and configuring your T-Beam.

Preparing Your Workspace

Computer Requirements: A Windows, macOS, or Linux computer with a USB port.
Internet Access: To download necessary software and libraries.
USB-C Cable: For connecting the T-Beam to your computer.

Installing Required Software

Arduino IDE

The Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a user-friendly platform for coding and uploading programs to your device.

1. Download the Arduino IDE from the official website – https://www.arduino.cc/en/software
2. Install the IDE following the provided instructions.

Adding ESP32 Support

1. Open the Arduino IDE.
2. Go to File > Preferences.
3. In the Additional Boards Manager URLs field, enter:
4. Click OK.
5. Go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager.
6. Search for ESP32 and install the esp32 package by Espressif Systems.

Installing Required Libraries

LoRa Library: For LoRa communication.
– Go to Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries.
– Search for LoRa and install the library by Sandeep Mistry.
TinyGPS++ Library: For GPS functionality.
– Search for TinyGPS++ in the Library Manager and install it.

4. Configuring LoRa Settings

LoRa technology enables long-range communication with low power consumption. Let’s configure your T-Beam to utilize this powerful feature.

Understanding LoRa Technology

LoRa (Long Range) is a wireless communication protocol that operates in unlicensed frequency bands. It allows for sending small amounts of data over distances up to 15 kilometers in rural areas.

Key Parameters:

Frequency: Ensure you use the correct frequency band for your region (e.g., 868 MHz in Europe, 915 MHz in North America).
Spreading Factor: Affects the data rate and range.
Bandwidth: Determines the communication speed.

Step-by-Step Configuration

Setting Up a Simple LoRa Sender

1. Connect the T-Beam** to your computer via the USB-C cable.
2. Select the Board and Port:
– Go to Tools > Board and select ESP32S3 Dev Module.
– Under Tools > Port, select the appropriate COM port.
3. Open a New Sketch in the Arduino IDE.

Writing the Code

Here’s an example of a simple LoRa sender:

#include <LoRa.h>

void setup() {
while (!Serial);

Serial.println(“LoRa Sender”);

// Initialize LoRa
if (!LoRa.begin(915E6)) { // Use 868E6 for 868 MHz
Serial.println(“Starting LoRa failed!”);
while (1);

void loop() {
Serial.print(“Sending packet: “);

// Send packet
LoRa.print(“Hello, this is packet “);



Initialize LoRa with the correct frequency.
Send packets containing a simple message.

Uploading the Code

1. Click the Upload button.
2. Monitor the Serial Monitor to see the output.

Setting Up a LoRa Receiver

On another T-Beam or a compatible device:

1. Use the following code to receive messages:

#include <LoRa.h>

void setup() {
while (!Serial);

Serial.println(“LoRa Receiver”);

if (!LoRa.begin(915E6)) {
Serial.println(“Starting LoRa failed!”);
while (1);

void loop() {
// Try to parse packet
int packetSize = LoRa.parsePacket();
if (packetSize) {
// Received a packet
Serial.print(“Received packet: “);

// Read packet
while (LoRa.available()) {
String received = LoRa.readString();

2. Upload the code and open the Serial Monitor to view received messages.

5. Integrating GPS Functionality

The T-Beam’s integrated GPS module allows for accurate positioning, which is essential for tracking applications.

GPS Module Overview

Protocol: Communicates via serial communication (UART).
Data Format: Outputs NMEA sentences containing location data.

Setting Up GPS Tracking

Wiring (if necessary)

On the T-Beam, the GPS module is typically connected to specific UART pins. Check the pin assignments in the device schematic.

Writing the Code

Here’s how to read GPS data:

#include <TinyGPS++.h>
#include <HardwareSerial.h>

TinyGPSPlus gps;
HardwareSerial GPS_Serial(1);

void setup() {
GPS_Serial.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, RXPin, TXPin);

Serial.println(“GPS Tracking”);

void loop() {
while (GPS_Serial.available() > 0) {
if (gps.encode(GPS_Serial.read())) {
if (gps.location.isUpdated()) {
Serial.print(“Latitude: “);
Serial.println(gps.location.lat(), 6);
Serial.print(“Longitude: “);
Serial.println(gps.location.lng(), 6);


Initialize the GPS module using the appropriate serial port.
Parse GPS data using TinyGPS++ library.
Display latitude and longitude when new data is available.

Uploading and Testing

1. Replace `RXPin` and `TXPin` with the correct pins (e.g., `34` and `12`).
2. Upload the code.
3. Move outdoors for better GPS signal reception.
4. Monitor the Serial Monitor to see the location data.

6. Example Applications and Configurations

Let’s explore some practical applications of your T-Beam and how to configure it for each scenario.

Environmental Monitoring

Objective: Collect sensor data (e.g., temperature, humidity) and transmit it over LoRa to a central receiver.

Hardware Setup

Sensors: Connect temperature and humidity sensors like the DHT22 to the GPIO pins.
LoRa Configuration: Use the LoRa sender code, incorporating sensor readings.

Code Snippet

#include <LoRa.h>
#include <DHT.h>

#define DHTPIN 14
#define DHTTYPE DHT22

void setup() {
// Initialize serial, LoRa, and DHT sensor

void loop() {
float temperature = dht.readTemperature();
float humidity = dht.readHumidity();

// Send data via LoRa
LoRa.print(“Temp: “);
LoRa.print(“C, Humidity: “);

delay(60000); // Send data every minute

Off-Grid Messaging

Objective: Create a simple communication system for sending messages without internet or cellular networks.

Hardware Setup

Use T-Deck ESP32-S3 Keyboard as the sender with input capabilities.
– Use T-Beam as the receiver.

Code Adjustments

– Sender (T-Deck):
– Capture user input from the keyboard.
– Send the input message via LoRa.
– Receiver (T-Beam):
– Receive messages and display them on the Serial Monitor or an attached display.

Mesh Networking Basics

Objective: Extend the communication range by relaying messages through multiple nodes.

Understanding Mesh Networking

In a mesh network, each node can communicate with others, forwarding messages to reach distant nodes.

Implementing Mesh Networking

Use Libraries: Libraries like painlessMesh can help set up mesh networks.
Configure Each Node: Ensure all nodes share the same network ID and encryption keys if used.
Routing Messages: Nodes automatically handle message routing.

Flowchart: Illustration of a mesh network with multiple nodes communicating.

7. Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with careful setup, you might encounter some challenges. Let’s address common problems and their solutions.

Improving Signal Strength

Issue: Poor LoRa signal resulting in intermittent communication.


Check Antenna Connections: Ensure antennas are securely connected.
Antenna Placement: Position antennas vertically and away from obstructions.
Frequency Matching: Confirm both sender and receiver use the same frequency.
Adjust Spreading Factor: Increase the spreading factor to enhance range at the cost of data rate.

Resolving GPS Inaccuracies

Issue: GPS module not providing accurate location data.


Outdoor Testing: GPS signals are best received outdoors with a clear view of the sky.
Wait for Fix: It may take a few minutes for the GPS module to get a fix on satellites.
Power Supply: Ensure the device has sufficient power; low battery can affect performance.
Check Connections: Verify the GPS antenna is properly connected.

Firmware Updates

Issue: Unexpected behaviour or compatibility issues.


Update Libraries: Ensure you have the latest versions of the Arduino IDE and libraries.
Firmware Updates: Check if there’s a firmware update for the T-Beam and apply it if necessary.

8. Conclusion

Congratulations! You’ve now set up and configured your LilyGO T-Beam for various exciting applications. Whether you’re tracking environmental data, communicating off-grid, or exploring mesh networking, the T-Beam offers a versatile platform for innovation.

Remember, experimentation is key. Don’t hesitate to tweak settings, try new libraries, or integrate additional sensors. The IoT world is vast, and with your T-Beam in hand, you’re well-equipped to explore it.

“Happy tinkering!”


Additional Resources:

LilyGO Documentation: Official GitHub Repository – https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/LilyGO-T-Beam
Community Support: LilyGO Community Forums – https://community.lilygo.cc/
ESP32 Reference: [Espressif Systems Documentation – https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32s3/



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