Tutorial 6: Secure Communication for All: How to Set Up a LoRa Mesh Network

“Empowering communities with secure, long-range communication using LilyGO devices.”

In an increasingly connected world, the ability to communicate securely over long distances without relying on traditional infrastructure has never been more critical. Whether it’s coordinating disaster relief efforts in areas where networks are down or setting up communication channels in remote locations, having a robust and secure communication system is essential.

Imagine being able to send messages, share data, and coordinate activities over kilometers, all without the need for cellular networks or internet access. This is where LoRa mesh networks come into play — a technology that enables devices to communicate over long distances using low-power radio waves, forming a self-healing network that can adapt to node failures and changes in topology.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to set up a secure LoRa mesh network using LilyGO devices like the T-Beam Supreme ESP32-S3 and the T-Deck ESP32-S3 Keyboard. We’ll walk through the hardware and software requirements, provide a step-by-step setup, and delve into testing and troubleshooting to ensure your network operates seamlessly.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
– Why Secure Communication Matters
– The Power of Mesh Networks
2. Hardware and Software Requirements
– Essential Devices
– Software and Tools
3. Setting Up Your LoRa Mesh Network
– Configuring LilyGO Devices
– Implementing Secure Encryption
4. Testing and Troubleshooting
– Verifying Connectivity and Data Transmission
– Addressing Common Issues
5. Real-World Applications and Use Cases
– Disaster Recovery Scenarios
– Off-Grid Communication Solutions
6. Conclusion
7. Additional Resources

1. Introduction

Why Secure Communication Matters

In times of crisis, communication is the lifeline that connects communities, first responders, and aid organizations. Traditional communication networks — cellular towers, internet services, and landlinescan become unreliable or even nonexistent due to natural disasters, infrastructure failures, or in remote areas lacking connectivity.

Secure communication ensures that sensitive information remains confidential and that the integrity of the data is maintained. In scenarios where unauthorized access could lead to misinformation or jeopardize safety, encryption and secure channels are not just desirable but essential.

The Power of Mesh Networks

Mesh networks offer a robust solution to communication challenges:

Resilience: Mesh networks are decentralized. Each node (device) can communicate with multiple other nodes, creating multiple pathways for data to travel. If one node fails or a connection is lost, the network automatically reroutes data through alternative nodes.

Scalability: Adding more nodes can extend the network’s range and capacity without significant reconfiguration.

Flexibility: Mesh networks can adapt to changing conditions, making them ideal for dynamic environments.

When combined with LoRa (Long Range) technology, mesh networks can cover vast distances while consuming minimal power, making them perfect for battery-operated devices in the field.

2. Hardware and Software Requirements

Before diving into the setup, let’s gather everything you’ll need to build your LoRa mesh network.

Essential Devices

1. LilyGO T-Beam Supreme ESP32-S3

– Features:
– ESP32-S3 microcontroller with dual-core processor and Wi-Fi/Bluetooth capabilities.
– Integrated LoRa module (Semtech SX1262) for long-range communication.
– High-precision GPS module for location tracking.
– Support for 18650 lithium battery.

2. LilyGO T-Deck ESP32-S3 Keyboard

– Features:
– ESP32-S3 microcontroller.
– Built-in keyboard for user input.
– Optional LCD display and trackball for enhanced interactivity.
– LoRa module for communication.

3. Additional Components

– Antennas:
– LoRa antennas for each device to ensure optimal signal transmission.
– GPS antennas for T-Beam devices if GPS functionality is needed.

– Power Supplies:
– 18650 lithium batteries for T-Beam devices.
– USB cables and chargers for powering and programming devices.

Software and Tools

1. Arduino IDE

– An open-source platform for writing and uploading code to your devices.
– Download from the Arduino official website – https://www.arduino.cc/en/software

2. Required Libraries

– ESP32 Board Support:
– Install via the Arduino IDE Boards Manager.

– LoRa Mesh Networking Library:
RadioHead or painlessMesh libraries can be used.
– For this guide, we’ll use the painlessMesh library adapted for LoRa.

Encryption Libraries:
AESLib for implementing AES encryption.
Crypto library for additional cryptographic functions.

3. Configuration Tools

– Serial Monitor:
– Integrated into the Arduino IDE for debugging and monitoring serial output.

– Sample Configuration Files:
– Provided in the Additional Resources section for quick setup.

3. Setting Up Your LoRa Mesh Network

Now that we’ve assembled our hardware and software, let’s get our hands dirty and set up the mesh network.

Configuring LilyGO Devices

Step 1: Preparing the Arduino IDE

1. Install ESP32 Board Support:

– Open the Arduino IDE.
– Go to File > Preferences.
– In the Additional Boards Manager URLs field, add:
– Click OK.
– Go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager.
– Search for ESP32 and install the esp32 package by Espressif Systems.

2. Install Required Libraries:

– Go to Tools > Manage Libraries.
– Install painlessMesh (ensure it’s the LoRa-compatible version).
– Install AESLib or Crypto for encryption.

Step 2: Setting Up the T-Beam Devices

1. Connect the T-Beam to Your Computer:

– Use a USB-C cable to connect the device.
– Ensure the 18650 battery is installed and charged.

2. Select the Correct Board and Port:

– In the Arduino IDE, go to Tools > Board and select ESP32S3 Dev Module.
– Under Tools > Port, select the port corresponding to your device.

3. Write the Mesh Network Code:

– Start a new sketch or use the sample code provided.
– Include the necessary libraries at the top:
#include <painlessMesh.h>
#include <LoRa.h>
#include <AESLib.h>
– Initialize LoRa and Mesh Network:
painlessMesh mesh;
const uint16_t MESH_PORT = 5555;

void setup() {

// Initialize LoRa
LoRa.begin(915E6); // Adjust frequency as per your region

// Initialize Mesh
mesh.setDebugMsgTypes( ERROR | STARTUP ); // Set debug message types
mesh.init( “MeshNetwork”, “password123”, &userScheduler, MESH_PORT );

– Implement Mesh Callbacks:
void receivedCallback( uint32_t from, String &msg ) {
Serial.printf(“Received from %u: %s\n”, from, msg.c_str());

void newConnectionCallback(uint32_t nodeId) {
Serial.printf(“New Connection, nodeId = %u\n”, nodeId);

void changedConnectionCallback() {
Serial.printf(“Changed connections\n”);

void nodeTimeAdjustedCallback(int32_t offset) {
Serial.printf(“Time adjusted by %d\n”, offset);

Add Encryption to Messages:
AESLib aesLib;
String encrypt(String msg) {
byte key[] = { /* 16-byte key */ };
byte iv[] = { /* 16-byte IV */ };
int msgLen = msg.length() + 1;
char encrypted[msgLen];
aesLib.encrypt(msg.c_str(), encrypted, key, iv);
return String(encrypted);

String decrypt(String msg) {
byte key[] = { /* 16-byte key */ };
byte iv[] = { /* 16-byte IV */ };
int msgLen = msg.length() + 1;
char decrypted[msgLen];
aesLib.decrypt(msg.c_str(), decrypted, key, iv);
return String(decrypted);

– Sending and Receiving Data:
void sendMessage() {
String msg = “Hello from node “;
msg += mesh.getNodeId();
String encryptedMsg = encrypt(msg);

void receivedCallback( uint32_t from, String &msg ) {
String decryptedMsg = decrypt(msg);
Serial.printf(“Received from %u: %s\n”, from, decryptedMsg.c_str());

4. Upload the Code:

– Click the Upload button in the Arduino IDE.
– Monitor the output in the Serial Monitor.

Step 3: Configuring the T-Deck Devices

1. Repeat the Setup:

– Follow similar steps as with the T-Beam for installing libraries and setting up the Arduino IDE.

2. Customize for Input and Display:

– Include Libraries for Display and Keyboard:
#include <TFT_eSPI.h> // For LCD display
#include <Keyboard.h> // For keyboard input

– **Initialize Display and Input Devices:**
TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI();

void setup() {
// Existing setup code…

– Modify Send and Receive Functions:
– Display messages on the LCD.
– Use keyboard input to send messages.

3. Upload the Code and Test Input/Output:

– Ensure the optional LCD and trackball are connected if you’re using them.
– Upload the code and test that you can send messages using the keyboard and see messages on the display.

Implementing Secure Encryption

Security is paramount. Here’s how to ensure your mesh network is encrypted:

1. Generate Encryption Keys:

– Use a secure method to generate a 16-byte key and IV (Initialization Vector).
– Example key generation (do not use this in production):
byte key[] = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, …, 0x0F }; // Replace with your key
byte iv[] = { 0xF0, 0xF1, 0xF2, …, 0xFF }; // Replace with your IV

2. Secure Key Storage:

– Store keys securely in your code or, better yet, in secure elements if the hardware supports it.
– Avoid hardcoding keys in code that could be easily read.

3. Implement Encryption in Communication:

– As shown in the code snippets, encrypt messages before sending and decrypt upon receiving.

4. Test Encryption:

– Send test messages and verify that they are encrypted over the air.
– Use tools like a LoRa packet sniffer to confirm that intercepted messages are not readable.

4. Testing and Troubleshooting

With the network set up, it’s time to ensure everything works as intended.

Verifying Connectivity and Data Transmission

1. Test Message Broadcasting:

– On one device, trigger the `sendMessage()` function.
– Observe on other devices whether the message is received and properly decrypted.

2. Check Network Topology:

– Use debug messages to print out the list of connected nodes.
– Verify that all devices are connected in the mesh.

3. Monitor Signal Strength:

– Implement code to read and display the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI).
int rssi = LoRa.packetRssi();
Serial.print(“RSSI: “);

4. Test Range:

– Gradually increase the distance between nodes.
– Note the maximum range while maintaining reliable communication.

Addressing Common Issues

1. Signal Interference:

Symptoms: Poor connectivity, frequent message loss.
– Change the operating frequency if interference is suspected.
– Ensure antennas are properly connected and not obstructed.
– Reduce environmental interference by relocating devices.

2. Node Configuration Errors:

Symptoms: Devices not joining the mesh, unable to send/receive messages.
– Verify that all devices use the same mesh network name and password.
– Check for typos or mismatches in encryption keys.
– Ensure that each node has a unique identifier if required.

3. Power Issues:

Symptoms: Devices restarting, inconsistent behaviour.
– Ensure batteries are charged and functioning correctly.
– Use quality power supplies and cables.

4. Software Bugs:

Symptoms: Crashes, unexpected behaviour.
– Use Serial Monitor for debugging.
– Update libraries to the latest versions.
– Review code for logical errors.

5. Real-World Applications and Use Cases

Understanding practical applications can inspire and guide your deployment.

Disaster Recovery Scenarios

In the aftermath of natural disasters, communication networks are often among the first infrastructures to fail. A LoRa mesh network can be rapidly deployed to:

Coordinate Rescue Efforts:
– First responders can communicate securely over long distances without relying on cellular networks.
– Real-time sharing of location data and critical information.

– Provide Community Communication:
– Establish temporary communication channels for affected communities to connect with aid organizations.


Deploy T-Beam devices across strategic locations to form the backbone of the network. Use T-Deck devices with displays and keyboards at command centers for direct communication and coordination.

Off-Grid Communication Solutions

For communities living in remote areas or for outdoor enthusiasts, maintaining communication without traditional networks is invaluable.

– Hiking and Camping Groups:
– Stay connected in areas without cellular coverage.
– Share location updates and messages within the group.

– Remote Monitoring:
– Collect data from sensors spread across large areas, such as environmental sensors or agricultural monitoring.


Equip hikers with T-Deck devices to communicate and share GPS coordinates. Set up T-Beam nodes at elevated positions to extend network range and coverage.

6. Conclusion

Setting up a secure LoRa mesh network with LilyGO devices like the T-Beam Supreme ESP32-S3 and T-Deck ESP32-S3 Keyboard opens up a world of possibilities for reliable, long-range communication. By following this guide, you’ve not only learned how to configure the hardware and software but also how to implement encryption to keep your data secure.

Whether it’s for emergency situations, remote monitoring, or just exploring the capabilities of LoRa technology, you’re now equipped to build a network that meets your needs. The resilience and flexibility of mesh networks, combined with the low power consumption and long-range capabilities of LoRa, make this an invaluable skill set in today’s connected world.

7. Additional Resources

To further assist you in your journey, here are some valuable resources:

1. Community Forums and Support

LilyGO Community: community.lilygo.cc – https://community.lilygo.cc/
Arduino Forum: orum.arduino.cc – https://forum.arduino.cc/
LoRa Community: The Things Network](https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/forum/

2. Further Reading

LoRa Mesh Networking Explained: LoRa Mesh Networks: An Overview – https://www.lora-alliance.org/
Advanced Encryption Techniques: Implementing AES Encryption in IoT Devices – https://www.eetimes.com/implementing-aes-encryption-in-iot-devices/


Keywords: LoRa mesh network setup, secure LoRa communication, LilyGO mesh network guide, encrypted IoT communication.


“Empower your communication. Build resilient networks. Stay connected, securely.”



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