Science-Deception: How PM Trudeau Ignores Science and Greta Thunberg Rejects Scientific Study for Activism

Greta Thunberg and the Importance of Study vs. Activism vs. Protests vs. Civil Disturbances

We have not seen Greta Thunberg actively involved in the practice of applied science or scientific research processes, such as conducting experiments or working directly within scientific institutions. What books is she holding, or discussing publicly, that contribute to solving the climate crisis? Books are essential for understanding and tackling such complex problems. Starting with Václav Smil would be a good step.

Further, Greta Thunberg is not pursuing formal studies in climate engineering or related scientific fields like environmental engineering, atmospheric sciences, or sustainability engineering. Her focus has been on activism and protests relating to climate change through protests, civil disturbances and public speeches, rather than pursuing a professional or scientific education directly related to climate solutions where she could actually become a scientific leader of the scientific community.

How is Greta Thunberg considered a role model when she protests instead of pursuing a professional engineering degree in fields like environmental engineering, atmospheric sciences, climate science, or sustainability engineering disciplines that directly contribute to addressing climate change?

Civil Disobedience vs. Scientific Study

Instead, Greta has become more known for her civil disobedience and has even been detained multiple times for participating in climate change protests. These are behaviours that disturb members of public more than they are academic, research, development, and solution development and professional growth contributions and interactions.

This is far from the methodical, team-driven problem-solving approach we see from figures like Data in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Data emphasized scientific study, teamwork, and productive efforts to solve problems, avoiding erratic or chaotic behaviour. Is Greta being celebrated for her protests and activism alone, rather than her scientific understanding or problem-solving abilities? Is this the type of role model we want for today’s youth?

In Canada, mainstream media and professional communication often lack the depth of scientific debate and engagement once seen with figures like Isaac Asimov and Carl Sagan. The focus has shifted towards shorter, less rigorous segments that prioritize activism and sound bites over in-depth discussions on scientific, ethical, and philosophical issues.

The Media’s Role in Oversimplifying Climate Debate

The media oversimplifies the public’s understanding of climate change by showcasing these protests, rather than engaging in debates with intellectuals, scientists, and engineers.

Carl Sagan vs. Greta Thunberg: A Comparison of Science Communication

In contrast, let’s look at Carl Sagan: a renowned astrophysicist and cosmologist who was a science communicator. Sagan popularized complex scientific ideas about the universe, space exploration, and humanity’s role in the cosmos. While he discussed environmental issues like nuclear winter and climate change, his broader focus was on promoting scientific literacy and deepening public understanding of science.

Today, politicians, particularly in Canada, seem scientifically and technically lost when it comes to identifying the right policies and technologies to support. Rather than working with professional scientists and engineers, many of them align themselves with activists like Greta Thunberg or other non-experts (like PM Trudeau met with and allied ideologically with).

Trudeau’s Missteps as a ‘Science Communicator’

PM Trudeau presents himself as a science communicator, often LECTURING the public ON SCIENCE. However, he never articulates a coherent process for communicating complex topics like science, philosophy, ethics, and the legal and professional principles underlying decisions like vaccine mandates.
PM Trudeau failed as a science communicator because his communication didn’t mention essential professional conduct codes, philosophical, medical ethics and legal frameworks. These codes, which are not optional in science, require addressing key ethical, legal, and philosophical principles such as 20 out of 26 of which contradicted vaccine mandates. By not engaging with these principles, such as informed consent, individual rights, and bio-security, Trudeau’s approach was incomplete and misleading, failing to meet the standards of scientific integrity.

Philosophical and Ethical Principles Contradicting Vaccine Mandates

Before mandating vaccines, multiple principles must be examined and considered. These include philosophical, ethical, legal, and professional standards. For example:
  1. John Locke’s Theory of Natural Rights (1689): Contradicts vaccine mandates. John Locke’s Theory of Natural Rights, in its traditional context, emphasizes individual freedoms and personal liberty. Under this framework, vaccine mandates could be seen as contradictory, as they infringe on the individual’s right to autonomy.
  2. John Stuart Mill’s Principle of Liberty (1859): Fundamentally opposes coercive mandates, such as vaccine mandates, as it prioritizes individual freedom. However, it allows for restrictions on personal liberty if a person’s actions demonstrably harm others. While some argue that vaccine mandates align with this principle, in its traditional context, such mandates may contradict individual liberty by restricting personal choice.
  3. Immanuel Kant’s Concept of Autonomy (1785): Contradicts vaccine mandates.
  4. Religious Teachings on the Sanctity of the Body: Contradict vaccine mandates.
  5. Thomas Hobbes’ Social Contract Theory (1651): May not contradict vaccine mandates.
  6. Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Social Contract (1762): May not contradict vaccine mandates.

In medical ethics:

  • The Hippocratic Oath (post, WW2): opposes vaccine mandates. After World War II, the Oath, influenced by the Nuremberg Code, emphasized informed consent and individual autonomy. Under this framework, patients must be able to voluntarily choose their medical treatments without coercion, reflecting the principle of ‘do no harm.’ Mandatory interventions like vaccine mandates conflict with these values, as they limit personal choice and autonomy. The post-WW2 modernization of the Oath reinforced this shift in medical ethics, prioritizing individual rights and protection from forced procedures. Therefore, vaccine mandates can be seen as contradicting the ethical stance that prioritizes a patient’s right to make voluntary health decisions, though public health concerns may lead to exceptions.
  • Informed Consent (Early 20th century): Contradicts vaccine mandates. Informed Consent, as a fundamental medical ethic, emphasizes that individuals must have the right to make informed decisions about their own medical treatments. Vaccine mandates, which enforce compulsory vaccination, contradict this principle by limiting personal choice.
  • Principle of Beneficence (Early 20th century): May not contradict vaccine mandates.
  • Principle of Non-Maleficence (Early 20th century): Contradicts vaccine mandates. The Principle of Non-Maleficence, which emphasizes ‘do no harm,’ traditionally focuses on individual care. Mandates could contradict this principle if they are seen as imposing risks without individual consent, but some argue they prevent greater societal harm.
  • Respect for Autonomy (Early 20th century): Contradicts vaccine mandates.
  • Confidentiality (Various, Hippocratic in origin): Does not address vaccine mandates directly.

In legal frameworks:

  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) (1948): Contradicts vaccine mandates. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), in its original context, emphasizes individual freedoms and the right to autonomy. Under these principles, vaccine mandates contradict the core human rights of personal choice and bodily autonomy, making such mandates inconsistent with the original spirit of the UDHR.
  • International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) (1966): Contradicts vaccine mandates. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) emphasizes individual freedoms but allows for limitations in cases of public health crises. While mandates could align with this provision, in its traditional context, the ICCPR prioritizes individual autonomy and could be interpreted as opposing vaccine mandates.
  • The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) (1950): Contradicts vaccine mandates. The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) emphasizes individual rights but includes provisions allowing for limitations during public health emergencies. While some argue mandates fit this exception, traditionally, the ECHR prioritizes individual freedoms, potentially making mandates contradictory.
  • The American Convention on Human Rights (1969): Contradicts vaccine mandates.
  • The African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (1981): Contradicts vaccine mandates, but allows health measures under certain conditions.

In professional standards:

  • The American Medical Association (AMA) Code of Ethics (1847): Contradicts mandated vaccines because it emphasizes patient autonomy and informed consent, which are at odds with vaccine mandates as they limit individual medical freedom.
  • The International Council of Nurses (ICN) Code of Ethics (1953): Contradicts vaccine mandates.
  • General Medical Council (GMC) Guidelines (1858): Contradicts vaccine mandates.

In societal norms and values:

  • Respect for Individual Choice (Evolved Over Time, Rooted in Enlightenment Ideas of Personal Liberty): Contradicts vaccine mandates.
  • Emphasis on Personal Responsibility (19th and 20th Century Philosophical Evolution): May not contradict vaccine mandates.
  • Value of Self-Determination (Established Through Enlightenment and Modern Human Rights Movements): Contradicts vaccine mandates.
  • Cultural Respect for Autonomy (Varies by Culture, Rooted in Ancient and Modern Ethics): Contradicts vaccine mandates.

In conclusion:

Note 1: Our observation:“The vast majority of the principles we outlined contradict vaccine mandates. However, the list presented here is more lenient than it was in 2023. Over time, these principles appear to evolve with increasing flexibility toward bio-security measures, gradually shifting to support vaccine mandates. What begins as a clear contradiction to vaccine mandates becomes partially true, and eventually, in some interpretations, no longer contradicts mandates. It is important to note that testing these principles for truth is difficult due to the evolving nature of ethical codes, which are frequently updated without clear versioning. From our perspective, the traditional interpretations of these codes provide the most reliable and consistent foundation. Additionally, there is concern that the standards may degrade further into hybrid versions where each principle is framed to accommodate both sides of an issue, without offering clear ethical guidance, leaving too much room for subjective interpretation by practitioners.”

Note 2:The list above may change gradually and subtly, and we noticed AI systems gradually change context here, and looks like they try to change answers, in supporting and interpreting the foundational principles using modern context instead of traditional context at the time the principles were developed to make them “inclusive and collective” in nature. This shift looks like it is a way to increase support for and interpret the foundational principles in a way that is convenient to modern ideological, quasi-religious, or religious movements rising in Canada and America. There can be more “funny business” by AI developers here in the near future, and it’s extremely likely that over time there will be a shift toward support for vaccine mandates as interpreted by AI systems, possibly due to the rise and escalation of ideology, quasi-religious, and religious environments that Canada and the USA now permit. This could also be driven by a preference for vaccine companies, billionaires, and WEF-type alliances, all of which tend to work against citizen sovereignty and against bio-security rights (with ongoing and forecast attempt of Neo-Feudal society creation).”

Note 3:This list is not-exhaustive.”

Note 3: Several statements above were updated in a convoluted way to highlight how they contravene mandated vaccines. This is because, in 2024, AI systems’ ‘truth functions’ tend to default to rewriting core foundational values via modern reinterpretations. While this may appear to be a form of intellectual evolution akin to advancements in computing, it is, in fact, a distortion of the original design and purpose of these philosophical structures. By clarifying the traditional context versus modern reinterpretations, we aim to preserve the truth of these statements and maintain consistency with the original interpretations of ethical, legal, and professional principles.

The Lack of Science-Driven Policy Under PM Trudeau

This evaluation stands in contrast to PM Trudeau’s approach. Rather than conducting an in-depth analysis of the ethical, legal, and philosophical foundations for vaccine mandates, Trudeau’s primary tactic was to blurt out the word “science” repeatedly and loudly, without backing it up with substantial analysis or dialogue or any intellectual substantiation whatsoever, not even one documented piece of evidence or principle. Not one principle. He didn’t fund a single online science communicator in Canada and seems to rely on his own limited understanding. This is a concerning gap when dealing with complex, science-driven policy decisions.

A list of some of the notable statements made by PM Justin Trudeau about people who chose not to take the COVID-19 vaccine, as well as his actions and attempts to encourage or mandate vaccination:

Trudeau’s Negative Statements About Un-vaccinated People:

  1. “These people are putting us all at risk.” Trudeau repeatedly framed the un-vaccinated as a public health threat, suggesting that they were putting others in danger by not getting vaccinated.
  2. “They don’t believe in science, they’re often misogynists, often racists.” In a now-infamous interview, Trudeau characterized a segment of the un-vaccinated population as holding regressive views, labelling them as “misogynists” and “racists.”
  3. “Do we tolerate these people?” Trudeau posed this rhetorical question, implying that un-vaccinated individuals were behaving in a socially unacceptable manner, and questioning whether society should continue to tolerate their decisions.
  4. “They’re taking up space.” Trudeau made this comment in reference to un-vaccinated people, implying that they were burdening healthcare systems and society by refusing the vaccine.
  5. “They are putting at risk their children, and they are putting at risk our kids as well.” He accused un-vaccinated parents of endangering not only their own families but the broader community, particularly children.
  6. “A small fringe minority holding unacceptable views.” Trudeau referred to the un-vaccinated and those protesting vaccine mandates as asmall fringe minority with views that were not acceptable in Canadian society.

Trudeau’s Efforts to Enforce Vaccination Compliance

  1. Vaccine Mandates for Federal Workers and Travelers: Trudeau’s government mandated COVID-19 vaccines for federal employees and workers in federally regulated sectors. In addition, air and rail travellers were required to be vaccinated, severely limiting the ability of un-vaccinated individuals to travel.
  2. Vaccine Passports:Trudeau supported and promoted the use of vaccine passports, which were required for access to public spaces such as restaurants, gyms, and large events in several provinces. This restricted un-vaccinated individuals from participating in many aspects of public life.
  3. Firing Un-vaccinated Workers: Under federal regulations, workers who did not comply with vaccine mandates faced suspension or job termination. This policy applied to sectors such as healthcare, education, and transportation.
  4. Public Funding and Support for Vaccination Campaigns: Trudeau’s government launched numerous public awareness campaigns to encourage vaccination. These campaigns emphasized the safety, effectiveness, and necessity of vaccines in ending the pandemic.
  5. Direct Appeals to the Public: Trudeau made multiple televised addresses and social media posts urging Canadians to get vaccinated. His messaging was persistent, framing vaccination as a patriotic duty and a moral obligation to protect others.
  6. Encouragement of Provincial Vaccine Mandates: Although health mandates were primarily under provincial jurisdiction, Trudeau repeatedly supported provinces that enacted their own vaccine mandates and restrictions, further limiting the freedoms of un-vaccinated individuals across the country.
  7. Vaccines for Children: Trudeau promoted and supported the vaccination of children as young as five, stating that vaccinating kids was key to ensuring public safety and returning to normalcy in schools and other public spaces.
  8. Financial Penalties in Some Provinces: Trudeau’s government did not directly impose financial penalties on un-vaccinated individuals, but he expressed support for Quebec’s proposal to tax the un-vaccinated as a way to cover the additional healthcare costs they might incur.
  9. Support for Vaccine Boosters:In addition to promoting initial vaccine doses, Trudeau pushed for the administration of booster shots as a way to combat COVID-19 variants, such as Delta and Omicron.

Conclusion: Principles vs. Public Shaming in Vaccine Policy

This list highlights Trudeau’s often divisive rhetoric towards un-vaccinated individuals, alongside the various policies and strategies his government implemented to increase vaccine uptake. His comments about un-vaccinated people, ranging from labelling them as socially unacceptable to suggesting they were a direct threat to others, were paired with extensive efforts to enforce vaccine compliance across Canada.

@SpeechUnion 1/8 “Self-censoring fear now a fact of academic life” and students are “frightened” to speak their minds, say Oxford dons. THIS is why it’s so important that the Government changes its mind about quashing the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act.”

@jordanbpeterson @SpeechUnion

Oxford professors Lecturing for Are 100% free to speak their mind And they do The education revolution is underway

The highest quality

@SkillsGapTrain @jordanbpeterson @SpeechUnion thank you for defending language & right to use words. The censorship battle from 2017-2024 has harmed us DEEPLY. Word restrictions can evolve to autonomy, cognitive, biological violations.

@atensnut Are you fcking kidding me me. ??

@SkillsGapTrain @jordanbpeterson @SpeechUnion @atensnut CAUTION:If we follow the logic of restricting language, such as banning gender-specific terms, and consider this through the lens of technological evolution principles, the progression could theoretically lead to increasingly invasive methods to enforce consistency (the natural design process in using minimalism to increase efficiency in technology design, a process which AI systems will follow on this trajectory). Initially, policies and systems might regulate language through external means, such as electronic monitoring or AI-driven speech correction tools. These could provide real-time feedback or even penalties for using restricted terms (such as financial fines).

See: Demolition Man movie.

However, this method would likely be inconsistent due to the complexities of human communication, cultural variations, and individual behaviour.

To ensure greater consistency and efficiency, the next evolution of this process or stage might involve the deployment of more advanced technologies, such as neural interfaces or genetic modifications (on/off reproductive switches).

These technologies could act as internal regulators, making it impossible to use gendered language, even perceive certain concepts tied to biological sex, even engage in sexual functionand even the right and/or ability to have children. This step could theoretically enhance control but would also mark a significant intrusion into personal autonomy and cognitive freedom.

As the system evolves, the logical trajectory would lead to a focus on the biological distinctions themselves. If language control and cognitive control becomes inadequate or insufficient for ensuring compliance, the technology might shift towards altering human biology.

Specifically, the development of technologies aimed at the removal or suppression of reproductive organs orany gender-specific physical attributes could emerge, not as a direct aim, but as a consequence of enforcing an ideologically consistent environment. By eliminating these biological distinctions, the system would render gendered concepts entirely irrelevant, achieving complete consistency in line with the original goals.

In essence, the evolutionary path of such control measures might begin with external technological enforcement, then progress to internal cognitive regulation and genetic regulation, and eventually extend into the biological modification realm, where reproductive and gendered organs are suppressed or removed.

This trajectory highlights the potential dangers of unchecked societal changes, those unbounded from physics and reality, driven by ideological goals, quasi religious goals or religious goals, where the boundaries between policy, technology, and biology blur, standards and foundational principles are removed, raising profound ethical concerns about individual freedom, bodily integrity, and the future role of technology in human evolution.

Title: “A Potentially Unexplored Perspective on Biden’s Presidency: A Nation on the Brink of Revolutionary Change”

Title: “Quo Vadis America 2024: A Crossroads Between Revolutionary Change and Foundational Principles”

Title: “Science-Deception: How PM Trudeau Ignores Science and Greta Thunberg Rejects Scientific Study for Activism”


@NorthrnPrspectv When political analysts from all sides agree that your strategy is terrible, you know it’s not going well at ALL. “Trudeau won’t listen to ANYONE but himself” Panel BLASTS Liberal ” STRAT… Video: “Trudeau won’t listen to ANYONE but himself” Panel BLASTS Liberal “STRATEGY” with Vassy Kapelos @YouTube

@SkillsGapTrain PM Trudeau is not a deep thinker or an applied problem solver. He should have embraced STEM workers into his party and government in 2015 and into the economy via the funding he distributed. He had 9 years to do that, but instead, he ran a public sector with 5 million people who do not know how to handle technology. Then technology began to mature not only in computer science and software engineering, but now across 21 STEM disciplines.

Blockchain arrived, followed by AI, and soon quantum computing and other technologies will take the stage. At the same time, military and geopolitical challenges arose, including BRICS, the CCP, and Russiasituations that require STEM expertise, engineering skills, and logical thinking to address and counter, especially with 10x interval accelerations every few years on blockchain and 100x interval accelerations on AI.

As a result, the party now finds itself at a crossroads, stuck between competence and incompetence, having put all its eggs into the incompetence basket when it comes to STEM capability. They are unable to solve even a single technical problem or bring forth a single economic solution, which you must remember is now a technical domain (engineered finance).

Tragically, they have not only crippled themselves but dragged all of Canada into an incompatibility with 21st-century economics and the challenges of modern risks, threats, crises, and dangers. This ineptitude with numbers and lack of applied technical leadership will wipe out the party. While America still has to choose its destiny at this crossroads moment in history for both nations (2024), one of either the creation of a plethora of boundless number of ideological, quasi religious and religious movements or a reversion to principles, foundational values, numeracy, measurement, rights and freedoms, logic and philosophy.

We are glad to see Canadians knew which road to take, and we are glad to see they figured it out before the Americans even figured it out. With our example, it is possible to give hope to America and to Western Europe, to reconsider their descent into darkness. Canada in this moment, though the last in the pack of advanced nations economically and is the last in the pack technically, is the first in the pack philosophically with the glimmer of hope in their realization among members of the public about the future direction that avoids the terror and the descent into the darkness type revolution that is always possible at such crossroad moments, but paves the way for the possible construction of utopia that is BOTH idealistic AND pragmatic.

Note: Except Eastern knew all along what the right choice was.

Title: “Quo Vadis America 2024: A Crossroads Between Revolutionary Change and Foundational Principles”

Title: “Redefining Prosperity: How Canada Can Lead the Free World in the Post-American Era (Version 2 – Science Communication)”

Finish the race Canada. The race always finishes those that drive themselves to the limits, but is always the second wind that takes all the might, to push one more time to win the race. There is always great sacrifice in this. Winning takes sacrifice.


What a colossal waste of money. I’d like to see list of who’s getting all this money

@SkillsGapTrain @MichelleLA1981 PM Trudeau hasn’t funded A SINGLE online Science Communicator, professional engineer, computer scientist, information systems professional, or applied science technologist to create or organize relevant technical materials for Canadians on platforms like X, LinkedIn, or even a private scientific web portal. (Or even on the Government’s website).

You know, there is a real technical way to write truthful statements to clear up the misinformation in Canada. It might take ten hours of work to fix a report or article with disinformation to full truthful set of statements.

And no, it’s not a disinformation board that can determine what is good or what is bad information. You know why? They don’t have a clue how to use artificial intelligence (multiple units) and source data to ask the set of questions it is required to check if statements are truthful (via multiple stages of truth checking on each statement).

Only if we show them or they see some information on our site, will they clue in how to get one of their insiders to mimic the process and show the public they are trying to do science.

That’s why they have job interviews with Millenials, to find how the private market does work and get free information as to the job process, not with the intention of hiring “outsiders”.

Liberal Party hires 5 million people to photocopy paper, and he WONT PAY 1 job in Science Communication for private platform development professionally or for X or LinkedIn. That would be the equivalent of asking to build a space shuttle in Canada, the idea of doing technology in Canada in science for the web public. Dream on. Seriously. Dream on.

Then they expect to “legislate good policy”. Even though they can’t quote reliably more than 2 or 3 people, and rely on a really limited set of developed data that they can trust or that they have organized as usable and useful to the government from private sources. So both their “science think tan” and their “military think tank” is as absent as a Detroit car factory. That’s why they can’t lead effectively, not because they can’t talk.

No support for initiatives through computer association and computer societies or of technologists, engineers, or computer scientists. While Liberal Party squanders $2.5 trillion over the past 9 years on office administrators and charities (not professional workers and specialist like doctors and computer scientists), leaving Canada’s technical backbone — those responsible for nurturing the next generation of computer scientists and designating people as professional computer scientists starved for resources.

It’s come down to just a handful of volunteers at the computer society, a dozen volunteers in Canada, hold the line at personal expense to develop Canada’s future in computer science professionals and to mature the ecosystem.

CPA and CFA and a lot of professionals, become professionals through societies, not just Universities. The Universities do not inform the public of what to do, and neither does the K12 system. The woke do not want professional education to exist in Canada, its a philosophical problem. When those societies die off, so does technical progress in Canada and so does Canada’s future.

In PM Trudeau’s mind, science means medicine and gender. He forgets there are 20 other STEM disciplines besides medical doctors that are traumatized from gun shot wound and female, and all STEM in Canada actually needs to be developed to professional level, not just “doctors”.

Of course, if you talk to the legal system and the Liberal Party, they likely only “know about doctors”, and this is what gets presented on TV as well for ALL scientific discussions, even firearms, not just the Pandemic. As a result, Science policy comes from one man. PM Trudeau. He’s the official speaker. And you know, that’s quite dangerous from a dystopian point of view, as the leader that can speak science, is the leader that can harm everyone.

Instead of fostering a genuine dialogue around science, he prefers to cherry-pick his own interpretations, ignoring over 26 philosophical principles that should have been discussed during critical moments like the pandemicthough he likely wouldn’t know where to begin since he has no expertise in the field. Using taxpayer money, Trudeau employs journalists and influencers who aren’t STEM practitioners to write political articles and skew public perception, which explains how his polling numbers have managed to recover multiple times over the last four years, even when the news cycle was consistently negative.


Canada’s best and most qualified STEM Science Communicators? $0

Trudeau’s media political warriors and influencers? Unlimited national debt capital renewable every year.


When he says, ‘Trust the science,’ what he really means is, Trust me, the self-proclaimed Mr. Science.’ Here are some clues of who is getting money from citizens. Hope it’s useful or gives greater transparency.


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