From Unity to Division: The Erosion of Christian Values and the Rise of Woke Culture


@SkillsGapTrainWrote an essay for you Nana! Always good to share ideas!”


Canada, throughout much of the 20th century, was predominantly a Christian nation. This identity was reflected in the very high percentage of Canadians identifying as Christian and in the cultural values, traditions, and societal norms shaped by Christianity.

However, over the past fourty years, significant changes driven by government policies have transformed the national identity from a unified Christian foundation to one centered on diversity, multiculturalism, and the rise of “woke” culture.


Historical Context:

Historical data indicates that the majority of Canadians identified as Christian during the late 20th century, with relatively stable figures during the Cold War period. In 1980, approximately 87% of Canadians identified as Christian. By 1991, this figure had slightly decreased to 83%. During this period, Christian values, traditions, and holidays played a significant role in shaping the national ethos and societal norms. The high percentage of Christians during this period was reflective of a cultural identity that was closely intertwined with Christian values, forming a substantial part of the national identity.


Government Policies on Demographic Changes:

Introduction to Policy Shifts:

The decline in the percentage of Canadians identifying as Christian to approximately 53.3% by 2021 (still the majority), highlights a significant demographic shift over the past four decades. This decline can be attributed to several factors, including government policies and educational reforms, and possibly the influence of the Trudeau family on Canad.

Influence of Trudeau Family on Canada

Pierre Trudeau’s terms spanned parts of the 1970s and early 1980s, while Justin Trudeau’s tenure started in the mid-2010s and extends into the present day.

Government Policies on Multiculturalism and Government Policies on Inclusivity:

Canada’s policies promoting multiculturalism have encouraged the celebration of diverse cultures and religions. These policies were introduced and enforced by the government rather than evolving from the grassroots efforts of Christian families. The deliberate efforts via a top down policy transfer mechanism to promote multiculturalism and inclusivity have transformed the societal fabric, changed the demographic and cultural balance via increased segmentation, fragmentation and division, moving away from Canada away from the traditional Christian identity.


Government Policy of Secularization transferred through Education System (possibly state funded media as well Ex: CBC):

The Canadian education system has played a critical role in this transformation of identity of Canada by increasing immigration levels over time, and promoting multiculturalism on a monthly and a yearly basis, and a pressure to increase immigration levels over time. They have been successful to transcend all known levels of immigration of G7 countries by 3x or 4x. (They have target-ted for immigration specifically societies that wish harm upon Christian identity individuals, or the ‘true Canadians, meaning the ones living in Canada for the past 140 years, and the ones that grew up here since 1980s or 1980s of European origin.. which are also Christian identity in family structure.. or another way to say.. the majority identity of Canada).

For the past few decades, schools have been mandated to teach students about a wide range of cultural and religious traditions, promoting a secular and diverse understanding of identity from a young age. Recently, this type of education has increased violence, vandalism and arson towards Christian churches.

This approach contrasts sharply with the previous focus of Canadian education system on Christian values and traditions.

This multi-national approach to breaking identity structure of Canada, has been practised as a type of implementing the secularization of Canadian society.

Even though for 45 years the nation was predominantly Christian, the education system’s emphasis on secularization has reshaped the demographic balance into enclaves of different cultural groups (that will one day become separatist movements or cultural groups .. turning Canada into a type of multiple nation structure a we have in Europe.. with land transfers to China and India and other countries when certain majority levels are reached for the different cultural groups), but nonetheless, leading to a diminished presence of Christian identity.

Decade-by-Decade Analysis (1980-2021):


During this decade, Canada was still predominantly Christian, with 87% of the population identifying with various Christian denominations. The cultural and religious impact of increasing immigration was not yet as pronounced.


By 1991, 83% of Canadians still identified as Christian. However, the seeds of change were being planted as immigration policies became more inclusive, welcoming individuals from a wider range of cultural and religious backgrounds. Government policies on multiculturalism began to take root, gradually reshaping the identity of Canada.


As of the 2021 census, 53.3% of Canadians identified as Christian. This marks a substantial decline from previous decades and underscores the growing impact of government-driven secularization and addition of new religious groups. The policies introduced by the government over the past decades have significantly altered the demographic and cultural landscape of Canada.


Replacement of Canadian Identity:

The concept of a unified Canadian identity based on Christian values has increasingly been replaced by an identity centered on diversity and multiculturalism. This shift is evident in various aspects of Canadian society, including public policy, legislation, and education.

Canadian Identity:

Given that the majority of Canadians historically identified as Christian, the true Canadian identity, as defined by this majority, was inherently Christian. The significant proportion of Canadians who were alive and likely adults in 1991, when the Christian identity was predominant, as it is today, as it has always been, highlights that many people in Canada today were raised in a predominantly Christian roots, family upbringing and environment.

However, the government’s policies have increasingly replaced this Christian identity with a diversity advertising and secular education, contributing to a loss of Canadian cultural identity among both long-term residents and newer generations.


The Rise of Woke Culture and Its Impact:

Introduction to the Woke Movement:

The rise of the “woke” movement and its impact on Canadian society is a significant aspect that needs to be addressed. The movement, which emphasizes social justice, inclusivity, and anti-racism, has created considerable cultural and social tension in dozens of countries.

Increased Crime and Immorality:

There is a perceived correlation between the decline in Christian identity and an increase in crime and immorality. The loss of traditional Christian values, which emphasized morality and community cohesion, is seen as contributing to a rise in societal issues such as consumerism, fiscal irresponsibility, and general moral decline.

Government Fiscal Policies:

The fiscal policies under Prime Minister Trudeau, which included borrowing significant amounts of money for non-productive parts of society, have led to a ballooning national debt. The perceived lack of tangible benefits, such as building hospitals or housing, has exacerbated social divisions and economic instability and has created the risk of hyperinflation and an exhaustion of the national debt facility for an indefinite period (meaning that home equity will likely be needed in the future and personal savings) to provide needed services (a type of national debt increase spawned communism reborn due to poor financial conditions at government level).

Immigration and Security:

The increase in immigration rates, which went from around 1% to 4-6%, has created challenges in housing and social integration, leading to tensions and a sense of chaos in society. The rapid demographic changes have contributed to a feeling of insecurity and division among long-term residents.

Cultural Assault on Christian Values:

The cultural assault on Christian values, exemplified by the burning of churches and the rise of secular and woke” ideologies, represents a direct challenge to the traditional Christian Canadian identity. This assault has created a civil war-like atmosphere in many Western nations, including Canada, leading to deep societal divisions.

Conclusion on Woke Context:

The rise of the woke movement and its impact on Canadian society highlights the broader consequences of government policies promoting secularization and multiculturalism. While inclusivity has a definition that can be professional and useful to society, if properly defined by the use of good academics and AI systems, the manner in which these policies have been implemented has led to significant social, economic, and cultural challenges. The replacement of the traditional Christian Canadian identity with diversity identity mandates has altered the demographic landscape but also contributed to societal division and moral decline, and most importantly, no one had the right to do that if it was not grassroots decision of Canadian identity of people who are suppose to shape national guidance, national direction and national policy.


Combined Conclusion:

The mandated change of Christian Canadian identity to diversity identity reflects government policy, or the media network effects of diversity and multiculturalism advertisements, not organic lobbying of Canadian Christian identity, but was driven largely by government policies and corporate policies and media policies and educational policies.

While the historical Christian identity shaped much of Canada’s cultural foundation, the contemporary Canadian identity is being mandates to be a diversity identity (including and especially diversity that promises to reduce Canadian Christian identity by policy or by force).

This shift underscores the dynamic and evolving nature of national identity in response to changing demographics and cultural influences, often guided by government initiatives rather than grassroots movements.

The deliberate replacement of the traditional Christian Canadian identity with a diverse and secular one has significant implications for the cultural and social fabric of the nation. Additionally, the rise of the woke movement and its associated cultural assault have further complicated this transition, contributing to increased societal tensions and moral challenges.

‘We suspect that Trudeau family had a large part to play in this, and it might be his family’s influence that took the heart of Europe and the heart of morality, of civility, of technological advancement, of the traditional fiscal conservatism of Canadian liberals and conservatives, and the heart of divinity, ripped it right out of Canada. Pierre Trudeau’s terms spanned parts of the 1970s and early 1980s, while Justin Trudeau’s tenure started in the mid-2010s and extends into the present day. It doesn’t seem to be a coincidence. These are also the same two periods where Canada entered debt collapse level scenarios, not just cultural collapse scenarios.’

Protect the Christian Canadians Nana! Protect our technological, industrial, governmental and economic systems Nana! They weren’t bad systems!



@SkillsGapTrain @RagingLibNana If you are interested to read more. We wrote a few more pages on this topic.


@KatKanada_TM The alphabet mafia has established blasphemy laws. This is egregious. Teens riding scooters may face 5 years in prison??? But burning the nation’s flag is free speech? This cannot continue. No words…


@SkillsGapTrain “Title: The Inversion of Morality: The Erosion of Western Values and the Loss of Christian Ethical Foundations”

When adult activists went to the highest places of morality & culture in the West to knock down statues or deface historical paintings in European museums countless times, did they receive ten-year jail sentences?

Or is a decade in jail reserved only for minors who leave tire marks on a $5 RGB painting devoid of historical meaning or artistic grassroots talent?

These RGB works lack authentic cultural significance, not created by struggling grassroots artists but by mega corporate bankers subsidizing governments.

Meanwhile, those who burn down 100 churches in Canada, which were built with the hardship of the lives of Canadian labourers & workers, by hand, over hundreds of years of struggle, these arsonists are disrespecting not just our past, but our entire working class.

Those who destroy ancient foreststrees and forests, which are the true guardians of lifeand those that decimate museums housing the priceless history & enlightenment of the West, receive nods and smiles from some political leaders instead of ten-year jail sentences.

It’s backward!

This is the “Law of Opposites” in action, an inversion of morality. For 20 years, Liberal citizens were deceived. They were sold the story that by diminishing Christianity, society would adopt a “middle way,” pursuing a scientific path free from religious influence.

The millennials and Gen Z liberals in Canada, unaware that Christianity was a civil code of morality protecting citizens from government persecution & corporate persecution, bought into this narrative, believing it would lead to a scientific utopia.

The crucial flaw was that the storytellers were not scientists, technicians, tradespeople, technologists, or engineersthose actually trained to build the future.

Instead, they were from various opposing religious factions. With the decline of Christianity, rather than a future defined by scientific advancement, we see the rise of conflicting ideologies: sex identity political revolutions, pride, communism, socialism, ultra green movements (some would say eco-cidal), mysticism, witchcraft, crime, immorality, sexual extremism, fascism, authoritarianism, & the specter of a scientific dictatorship via global corporate alliances or CCP and friends.

Christianity, the moral code of history, offers valuable lessons to protect citizens. If society does not protect its churches, it loses the moral foundation for citizens to safeguard each other. Churches are not just places of worship; they are guardians of a moral compass that shields society from descending into chaos by encouraging citizens to hold steadfast to rational ethical & historical learned wisdom & character lessons.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen predicted this moral decline over 50 years ago. He foresaw a time when society, rejecting its Christian ethical foundations, would fall prey to an array of ideologies devoid of moral clarity. The church, according to Sheen, is not just a spiritual entity but a bulwark against tyranny and moral decay.

In North America and Europe, the historical lesson is clear: the erosion of Christian teachings correlates with societal instability. The professional STEM code of conduct, national defense understanding, & ethical governance all stem from a moral foundation deeply rooted in Christian values. Without this foundation, the West risks losing its way, succumbing to the very ideologies it once stood against.

In this way, without an army to defend you & without your churches, society can fall victim to a wide variety of potentially dark religions & will never achieve a professional scientific civilization with a powerful & embedded moral code of conduct. The West must recognize and preserve the Christian ethical foundations that have safeguarded its moral & societal integrity for centuries. Protect the churches, for they are the guardians that protect you.



@SkillsGapTrain “The soldiers of the Canadian Armed Forces, RCMP, provincial police officers, border guards, responsible firearm owners, pilots, truckers, farmers, trades, technicians, engineers, scientists, developers, medics and patriotic citizens should place Christian crosses on Jagmeet Singh’s desk.

This act serves as a profound reminder of all the lives that will be lost in Canada and globally if we fail to rise as a nation in the 21st century to help stabilize our country, America and the world.

These crosses symbolize the real tragedy and grave consequences of not strengthening our infrastructure, economy, standard of living, national integrity, security and resilience capability and sovereignty, highlighting Jagmeet Singh’s lack of courage to transcend personal financial requirements to rise to the challenge of stopping the takeover of countries by corporate alliances or military powers through subversion or real military force.”

Title: “The Great Filter Ahead: Engineering a Pathway to Complex Civilizational Survival and Overcoming Cosmic Hurdles”


Related Content:

Title: “The Cultural Clash: Western Europe’s Demographic Shifts and the Risk of Future Conflict”

Title: “Is Canada Facing a Religious Arson War?”

Title: “Timeless Struggles Against Tyranny: The Erosion of Western Values and the Rise of Censorship and Punishment in Canada”

Title: “The Inversion of Morality: The Erosion of Western Values and the Loss of Christian Ethical Foundations”

Title: “Ideological Subversion and the Demoralization of RCMP Officers”

Title: “Canada’s Future at Risk: The New Global Threats to Our Borders and Security”

Title: “Undermining Bravery, Strength, Valour, and Freedom: The True Cost of the Assault on Combat Sports”


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