Redefining Prosperity: How Canada Can Lead The Free World in the Post-American Era

Introduction: Population Growth vs. Economic Strength

Danielle, while Alberta’s economy is projected to outperform the rest of Canada, there are critical dangers on the horizon that could severely undermine this growth.

The Real Costs of Commodities: Current Prices and Future Risks

Commodity prices and energy prices have the potential to rise exponentiallymuch more than 10x, especially considering they are currently at 50-year or greater lows (approximately).
It may not seem like we’re at the bottom in commodity prices or that they are the most affordable they will ever be for the futureespecially when people are paying high prices for food, vehicles, and housing. However, this ‘feeling and reality of expense’ experienced by many is mostly due to the erosion of Canadians’ purchasing power under the policies of PM Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, Steven Guilbeault and immigration minister Marc Miller.
The reality is that the prices at which commodities are sold and the costs at which goods are produced by farmers, miners (resource workers, energy workers), are currently the best deal for consumers in all of modern history, but the worst deal for the workers in these industries (especially when the carbon tax is piled on top, further aggravating their hardship and impairing their productivity and business scale up operations potential!!!). Essentially, urban populations are ripping off rural producers, and the rural producers are not ripping us off. But city people don’t know they are doing that because the government (sub city group , the elite home-owners Tier-1 establishment elite citizen group, administrative officer class, non-professionally regulated), ripped off the broad city population/people (Tier 2 broad citizen population, STEM workers, professionals/professional specialists, immigrants, Millenials, Gen Z etc..).
As an end result, both the miners and farmers, as well as the city broad city group (Tier 2 urban citizens), are being impoverished, while “establishment administrators” grow wealthy.
Ex: banking administration (liberal/neo-liberal, government linked/funded/licensed), healthcare administrators (liberal/neo-liberal, government funded), educational administrators (liberal/neo-liberal government funded), media administrators (liberal/neo-liberal government funded) and government administrators (liberal/neo-liberal growing corporation of administration from city Tier 2 urban tax funding (conservative, single people without houses, Millenials, Gen Z, raised in Canada) and rural funders (conservative, miners, farmers, truckers, energy workers).

The Consequences of Policy Failures

This dynamic places everyone at risk of poverty, city workers and rural workers at first (and the corrupt administrative office workers in establishment gov industries think they get away, but this is only in the near term as history in Europe says …
…especially history of real estate pricing appreciation in Weimar Germany pre-hyperinflation time period, when all their administrators thought they got rich from gains in house prices, like Canada’s administrators think today they get rich by juicing the real estate market with “land policy restrictions on lot distribution”, “excessive fiscal stimulus spending” and “excessive immigration”, that the national debt corruption and land scarcity/real estate corruption will spare them…
It won’t spare them. AI tools are more powerful now and more capable in the hands of communists or fascists, such that, the outcome of a WW2 or WW1 event now, to fix or self correct moral and ethical problems done throughout the “pre-Fourth Turning time period” and the “Fourth Turning time period”, are actually higher in efficiency than they were in the past and diagnosing and troubleshooting who took value from society with corruption and ethical breaches and public safety infractions as to policy development in provincial and federal government levels.
…however, in these instances the liberal/neo-liberal/woke administrative officer lass (Liberal Party 2015 to 2024), won’t actually get away with it in long term basis…
…the corrupt officials who have been siphoning wealth from the national debt system since 2015 either via “direct transparent over payments corruption.. such as is demonstrated with CBC etc..”
…in administrative office work,
  • 86000 charities that have no STEM or professional employment projects for Canada improvement
  • thousands of foreign consultants instead of Canadian consultants to distribute wealth outside the country instead of inside the country
  • via a rigged real estate system, and manipulating zoning laws at city level to create artificial land scarcity in the cities
  • preventing the millions of land lots from hitting the market that are actually required for millions of people
  • ensuring that Canadian land is kept off the market, and not supplied to market, tiling the price instead of a constant sideways real estate price as is historically normal for hundreds of years in all previous centuries, it goes up indefinitely
‘However, this economic decline will become starkly apparent when commodity prices revalue.’
‘The true extent of the poverty inflicted on Canada by the policies of PM Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, Steven Guilbeault, and Minister Miller will be fully realized when commodity and energy markets revalue on a long term bull run.’ (Which is long overdue and is the next financial cycle).

The Potential for Economic Revival Through Advancement in Resource, Energy & Transportation Sectors

Once commodity and energy prices adjust to their proper historical median levels, or actually initially overshoot to prior highs as they always do on their historical cycles, the actual devastating impact on our currency and economy will be undeniable and much more visible than the light hear-ted poverty people are noticing today (When commodity prices are at historic 50 year lows, we cannot tell just how bad we are now set up as a country.).
Although this may sound surprising, historical patterns, such as the dramatic increases in gold prices (a proxy for commodities) and previous bull runs in commodity indexes following historic lows and conflict periods, demonstrate this likely outcome and high probability possibility and reality.
We haven’t fully assessed the magnitude of the upcoming price surge, as it’s been a few years since we investigated deep the cycles, so whether it’s 10x or up to 36x commodity price rise, the risk is real.

‘Under the right conditions, commodity prices can vastly outpace financial assets in peoples accounts, which are denominated in CAD, wiping out people’s life savings as a very real possibility.’

(especially since the Banks and their presidents an board members have not back-tested portfolios inter-generationally, choosing to only back-test to 1971, and thus avoiding the asset class installation in peoples portfolios that are needed for successful 100 year portfolios. So they have no experience with future financial conditions, or the next ones that will materialize, as they do not have a full cycle approach to economics.)

If PM Trudeau’s and Steven Guilbeault current policies…favouring commodity imports and energy imports while simultaneously restricting our ability for commodity exports and energy exports of these resources…continue unchecked, Canada will face severe economic impoverishment far beyond what we see today. (To all people, not just to the non-homeowners like Millenials and Gen Z.)
‘The policies of PM Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, and Steven Guilbeault are setting up Canada for failure during the next global commodity bull market cycle.’

Conclusion: Strategic Directions for Economic Prosperity

Our currency’s purchasing power is being drained by these low export levels, and therefore low private business investment inflow, low currency inflow into Canada for products and services that we do not sell, and low capital market inflow levels; a decade-long lack of investment and capital inflows into our business and stock markets, creating no capital market progress.

Meanwhile, other nations, like the U.S., maintain robust AND growing energy production economies and continue to attract investments into their markets and business ecosystems. (Despite the fact that we have 5x more oil, if we looked at the charts correctly. And likely this carries over to all other kinds of resources, like natural gas and so forth.)

‘As of the latest data, Canada’s proven oil reserves are approximately 170 billion barrels. In contrast, the United States has about 35 billion barrels of proven oil reserves. Canada has nearly five times the oil reserves of the United States. This is a substantial difference and positions Canada as a key player in the global energy market. But we are actually a hypothetical leader in many resource classes, not just oil and natural gas. Russia is taking our future, and then the arctic, and then the soil.’ (along with CCP and India)

Thus creating a multi ethnic enclaves, and multiple separatist movements are possible in the destiny, French, English Neo-Liberal, English Conservative/American, Indian, Chinese, Russian, as well as Cloud based Variants on the Human/Transhuman split via the Digital Nation State technologies and associated mini Digital Nations state start-up network collective communities/business communities (DAO).
This is the threat to the authoritarians of the world, Canada is the real pillar for freedom in the 21st century that the free world relies on and needs (and the authoritarians know it and try to take our identity of freedom and our culture and our ways, while throwing us under the bus by subverting us economically and industrially through our weakest thinkers to propagate mob mentality fake science) and it is why they cancel Canada to not be in the game for the next 80 to 100 years, as global free world leader.
‘Canadian leaders are choosing Russia and CCP to be the global leaders at this point in time.’
‘They aim to wipe Canada out during this Fourth Turning 2020 to 2050.’

Opportunities for Revival Through Technology

In the age of robots, it should technically be possible to outproduce the US by applying robotics to resource extraction, and therefore achieving > 5x economic output of USA in various commodity and energy markets; as we have more resources in many categories, so technically the leader of the free world in age of AI and robotics, should be Canada.
But we have the wrong leaders, leaders that are neither men, with public safety prioritization and with national security prioritization in next generation civilization development, and lack of secure STEM policy application within societal structures and policy development.
The STEM professionals (Millenials and Gen Z) were wiped out over the last 22 years form governance structures (2002 to 2024), and increasingly rapid intensification of intellectual softening period from 2015 to 2024 (woke, immorality, and intelligence reduction direction/de-evolution for achievement and reduction in merit and rigour in study, academia and training/softening of academic programs/softening of desire for professional development/softening of regulatory systems that are professional to try to make them unprofessional government systems), to create a collectivist, group based, non expert driven leadership structures in administrative office settings in Canada (government administration, banking administration, education administration, and healthcare administration, charity administration, and consultant administration).
This reality, is probably why Canada is being cancelled from the future (via globalist policy transfers into the federal level of our government via PM Trudeau and Liberal Party 2015 to 2024.)

Originating from WEF, a financial adversary of Nation State of Canada.

The push for increased population under the guise of strengthening Canada’s future obscures a critical reality: we no longer inhabit the industrial landscape of the 1940s, where more workers directly translated into higher productivity.
‘The immigration thesis of Liberal Party is flawed reasoning of 1940s industrial economic production realities.’
Today, the argument that a larger population equates to greater national prosperity is flawed and does not show as true under statistics.
More people can actually mean a heavier economic burden and a lower GDP per capita, as every person you add to the economy, it might boost GDP in totality as a whole, but in individual sense, it is the same resource divided by more people, so everyone gets less GDP per person.
We actually only need more ‘professionals’, not ‘more people’, not ‘more administrators’ if our goal is to advance prosperity and capability.
Instead of the thriving “Canadian Age we aspire to usher in as a leader in the post-American world.
‘In the 21st century, smaller nations often hold a tactical economic efficiency advantage.’
The smaller nations typically maintain leaner administrative structures and lower cost administrative structures compared to a behemoth like the USA, which struggles under the weight of its vast bureaucratic systems.
It is shown in recent statistics dealing with 2015 to 2024 expansion of administrative state in Canada, that as a country’s population now increases, the ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE INCREASES FASTER, and so the COSTS INCREASE FASTER.
‘In 21st century, a smaller country, equipped with a high proportion of professional workers and bolstered by advances in robotics and AI, can outpace larger countries in efficiency and innovation.’
Historical data supports this, and modern analysis of nation state population sizes versus GDP per capita, shows that the impact of population size on production has shifted dramatically since the days when manual labour dominated agriculture of independent manual farming (we now have one farmer for 300 or 400 people via mass agriculture) and manual labour factory and industry settings, whereas modern factories are robotics only. (See Dominc Frisby videos and he demonstrates the economic advantage of small nations in 21st century on GDP per capita basis and administrative efficiency leadership basis).
The modern economies prize technological advancement and professional expertise, positioning smaller, agile nations to outperform the traditional economic powerhouses. (with the exception of primary reserve currency holder).
After the next ‘Fourth Turning’ cycle and devastation is over, there should be another 80 to 100 year period of peace, just like previous cycles, and they don’t want this to be led by Canada.
‘The so-called ‘climate activists’ are attempting to address environmental issues without considering the broader economic, political, geopolitical, historical, social and technological cycles.’
This approach is out of sync with reality.
Canada won’t be able to effectively tackle climate change if these policies persist, as it won’t have the economic ability, the engineering workforce at the right level of scale, the technical workforce, the trades workforce and industrial productivity, such as being able to plant 1 Trillion trees at scale, being able to deploy natural gas/hybrid/EV transportation system in conjunction with hydrogen system in conjunction with EV system (& Multi Fuel gas stations networks etc..)…
So the people who want to solve climate change, took 2.5 Trillion over the last decade from tax payers and from the national debt system (also tax payers responsible for this), and instead of giving the 2.5 Trillion to the STEM workers that can solve climate change and build 21st century civilization, the activists spent it on offices with buildings so people can print pages from internet, to create more administrative office positions that do not improve Canada in any way, such as spending on thousands of foreign consultants (maybe 8000+) and 86000 charities (1.5 Trillion) and 1 Trillion recently spent in 2021 (not for hospital development and doctor training.. but to ‘deal with the virus because people are too weak to deal with it themselves by going to the gym and eating apples so we need WHO and Pfizer to take care of everyone forever’).
This also created an indefinite and perpetual de-growth drag on the economy, in perpetuity, low growth for Canada at the worst position in all the OECD forecast-ed, and more difficulty to advance the energy system to a clean one as productivity will be bad.

So the people trying to ‘solve climate change’, it is actually opposite, they are trying to ’cause climate change’

“Law of Opposites”. (woke) (immorality in engineering, the misuse of engineering in civilization context, public safety breach).

As the economics level, productivity level and technical level won’t be there to perform a build out of advanced energy system for Canada.
We have a full 80 to 100 years post-Fourth Turning to address climate challenges, and yet the ‘non-professional, unregulated, non professionally designated, non STEM , administrative office activists in charge of all levers of power, HR & all structures and all offices in Canada did not focus on the groundwork required to get us there.
And we can even do it now by adopting high speed rail and approving LNG factories (which we should have done in 2015 for all 20 projects), which can provide fuel for vehicle designs that use 70% to 90% less damage to environment using this more efficient fuel in combination (30% more efficiency than combustion gas) with ultra light weight carbon infused plastics hybrid EV Nat Gas vehicles, in synergy with HEV Hybrid Electric setup (70% to 80% more efficient than ICE/combustion engines we use today), and even in synergy full Hydrogen & EV setups.
The comprehensive integration of Nuclear (SMR)/Natural Gas with ultra-lightweight carbon plastics vehicles configured as Hybrid Electric Vehicles with small cylinder counts and cylinder de-activation technologies, Hydrogen, EVs, EV bus culture, high sped rail culture, and renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydro, coupled with reforestation efforts, could reduce environmental impact by more than 90% compared to current levels. This synergistic approach offers significant environmental benefits.
‘Yet, such substantial advancements seem insufficient for some climate activists. Why?’
The resistance often stems not merely from environmental concerns but from a broader ideology that prioritizes de-growth, wokeism, nilhilism, atheism, blandness and lack of substance and drive an intensity and passion and love for life and for self improvement and world improvement, and places nature above human aspirations. This perspective may reflect a technophobia or a deeper existential malaise a loss of meaning, purpose, and curiosity about our capabilities to innovate and shape a sustainable future. It signifies not just a resistance to technological progress but an overarching lack of vision and appreciation for the potential of human creativity and exploration.
an era post Fourth Turning, of 80 to 100 years, would further provide ample capability to address climate change as well in a much larger and more scaled up approach with far higher levels of high speed rail, renewable, small modular nuclear, and AI optimized, passenger max optimized, bus systems technologies.
Instead, the activists are hindering Canada’s operations during a critical ‘Fourth Turning’ period, a time when we urgently need to build high-speed infrastructure, expand resource and energy exports at scale, and lay a solid foundation for the future (to cross the ‘Fourth Turning’/’The Great Filter’ and prosper for another 80 to 100 years of 4 more generations of prosperity).
This foundation is crucial to mitigating the effects of theFourth Turning on Canada and ensuring our ability to combat climate change effectively in the long term.
As commodity and energy markets surge, rather than benefiting, Canada will decline in prosperity.
It’s a calculated setup, akin to the principles of Aikido, where an opponent’s strength is inverted and used against them. In this scenario, our nation’s strengths our abundant natural resources and energy resources are being turned against us.
Instead of empowering Canada to lead in the post-American age, these policies are setting us up to strike ourselves, weakening our economic standing and eroding the very foundations of our prosperity.
This is not merely a matter of economic policy; it’s strategic manipulation that turns our resource wealth into a tool for our own decline.

Conclusion: Urgent Reforms Needed

‘We must urgently stop these policies and reassert control over our commodity and energy sectors.’
‘Failure to act will have devastating long-term consequences for Canada’s economy, leaving us impoverished in a world where we should be thriving.’



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