Open Letter to the Canadian Armed Forces: Reclaiming Our True North, Strong and Free

National Defence
@NationalDefence Our defence policy is an investment in: Canada and Canadians – our military members and communities across the country – the advanced tech innovation economy – a more robust defence industrial base.



To the esteemed members of the Canadian Armed Forces,

We, at Skills Gap Trainer (SGT), a Canadian non-profit organization dedicated to empowering individuals through education and skills development, are writing to you with a sense of curiosity pertaining to this image from the defense policy paper.

While the phrase Our North, Strong and Free echoes the spirit of our national anthem, it lacks a crucial element: truth.

“O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all of us command.”

The omission of this single word, “true,” might not be an oversight; it could very well be emblematic of a dangerous trend that threatens the very foundations of our nation, our military, and the values that have long guided us.

As you well know, truth is paramount in the military. It is the bedrock of strategy, the foundation of trust, and the guiding principle of those who swear an oath to defend our nation.

Without truth, we are adrift in a sea of uncertainty, vulnerable to manipulation, and incapable of effectively navigating the complex challenges that lie ahead.

Yet, we live in an era where truth is under assault. Forces both within and beyond our borders seek to erode our understanding of reality, to replace objective facts with subjective narratives, and to sow division and distrust among our citizens.

This “post-truth” world, where anything can be spun, distorted, or outright fabricated, poses a grave threat to our national security and to the very fabric of our society.

The recent events in Canada, as you’ve undoubtedly observed, provide a stark warning of the dangers of this trend.

The Liberal Party, which long held itself as a champion of progressive values and fiscal responsibility, has, in recent years, deviated from its core principles.

‘Their policies have prioritized unsustainable spending over economic prudence, embraced divisive identity politics over national unity, and eroded the freedoms and rights of law-abiding citizens, including those who cherish their firearms heritage.’

This is not the “true” Liberal Party that Canadians have long known; it is a pale imitation, hijacked by an ideology that prioritizes globalist agendas, multi-national corporate agendas, over the interests of our nation and its people.

This ideological shift, driven by a confluence of factors, including the rise of globalist allied corporate organizations (for example WEF’s, 1100 corporate partners ,with trillions in capital per company, threatens the citizen guardianship of the CAF’s guardianship of society, most notably the guardianship of the Parliamentary system of Canada, and it’s role to safeguard human rights, the authority of the citizen, and life itself).

The influence of foreign powers seeking to weaken Western democracies, and the manipulation of information through social media, and mass media systems owned by billionaires in America, can simultaneously send the same message to 100 000+ media outlets at the same time – creating a network effect psychological hypnosis system, a “mass formation”, a “chaos of the crowds”, a “madness of the crowds”, as the CAF once saw happen in German in WW2 (and that took a lot of work to fix).

This network driven psychological hypnosis engine, has the capability to permeate ideas through networks of citizens and networks of media channels, directly into the CAF membership but more easily into the Liberal Party of Canada membership (2015 to 2024), therefore possibly undermining public safety and national security and compromising the success of your guardianship mission.

‘This ideological shift as driven by media technology, has created a climate of fear, uncertainty, and distrust.’

The consequences are clear:

  • Erosion of Trust in Institutions: Canadians are increasingly losing faith in their government, their media, and even their military, as they witness the manipulation of truth and the disregard for traditional values.
  • Weakening of National Security: A divided and demoralized citizenry, stripped of its ability to defend itself, is a nation vulnerable to both internal and external threats.
  • Diminished Global Standing: Canada, once a beacon of freedom, democracy, and responsible governance, is losing its standing on the world stage as it succumbs to the same forces that are eroding the foundations of Western civilization. A Call to Reclaim Our “True North” The Canadian Armed Forces, as the guardians of our nation, have a crucial role to play in this critical moment. You are not merely soldiers; you are defenders of truth, upholders of our values, and protectors of the freedoms that define us as Canadians. We urge you to:
  • Acknowledge the Threat: Recognize the dangers of the “post-truth” world and the insidious forces seeking to undermine our nation’s unity, security, and sovereignty.
  • Reassert the Importance of Truth: Make truth the cornerstone of your policies, your communications, and your actions. Stand firm against those who seek to distort facts, manipulate narratives, or silence dissenting voices.
  • Defend Canadian Values: Uphold the principles of freedom, individual responsibility, and the rule of law that have long defined our nation.
  • Empower Citizens: Support initiatives that educate and empower Canadians to be critical thinkers, discerning consumers of information, and active participants in safeguarding our democracy. But also initiatives like sports shooting and hunting, and the support for the responsible firearm owner (RPAL), as these citizens are the very last citizens to hold society together should CAF and public safety institutes collapse. They are the very last line of defence for life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness. As such, protecting their authority and respect as worthwhile living beings, will only re-enforce your mission and safeguard the public safety and national security mandate.
  • Stand as a Beacon of Hope: Let the world know that Canada is not lost to the tides of globalism and ideological manipulation. We are a nation of strong and free people, united by a shared commitment to truth, justice, and the enduring values that define us. The omission of the word true in your defense policy paper is a wake-up call, a stark reminder that even the most stalwart institutions can be swayed by the prevailing winds of deception.

Let us seize this moment to reclaim our True North, to reassert the importance of truth in all that we do, and to ensure that the future of Canada is one where our nation remains true, northern, strong, free, and with resolve and commitment to the dedication and to the principles that have long guided us and that have been valued by our historic roots all the way back to our roots from United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, United States, and more recently Eastern Europe and then everywhere else as well.

If we are wrong. Test the leadership decisions such as why senior police leaders and senior military leaders actually changed. Test why the statements made to the public, not only from the Army, Navy and Air Force, but from the political parties as well. Were they true? ‘Are the new ships for the Navy actually destroyers as the Navy claims?

Are they being “truthful”.’

‘Do they have a great capability to defeat incoming missiles, incoming torpedoes, incoming RMA Revolution In Military Affairs technologies like robots and artificial intelligence systems, and great anti ship capabilities that would warrant Destroyer designation?’

If you want to see what a destroyer actually looks like. It looks like Lamborghini and not a Beetle! One is a Stallion and the other is German WW2!

‘Or are they not truthful as we claim, and multi national party has actually entered the institutional structures pretending to be our Liberal Party!!! (from 2015 to 2024).’

Or is everything up for debate now, even words in the dictionary and in the military science documentation. The significance of truth extends far beyond the military realm. It is the cornerstone of all STEM fields – science, technology, engineering, and mathematics – upon which our future prosperity, security, and very survival depend.

Every advancement, every innovation, every technological marvel we create relies on a foundation of rigorous observation, experimentation, and the unwavering pursuit of objective truth.

Yet, we live in an era where truth is under assault, where objective facts are increasingly dismissed as mere narratives,” and where those who dare to question the prevailing orthodoxy are often silenced or ridiculed.

‘Please stand on guard for True, North, Strong and Free.’

PS: We’re glad to see you are already activated for this mission. We know you are in solidarity to fighting for principles, as we do, and we realize that war is imperfect, but we also know the winner is both the technologically sophisticated and the philosophically sophisticated, and in that regard CAF & SGT are both!!!

‘Remember, the solution to these challenges do not require a firearm. It does not even require CADPAT. Though that would be very cinematic! It requires a good officers coat. It requires self respect and helping society to regain its self respect. It requires standing up from the chair. It requires some leadership. Some powerful strides across the institutions. It requires morality and the delivery of the morality to the right actors who might not know what they do and who may have destroyed the principles of our Liberal Party.’

And last, don’t forget.. with the rise of Pierre Poilievre, Danielle Smith, Raquel Dancho, Melissa Lantsman and SGT, and the Conservative MPs, and now apparently DND, IT seems Canada is growing up to professional level, and is now ready to harness and use the power of the DESTROYER for public safety, national security, and for good through and through!

Good luck! Make Canada Great Again!

The Skills Gap Trainer Team 

Canadian Army
@CanadianArmy ‘Mounting the attack. Last month, soldiers from 1st Battalion Royal 22e Régiment hit the training area in 2 CDSB Valcartier for Ex CASTOR NOBLE. The training focused on mechanized training, including mechanized platoon attacks with the LAV 6. 
Cpl William Latreille’
@SkillsGapTrain @CanadianArmy ‘Picture a rugged Canadian landscape, with a mix of urban and rural environments. Amidst this setting, an advanced but “AI upgraded” Canadian infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) stands guard, bristling with technology. It’s equipped with an “autonomous AI turret”, scanning the horizon for threats.
Suddenly, the peace is shattered as a swarm of quadcopter drones appears on the horizon, followed by ground-based drone platforms armed with Gatling guns and missile launchers. In addition, miniaturized AI VTOL jet drones, sleek and agile, buzz around the scene, each between 6 to 12 feet in size, but also carrying heavy firewpower of Hellfire missiles and Gatling guns of their own. These AI drones can navigate tight urban spaces or open rural areas, posing a significant challenge.
In this futuristic battle scenario, the swarm of drones symbolizes a modern-day equivalent to the biblical locusts, bringing destruction and chaos. Just as locusts can devastate entire landscapes by overwhelming crops, these drones, with their advanced AI and weaponry, threaten to overpower defenses. This imagery draws a parallel to ancient prophecies of locusts as harbingers of doom, now reimagined as swarms of autonomous machines in a high-tech Armageddon. The relentless advance of these drone swarms mirrors the unstoppable nature of locusts, highlighting the challenges of defending against such overwhelming technological forces.
The AI upgraded Canadian IFV springs into action, automatically targeting the incoming threats. The turret rotates smoothly, and being larger in calibre than the calibre of the incoming drones, allows it to reach out further, unleashing precise bursts of fire, and destroying all of the incoming threats. The IFV’s sensors and AI work in tandem with the latest NVIDIA GPU, allowing it to track and neutralize the drones faster than the enemy can think of how to attack, defending the area from this high-tech assault.
The scene feels like a page out of a sci-fi film, perhaps the Terminator series and the original films prediction in 1984, “that in 40 years AI would rise” (2024); with cutting-edge technology on both sides clashing in a high-stakes battle for control of the landscape.’

@bcbluecon‘Suddenly the Alberta RCMP can’t be found. They only pull over trucks with big Canadian flags flying. They have no problem with terrorist flags.’

@SkillsGapTrain @bcbluecon ‘This image is reminiscent of the early 2000s during George Bush’s War on Terror, characterized by the iconic Toyota truck convoys armed to the teeth in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The War on Terror began in response to the September 11, 2001, attacks and included major conflicts like the war in Afghanistan, which lasted nearly 20 years, and the Iraq War, which spanned from 2003 to 2011.

Now, this very same look appears as convoys in Alberta, reflecting a period of intense military engagement and strategic operations, navigating the Canadian landscape with a similar sense of urgency and purpose.’


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