Undermining Bravery, Strength, Valour, and Freedom: The True Cost of the Assault on Combat Sports

The hypocrisy is blatant. While promoting a $15M investment in sports (out of the 2.5 Trillion they had access as credit over the last decade), the government is not only putting a tiny amount into sports (since it’s better for people to be weak), but simultaneously attacking sports that foster bravery, strength, freedom, and a warrior spirit. Combat sports or those with combat heritage.

Yes, let’s make sure that the aspect of sports that makes people ultimately strong, and with agency and authority, disappears altogether.

And while we’re at it, let’s forget that boxers in Eastern Europe used to have 270 fights, but nowadays we can have 3 fights in Canada, and we are winners at Olympics. Let’s just keep dropping those standards for people. Ok? Glad that we are now all getting into the spirit, the true spirit of the Olympics!

Except for sports that make people brave, strong, free, with courage, valour, technological innovation, a warrior spirit, morality development, and the identity of Canada, this government has a different vision for humans (or is it actually the vision of corporate CEO’s who live outside of America?).

Our government in Canada, the one that is the new Multi-National Liberal Party (2015 to 2024), opposes activities that cultivate essential qualities for public and citizen safety, “combat sports or combat simulation sports”, that align with the roles of cowboys, sheriffs, police, border security, private security, and the military.

These sports give citizens the mindset that they have security understanding“, “security consciousness“, “human rights understanding“, “even cybersecurity understanding can derive from these sports“, “respect for sanctity of life understanding“, “authority of life understanding“, and the “idea that citizens deserve respect for being alive, and are autonomous, sovereign, and independent from government control and with free will, agency, autonomy and independence and with ownership of self and the right to a place on Earth.

By banning rifles used for sport shooting, hunting, and handguns used for sport shooting, the government is systematically erasing the sports that teach Canadians to fight for their freedom, their protection, their families, and for other citizens“.

These activities are not just hobbies or strength training routines; they are vital for developing responsibility, discipline, and respect for the law, and for the understanding of the various components that make up the word of “responsibility”.

These sports shooting activities promote personal and community safety, preparing individuals to stand up for themselves and their communities, if they are ever called upon to do so, whether professionally, or simply because of social or political or economic or industrial collapse.

Furthermore, these sports are deeply rooted in Canadian history and heritage. The roles of cowboys, sheriffs, and other law enforcement figures are celebrated parts of our cultural identity. They embody the courage and valour that define our national character. By restricting these activities, the government is stripping away the rights of citizens to engage in traditions that have shaped our society’s values.

Investing in “combat simulation sports or derived from security history of humanity” should mean supporting all forms of athletic expression, especially those that empower individuals with the courage and skills to defend themselves and others. This is the most important aspect of freedom of expression”, as is our system in Canada, and has always been.

By focusing only on non-combat sports, and offering a token amount of 15$ million (which should prove how little they care about human health), the government is selectively ignoring the broader benefits of sports that make people brave, strong, and free. These are the values of true, north, strong and free. The government is contravening national value systems and the oath they took as MP to defend our nation, which comprises of our national motto that we swear allegiance to.

This selective support, avoiding sports that make people strong and capable and authoritative, undermines the full potential of sports to build character and fortify the nation’s spirit and the nation’s capabilities to resist subversion, foreign influence, invasion, and hostile takeover by financiers and other parties.

The government’s approach is not just contradictory; it is a direct attack on the core values that make Canada strong.

Real support for sports means embracing all disciplines that contribute to the holistic development of individuals and uphold the values of freedom, respect, autonomy, and pioneering strength of expedition and security, that are the cornerstone of Canadian society.


@SkillsGapTrain Title: “The Case for Practical Shooting in the Olympics”

The World’s Fascination with Practical Shooting

The world’s fascination with Yusuf Dikeç and his incredible performance at the 2024 Olympics is undeniable proof that professional and practical sports shooters deserve a place at the Olympics.

IOC’s Stance

Yet, it’s the International Olympic Committee (IOC) again standing in the way.

“The IOC has not yet approved the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) as an official Olympic sport.”

Dynamic Competitions of IPSC

The International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) offers dynamic competitions for semi-auto rifles, shotguns, handguns, and pistol caliber carbines (PCC). These events emphasize motion, precision, and strategic navigation through courses that feature barriers, targets, and obstacles. Competitors must demonstrate exceptional skill and intellectual agility, managing rapid target acquisition, accurate shooting under time pressure, and the efficient movement between shooting positions. Each division…

— Handgun, Rifle, Shotgun, and PCC —

…presents unique challenges, testing competitors on firearm handling, speed, accuracy, and decision-making abilities in a high-intensity, intellectually demanding environment.

A Call for Inclusion

In the 21st century, despite our advancements, we still can’t enable athletes to compete in practical shooting sports at the Olympics?

Honouring the Heroes

After 20 centuries of conflict, sacrifices, and the valour of countless heroes, pioneers, expedition travellers, and guardians who have maintained order, peace, and freedom, we still deny those that sacrifice for society the heroes among athletes, warriors, private security, border security, police, military, navy, air force, cadets, and all the members of society the chance to compete in practical and cool sports shooting at the Olympics?

IPSC’s Progress

While the IPSC has made significant progress by becoming a full member of the Global Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF) in 2021 and previously obtaining observer status in 2019, it has not yet achieved the recognition by the IOC necessary for inclusion in the Olympic Games.

A Call for Change

This oversight needs correction to honour the spirit of competition and the dedication of practical sports shooters worldwide. (Source: thefirearmblog.com, IPSC)

Website: ipsc.org

World.. help IPSC make it into the Olympics.




@SkillsGapTrain We hope one day, the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC)” will strive to offer medals made from real gold, silver, and bronze, and even obsidian black glass, reflecting 21st-century aerospace, space, and freedom tech design themes. (And world class elements for the Black Badge too!)
Ex: Elon’s companies X (free speech & efficient governance with citizen authority & input), SpaceX (human potential & the will to be boldly venture on expeditions to new worlds), Tesla (freedom of navigation for humans on urban and rural land, sea, sub surface of land and sub surface of sea and freedom for citizens to fly and travel across the sky)
Note: Don’t forget to advertise IPSC to Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and their friends. They might need the skills one day.
Real medals with real value would set a new standard of class and respect for our athletessomething even the Olympics once knew how to offer to the Olympians of the world with their solid gold medals until 1912!
As a feasible first step, how about starting with the prestigious IPSC World Shoot’, the premier event in the IPSC calendar?
Awarding real gold, silver, bronze, and obsidian black glass medals to theWorld Champions’ in each division and category would honour their exceptional achievements and elevate the prestige of our sport (and humiliate all those committees that seek to undermine the most dedicated heroes in sports and among citizens).
If not today, we hope the ‘International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC)’ can grow worldwide in recognition and overcome any institutional suppression of citizens’ rights to practice this sport (as has likely occurred for up to 100 years relating to ‘capability improvement sports and security citizen security improvement sports’). This growth would be signified by the deep and everlasting value of such a distinguished award.



@stillgray You see this man at your window trying to break in. How do you respond? https://x.com/stillgray/status/1821877473409208714

@SkillsGapTrainOh, this is data the police WOULD LOVE to get their hands on about the public. 

As the window shatters with a chilling crash, the father instantly adapts to the threat with the fluidity and responsiveness of Jeet Kune Do. In this philosophy, every action is an interaction there is no passive defense, only active countermeasures that transform defensive moves into powerful offensive strikes.

The father’s stance is deeply rooted yet poised to spring, perfectly embodying the “be like water” mantra — having transcended gladiatorial training in all of the martial arts at black belt level, resulting in a new level of fight doctrineformless, adaptable, and unyielding. As the intruder steps through the jagged remnants of the broken window, the father meets him not with brute force but with strategic redirection, channelling the intruder’s own momentum against him. The intruder, utterly unprepared for the world he has breached, steps into a domain beyond his wildest imaginings a realm defined not just by physical space but by heightened vigilance, disciplined defence, emergency preparedness with all defence technologies offered by Pentagon to civilians, and an indomitable will taught by the best Generals of South Korea, Eastern Europe Warsaw Pact Army and America.

Realizing the gravity of his intrusion (to 5% level of what it actually is), the intruder begins to swiftly understand that the window he shattered to enter could now be his only passage to escape. Failure to act immediately may mean never attempting such a breach again.

This moment is the epitome of the economy of motion:no movement is wasted, and each strike is meticulously calibrated for maximum impact with minimal exertion. Every blow, meticulously calculated in an optimum angle of attack to breach every bone in the skeletal structure, one bone, at a time, in a sequence.

The father’s hands and feet, extensions of his intent, move in seamless harmony, driven more wildly than any OpenAI employee, striking vital points with surgical precision. A fist strike to the neck, disrupts the intruder’s breath, a fist strike to the solar plexus, disrupts the breath, a hook to the jaw uses torque of the opponents face to leverage the striking power so as to destabilize the balance of the opponents mind, a swift knee to the face creates blurry liquid on the eyes to prevent vision as well, strikes to midsection breaks the ribs, and a well-placed elbow to the back of the head ensures he won’t rise anytime soon.

This sequence isn’t merely combat it’s a physical dialogue, where each move articulates a phrase in the profound language of combat, honed by years of disciplined practice and used with professionalism and utmost human spirit of protection of human rights, to defend life at home and abroad against unethical and chaotic insanity agents (that breach borders or that facilitate others to breach border law from political leadership.. and therefore the structured design of engineers and of ethicists).

The room, bathed in the ethereal interplay of moonlight and shadow, mirrors the dual nature of the confrontation light and dark, calm and chaos, it is the ultimate battle between all that is good (the family and life creation), and that which is chaotic and wishes to destroy all life.

In the spirit of the defense of all life on Earth, holding on to this idea that this battle is not merely one over a window, but is in act a microcosm of the deeper human struggle for peace, liberty, freedom, reason, morality and ethics; with ultimate resolve the threat to life and reasoned society is defeated. As the father neutralizes the threat, his movements decelerate, transitioning back to the serene calm that both precedes and follows the tempest of limbs.

As the conflict concludes swiftly, the intruder is subdued, and the father stands tall, his breathing steady yet heavy.

He has lived up to his role as guardian of the family and of society.

The children remain asleep, untouched and safe.

The father’s vigilant eyes sweep the room, a final security check for any lingering threats before he allows himself a moment to reflect on the ordeal.

In this reflection lies the core of Jeet Kune Do, his final martial art, one that he develops further for his own practice (in memory of Bruce Lee and the gift he ha given the world to be flexible in absorbing the lessons of all fighters around the world, all combat systems and all technological combat systems incorporation as well as Bruce Lee used fending .. which is like firearms etc..)

awareness, training, preparedness, impulse and drive, the will to act, and the profound realization that true strength lies in the power used for defence and for good, the force that need not be unleashed, unless a moral breach has occurred and jeopardized our existence and that of the future of humanity (the children).




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Title: The Pistol: A Silent Guardian Under Siege, A Civilization at the Crossroads” x.com/SkillsGapTrain

Title:The Arsenal of Freedom: A Vision for Positive Change in Canadian Firearms Regulation” x.com/SkillsGapTrain

Title: “Guardians of Tomorrow: NATO’s Next-Generation Alliance and the Fusion of Tradition with Positive Future Tech Vision” x.com/SkillsGapTrain

Title: “Open Letter to the Canadian Armed Forces: Reclaiming Our True North, Strong and Free” x.com/SkillsGapTrain

Title: “The Rifle and the Soul: Why Shooting Sports Are My Lifeline to Canada”youtube.com/watch?feature=

Title: “IPSC and the Warrior Legacy: Fostering Global Resilience in the 21st Century” skillsgaptrainer.com/ipsc-and-the-w

Title: “IPSC’s Last Stand: Shaping the Future of Firearms Policy” x.com/SkillsGapTrain

Title: “Premier Danielle Smith of Alberta says: “We will continue to relentlessly defend our province, its people, and their livelihoods… WITHOUT PAUSE OR APOLOGY.” x.com/SkillsGapTrain

Title: “United for Freedom, Human Rights, Public Safety, and the Future’s Principles: A Response to the Liberal Party’s Failures” x.com/SkillsGapTrain

Title: “Navigating the Future of Canadian Freedom: Skills Gap Trainer’s Responses to 2024 Canada Freedom Index Survey” skillsgaptrainer.com/navigating-the

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Title: “From Ashes to the Stars: Valendor’s Vision for a Reborn Civilization” skillsgaptrainer.com/from-ashes-to-

Title: “Modern Warfare and Canada’s Defence: Proposing a Modernized National Ranger Force Like Lucas Botkin with SIG MCX SPEAR and CADEX in Canada” skillsgaptrainer.com/modern-warfare

Note*: Some of you might find this image amusing or maybe opposite of amusing. 


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