Building a Secure AI-Enhanced Government for the 21st Century

This isn’t a simple comment. This is a very big deal comment I’d rather an AI run the nation.”

We understand the frustration with our current political system and the appeal of having an AI run the nation. However, there are important considerations to keep in mind.

The Role of the Nation State

The nation state has a critical function in guarding citizens through legislation such as:

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982)

Canadian Bill of Rights (1960) Constitution Act, 1867

Provincial Human Rights Acts (e.g., Ontario Human Rights Code, Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms)

Criminal Code of Canada Privacy Act and Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)

Provincial Employment Standards Acts (e.g., Ontario’s Employment Standards Act, Alberta’s Employment Standards Code)

Canadian Human Rights Act (1977)

These frameworks are designed to protect our rights and freedoms, but a major problem is, that accessing these protections can be cumbersome due to complex legal processes that have built up word complexity over the decades, and that word complexity is “another reality not actually the reality that people experience everyday (perhaps a different level of reality beyond the regular interactions of humanity – a type of unacknowledged global government with rules that humanity does not speak or engage with).

Politicians in Canada often struggle with avoiding spending, avoiding to increase the size of their corporations by adding more and more people in administration thus increasing the national debt that citizens must bear indefinitely, avoiding turning into corrupt people that overpay themselves by increasing national debts (ex: think how Trudeau just made up to 100 million) and they struggle with deciding whether to use the assets of the nation to make national revenue (and in Canada they choose to block national revenue and national investment income into their businesses).

Instead, the politicians in Canada choose to take just what they need when they see the chance to access a debt facility, regardless of whether the cumulative action of such corruption will bankrupt the nation, because as long as they get it first, they reason they might be able to make it, especially if travel is an option to flee in case things get really bad.

The Potential of AI

Optimizing AI capabilities to analyze financial statements, employee tasks, administrative officers work outputs (checking for redundancy and duplication and irrelevant work outputs to understand which employees to let go for maximum government optimization), analyzing bills, and analyzing laws could streamline bureaucracy, cut down on administrative staff by millions, and improve efficiency. This could result in fewer employees and simpler administration, achieving higher performance outcomes for Canada, higher national revenues, better citizen authority and safety protection, lower national debts, and more resilient (physically and financially), the societies.

External Threats

However, we’ve also witnessed international corporate alliances“, “subversion“, “foreign influence of politicians“, and “multinational interests attempting to control national assets”, “multi national interests attempting to control our culture, history and identity” (ex: woke movement), to limit personal freedoms (smart cities and dense city planning with no access to lots of land for citizens outside of the city to leave city area), and confine people to restrictive living conditions (15 minute cities).

The nation state remains a crucial guardian against these threats, protecting both assets and people. It is the mechanism that “unites” people int a group, and from that unity, one has the “ability to create and materialize into reality the national vision or the vision of the citizen, or another way to say, the authority of the citizen”.

We need to use AI, to optimize and streamline and make the work positions of the nation state (government administration) not corrupt and far less work positions, such that it never impacts the national debt structure, so as to make a resilient nation state vehicle, one that can take our voice and project it out as the social contract or the law of the land or the custom of the land that occurs on the lands of Canada (and this avoids the multi national corporations and the foreign nation state alliances from breaking our nation state shield, and thus telling us what the laws will be for the land we are on and the body we inhabit).

A Hybrid Approach


While putting everything in the hands of humans has not maximized performance, placing everything in the hands of AI might not either.’

A hybrid approach could be the solution, where AI and human governance work together to keep each other in check.’

‘This balanced method can provide both AI safety and human safety, leveraging the strengths of both systems for the benefit of society.’

‘No, we are not talking about putting AI in the hands of government workers to monitor civilians. We are talking about putting AI in the hands of civilians to monitor and improve government and remove the administrative component that takes up all the occupations”

Protecting the Nation State

Furthermore, we should be wary of agendas that seek to undermine the nation state.

For example, the recent shooting in United States of America (the nation), not the United States (the corporation), attempted to cause chaos in the “nation” aspect of the United States by destroying the symbol of the United States of America (the nation), Donald Trump. These kind of events are there to stress and to break the nation state, to fracture the shield of the citizens so that they are not united. Unity is our Strength.

That’s why it was called United States of America“, with the goal of making it strong, which unity certainly did make it strong.

Diversity for example, means to fracture this unity, and is another “stressor such that it fractures the nation state architecture faster.

International corporate alliances and foreign influences might have interests in contributing to our national discussions on social media and news, aiming to sway public opinion and policies to their advantage. They might desire to own national assets of Canada (10 million square km), control people, limit energy use of people, and restrict growth and family development (stop births), confining people to city blocks in a manner similar to a prison.

‘Why else would it be difficult to go out and plot a stick on a piece of land and build a cottage for a few thousand dollars? It’s not actually a difficult thing, but apparently it is.’

The nation state is the guardian that protects against these kinds of threats, and dismantling this model could inadvertently do the work of those who seek to undermine our sovereignty and freedoms.

Thus, it’s vital to strengthen our nation state (but not the one we have today, but one that has a design review by top notch engineers, STEM professionals and AI systems) rather than weaken it or rather than replacing it with an AI system that might still end up to be controlled by a dark human group (even if we want only the AI system), ensuring it can effectively guard both our assets and our people.

In short, the legal system and the nation state system, are not designed by people, or professionals of society. It’s been an obscure process (out of the hands of citizens), from the beginning of time, and likely always will be. And that’s why nations collapse from time to time, or fairly often.

Current Challenges

Currently, new political parties often develop platforms that react to past catastrophes, which are frequently the result of previous political parties’ policies. This reactionary approach leads to a cycle of creating new policies to address old problems, created by people who crated the previous policies.

Embracing a Hybrid Approach

We propose a hybrid approach, not solely relying on human government or AI government,” but fostering collaboration among various entities, including non government controlled entities (shared government). This approach includes:

Citizen STEM Professionals (Government AI Design Review Group – Non-Profit Corporation, third-party): STEM professionals operating independently of government control, enabled with their own AI systems. (citizens of Canada, identifying design flaws/built up inefficiencies over time, legislation reviews to remove irrelevant laws of past)

AI Systems and Agents: These systems conduct independent analyses and propose innovative solutions. (future versions of Gemini Pro 1.5/GPT-4)

Traditional Government: Legislation and legal writers capable of reading and interpreting all Canadian documentation, who make, analyze and guard new laws. (MPs, Senate, etc..)

Military and Police Component: Ensuring public safety and national security and supporting the integration of AI and human governance. (Justice System of Canada as well)

Note: Notice how traditional government here is only 25% of the voting block. (the upper levels where the real use case and the actual productivity for change, adaptation, reaction, leadership and innovation lies)

Government AI Design Review Group

A government design review group composed of these elements could:

Analyze Historical Political Platforms: Review the platforms suggested by all political parties over the last 50 years to determine what has worked best and what has caused most disaster in legislative ideas.

Streamline Government: Create a smaller, more efficient government that borrows less, hires less, and guards citizens better.

Maximize Resources: Ensure that Canada earns more from its resource and energy wealth and other export opportunities (innovation, tech, etc..)

Identifying and Removing Harmful Components

This Hybrid Human/AI approach, as described in the previousEmbracing a Secure Hybrid Approach, would also focus on identifying and removing components designed to stress or fracture democratic structures and the nation-state system, ensuring the sustainability and endurance of nation-state system in the future.


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Title: “Red Tape and Red Rust: Unmasking Canada’s Mismanagement Crisis”

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Title: “Navigating the AI Dilemma: Balancing Innovation and Safety in the Age of

Title: “From Logic to Extremism: The Alarming Shift in Canadian Political Leaders’ Approaches, Abilities, and Values”

Title: “Canada’s Hidden Frontier: 99.75%+ Untapped Potential and Unclaimed Wealth”


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