The ‘Woke Mind Virus’ in Action: How Trudeau’s “Pro-Family Fantasy” Fuels Various Types of De-Growth (Industrial, Technological, Economic, & Family)

@MikeBarrettON Senior officials to testify on Trudeau consultant fraud charges. Trudeau spent over $20 billion on consultants last year! Stay tuned.
@RaquelDancho Trudeau spent $20 billion of your tax dollars on consultants last year. Tomorrow Conservatives will be asking questions.

@SkillsGapTrain ‘Trudeau’s “pro-family” campaign is a masterclass in deception, selling Canadians a fantasy while their future crumbles. Millennials and Gen Z, facing skyrocketing housing costs, stagnant wages, and an increasingly precarious job market, are delaying or forgoing family formation at alarming rates.’

‘Yet, Trudeau focuses his “family” spending on those WHO ALREADY HAVE CHILDREN, a tactic that ignores the very foundation young Canadians need to START and create families in the first place: opportunity.’

‘Funding ‘opportunity’ is the only way Canada will actually be a country of new families and inter-generational success’

‘He’s crafting a carefully curated brand, associating himself and the Liberal Party with “family values”, all while enacting policies that actively dismantle the economic and social conditions that make new families possible.’

Enough. Call it out.

‘He’s only fooling the public in Canadians through media hypnosis network effects and brand propagation across mainstream and subsidized digital networks. He’s not fooling experts, artificial intelligence, foreign nation states, or reality itself.’

Birth rates are collapsing, yet he ignores the REAL needs of young adults trying to build a future (until we bother him for a few years about it).

Why did he manage in 2024 to come up with the word “millenials need help”? Well, education takes a long time for some people, and apparently real world education comes best from critics like SGT on X. It literally takes bothering SGT in order to figure out the basics of how to put a crew into 2×4 to build a house.

Throwing money at existing families is a deceptive tactic masking his failure to create opportunities for those who want to START families.

A REAL pro-family plan invests in the industries and sectors that provide GOOD jobs AND GOOD progress (towards the future):the foundation of stable families, and the foundations to support shelter and living costs required to FINANCIALLY PLAN FOR and ACCUMULATE WEALTH FOR and START and GIVE BIRTH to children.

Trudeau, however, ACTIVELY undermines the VERY PEOPLE who build this nation, sacrificing their aspirations for ideological posturing and empty slogans.

That’s why ALL THE NEW TAXES are ONLY ON people who want to power life and build the future.

‘Why should we tax those that create life for themselves and others? Isn’t life good?’

Resource workers: Oil, gas, mining – Trudeau treats them like villains, not the backbone of our economy. (Same with truckers.)

Farmers: Feeding the nation? Not a priority for Trudeau. He burdens them with regulations and ignores their struggles, and taxes to put them at a disadvantage to the urban elites.

Energy workers: Affordable, reliable energy is ESSENTIAL for managing Canada’s standard of living and productivity decline and demographic decline, yet Trudeau sabotages the industry, putting jobs and families at risk.

Skilled Trades: Plumbers, electricians, welders – Trudeau disregards the vital role of these good-paying jobs and offer 1.5 Trillion AD in spending over 9 years instead to 86 000 charities that built nothing and exported nothing, and 1 Trillion in 2021 to ‘react with a virus’. Why not 2.5 Trillion in trades instead of office computer jobs printing paper?

Technologists & Engineers: Trudeau talks about innovation, but his policies drive our brightest minds to seek opportunities elsewhere or to not work because the companies are waiting for Trudeau to boost immigration so that talent can be purchased for a low price.

Doctors and Surgeons: He makes them cry for ten years on big social groups in secret, and run to Alberta in safety and to United States and other countries.

Scientists & Researchers: Funding cuts and bureaucratic hurdles stifle scientific progress (especially when conservative tech proposals are automatically dismissed from public grant processes), limiting career paths for young professional STEM Canadians (of centrist or right leaning tendencies).

Technicians & Trade Workers: Essential for a functioning economy, yet Trudeau undervalues their contributions and limits their potential.

Computer Scientists: The future is digital, but Trudeau’s policies fail to create a thriving tech sector that can attract and retain top talent. The computer science community is powered by 4 volunteers managing the profession society, and yet Trudeau has 385 million from magic to give to his own bank account. Why not take 1 million out of 385 million an give to Computer Science community in order to power the future of science in Canada. Or doe he have more? No one know where it comes from and how much it is. We think it came from the national debt system.

Entrepreneurs & Business Leaders: The engine of job creation and economic growth, stifled by Trudeau’s burdensome regulations and anti-business rhetoric. His administration gave $2400 for people to create websites, and then when they did, he didn’t pay them even under contract, breaking laws. And to the people that created nothing, he gave them 2.5 Trillion of Canada’s capital. Don’t forget (over the last 9 years).

Don’t be fooled by Trudeau’s vague promises. Demand specifics:

How will he support resource sectors? Will he undo all the legislation on resources by Steven Guilbeault?

What concrete actions will he take to create more high-paying tech jobs in technology export and resource export and energy export?

How will he actually invest in trades training and apprenticeships to effectively quadruple or more these professional specializations?

His lack of clear answers reveals the hollowness of his “pro-family” claims. He’s selling Canadians a fantasy while their future crumbles.

This isn’t incompetence, it’s a “DELIBERATE attack on the future of Canadian families”.

This is calledDE-GROWTH industrial policy” and DE-GROWTH technology policy” from professional development and employment standpoint.

But is also called “DE-GROWTH economic policy”, from heavy national debt system function use in terms of fundingONLY NON-ENERGY occupations”, such as office work in bank, office work in healthcare, office work in government and tax subsidized and government linked industries and related foreign consultants and foreign aid.

But is also called “DE-GROWTH family policy” because funding is given AFTER baby is made, instead of ‘BEFORE’ baby is made.

“Trudeau’s missing the point! You can’t conjure up babies by just giving money to people who ALREADY have them. Want more births? Build a booming industrial and tech sector for export that employs POTENTIAL parentsgive THEM the security and prosperity to start families. Otherwise, Trudeau’s just handing out rewards nobody can earn.

Demand better, Canada! Hold Trudeau accountable for his empty promises, fake family branding, misdirected administrative spending rather than tangible professional specialization spending, put a stop to the “woke mind virus” and demand REAL WORLD ACTION NOT FINANCING PAPER ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE ACTION to support the industries and people that make this nation strong. #cdnpoli #TrudeauFailedFamilies

Title: “Deconstructing Elon Musk’s “Woke Mind Virus” and the Weaponization of Medicine”

@SkillsGapTrain Trudeau’s “pro-family spending is a sham”. He’s not building a future where young Canadians can afford to START families.

Instead, he’s propping up the “Homeowner Club” those who ALREADY have families, ALREADY have houses, and ALREADY have government office administrative jobs – think banking administrators, healthcare administration, education bureaucrats, government agencies, and countless taxpayer-funded NGOs and charities (86 000).

It’s a closed administrative loop: taxpayer dollars funnelled back to the government’s own administrative establishment, lining the pockets of government office workers who benefit SEVERAL TIMESfrom the taxpayer simultaneously through several markets – first from soaring house prices THEY CREATE through LAND SCARCITYpolicy by the city officials AND industrial policyTHEY CREATE from Steven Guilbeault, then from the cushy,“overcompensation corruption” that THEY CREATE by PAYING ABOVE private market rates for the task performed.. #cdnpoli #TrudeauFailedFamilies

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@PierrePoilievre Trudeau’s government has secretly prepared a national drug decriminalization program to apply across Canada. Willingly exposing children to drugs & disorder on the street, outside their schools or at parks. Sign to reject his wacko drug policy:

@SkillsGapTrain Provincial decriminalization isn’t ambitious enough. We need global decriminalization! Canadian citizens have been dreaming of this bold vision for decades, envisioning a “A Brave New World” where the legal system is closed down and drug freedom is achieved. It’s time to make this a reality!

Note: A Brave New World is a novel written by Aldous Huxley, published in 1932. The book is a dystopian science fiction work that explores a future society driven by technological advancements, state control, and the suppression of individuality. In this world, the government uses genetic engineering, psychological conditioning, and drugs to maintain order and ensure conformity among its citizens.

Key themes of the novel include:

Technological Control: The use of advanced technology to manipulate and control the population. They do that by crushing SGT digitally.

Loss of Individuality: The suppression of personal identity and free will in favour of societal stability.

Consumerism: The promotion of materialism and consumer culture as a means of maintaining societal order.

The Role of Drugs: The use of a drug called “soma” to keep the population content and docile.

Social Stratification: The division of society into rigid castes, with each caste assigned specific roles and responsibilities.

Huxley’s Brave New World serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of losing individuality and freedom in the face of technological and governmental control.

PS: Pierre! Good job on the muscles! You’re going to need them! Good thinking! A tough leader is a reliable leader and an enduring leader!

@savoie_mic49989 So, you are predicting our future based on a 1934 work of fiction? Is that what I just read?

@SkillsGapTrainer We have 1500 posts, 1000 essays, 200 articles, 300 videos. So you counted wrong. Also, we did not predict the future. We showed a summary of a book that has some similarities to the present. Keep reading.

@SkillsGapTrain Provincial decriminalization isn’t ambitious enough. We need global decriminalization! Canadian citizens have been dreaming of this bold vision for decades, envisioning a “A Brave New World” where the legal system is closed down and drug freedom is achieved. It’s time to make this a reality!

Note: “A Brave New World” is a novel written by Aldous Huxley, published in 1932. The book is a dystopian science fiction work that explores a future society driven by technological advancements, state control, and the suppression of individuality. In this world, the government uses genetic engineering, psychological conditioning, and drugs to maintain order and ensure conformity among its citizens.

Key themes of the novel include:

Technological Control: The use of advanced technology to manipulate and control the population.

Loss of Individuality: The suppression of personal identity and free will in favour of societal stability.

Consumerism: The promotion of materialism and consumer culture as a means of maintaining societal order.

The Role of Drugs: The use of a drug called “soma” to keep the population content and docile.

Social Stratification: The division of society into rigid castes, with each caste assigned specific roles and responsibilities.

Huxley’s “Brave New World” serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of losing individuality and freedom in the face of technological and governmental control.


@leslynlewiscpc “In just 8 years, the cost of the average home in Haldimand-Norfolk has more than dodubled — an increase of over 115%.

Now families must have a household income of $208,000 just to own a home here.

The damage caused by this government is real, and the numbers back it up. Canadians cannot afford this Liberal government anymore.”

@skillsgaptrainer “Oh. We thought it was on sale for $208 000 You mean like to make this every year?”

@skillsgaptrainer “Well our friends bought their house for 200 000. So it makes sense right that its 8k more now a decade or two later.”

@skillsgaptrainer “Something is fishy here. The leader of land management, when they put land available to people, the price doesn’t go up. Only if they prevent listing of land to public to buy for everyone, does price go up.”

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Report: “Economic Impact of Blocking Resource and Energy Sectors in Canada”

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