Rural Land Is Especially Valuable In The 21st Century For Several Key Reasons

Rural land is especially valuable in the 21st century for several key reasons (Note: This is not an exhaustive list):

Empowerment and Autonomy: Rural land provides people with the means to escape city administrator laws (which in many places like Canada are losing the citizen authority, human rights, representation rights), allowing them to preserve their independence and self-governance. This is crucial in an era where national governments can be subverted, as seen in countries like Canada.

Preservation of Sovereignty: Owning rural land helps maintain the sovereignty, autonomy, self-defense, and business agency of individuals. This is vital for safeguarding human biological integrity and leadership in governance, particularly in the age of artificial intelligence, which monitors, surveillance, behaviourally engineers, genetically engineers and predominantly controls and manages urban populations.

Resilience Against Global Risks: Between 2020 and 2050, numerous global risks, crises, and threats, collectively known as the Great Filter,”are emerging. These include climate change, resource scarcity, infrastructure collapse, pandemics, 5th genration proxy wars, transhuman vs human wars that will dominate the entire 21st century (possibly billions of deaths), cyber wars and 30+ dangers. Rural agricultural land, located at a safe distance from cities, offers sustenance through food production and supports large families, mitigating many of these dangers.

Security and Resilience: In times of conflict and war, agricultural land provides a secure configuration and resilience for the food supply chain. Implementing greenhouses in colder areas enhances food production, ensuring a stable supply of essentials. Greenhouses are also useful for preventing fallout from nuclear blasts from contaminating the produce and soil.

Economic Stability: Rural land holds potential for wealth growth even if the broader economy falters (example money velocity hits zero or hyperinflation is induced by revolutionaries Ex: as is being done to Canada by PM Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland and Steven Guilbeault). Land can be rented, sold, or passed down to future generations, providing a foundation for new families and ensuring economic continuity.

Resistance to Global Elitism: Global elites operate above banks, governments, and people, dealing with laws such as Law of Land and Law of Sea, with parallel civilizations living among us that are not beholden to the laws within the nation state, and these legally immune elites often lock national urban populations into restricted areas (the non life sustaining condo areas / concrete and no land in the cities and no greenhouses in the city for autonomous function of human). In Canada, for example, 0.25% of the land is allocated to urban dwellers across all cities, while 99.75% is controlled by these elites. Even if they quadruple the population, this statistic will not significantly change. It will be on top of each other. This maximizes the land function attainment available to the elite parallel civilization. Rural land ownership offers a way to resist this global legal parallel civilization.

‘Understanding the strategic importance of rural land is crucial for humanity in the 21st century.’

‘We congratulate you on discovering the secret to humanity’s flourishing in the 21st century.’

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@PierrePoilievre ‘Today, Trudeau repeats the same housing promise he made in 2015, 2017, 2023 & 2024.
A decade of promising that one day, in the future, he will build homes on federal lands — still nothing done.
Instead, he doubled housing costs with the worst housing inflation in the G7.
He’s not worth the cost.
Sign here for a common sense plan to build homes, not bureaucracy:’
@SkillsGapTrainThe greatest achievement of Canadians in the 21st century will be when they elect Pierre Poilievre and rip Canada’s land back out of the hand of the global thieves and into the hands of the people.’

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