Empowering the Angel: Transforming Energy and Resource Policy for Humanity’s Global Ascension to Walk with the Divine

As the spectre of population collapse looms larger, the imperative to radically alter our governmental, energy, and resource management strategies becomes unavoidable.

Particularly in Canada, where foreign national adversaries have blocked our national foundation from functioning, a critical start and rapid increase of our energy and resource production rates and their exportation is necessary. This exportation is vital not just for aligning with sustainable development but also to ensure ample resources for accelerated growth in North America, Europe, the Latin World, and India.

The task ahead involves crafting policies that not only prevent government bloat but actively pursue its reduction and optimization, thus boosting operational efficiency. Such a strategic overhaul is crucial for strengthening both domestic and international stability and promoting global population growth and global peace and securityexcluding the growth, of course, to those who oppose freedom.

The traditional American private business citizen and private technology citizen ethos of Starve the Beast,” which aims to limit government excess by controlling spending, has typically advocated for reducing the administrative office work position (non-energy/non-tangible./non-material) that spans government administration, banking administration, healthcare administration, educational administration and legal administration.

Yet, what we are witnessing in Canada and other Western nations is not theStarving the Beast” (the governmental excess and never-ending growth in government office administration), but the deliberate and debilitating starvation of the nurturing of humanity’s angels the very entities that drives societal growth, prosperity, and future viability.(the STEM professionals, the renewable engineers, the nuclear engineers, the natural gas engineers, the natural gas mechanical engineers for vehicles, and the energy based workers of society – those that build real things and do real independent and private work for the world, like in resource exports, energy exports, manufacturing, professional medics, etc..)

This unfolding“Starve the Angel” scenario, contrary to the “Starve the Beast vision held by top Western business and tech leaders, severely undermines the foundational structures vital for societal advancement and the nurturing of future generations. (stops the births).

Our objective should focus on reducing government size using positive tech vision engineering” and the “latest “AI systems for analysis from xAI, Meta and Google”, but on enhancing citizen empowerment, not just on powering beasts but on annihilating them to truly empower Angels with the finest energy resources available.

We must set humanity on the path to create the finest energy possible, constantly advancing from one level of excellence to the next, reaching heights only imaginable by our greatest minds and AI. Just as the greatest hikers conquer Mount Everest or K2, we as a species must scale the ultimate peak The Summit of Ascension, The Pinnacle of Progress, The Apex of Enlightenment, The Zenith of Energy, The Crest of Creation… The Zenith of Fusion Energy.”

The call for America and Canada to initiate a “Power the Angel” project is clear. This initiative must transcend mere survival to forge a thriving future filled with opportunities for significant advancements in life and technology, necessitating a monumental shift in how we view energy and resource management.

‘Activists have had their time for the entire 20th century. And now they have taken a quarter of a century of the 21sst century. Selfish! This prevents humanity from actually entering the 21st century. (There was suppose to be a clear demarcation point of entering the future, not going back to the past before the 20th century). This isn’t their century! Stay out! Bud out dude and dudettes!’

“The Age of Activist’s” must end, and the “Age of Engineers and STEM professionals” must begin, with the professionals being engaged and enabled to lead the positive tech vision for engineering and building the next generation of civilization.”

To address the critical issues of a dwindling population and the dawn of an era with no births, Western nations, particularly Canada, must be empowered to drastically increase their energy and resource outputs.

‘This means people in Canada have to stop only caring about their lot that surrounds their single family dwelling, but must pay careful attention to the security structure of the entire country, as to whether that is being breached to breach the fundamental goals of all life on Earth.’

We must guard against those who do not understandScience, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) yet claim to understand the climate and that claim to speak on behalf of these individuals through representatives from WEF/WHO/UN/CCP/BRICS/Russia or individuals that are simply political but subversive to national “citizen authority”, “police”, “defence establishment”, and “human rights provincial and national frameworks”.

We must defend the nation’s and humanity’s ‘true knowledge, the true certified and designated tech representatives and applied tech professional practitioners’ with all our might, resolve, endurance, and essence.

To confront the dire crisis of a diminishing population and champion a sustainable future, Western countries, especially Canada, must “Let The Angel Fly.” An empowered Canada, significantly increasing its energy and resource production (4x to 16x), can become a sanctuary for the world’s best and most moral people, and help others struggling with civilization’s engineering challenges and ethical challenges around the world.

Envision Canada not merely meeting its own needs but quadrupling its energy output and expanding its resource production beyond oil, tapping into the vast mineral wealth of its mountains, for diversified mineral exports.

These resources are not just for extraction but are keys to building a future, a national future, a gobal future a transition from a hellish existence to a garden of Eden, inspiring us to build and sustain beautiful gardens worldwide.

The mountains and energy resources were placed there for a reason, for the masters of ancient cultures to use, to solve problems, and to build gardens and angels.

They were meant for Canadians to guide the outputs of this minerals and energy, but on the current path, Canadians will not be the guardians of the future, and in stead this mineral wealth and energy wealth will be harnessed by dark forces to humanity’s subjugation. In effect, by only caring about the lots that Canadians have in the lots around the Single Family House, the “life engine of Canada”, will instead power slavery throughout humanity’s future. Forever.

The “Life Engine of Canada” exists for a divine purpose to ascend and uplift humanity to its highest potential, transcending our limitations. This would be done by the expert immigrant leaders that left their ancient cultures with all the wisdom of the ancient cultures, to arrive to Canada with the “cultural bridge to all the world’s cultures”, allowing for intelligent mastery of resource and energy systems (or the Life Engine of the World”), required for humanity’s prosperity and Ascension to Walk Among the Divine. (Not to be Divine as humans, the dangerous path.).

This is not merely an option; it is our fundamental duty as Canadians and as Freedom Guardian Americans(a duty descended from the greatest republics of Europe) to “Power the Angel,” ensuring our societies flourish for generations and lead the charge into an era of unprecedented human progress.

Please send message to Trump to “Power the Angel”.

@SkillsGapTrain Vatican City holds a unique and revered position in the world as the spiritual and moral heart of Catholicism, often seen as a beacon of truth, justice, and steadfast and indomitable faith.
In relation to Georgia Meloni, Elon Musk’s battle for free speech (& SGT team too but no one noticed!!!), Vatican City stands as a symbol where the voices of freedom and righteousness are amplified, as if the very angels of humanity are called back home, being drawn to the sacred ground in Rome (including the spirit of Team SGT, which is telepathically existing in Rome frome time to time, though not captured in this photo, but present in spirit).
This place inspires and guides those who dare to rise against oppression and defend the sanctity of human expression. The fight for free speech echoes the core values that Vatican City embodiestruth, morality, and the courage to speak outmaking it a powerful emblem in the ongoing struggle for the soul of society.
Elon Musk going to Vatican City can be seen or understood as symbolizing an archangel returning home for divine guidance and renewed strength. In this context, Vatican City represents a celestial home where powerful figures like Musk and much less powerful figures like SGT, fight for free speech and truth, are drawn back to receive instructions, wisdom, and the moral fortitude needed to continue the mission.
It’s as if the forces of righteousness are calling the angels fallen to Earth, to rise again with technology equipment and spiritual guidance, necessary for the dark battles ahead.”

‘Fix the broken countries of the west through increased transparency, design and professional skills. Support Skills Gap Trainer.’

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