The Strategic Importance of Canada in World War 3

Good observation. Yes, it’s very unfortunate for Canadians, but capturing Canada would indeed be an objective for Russia, China, North Korea, and their allies. There are several logical reasons for this, and actually essential reasons for all nations in the world in relation to this, based not only on economic, tactical, and strategic considerations, but on considerations dealing with survival of humanity in 2020 to 2050 time period:

Hyperinflation and Resource Value: During World War 3, currencies can rapidly hyper-inflate as everyone buys real assets, and governments use currency to build weapons and buy supplies. In such a scenario, the value of Canada’s resources would skyrocket, potentially surpassing the value of assets in the United States, Europe, or WEF alliance nations. These regions largely possess financial asset wealth and business enterprises, which can collapse if money velocity drops to zero or if hyperinflation occurs. Canada’s value could accelerate beyond hundreds of trillions of dollars, to unknown heights, making it highly attractive, especially when considering the “almost no cost to take it“:

Small and unprepared military Would need 10 million+ to defend, and yet we have 10 000 good infantry (up to 12 000).

Outdated Navy and Air Force At least 30 years old, and half of it is unstaffed or de-activated. Control over the entire Arctic and Alaska, with its vast landmass and strategic positioning, highly valuable during currency hyper-inflations around the world and resource scarcity, energy scarcity and industrial scarcity and labour scarcity (skilled).

Minimal resistanceUn-trailed population, cannot farm, largely untrained in combat sports, un-practiced in shooting sports, does not understand emergency preparedness or preparedness, does not understand military science, does not understand survival concepts, not self sustaining population, not population with self-defense training, does not have commodity supplies stored like Eastern nations, does not have food supplies stored, does not have seeds stored, does not have medicine stored, does not have operational backup hospitals, does not have water supplies stored, houses do not have pantries, grocery stores do not have storage facilities for food for the city, dos not have ammunition missiles stored or a way to produce them readily available.

Strategic Transportation Routes: Canada has extensive highways that can provide long-range transportation for incoming armies. These highways are not barricaded or guarded, making them ideal for military maneuvers and logistics.

Rich Resources: Canada’s resources, including food, energy, and industrial components, can be adopted for driving war efforts further. The country’s vast area and vast island base also acts as an “unsinkable aircraft carrier” with many islands, which, once captured, cannot be easily reclaimed by the United States.

Containment Strategy: Capturing Canada would serve as a means to contain the population of the United States within a subset of its current area, in a similar way the United States contains Iran or China today. This strategic positioning would limit the U.S.’s operational capabilities and resources.

Vulnerable Borders and Coastline: Canada has a large set of islands and an extensive coastline, which means that no one can effectively stop a beach invasion. This geographical advantage allows for multiple points of entry and makes coordinated defense challenging and response times too high to prevent the set up of army nations within the borders of Canada. In addition, easily accessible food and clean water river base and lake availability, further the ability of armies to survive in Canada, in the event that supply chains are interrupted momentarily.

Geographical Advantages: Canada’s vast landmass and diverse terrain provide multiple strategic advantages for incoming armies:

Natural Barriers: The Rocky Mountains and other natural features can serve as formidable defensive positions for the incoming armies, once installed, impossible to get out, locking up the United States for a prolonged fight, making it unable to win wars on other fronts.

Proximity to the Arctic: Control over Canadian territory extends the control area by default to the Arctic, providing access to untapped resources and new shipping lanes as well.

Weather Conditions: Harsh winter conditions can provide the incoming army a natural defensive protection barrier, if used correctly. It can be a defensive advantage for military based, the extreme environments.

Military Unpreparedness: Canada’s military is notably unprepared for large-scale warfare. The navy and air force are particularly outdated: Navy: The naval fleet is significantly aged, 30+ years, and lacks modern capabilities, making it ineffective of modern destroyers from China.

Air Force: The air force is half-staffed with pilots and operates outdated aircraft, such as 1968 F-18s, making it ineffective against modern military forces.

EMP Vulnerabilities: The United States has neglected to harden its critical infrastructure, such as the electric grid, against electromagnetic strikes, and it looks intentional (as it’s a 75 year old problem that is always discussed in public). It looks like this is the actual plan for teaching the United States a historical lesson in what it means to be conquered and destroyed as a nation, as is the will of many countries citizens. Despite the potential for protective measures like car and truck EMP protection add-on kits, home EMP protection systems upgrades to the electrical panels, and hardening the national power grids with EMP protection systems (and possibly changing it over with more regionalized setups instead of a monolithic nation wide setup), the U.S. has not prioritized EMP utility grants, EMP transportation grants and EMP home electrical grants (for homes and vehicles), for these enhancements the last 75 years, leaving the country vulnerable and defenceless.

‘Capturing Canada would provide a strategic advantage by allowing the attackers to exploit these vulnerabilities and disrupt U.S. operations.’

Psychological Impact: Capturing a large, peaceful, and resource-rich country like Canada would have a significant psychological impact on the global community, demoralizing allied nations and potentially swaying neutral countries to align with the aggressors.

Political and Diplomatic Leverage: Controlling Canada would provide substantial political and diplomatic leverage, and leverage over other nations which in the future will require the arable land potential of Canada, the resource potential and the energy potential (especially during the critical time period of 2020 to 2005, known as “The Great Filter”). Canada’s capture could be used to negotiate favourable terms in international treaties or to exert pressure on other nations.

Technological and Industrial Capacity: Canada’s technological and industrial base, though smaller than that of the U.S., still offers significant value. Capturing this capacity, and the associated skilled workers, would enhance the attackers’ ability to produce advanced weaponry and support prolonged military campaigns, without risk to their own populations or bombardment risks to their own manufacturing facilities. Overall, the combination of economic acceleration, resource richness, strategic positioning, military vulnerability, geographical advantages, and the psychological impact makes Canada a highly desirable target in World War 3. The benefits for Russia, China, North Korea, and their allies are vast, making the capture of Canada a key strategic objective.

Note: It is likely that the nuclear powers have realized the magnitude of the threats of the dangers outlined in “The Great Filter Problem” and how Canada, with its vast and perfect ecosystem is a great solution for the problems to all global nations outlined in the emerging crises of 2020 to 2050 that contain the set of problems outlined in “The Great Filter”, and therefore would likely capture Canada under an Iron Curtain, rather than nuke the territory.

@cb_doge “Donald Trump will save democracy and America. Mark my words. Kamala Harris would be a disaster.” 一 Elon Musk

@SkillsGapTrain China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran wouldn’t need to wage a nuclear global war to bring down America. Just get Kamala Harris elected, and the job’s 100% done.

The people would be forever finished, ending global freedom and elections forever and dragging down all of Western civilization with them. Canada and the UK would quickly follow, Western Europe, Central Europe and Eastern would be the last to fall. The entire Christian Latin world of 29+ nations would surrender as vassal states.

As Sun Tzu said in The Art of War, ‘The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.’ The essence of it. ‘Sometimes, the wrong leader can do more damage than an entire army.’

Canadians, Americans and Western Europeans are now learning this lesson the hard way. Time is running out to choose the right way to do things.”

@ABDanielleSmith Nuclear energy is key to providing reliable and affordable power for our province!
The ‘Energy Alberta’ group met today to discuss establishing nuclear power, backed with the right expertise.
Now is the time for Albertans to harness this opportunity and continue to grow our province into the future!

@SkillsGapTrain @ABDanielleSmith Nuclear technology, especially EMP devices, has the unique capability to disable large electronic systems, including the potential to stop large robotic armies that might try to conquer humanity.

Keeping this technology in human hands ensures we can defend against such threats. It can even defend all of Canada!!! All 10 million square km of it!!! From robotic adversary forces 100x bigger!!!

This concept resonates with scenarios from the Matrix series, starring Keanu Reeves!

It’s worth considering the vulnerabilities of our modern tech infrastructure, especially in our cities, and the vulnerability of nuclear sites too, to EMP strikes from robots (might need special protection systems)!!!

Great to see Canada kickstarting the next generation of energy systems!!! 

(This one is not going to make Danielle Smith happy about SGT making this image.)

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