Unmasking the Assault: How Ideological Subversion and a Disregard for Heritage Are Undermining Canada’s Military

“Canada is being challenged militarily. Our leaders are ignoring the attack, and allowing the challenge to break us.”

The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), once a symbol of national pride, strength, and commitment to defending our freedoms, stands at a crossroads. A subtle but insidious erosion of its core values, capabilities, and morale is underway, driven by a confluence of forces that threaten not only the integrity of the military but also the very security and sovereignty of our nation.

This analysis, based on a comprehensive examination of Liberal Party policies under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and former Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan, reveals a troubling pattern of actions and decisions that have weakened the CAF, leaving it ill-equipped to face the challenges of a rapidly changing and increasingly dangerous world. (2015 to 2024)

The Demographics of Disregard: Targeting the Heart of the CAF

The CAF has historically been comprised predominantly of white, Christian mena reflection of Canada’s demographic makeup and the values that have long shaped our military tradition. These are the individuals who embody the “warrior ethos,” the spirit of courage, sacrifice, and unwavering loyalty to their country. (Just like SGT).

However, this fundamental identity, the very foundation of Canada’s strength and resilience, is being systematically eroded. The decline of the Christian population in Canada, from approximately 87% in the 1980s to 83% in the 1990s, and further down to 53.3% in 2021, paints a stark picture of a nation undergoing a deliberate and rapid transformation.

This transformation, driven by government policies that prioritize multiculturalism and secularization over the preservation of our historical and cultural heritage, has created a climate where the values and beliefs of those who have traditionally served in the military are no longer respected or even acknowledged.

We think, but do not have time to investigate more formally, that these are the actions of the Trudeau family and/or their associates. This would be a great starting point for this type of investigation.

Recent data paints a clear picture of the CAF’s timeless cultural composition as representative of the past and of the present majority of Canada (still representing the foundational majority culture of Canada throughout the 20th and 21st century, and it remains majority even today):

  • White Males: Approximately 71%
  • Visible Minorities: Approximately 11%
  • Indigenous Peoples: Around 2.8%
  • Women: About 15%

This demographic breakdown, juxtaposed against the Liberal government’s actions and policies, reveals a disturbing trend: a deliberate and systematic undermining of the very core of the CAF, driven by an ideological agenda that prioritizes diversity quotas and “woke” ideology over meritocracy, operational effectiveness, and the preservation of the values that have long defined our military.

Note: The demographic composition of the military, can be used to gauge which individual portions of the population are demonstrating a loyalty to Canada, and which are not.

A Pattern of Disregard: From Symbolic Attacks to Systemic Erosion

The assault on the CAF is multifaceted, encompassing both symbolic gestures that demean its role and concrete policy decisions that erode its capabilities.
Here are some key examples:
  • Harjit Sajjan’s Concert Stunt: The former Defense Minister’s request to use Canadian soldiers as mere backdrops for a Punjabi pop star’s concert is not a harmless gesture; it’s a symbolic attack on the dignity and professionalism of the military, and further, it could be due to the demographic composition of the Canadian Armed Forces and/or religious foundation either current and/or historical (heritage). It reduces soldiers, those who have sworn an oath to defend our nation, to mere props for entertainment, sending a clear message that their service is not valued or respected.
  • Chronic Underfunding: The Trudeau government has consistently underfunded the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), only recently altering its direction slightly in a pretense of promoting freedom after three years of criticism from Skills Gap Trainer (SGT). This chronic underfunding has led to delays in procuring essential equipment, and plans to procure equipment far in the distant future, often scheduled for arrival post-conflict timelines based on U.S. probability estimates for conflict (so as to create a window of vulnerability for Canada). Additionally, there is a shortage of trained personnel, exacerbated by cultural indoctrination under Prime Minister Trudeau and the Liberal Party from 2015 to 2024. This decline in operational readiness is not merely due to fiscal constraints but reflects a deliberate choice to prioritize other spending areas, non tangible areas that do not improve the physical reality of Canada (basically an avoidance of professionals, funding industries that do not employ professionals/specialists for tasks in the real world, and instead only administrative office funding, local or foreign – non energy based.. so no progress).
  • Instead of focusing on the fundamental needs of public safety and national defense, the government has funnelled resources into 86,000 charities, which provide no real productivity gains to the economy and offer unclear support to struggling Canadians (as the help to needy is offered by Provinces and Federal Government). Moreover, the government employs thousands of private consultants to perform tasks that millions of government workers are already hired to do. Climate change initiatives have also been prioritized, yet they have failed to build critical infrastructure such as natural gas hybrid transportation systems, solar and wind renewables, nuclear small modular reactors, or reforestation projects.
  • This neglect of critical infrastructure (drainage systems, greenhouses for cities, hospital specialists and new backup hospitals, manufacturing, trades development systems, etc..), public safety, including border security, police, justice, and health policies, and national defense underscores a strategic misstep that undermines the domestic resilience, security and sovereignty of Canada.
  • Diversity Over Meritocracy: The relentless pursuit of diversity quotas within the CAF, while presented as a noble goal, has often come at the expense of meritocracy and operational effectiveness. Lowering standards to meet arbitrary targets undermines the professionalism and expertise that are essential for a strong and effective military.
  • Ideological Subversion: The introduction of “woke” ideology into the CAF, through training programs that focus on social justice issues rather than combat readiness, is eroding the traditional values of duty, honour, and loyalty that have long defined our military culture. It runs the risk to sever the bonds between citizens and soldiers, between humans and land, between citizens authority and soldiers authority to shape national policy from the origins of their own heritage. This ideological shift is creating division, undermining morale, and distracting from the core mission of defending our nation.
  • Apathy Towards Attacks on Christian Institutions: The Liberal government’s muted response to the wave of arson attacks on Christian churches, at least 100 Christian churches burned in recent time across Canada (a short condensed time frame), sends a chilling message to those who hold these values dear, including many members of the CAF. This disregard for the cultural and religious heritage of a significant portion of our military personnel is not only insensitive but also strategically foolish. It undermines morale, erodes trust, and creates a sense of alienation among those who are called upon to defend our nation.
  • A country that does not defend it’s own culture, and which seeks the fastest possible way to replace it’s own culture with another, it’s own children, with the children of families of outside nations, will not be a country that fights for it’s own future, it’s own children (Millenials and Gen Z), and will become a country that always serves the needs of others. (WEF, BRICS, CCP, UN, WHO, Socialist imitators, Communists wannabes, Iran, AI systems cultural religious leaders, etc..)
  • Given these factors, how does the CAF expect to command an army of Canadians, in the event that the country is called upon once again to defend freedom not only in Canada, but around the world. An army that does not defend itself, that does not defend it’s domestic structures, will not be an army that Canadians will fight for to defend the world.

Consequences: A Nation Vulnerable, a Future Uncertain

The consequences of this deliberate weakening of the CAF are profound:
  • Erosion of Morale and Cohesion: The constant attacks on the CAF’s culture, values, and operational effectiveness have created a climate of disillusionment and resentment among its members. This erosion of morale and cohesion undermines the very foundation of a strong and effective military, making it less capable of responding to threats and less willing to sacrifice for a nation that seems to no longer value their service. Further, it is possible and/or likely these ideological attacks have lowered the fitness level and/or preparedness level of the primary forces and the reserve forces, to possibly lower standard than rival armies. Ex: Asia.
  • Increased Vulnerability to External Threats: In a world where geopolitical tensions are escalating, where our adversaries are rapidly modernizing their militaries, and where new forms of warfare, such as cyberattacks and hybrid warfare, pandemic warfare and electromagnetic warfare, are emerging, a weakened, unfunded and unequipped, and demoralized CAF leaves Canada increasingly vulnerable, and leaves NATO increasingly vulnerable.. leaving all of the worlds poor nations up for grabs by non democratic actors. Billions of lives are at stake once again.
  • Erosion of Public Trust: The government’s disregard for the values and concerns of a significant portion of its citizens, including those who serve in the military, is eroding public trust in our institutions and our leadership. This loss of trust weakens our national unity, undermines our resilience, and makes us more susceptible to manipulation and division.

A Call to Action: Reclaiming Our “True North,” Rebuilding Our Strength, and Mobilizing for Industrial Development

The time for complacency is over. The time for political correctness at the expense of public safety and national security is over. The time for empty gestures and symbolic victories that undermine the very foundations of our nation has passed.
We, at Skills Gap Trainer, call upon all Canadians to:
  • Recognize the Threat: Acknowledge the deliberate and systematic attack on the Canadian Armed Forces, its culture, its values, and its operational effectiveness.
  • Demand Accountability: Hold our leaders responsible for their decisions and demand a return to policies that prioritize the strength, readiness, and morale of our military.
  • Support Our Troops: Show our appreciation and gratitude for the men and women who serve in the CAF, recognizing the sacrifices they make to protect our freedoms and our way of life.
  • Reassert Our Values: Embrace the principles of meritocracy, individual responsibility, and national pride. Reject the divisive ideologies that seek to undermine our unity, our heritage, and our shared commitment to building a strong and free Canada.
  • Unleash Canada’s Industrial Might:We must reignite the engines of our economy, embracing a vision of industrial mobilization that harnesses the talent and potential of all Canadians. This is not just about creating jobs; it’s about reclaiming our sovereignty, securing our future, and building a nation that is capable of providing for its own needs and defending its own interests. This requires a fundamental shift in our thinking, a move away from the administrative bloat and “woke” ideology that have stifled our industries and eroded our national spirit.
Here’s a bold plan for action:
  • Rebalance the Workforce: We need to shift our focus from unproductive administrative roles to the skilled trades, engineering, manufacturing, resource, energy, and technology sectors that drive real economic growth. This means:
  • Double STEM graduates: Drastically increase the number of graduates in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields by providing incentives for students, investing in STEM education at all levels, and creating a culture that celebrates these essential technical professions and not administrative positions.
  • Shift from administration to production: Encourage a massive shift of workers (labour market rebalancing) from government administration, banking administration, education administration, healthcare administration, drug administration, liquor administration, and other tax-subsidized industries towards productive engagement in industrialization, resource development and export, energy extraction and generation and export, and technological development and export, and manufacturing export and independent and decentralized agricultural production. Offer retraining programs, provide incentives for businesses to hire skilled workers, and create a regulatory environment that rewards innovation and risk-taking.
  • Invest in STEM Education and Skills Training: Equip Canadians with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in a technologically advanced world. This means prioritizing hands-on learning, apprenticeships (enhancing societies such as Engineer society, ASTTBC, ASET, CIPS with apprenticeship models and skills devleopmenet models, etc.. instead of writing and research University funding), and collaboration with industry to ensure that education aligns with the needs of the real world.
  • Support Canadian Businesses and Entrepreneurs: Create a regulatory environment that encourages innovation, investment, and job creation. Cut red tape, reduce taxes, and empower entrepreneurs to build businesses that create wealth and opportunity for all Canadians.
  • Unlock Canada’s Resource Potential: Develop our energy and natural resources responsibly and sustainably, for the benefit of all Canadians. Build pipelines, open up new mining projects, and harness our vast energy resources to create jobs, generate wealth, and secure our energy independence.
  • Rebuilding our Manufacturing Base: Bring back manufacturing jobs to Canada, creating a more resilient and self-sufficient economy. Invest in advanced manufacturing technologies, support the development of new industries (3D printing, missile and rocket production (autonomous), bullet production factories) for export and revenue purposes, support jet production and ship production within Canada through intellectual property transfers from external defense contractors in Asia, USA and Europe, and create a competitive environment that attracts global investment to our private businesses and stock markets (this requires Conservative MPs).
‘The “warrior ethos,” the spirit of courage, sacrifice, and unwavering loyalty, is deeply ingrained in the soul of Canada. It is a legacy that must be preserved, a flame that must be rekindled. It is a memory that must be remembered, and re-established in our psyche and in our way of living.’
Let us stand together, not as a divided nation, but as a united people, and let us ensure that the Canadian Armed Forces, the guardians of our freedom, are equipped, empowered, and respected to defend our nation and its values for generations to come.

@VeteransENG_CA Today we remember four Canadian soldiers who were killed in Afghanistan on August 3, 2006. They were Private Kevin Dallaire, Corporal Bryce Keller, Sergeant Vaughan Ingram and Corporal Christopher Reid. Their service and sacrifice will never be forgotten.’ #CanadaRemembers

@SkillsGapTrain @VeteransENG_CA, we at @SkillsGapTrain deeply understand why these brave men will never be forgotten. It transcends rank, gender, race, economic status, class, and recognition; it’s about the spirit that drove them to stand on guard for Canada when our nation needed them most, a spirit of courage, resilience, & dedication to duty & country, a spirit we see fading in our leadership since 2015.

We’ve been analyzing the long-term and systematic military attack on Canada and on the CAF — its values, its membership, its infrastructure (starved of funding, equipped with outdated tools), and its very soul

— the warrior ethos (honour, valour, courage, endurance, dedication, commitment, resolve, loyalty, ethics, morality, reasoning, self-respect, respect of others, self-esteem, fairness, equality and justice)

… the philosophy of the gladiator, of the republic (Italy, France, USA) & justice and ethics UK/Canada, and the will to act in the face of challenge, threat, crisis, & danger — that these heroes, via the demonstrated service to nation, they embodied all of these things.

Canada is currently facing a crisis of leadership, a crisis of morality, a crisis of chaos over reasoning, a crisis of corruption and of courage, and the dedicated pursuit of truth because the political leaders do not embody the same warrior ethos as the soldiers above.

Our current political leaders will be forgotten, but these soldiers’ sacrifice will echo through history. Canadians of the future will never cry for the leaders of the last ten years but will always cry for the veterans of Canada, and yet for another generation it is the soldiers that retains the respect of the population.

We believe it’s time to demand better from the political class that does not treat our nation and our soldiers with the principles, care, security mindset in terms of public safety and national security, that the soldiers treat our nation with, so that no one has to die again in the future. And this demand, is non-negotiable.

#CanadaRemembers #LestWeForget


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