The Lost Generations: How Canada’s Immigration Policies & HR Failed Millennials and Gen Z

For twenty years, Millennials and Gen Z have questioned,

“Surely one day they will allow us to work and join the labour market? Surely they will allow us to work if we get enough diplomas, degrees, internships, apprenticeships, mentor-ships, volunteering, references, and portfolio demonstrations?”

For twenty years, we responded,

“They won’t offer you work. And if they do, they will take it away within 4 to 12 months, at most 2 years.”

‘They are trained to be an “ideological group” with an aim to destroy any symbol of competence.’

If you accidentally show merit and competence (which you will inevitably at some point, or simply be discovered somehow for this), you become a target, and your security shield to maintain the job will be destroyed.

‘They operate as a “crabs in the bucket” group, believing the only way to rise is by keeping others down.’

They perceive only a narrow narrative repeated on television and punish those with broader perception capabilities. Observation ability, even if you do not speak of your observations, they will be able to detect you and your enhanced observational facility.

They only hire based on adherence to a strict protocol of obedience to counter-intuitive and opposite rules to reality (the Law of Opposites).

“Since your generation follows STEM and logic, or Spock-like rationality, you will not make it in their chaotic and erratic work group formations.”

It is the proof of fakery, held in “high esteem” as a prerequisite for entry, not actual merit.

This fake speaking method, or rhetoric, is a component of the “culture fit” requirement advertised for technical occupations, which ironically do not deal with culture.

This “rhetoric” is what they believe has financial value in the workplace, even though it is an intangible that creates trillions of dollars to Canada of economic waste over the last decade or two, via the hiring of administrative occupations that use rhetoric daily without production or productivity (export of products, export of services, export of resources, export of energy, and export of innovation).

But fake speaking is highly cherished as it demonstrates professionalism in not seeing the obvious and “not reacting or observing things not allowed by ideological perception rules.”

The Undermining of Democratic Structures:

To undermine the democratic structures of the West, those in power above the nation-state level (corporate level, banking level, and LEGAL LEVEL – Law of Land, Law of Water) need to weaken the authority of the citizenry or legal capabilities earned and solidified into nation-state architectures over the centuries (age of reason, enlightenment, positive growth, and intellectual advancement).

The woke movement enables these international legal and banking levels to undo those citizen authority and reasoning gains, riding the chaos of woke and un-bundling the nation-state, thus wiping out the legal rights and authorities that citizens have earned over the century (which is why some fear the rise of neo-feudalism, the death of the citizen, etc).

The security shield, commonly known in the United States of America as the Constitution, independence documents, and in Canada as the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, protects citizens from becoming mere products of corporations.

These protections are embedded within the architecture of the nation-state and shield citizens from exploitation, the use of body parts for others, or simply death.

This can easily fit a a model to explain the intense media and legal attacks on figures like Trump, ongoing since 2016, who embody the archetype of the nation-state of the United States of America (as a nation of people, and not as a corporation), and Pierre Poilievre, who represents unity and freedom for Canada, reflecting the will of the majority culture and identity of Canada (52% Christian identity in 2021, 87% in 1990, and consistent throughout the 20th century)and the immigrants who grew up in Canada through the entire way (such as K-12, College and University).

The Assault on Nation-States:

For 30 years, we have witnessed severe efforts to dismantle the nation-states of Europe, and now North America.

The strategy includes erasing borders and removing definitions of all things that traditionally define a culture, citizenship, identity, history, heritage, and country. The tool to achieve this is the rapid mixing of populations worldwide, creating a legal void where no group has distinct legal structures to enable unified action.

‘Unity is our Strength! Our real Strength! Everybody’s real Strength around the Whole World!

Diversity, can be division, can be segmentation, can be fractions, can be tribes, can be separation; so it is not strategic advantage in defending rights and freedoms, and for defending the most powerful defence shield that humanity has defended to guard lives, Nations.

To stress and dismantle the nation-state architecture, the guardianship shield of freedom, tactics such as dramatically increasing immigration by 300% to 500% are employed against Canadian stability systems.

When Canada faces government-imposed resource collapse, government imposed energy collapse, and government imposed suppression of tech so that markets don’t rise our tech sector for 15 years, the removal of steady immigration levels as is customary in G7 nations to be aligned and low, which historically maintained border management professionalism, further destabilizes the nation.

This sudden influx strains resources, creates social tensions, removes access to economic well being (big debts ready for bankruptcy of the nation and hyperinflation), removes available professional services from the population (home builders, medics, police etc), fosters a pro-war mindset in Western nation-states (not just in Canada), and weakens the democratic framework that protects citizens’ biological lives.

‘This erosion makes it easier to undermine citizens’ rights, autonomy, sovereignty, self-determination, self-defense, agency, and authority, physical safety and intellectual safety.’

‘This attack on the heart of freedom, on United States of America and Canada, should be responded to socially, politically, legally an militarily.’

The Role of Citizenship and Law:

The authority of the citizens is expressed through their government. The government of Canada is a “corporation of the people of Canada”*, where representatives voice policy ideas and guide the national vision based on the people’s will through their MPs.

‘The origin of the authority of MPs comes from the people, the citizens of Canada, from their verbal agreements, their community meetings, from their social contracts, from the explanation of those social contracts and physical real world ideas to the MPs, to be expertly analyzed and professionally manifested into reality into the nation state legal architecture and written into Law. ‘

Millennials and Gen Z, lacking resources, power, legal understanding (government and media does not explain constitutional law to them, law of land, law of sea, international law, banking law intentionally),

.. the Millenials and Gen Z are perfect targets.

If they destroy them, it is reasoned, this weakens the shield of democracy of the free nations.

After all, how can a young generation guard a country if they are unarmed (physically because firearms are banned and without the legal knowledge that his hidden as the most important type of governance system in the world), unprepared, and without access to work in the institutions that make a nation strong, to access the levers of power where they can actually modernize the ancient religious and power hungry business methods of this world?

The Millenials and Gen Z in the free world are casualties of this economic, legal, business and social war; these Millenials and Gen Z soldiers without access to the tools required to defend and strengthen their nation. They have been disabled from the fight, through dishonourable means, deception (not through a real challenge with honour in a fair game or a fair battle or a fair competition).

Without access to work itself, to corporate structures, to businesses, and to government roles, the owners of the legal systems of humanity, will hope you, the Millenials and Gen Z, will give up.

‘But they cannot stop you from getting strong.’

‘They cannot stop you from learning all levels of law before it is too late, specifically the law that governs governments, banks and corporations, land and sea.’

‘It is time for humanity to read all of the laws that have been written, and use AI to help optimize and digitally transform to a standard that will enable citizens, enable nations, and guard them both.’

Strategic Response:


Develop superhuman talents, endurance, resilience, character, martial arts skills, negotiation skills, shooting skills, intelligently use non-cooperation, gain preparedness knowledge and resources, off-grid planning and measures, public activism, and digital platforms to inform society of the attack on their identity and job security. Learn about currency hedging strategies, invest in alternative non-CAD hard money, skill development, portfolio development, business development, strategic food item shopping, track prices of food like stock equities so that you know when to load up at scale on the food item that takes a volatile dip or crash, watch the media with tactical eye as if it is information from the enemy, a great countermeasure to media manipulation and propaganda. Practice minimal spending (not consumerism).

The Reality of Mass Immigration:

The reality we face is stark. A large-scale cultural exchange program is underway, resulting in mass immigration. Despite having 8.5 million individuals aged between 15 and 65 who could potentially increase tax revenue through employment, the narrative we are given is that tax revenue can only be increased through foreign labour.

Consequently, the government prioritizes an increased level of immigration, for the purposes of Tim Hortons style jobs, leaving them with significant educational debts, no houses, and no family life prospects. Meanwhile, the 8.5 million non-working adults in Canada are left with no houses and no income and no families (probably). This reflects a profound disregard for humanity across Canada and across the world, which have looked to Canada as “the next frontier”, the land “a future of hope for all”. That hope is not satisfied with4x or 5x levels of immigration”, it is satisfied with “achievement, competence and progress”.

‘This situation creates a modern form of indentured servitude. We’re back to that. We stood with morality and stated our morality proudly to the world, then we regressed to indentured servitude to show people we stood for nothing.’

HR departments will primarily hire from the imported labour pool. This will make sense because hiring Millennials or Gen Z with European or Canadian identities would create too many cultural inconsistencies and raise too many questions if they tried to enter these corporate or government working groups. (which many times is demographically unitarian or ideologically unitarian or gender unitarian, depending on which department group you are speaking about).

So the reality, or the big joke, is that they can’t actually hire for diversity as it would expose that there was never any diversity (of the European Christian or Canadian Christian kind in these departments to begin with).

We feel deep sadness seeing corporations succeed in sidelining some of the finest talent we’ve encountered, often of Canadian origin. Wish we could help them.

The people they are hurting are not as strong as our SGT team members, and they feel trauma when corporations and governments do these things to them, and always get away with it. They take it personally, and it affects their health.

Call to Action:

This is a terrible plan, Canada. The consequences will be one or two broken Canadian generations, or perhaps more.

We must address this by focusing on policies that genuinely integrate newcomers (at the historic speeds of immigration, or at the max speed we can handle given a dysfunctional economic setup right now that actually compromises our ability to have the high immigration levels we all dream of.)

‘This is the fault of PM Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland and Minister Steven Guilbeault, that Canada does not have the technological, resource, energy, financial growth setup to accommodate an increased level of immigration.’

… while also providing opportunities for our existing population.

We need to rebuild our communities, protect our nations (not just Canada, but America and in Europe too), emphasize the value of every individual, write into law any losses that have occurred to citizenship definitions and their authority, and ensure that our labour market is fair and just for all (including the foundational culture of Canada, the majority culture). Only then can we hope to restore the integrity and future of our nation.

Related Content:

Title: “Why Canada is the Greatest Nation on the Planet”

Title: “From Unity to Division: The Erosion of Christian Values and the Rise of Woke Culture”

Title: “Is Canada Facing a Religious Arson War?”

Title:“The Hidden Hand: Consulting Firms, Cultural Shifts, and the Erosion of Canadian Sovereignty”

Title: “Canada’s Hidden Frontier: 99.75%+ Untapped Potential and Unclaimed Wealth”

Title: “The Future of AI – Decoding the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Transcending the Borg, Embracing Strong Humanity Through AI, Blockchain and Iron-Man Technologies”

Title: “Gladiator 2: The Awakening of RPALs in Canada”

Title: “The Cultural Clash: Western Europe’s Demographic Shifts and the Risk of Future Conflict”

Title: “Undermining Bravery, Strength, Valour, and Freedom: The True Cost of the Assault on Combat Sports”

Title: “The Strategic Importance of Canada in World War 3”

Title: “From Logic to Extremism: The Alarming Shift in Canadian Political Leaders’ Approaches, Abilities, and Values”

Title: “The Principles Guiding Our Future: Human Rights, Truth, Logic, Morality, Science, Unity, Exploration, Technological Advancement, and Diplomacy”

Title: “Extinguishing Enlightenment: The Unseen Dangers of Bill C-21 to Canada’s Historical, Cultural, Intellectual Foundations, Individual Rights, Freedoms, & Public Safety”

Title: “Guardians of the Western World: The Alliance of Defense and Agriculture”

Title: “Safeguarding Existence: The Farmer’s Role in an Era of Smart Cities and AI Dominance”

Title: “The Rifle and the Soul: Why Shooting Sports Are My Lifeline to Canada”

Title: “Red Tape and Red Rust: Unmasking Canada’s Mismanagement Crisis”

Title: “The Pistol: A Silent Guardian Under Siege, A Civilization at the Crossroads”

Title: “Jordan Maxwell – These Two Laws Govern the ENTIRE World: The Law of the Land & The Law of the Sea

Related Books:

  • The Dying Citizen, Victor Davis Hanson
  • The Coming of Neo-Feudalism: A Warning to the Global Middle Class, Joel Kotkin

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