Electrifying Canada’s Future: Pierre Poilievre’s Charge Towards a Clean Energy Revolution


What does Bring it Home“?



Skills Gap Trainer comment:

“Impressive video, Pierre! You stand out as one of the few western leaders truly dedicated to empowering citizens to establish homes and nurture families. While young soldiers might be driven by ambition, envisioning a new order with them at its helm, seasoned soldiers recognize the importance of continuous self-improvement and nurturing others. They prioritize strengthening the community and refining the current system rather than overturning it. Are we, with seasoned leaders like you, striving to craft the best version of Canada? Or are we getting sidetracked, building empires—whether they be in the realms of AI metaverses, eastern or western military dominions, or corporate tech alliances? Moreover, there’s a rapid and forceful effort to rewrite long-standing Canadian legislation, redefining our national identity and political structure, steering it towards a more socialist orientation. Perhaps it’s time Canada took an unexpected route. Imagine an empire rooted in family values, a haven of civility powered by clean energy, safeguarded by a robust military. Your clarity in communicating your vision is commendable. Let’s build a brighter future together.”
@strikezonefishingadventures comment:
“It is nice to hear a politician speak in common sense terms without all of the deflection and arrogance. Go Pierre!!!!!”
@BlairRempel-sd7pt comment:

“Every Canadian needs to hear this speech!!! Thank you Pierre.”


Skills Gap Trainer comment:

Yes.. the SGT team agrees. Every Canadian needs to hit play on this speech, or all of his speeches, sure. And every Canadian needs to wear a lighting blue jacket like Pierre’s to honour him and the Conservative MP leaders he has assembled to fight for us. It’s not just about the words, though — we all know they’re solid Gold, or should be said .. “not debt and not like fiat” :). But that suit, man, it’s like the future just walked in! Pierre’s wearing the royal blue suit that’s got the metallic sheen of a star-ship ready for warp speed. Though red is on the national flag for the unity of Canada, Canada’s secret colour of lightning blue strikes when all hope is lost to recharge the nation. It’s like pure, clean energy is just radiating off him, powering up the whole room, wherever he goes. And that suit jacket is not just blue — it’s a life support system and most importantly a warp core system for our galaxy class nation, resuscitating the hopes of a nation, resuscitating the dying Canadians, kind of like a defibrillator jolting a dying patient back to life, slowly, gradually and with his energetic and enduring efforts. It’s like Pierre’s the TechMD of Canada, and Canada’s the patient getting a second shot for a house, a second shot for a family, a second shot for an economy, a second shot for good governance, and a second shot at life. The energy’s contagious, its enduring productive nature is the definition of achievement and progress, and it’s lighting up Canada one room at a time. Keep it up, Pierre, we’re all charged up and ready to go! Buzz buzz to infinity and beyond.”

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Skills Gap Trainer Instagram comment:
Behold the flags behind Danielle Smith. Picture them multiplied, representing millions of liberty-seeking Canadians rallying in unison, resolute and steadfast.

Only when dawn’s first light pierces through the darkest hour, do true heroes rise. In these defining moments, Canadians are not merely born; we are shaped — forged in adversity, refined in silent, steadfast preparation. Emerging from the solitude of our computer screen filled bedrooms, we do not cower in the sunlight though it may be overwhelming; instead, we seize it, becoming beacons of liberty and freedom.

Now, at this crucial junction, the talents and determination of every Canadian are called upon to not merely act but to soar to our true potential, to display a strength and resolve that will echo through history. These dark times have revealed our tenacity, our spirit, our abilities and our values. This battle for our future isn’t for Danielle Smith and the Premiers alone; it beckons the farmers, energy workers, miners — every custodian of our great land — to join from coast to coast. Our Premiers, like modern-day knights, too noble to ask for our help, stand in front of the danger alone, dignified and united around their administrative benches, their flags not just emblems of their office but of the indomitable spirit of the provinces, silently urging us to join the cause.

In the face of our greatest trials, we learn to veer away from ruin, to reach unprecedented peaks of life and self-governance, and to cherish the value of our local and provincial autonomy. Our destiny is ours to command. When our liberties are threatened, we rally, tapping into our boundless strength and untapped potential to reclaim what we’ve lost.
From these dark times, Canada will recover and grow — not only in presence but in essence and expertise— embodying the true nature of leadership, now revealed. Shoulder to shoulder with every Canadian, from every province, we stand united. The beauty and balance of Canadian decentralized provincial governance system revealed for the world to see. In navigating these challenging times, we do more than cope; we excel. As citizens, for the first time in modern history, we rise to become as grand as the nation we inhabit. This is when Canada asserts itself among global powers, as an elder country — not just in a powerful territory, but in the character and spirit of its people as worthy custodians and managers of this great treasure. A moment in history is upon us where the valiant are not only those who fight in the field but those who lead with courage and conviction. This is our time to define who we are and what we stand for.”

“Legacy of the Land: The Canadian Rural Spirit and the Quest for a Modern Eden”

Skills Gap Trainer Comment:

“Many immigrant millennials in Canada, whose family roots trace back to the rural parts of the globe, were often raised by parents from agrarian backgrounds, where a farm or two featured prominently in their family’s history. These parents, embodying the essence of sacrifice, devoted themselves to their progeny’s well-being. The values of nourishment, love, sincerity, spirituality, innocence, healing, kinship, community, and a life in balance with the land and the natural ecosystem — being resilient on it and in balance with nature and all living beings — were deeply ingrained in those from rural settings, and it created an identity of reason and enlightenment in people sufficient to create the modern western world. These virtues mirror the idyllic “Garden of Eden,” essence of authentic, supportive, loving, non-competitive and productive personalities, a concept that seems less understood by those who are forcefully disconnected from their connection to Earth’s spirit, and who’s only choice is to grow up in large urban zones like Vancouver or Toronto.
Contrary to what religious texts have proclaimed, the “Garden of Eden” wasn’t lost at the beginning of time; it has always been present, especially in Canada. Families from around the world left their own small gardens of paradise and came to Canada, seeking what they hoped would be the ultimate, most fantastic,most expansive, most fertile and most majestic “Garden of Eden” in the natural world. However, this pursuit was interrupted by a “Dark Angel” and “Horsemen of the Apocalypse,” who promised to make Canada even more beautiful, a perfect garden beyond everyone’s wildest dreams. This new garden would be more majestic, aesthetic, well-organized, and cleaner; if only we would be ambitious minded and put the mystic forces in charge of all aspects of the garden. Yet, in the end, these unstoppable mystical forces took away the possibility for anyone to own even live in or even own a small part of the new “Garden of Eden”, and rendered all Canadians unable to share in its beauty, it’s abundance and it’s protection. These rural parents, now in Canada, they never hesitated to forgo their lifelong dreams and joys, they never asked for any comforts or relief from life’s pains, they never indulged, but simply functioned solely to ensure their offspring not only survived but maybe even flourished a little, even if the new life wouldn’t be in a nice garden but in a place of fire and ruthless darkness.
Premier Scott Moe of Saskatchewan’s efforts might be likened to these acts of selflessness as he labours with a noble intent for the nourishment and healing of Canada, safeguarding its destined prosperous future and our enlightened well-balanced rural principles. While these values may seem distant and ancient to new millennials and new city dwellers — like the principle of equal treatment for all Canadians — the rural values remain a testament to humanity’s finest qualities as they have carried humanity forward from century to century, something the modern world cannot even accomplish for one century. The modern world may have much to learn from the rural world about ideals, principles, family and community values. Despite the challenges from national leadership rivals, international adversaries and hostile global enemies, we could be witnessing a rekindling of our collective spirit, a new spark of “leadership magic” inside our provincial leaders and the blue MP’s. A nod of gratitude is due to Premier Scott Moe, who hopefully doesn’t mind being in this analogy to farming :), for doing his part to uphold our character, beliefs and identity. Thanks!”

Let this song “Endless Summer Nights – Kidburn” commemorate the journey to heroic leadership taken by  Pierre Poilievre, Danielle Smith and Scott Moe:


Note*: And also to all people who follow in their footsteps!


YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/31glVVgV1rc?si=8LPS_AxQ0yZWY4bp

“Turn up ‘Endless Summer Nights’ (Kidburn – When The Summer’s Gone), and let it roll as the soundtrack to our collective journey, illuminated by a future-forward blue energy glow. This tune is a salute to the dreamers stepping out under the night sky, ready to find out about the world, to find their place in the world, to undertake a life journey of expedition, exploration, engagement, despite any danger along the way, to embrace the next grand chapter and the magic of life and to realize their full potential mark on this world. Here’s to the adults, the seekers, the trailblazers, the leaders whose eyes are fixed on the horizon, ready to engineer vast navy vessels that move through water faster than arrows through the air, and build jets to slip through our endless skies forgetting they are on Earth, and not in space.

As we stand by the edge of the ocean, let the vastness humble us, let the crisp fresh chill of the water instill in us the virtues of honour, loyalty, nobility, and valour. This boundless shimmering saturated blue, a stark contrast to the arid reds of drought and the scorching fires of climate change, serves as a powerful reminder. It tells us that life springs from the blue, from water not the fire, that it’s the nurturing blue Conservatives MP absence in the leadership of Canada that is letting our lands dry out, and that it is the burning presence of the red, that lights the flames of this world. Yet, the burning presence of the red we’ve all experienced, have ignited the flames of this world, which, while supposedly warm, supposedly safe and protective of all of us under a red campfire of public safety, providing comfort and a means to make our meals delectably tasty — think of a hearty red buffalo BBQ — the blazing and erratic red must be handled with care and with steel frames and borders, just like a BBQ to actually keep you safe. For fire, as much as it burns animals and sustains us, is indiscriminate in its fervour and, without due respect and caution, has the potential to burn us, to turn our people, our campsite, our forest, into nothing but burnt cinder and ash.

Let ‘Endless Summer Nights’ echo with the energy of the ocean wave, charged and ready to break the dry red spell of the mystics, magicians and the supernatural. It’s a call to remember that, no matter our perceived expertise, our perceived professionalism, our perceived knowledge level or stature, we are but a speck in the ocean’s vast expanse, let alone the expanse of the depths of space, a deep and a light blue that has cradled life since time immemorial. This blue expanse, the core of all biological life, the core of all future synthetic yet sentient clean energy life, the raw blue saturated energy of the future, commands us to carry the blue torch of life-giving values, to stand united and strong, leading with the quiet confidence of those who know the true power lies in the deep, sustaining force of the blue — of loyalty, of constancy, of the life-affirming principles that are as timeless as the tides. Though humanity lived and toiled with red chaos in its past, its future is shaped by the Blue Storm Rising.

Inspired by those who have shouldered the heavy burden and mantle of heroic leadership, figures like Pierre Poilievre and Danielle Smith stand firm against any who would deny Canada its rightful leadership. They embody not only the spirit of the deep ocean — profound and steadfast — but also the harmonious clarity of the shallow seas — transparent and accessible. Together, they represent a leadership that is as versatile and encompassing as the oceans that surround our land, offering depth where it is needed and clarity where it matters most. He all Conservative MPs embody the energy of the blue crystals, like fusion itself, or perhaps like Dilithium crystals. No one with a red shirt can understand them, but want them badly to go to warp drive. Let’s harness the blue energy, this blue vitality, to forge a future that’s clean, vibrant, infinitely promising and infinitely expansive. Hit play on “Endless Summer Nights”, and let’s remind ourselves of the power we hold together as adults with logic, reason, depth, love, nobility, and character — as vast as the ocean, as hopeful as the clear blue sky.

And in this symphony of blue, let us not forget the iconic figures of command and science — Spock, with his blue shirt, symbolizing the depth of knowledge and the logical pursuit of understanding, and Data, golden-hued but with the precision of a science officer. They show us that leadership can be both scientific and commanding, that there is a time to listen to the medical officers, the science officers, to take heed of their counsel. As Spock often takes the helm, making decisions with the clarity of pure reason, so too does Pierre Poilievre don the mantle of leadership with the golden financial virtues of authenticity, no debt, sound money, values, savings, investments and engineering principles in governance. Like Data, who shows us the potential of AI and the power of a science officer in command, a Canada guided by such principles becomes unstoppable, as resilient and as forward-thrusting as the starships that cross galaxies.

Yet, wear a redshirt, and you might find yourself playing a captain’s rank, or perhaps a commander’s, or an out of touch admiral playing captain. Beware, for red may be a security officer acting as captain  — and the results, well, they might just surprise you, and not always pleasantly so. It’s a colour that demands caution, for the role it plays may shift like the winds of fortune.

So, let us carry forward this spirit, this bold synthesis of blue wisdom and golden command resolve, as we navigate our nation through the stars of the future, a future where we are united, invincible, and free to explore the vastness of space, both on Earth and above. Hit play on ‘Endless Summer Nights’, and let’s remind ourselves of the power we hold together as adults with logic, reason, depth, love, nobility, and character — as vast as the ocean, as hopeful as the clear blue sky.”

Related books and resources:

Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t” by Simon Sinek – This book explores the concept of leadership and how creating a strong, cohesive team is essential for success. It’s particularly relevant for understanding the leadership styles and community values discussed in the article.

The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World” by Daniel Yergin – Yergin’s extensive work on energy provides a comprehensive overview of the global energy sector, including the importance and impact of clean energy, which can add depth to the discussion on Canada’s energy future.

“The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion” by Jonathan Haidt – This book can provide readers with a deeper understanding of the political and social divisions mentioned in your article, offering a psychological perspective on why people might gravitate towards different ideologies.

Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist” by Kate Raworth – This provides innovative insights into modern economic thinking, which can add depth to discussions on fiscal policies and economic approaches mentioned in relation to leadership and national policies.

“Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us” by Daniel H. Pink – Pink’s book on motivation and leadership can complement the sections of your article that discuss leadership virtues and the empowerment of individuals and communities.

“The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power Is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World” by Jeremy Rifkin – Rifkin’s perspective on the convergence of energy and communication technology can provide additional context to the clean energy revolution aspect of our article.

“Trust: Creating the Foundation for Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries” by Tarun Khanna. This book explores the importance of trust in establishing economic and social frameworks, particularly in new or transforming markets, which can be related to the trust and accountability issues in different generations and societal contracts.

“Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty” by Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson. This book offers insights into political and economic institutions that could enrich discussions around governance, societal contracts, and intergenerational equity.

“Capital in the Twenty-First Century” by Thomas Piketty. Piketty’s analysis of wealth and income inequality offers relevant background for discussing administrative bias and economic equity in contemporary society.

“The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined” by Steven Pinker. This book could provide context and counterpoints to the debate on firearms policy, national resilience, and public safety.

“Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies” by Jared Diamond. While not directly related to Canadian law or gun policies, Diamond’s exploration of historical civilizations’ rises and falls can offer a broader perspective on societal development and the role of technology and policy in shaping societies.

The Clean Energy Age: A Guide to Beating Climate Change” by B.F. Nagy – This book provides practical solutions and insights into transitioning towards clean energy, which could complement the clean energy revolution theme.

“Leadership: Theory and Practice” by Peter G. Northouse – Offers a comprehensive examination of leadership theories and practices, useful for understanding the qualities and strategies of political leaders like Pierre Poilievre.

This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate” by Naomi Klein – A compelling argument on how environmental issues are linked with economic systems, relevant for discussions around policies and national approaches to climate change.

“Who We Are: Reflections on My Life and Canada” by Elizabeth May – Provides personal and political insights into Canada’s environmental policies and national identity, which could add depth to discussions about Canadian values and future.

“Sustainable Energy – Without the Hot Air” by David J.C. MacKay – Offers a clear and comprehensive look at the state of sustainable energy, which could provide factual support to discussions about clean energy initiatives.

“The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion” by Jonathan Haidt – Explores the foundations of our political beliefs, enhancing understanding of different perspectives within Canadian politics.

“The Big Shift: The Seismic Change in Canadian Politics, Business, and Culture and What It Means for Our Future” by Darrell Bricker and John Ibbitson – Offers insights into Canada’s changing political landscape, which could provide background to the political narratives and shifts mentioned.

Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil” by Timothy Mitchell – While focused on oil, this book provides valuable context for understanding the complex relationship between energy industries and political power, relevant to discussions on transitioning to clean energy.

“The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World” by Jeremy Rifkin – Discusses the potential for a new economic system emerging from energy innovations, relevant to the theme of a clean energy revolution.


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